Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

27 May 2011 Thought for the Week:

“The second last paragraph of On Target, 8th April, '11 reads:


"If you control the issuance of money in a country and can turn huge profits while enslaving the population with the debt that it produces, then everything, everything including the oil and everything else, belongs to you. You control the debt, you control everything. This is the very nature of banking. To make us all, whether it is a nation or an individual, slaves to debt." (The International) That is why control of the central bank was far more important than the oil in Iraq or in Libya”.

Following is a paragraph from bottom of page 230, of George Sands’ "A Winter in Mallorca" - 1842:
"The nobles are rich in capital, poor in income and ruined by their debts. The Jews, who are numerous and rich in available money, have all the lands of the nobles in their pockets and one could say that the island belongs to them. The knights are no more than noble representatives, expected to do the honours for each other and for the occasional foreigner that lands on the island, in their estates and palaces. To fulfil these elevated functions with dignity, they have to borrow every year from the Jew's exchange and every year the snowball gets bigger. I have already explained that the income from the land is paralysed by the lack of prospects and industry; meanwhile it is a point of honour among the poor nobles to achieve their ruin slowly and pleasantly without forfeiting their luxuries, it would be better to say, by the destitute lavishness of their ancestors."

Question: Am I mistaken in seeing a similarity?... M. McC.  


by Betty Luks
As to your question (above) M. McC., you are ‘spot on’. If you have read the book or watched the BBC film-version of Anthony Trollope’s "The Way We Live NOW" you will have seen the similarities to what is also happening in this day and age.
It tells the tale of a society in turmoil where money, power and corruption are the order of the day. The swindler-banker Augustus Melmotte uses the status of certain nobility as a front to sell shares in a fraudulent scheme. The nobility 'suck up to him' for their own benefit - they were also asset rich and money poor.
But the rot had set in much earlier, anyone who has read William Cobbett’s account of “The Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland” is aware of the standards and values of the ruling elite in the 1600-1700s.

It reminds me of the 1994 postscript Geoffrey Dobbs wrote in his 1952 booklet “The Just Tax”. Originally two articles for a UK theological journal on modern government and finance. Geoffrey expresses his concern thus:
“In my articles I made the mistake of supposing that the Anglican Church might be driven back “to the last ditch of her defence in poverty, celibacy and martyrdom”. I never dreamt that she would regard vital elements of her faith and order as ‘expendable’, and weaken or even surrender them whenever expedient in following the world-wide ‘trend’ of society in the trail of the degenerating money-values which rule our personal and collective lives…
It is not the straits to which the Church may be reduced, along with the rest of us, which disheartens us; united in faith we could endure and achieve anything. It is the ready accommodation to, even the anticipation of the will of Mammon, both on the parochial and on the World scale”.

Now read “The Story of the Commonwealth Bank” and don’t tell me the leading elites in this country in the early 20th century didn’t sell the people out for a mess of pottage! But the chickens have now come home to roost. Let’s see how they deal with the mess they helped to create.  

FROGS FIRST – PEOPLE SECOND: Australians need to grasp the truth – very quickly – that human beings don’t count any more. Read Senator Barnaby Joyce’s latest media release:

“The CEO of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Rob Freeman, confirmed today that economic, social and environmental factors are not given equal treatment under the Water Act in evidence given to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee today.
SENATOR BARNETT: Is it your understanding that the Water Act does not, I repeat does not, require the consideration of environment, social and economic considerations but only allows for the consideration of the environment, social and economic considerations?
MR FREEMAN: The Act requires the consideration of economic and social factors as well as environmental.
SENATOR BARNETT: But not on an equal basis?
MR FREEMAN: That’s correct.

“Both the former Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority have confirmed that the Act cannot deliver a Basin plan that compromises environmental outcomes based on social, economic or other considerations. That runs completely counter to the commitment by Labor and the Coalition to deliver a triple bottom line” said Senator Barnaby Joyce today.
“It’s abundantly clear that the Act as it stands determines environmental water flows first and then looks after people later. Last year the Guide produced a plan on that basis and there was a virtual riot. If we don’t change the Act, we won’t change the outcome. If we don’t change the map, we won’t change our destination.

“Barrister Josephine Kelly summed this up most succinctly when she gave a straight answer:
SENATOR JOYCE: What happens if there was a town, let’s say there was an environmental asset, I don’t know let’s call it a swamp and in the swamp there is a precious frog and just before the swamp with the precious frog is a town that has a rice mill. You say well the water that has to go to that swamp is 10 GL but that’s the amount of water unfortunately that we need for the rice mill. So now we have got a choice between the rice mill or the Ramsar convention area with the frogs. Who is going to win, the rice mill or the frogs?

MS KELLY: Under the Act, the frogs.

“While Labor won’t come clean with their legal advice, it’s clear now anyway that the Act needs to be rebalanced. If Labor won’t commit to make a serious effort to fix the problem, how can the 2 million people of the Basin trust them?” 


We have written before on the Derivatives Scam and also on the trouble brewing for the banksters because of their ‘sloppy book keeping’. Ellen Brown wrote of the “Shock Therapy for Wall Street” in 2010:
The following video – online for the moment - is one anyone with a house mortgage should watch. On Target reported on the CDO Scams set up by banks in which thousands, even millions of people, many institutions and even local councils and governments lost their investments.

An update from Brasscheck TV - “Banks Can’t Find the Ownership Documents”:
“Beyond swelling inventories and declining prices, there's another problem with the US real estate market that few talk about and even fewer understand. We call this video "Bankers Gone Wild" and it's from our friends at Real Econ TV. Watch Video here:

“The sound you hear is residential real estate values going down the drain. The price of real estate is dependent on finance. The ability to sell real estate is dependent on finance. The real estate marketplace depends on clear title. If you don't know or can't trust who owns what the market will come grinding to a halt and taking values with it. The US used to have a pretty workable title law system. Then Wall Street came along and entered the marketplace. If you were caught perpetrating just one of the frauds described in this video, you'd be looking at a long stay in the Gray Bar Hotel.

The top tier banks in the US not only engaged in forgery and fraud tens of thousands of times, they used fraudulent documents to deprive people of their property. And so far, not one person has gone to jail over this”.  


Jeremy Lee’s article in On Target Vol.37 No48, 14/12/2001 has the heading:
“The Crisis in Argentina”: In the Argentine, according to The AFR (Australian Financial Review) (6/12): "… Some 70 percent of Argentinian bank deposits are already in dollars, and nearly all long-term loans and business transactions are dollar-based ....”

Of course, there's always the unthinkable question - what if the US dollar itself falls to pieces? A new, yet-to-be-heard-of global currency? They'd never do THAT - would they?

“…As C.H. Douglas predicted, events themselves would finally force some concentration on the flaw in the debt-driven money system, which forces nations and citizens alike into bankruptcy and loss of freedom and sovereignty. "As darkness flees at morning's light, So truth sends error into flight."  


by Don Auchterlonie
Reams have been written about carbon dioxide, a trace gas which is one of the building bocks of life. Dr. Christine Jones has researched the Mycorrhizal fungi in relation to storing carbon in soils. Read her article by googling “mycorrhizal fungi-powerhouse of the soil”. This fungus stores carbon as humus which has the capacity to store 4-20 times its weight in water, acting as a sponge. Dr. Jones has estimated that a 3% increase in stored carbon as humus absorbs an extra 500,000 litres of water per hectare – equal to a 2-inch rainfall event. Also this 3% increase allows the sequestering of 462,000 tons of CO2 per hectare, assuming a soil bulk density of 1.4gm/cm3.
Dr. Jones is working with farmers in Western Australia who are using this method successfully.

The conventionally used carbon calibration calculates CO2 sequestered from decomposed biomass, which is stored in the upper area of soil, and compares the loss when soil is cultivated. The Scientists who use this method of carbon calculation (Roth C method) do not understand liquid carbon developed via mycorrhizal fungi being stored in humus. The CSIRO are in this category.

Read Dr. Jones' article "Mycorrhizal fungi - powerhouse of the soil" - Christine Jones, Amazing Carbon, Ph: (02) 6772 5605.  

Action needed NOW:- Write to The Multi-Party Climate Change Committee Secretariat, GPO Box 854, CANBERRA. ACT. 2600, urging them to use Dr Jones’ research in the field of agriculture to sequester CO2. Send them a copy of Dr. Jones’ article.

‘NO CARBON TAX’ WEBSITE: Folk at this website have produced an excellent diagram tracing the flow of monies and power in this ‘carbon tax’ grab. Well worth searching it out.


“Richard Werner: Banking and The Economy”: An academic from a British university has finally had the gumption to explain to the public that banks have been given the legal power by traitorous politicians to create and control the nation’s money system.
Listen and watch the Professor here:

People then need to read “The Money Trick”, first written shortly after WW II under the title of “It’s Time They Knew”. It was updated in 2004 and renamed “The Money Trick”, price $10.00 plus postage.


from Wallace Klinck, Canada
Prof. Werner’s description of the basic mechanics of credit creation is, I believe, essentially sound and helpful. However, he seems oriented toward state-monitored careful issue of credit for productive rather than "speculative" purposes - with the unquestioning assumption that money so issued for production would properly equate with consumer prices simultaneously created and so serve properly the needs of the consuming public.

He does not question the very liquidity of the price-system under a system where money is issued only as debt for production purposes only. The question of a fundamental and intrinsic insufficiency of effective consumer income seems not to enter his mind. Moreover, he sees the state as determining the desirability of production policy.
He does not envision a situation where consumers at large determine the policy of production in manifestation of genuine economic democracy.
He does not understand the accounting causes of inflation because of allocated capital charges in retail prices and attributes rising prices to monetary demand inflation.
Further, he seems to have no concept of a Cultural Heritage, Unearned Increment of Association or of any method of conferring a beneficial share in the communal capital to citizens, i.e., no idea of a National Dividend.
He has no apparent awareness of the concept of natural cost as opposed to financial cost and price, i.e., no understanding that we should have falling retail prices.
He does not question s state supported policy of near or full employment and he does not outline any idea of the national production which indicates whether, as currently evaluated, such figures represent so-called "economic" activity that is actually desired by consumers and is truly beneficial rather than wasteful or destructive.
His presentations do not, from my observation, make clear that the ownership of credit actually belongs not with the banking system that issues said credit, but to the society at large that creates the actual assets which form the collateral for the loans issued by the banks, i.e., that the banks falsely claim ownership of the credit they create as debt owing to themselves.

Fundamentally, Prof. Werner appears to be entirely orthodox and puts forward suggestions that administrative rather than policy changes would suffice to solve the financial/economic problems which society faces.

This is all a far cry from Social Credit.  

This is an interview that is an excellent object-lesson of what can be done. The video was produced by US Sixty Minutes on modern Brazil. As an example, a monthly stipend was paid to parents, etc., to send the children to school. As the former president says in the interview, “We were a capitalist society without capital.”

Wally Klinck comments: What! The "stipend" didn't corrupt the whole society and bring the nation to ruin? Of course it has not created quite the society envisioned by Social Credit but nevertheless the Brazilian experiment contains a kernel that provides a valuable object lesson in practical realism. This is an interview that is an excellent object-lesson of what can be done. At 6:40 in this video, it talks about president Lula giving a national stipend to his people. Watch here:

It did not cause the expected problems. It's one thing to project and extrapolate. It's entirely another thing to point to a successful example.  


by James Reed
For those of you seeking a comprehensive and clearly written history of social credit and the thought of C.H. Douglas, look no further than John W. Hughes, Major Douglas: the Policy of a Philosophy. Price $40.00 plus postage. This book is so good that I cannot summarise it in this brief review, so rather I will praise the book and recommend it to you. In particular, Hughes does not give a politically correct version of Douglas as many today do.
The “Jewish question” was discussed by leading thinkers of the day, including Douglas, and Hughes gives a good account of Douglas’ position on the Jews. Hughes makes it clear that Douglas was not pro-Nazi (p.189) as Douglas called for Hitler to be bombed. Douglas wrote in 1943: “To anyone who will consider the evidence…the totalitarian state in all its forms is a gigantic plot against civilisation…”

Douglas did not assume that the Protocols were written by the Jews, Hughes says, as “the Protocols may have a long term importance which has nothing to do with the Jews at all.”

Rather, the concern was with the method used by any centralised authority to monopolise power and control the masses (p.190) Again, I recommend that you read this book to get a “global view” of Major Douglas’ thought, life and times. There are some very nice photographs included and I like a photograph of Major Douglas in a captain’s hat on board his yacht, taken in the mid 1920s. He clearly knows where the ship is headed!  


New Zealander Amy Brook has written some words of warning to those in this part of the world and it concerns financial policies and Communist China’s intentions. The full article is found here… URL: but it is the following passages that warrant readers’ attention.
“There is also no doubt that Communist China's intentions in this part of the world should give us concern, unless we are utterly ignorant of China’s usual modus operandi.

For example, in a fine New Zealand Herald article of April 16, 2011, New Zealander Brian Johnson, married to a Chinese national, writes of the very great problems with China, a culture centred around individual self-interest, based on a foundation of making money and preserving face - rather than on moral principle. His reminders are important that preserving face and loyalty, “even ethnic, racial loyalty are much more important principles of Chinese culture than are truth, honesty or equality which are the important moral principles and our Western tradition.” Corruption is rife to such an extent that if you have the money, qualifications can be readily purchased and whole universities… are devoted to providing degrees to students who have little to do more than pay the fees and turn up to some of the lectures. (What has James Reed been saying to us here in Australia?...ed)

I personally know of failing students who have miraculously been awarded Fulbright scholarships, and of others whose families have paid up to one million yuan to networks of certain people who are in the business of providing the necessary documents which allow their son or daughter to get admittance to some of the world's most prestigious universities.” Brian Johnson has also noted that when he and his Chinese wife spent 18 months in New Zealand recently, the only problems encountered were with some Chinese landlords who wouldn't rent to them because they “didn't like Kiwis”, and “none of the numerous Chinese employers in Dunedin or Christchurch would offer my wife any more than one third of the legal minimum wage.” In many ordinary day-to-day situations, his wife “is expected to show loyalty to her fellow Chinese rather than to her foreign husband”, and he is continually reminded by the Chinese themselves that he is a foreigner.

Johnson regards it as perhaps the most significant argument against New Zealand opening its doors to China and Chinese…that “although the Chinese are a population of 1.3 billion people, they still take very careful measures to protect their own culture and position from foreigners - and in my opinion that is how it should be. We just need to have the sense to do the same in New Zealand. Honestly speaking, if we want to preserve our fledgling Kiwi identity of a multiracial group holding to, amongst other things, the same moral principles and rule of law, then we need to be better informed about the potential effects on our culture from other very disparate cultural groups, and design policies appropriately.”

Brian Johnson’s authoritative sober analysis contrasts considerably with Jenny Shipley’ (former short-term New Zealand prime minister… ed) suggestion that we had better get used to wearing sandals if we don't fall into line to welcome Chinese investment in this country. Johnson’s is supported by another comment from a New Zealander who spent a number of years living in China. Since he returned, he says, his experiences have been disturbing; that from the local Chinese community and from the Chinese international student community he has seen enough racism and corruption to shock him. “The ‘hard-working’ Chinese students I teach are some of the laziest imaginable, and much more interested in getting something for nothing than in steadily working towards their goals. These students are encouraged in this by agents and marketers who thumb their noses at the ‘stupid’ Kiwis (and yes, they do say we are stupid.)

Indeed, we certainly seem to be. And no, this is not a question of racism. New Zealanders are fair-minded and tolerant with a great sense of fair play and of respect for the rights of the individual, regardless of colour, gender or creed. Very many New Zealanders will have Chinese, including Taiwanese, friends they like and respect. This is a separate issue entirely - that of a very real threat not only to our farmland and major businesses, but to our very independence…”  


by Peter West
Betty Luks (On Target, Volume47 Nos 7 and 8, 2011) has covered the Middle East “false” revolution in great detail and related its occurrence to the century-long plot by the “wreckers” to destabilise societies and indeed civilisation. The attempt is to construct liberal, modernist societies, with the same degenerate consumerist, materialist values of our own, from societies which are problematic in their own right.
The ultimate result of liberalism, if it succeeds, will be totalitarian Islamist societies of the hardest lines created. Millions of “refugees” will of course flee to the West for safety, as we have come to expect.

Stop press: no sooner had I completed this note than I read “Canberra Readies for Libyan Defections”, The Australian, February 23, 2011, p.6. The shape, no doubt of things soon to come. So much for “revolution”. Who, I wonder will be taking refugees from the West when in time, our societies too split open.  


“A German court has found John Demjanjuk guilty of helping to murder more than 28,000 Jews at a Nazi death camp in Poland. Not until paragraph 17 does one find this jolting fact: “No evidence was produced that he committed a specific crime.” That is correct. No evidence was produced, no witness came forward to testify he ever saw Demjanjuk injure anyone. And the critical evidence that put Demjanjuk at Sobibor came — from the KGB.

“The Persecution of John Demjanjuk” by Patrick J. Buchanan:
“John Demjanjuk Guilty of Nazi Death Camp Murders,” ran the headline on the BBC. The leader began: “A German court has found John Demjanjuk guilty of helping to murder more than 28,000 Jews at a Nazi death camp in Poland.”

Not until paragraph 17 does one find this jolting fact: “No evidence was produced that he committed a specific crime.” That is correct. No evidence was produced, no witness came forward to testify he ever saw Demjanjuk injure anyone. And the critical evidence that put Demjanjuk at Sobibor came — from the KGB.
Source: The Persecution of John Demjanjuk 


by Ian Wilson LL.B.
As Andrew Bolt defended himself in the Federal Court from accusations that he racially vilified a group of nine Aborigines, Professor Larissa Behrendt wrote about Aboriginal community leader Bess Price on Twitter: “I watched a show where a guy had sex with a horse and I’m sure it was less offensive than Bess Price”.

Ironically Behrendt was one of the Aborigines pursuing action against Bolt. Another academic accused Ms Price and her husband of making a profit from offering cultural awareness training to the government (even though both she and her husband had been providing cultural services long before the intervention). So what great ‘sin’ did Bess Price commit? Nothing other than supporting the Northern Territory intervention about the high level of violence in central Australian indigenous communities. The Left see Aborigines who do this as somehow being “traitors”. Apparently the answer for our chattering class is to do nothing or fund academic research grants about the problem of “white racism”.

Bess Price responded by criticising “white black fellas” in the city with their comfortable lifestyle. Professor Behrendt then offered an apology to Bess Price. The following media debate saw Professor Marcia Langton (The Australian, April 15, 2011, p.12) raise the issue of the “great divide” between inner city Aboriginal elites and Aborigines in the bush, especially Aboriginal women and children facing violence and sexual abuse. Of particular interest is a comment made in the editorial of The Australian (April 15, 2011, p.13), where it is stated that Aboriginal leaders in Canberra had lobbied The Australian to stop reporting on the trauma of outback Aborigines and instead to focus on the success of urban Aborigines. This, in a nutshell, shows a major problem which the nation in general faces on a multitude of issues.

The city elites are out of touch with the rest of the nation on immigration/multiculturalism, a range of economic issues including the carbon tax and especially the Aboriginal violence issue in the outback. The Behrendt/Price incident is an excellent illustration not only of this “great divide” but also of the double standard of the Left.  


The South Australian State Weekend will be held on 13th and 14th of August 2011. We are delighted that the Chair of the Social Credit Secretariat Dr. Frances Hutchinson has agreed to participate in the two days of the State Weekend. Further details will be published as they come to hand. Remember 13th and 14th August. The Public Schools’ Club has been booked for the two days.

The National Weekend: The annual New Times Dinner will be held on the Friday 23 September and National Seminar 24th of September. Place the dates for the full weekend in your diary NOW.
Confirmed guest speaker will be Pastor Chris Field. Pastor Field was evicted from his home, not because he was behind in his mortgage payments but because he wanted to know who received his payments. In other words, he wanted to know who held the legal deeds to the property and mortgage.