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1 July 2011 Thought for the Week: The
sole value-system which takes substantial exception to Christian social teaching
is that of Rational Economic Man (REM) and his neo-liberal free-market individualism. According to REM, religious beliefs are matters of individual
conscience, to be confined to the private sphere. In sharp contrast,
neo-liberalism sets all relationships within the context of market mechanisms,
where money is the sole indicator of value. Global capitalism demotes spiritual
and ethical values to matters of private individual conscience, of no relevance to
the public sphere of life, the so-called level playing field of the market economy. - - Frances Hutchinson, “What Everybody Really Wants to Know About Money”, 1998 “Parliamentary democracy has one meaning now: the replacement of democracy with a business plan for every human activity, every dream, every decency, every hope, every child born.” - - John Pilger, 2011 |
MARK STEYN ON FREE SPEECH – MINE, HIS AND YOURSAndrew Bolt’s Blog 22/6/2011: This is a Must watch and listen: ** After watching Mark Steyn you will find “The Big Idea” by C.H. Douglas of immense value. Written many years ago subsequent events have merely confirmed the facts exposed in this book. $5.50 plus postage. |
IT’S NOT JUST THE CARBON TAX, IT’S ALSO THE GREEN STEALTH TAXESTime to end carbon stealth taxes. From The Australian Conservative For example, Queensland has a “Climate Smart” law mandating that 15 per cent of electricity must be generated by gas rather than by low-cost coal. In addition the feds have a target to generate 20 per cent of electricity from renewables, which are far more expensive than gas. And they dictate propped up prices for solar feed-in tariffs, which push up costs for all electricity consumers. Then we have the Climate Change “industry”, a multitude of businesses creating pretend-jobs supported by stealth taxes and subsidies. These parasitical “industries” include ethanol, wind/solar power and carbon sequestration.
Taxpayers also pay for wasteful spending by governments on climate junkets, carbon tax propaganda, carbon accounting, one-sided climate research, the Carbon Bank, deceptive advertising and carping climate commissioners. |
THE POLITICAL CLASS VS THE REST OF USby Mike Burston, Climate Skeptic's Newsletter Climate Change alarmists are quick to rubbish any suggestion of conspiracy theories although they have not identified anyone doing so, but the sad fact is a majority of big businesses look to benefit from the whole new tax-subsidise-and-trade empire that will be created from the commercialisation of carbon. Banks, commodity traders, lawyers, accountants, regulators, academics, solar, wind and gas entrepreneurs, and the carbon sequestration lobby are all planning to profit from trading hot air certificates Complete failure of Coalition to Challenge: While the bulk of the community is undoubtedly sceptical of people driven climate theory the nation is faced with the complete failure of the coalition to challenge the “conventional wisdom” on Climate Change”. Editor’s comments: Don’t forget the role the Coalition has played in all of this. Refresh your memory by following the ‘Technocracy’ thread and ‘Carbon Currency’ via the League’s On Target website search facility. |
SA LIB PUBLICLY COMMITS TO CARBON TAX REPEAL IF COALITION WINSThe Liberals and Andrew Bolt have described the carbon tax as a carbon dioxide tax. CO2 is colourless, odourless, etc., and is therefore blatantly mis-described when we see photos of huge chimneys belching emissions. This is mostly steam - not CO2.
Of course carbon monoxide (a car exhaust emission) is related to carbon but not mentioned in the blurbs we are bombarded with. Patrick Secker, Member for Barker recently addressed a South Australian public meeting on the carbon tax. He gave an example of how much man-made carbon dioxide would exist in the atmosphere by saying “If this room contained 80 000 balloons of CO2, one of them would represent the amount generated from human activity”. He committed to repealing the legislation if the coalition forms the next government. He warned that a carbon tax would cause costs to rise for every business and resident. Power bills alone were estimated to rise $350 to $400 per house per annum. Some industries were likely to relocate to lower-cost countries, causing more unemployment at home. He used the EU as an example: Cement manufacturing is carried out in Turkey, not because of the pollution but because of cheaper power. Also a carbon tax will surely lead to much rorting of the system as carbon emissions are measured and compensation is claimed. Write to Tony Windsor today: Readers are urged to write to Independent Tony Windsor at Parliament House Canberra; he will probably be the deciding MP when the votes are counted. Also write to Independent Rob Oakeshott, but Tony Windsor is the first priority. Brief letters will be best. Ask them to them to vote against the tax. Editor’s comment: While Mr. Secker is “committed to repealing the legislation if the coalition forms the next government”, what about the ‘global warming’ bureaucracies originally set up under John Howard’s stint in office? |
UNIVERSITIES’ FAILURE BECAUSE OF LACK OF FAITH IN THE TRUTHby James Reed Lacking a vision of “the truth” universities become the play-things of governments, preoccupied with export income from international students and the like. As proof of Professor Craven’s claim the Higher Education section of The Australian edition in which his article appears is full of this concern with money and funding; e.g., “Macquarie Facing Looming China Crisis”, The Australian, April 27, 2011, p.19). Craven also believes that universities have a Socratic role to criticise government and “vested interests” while “supporting academic freedom”. This is a lone voice in the wilderness, even if he is a vice-chancellor. There are many cases of Socratic individuals who have been simply pruned and shredded from the university system for doing just what Craven recommends. No doubt there are limits to Craven’s open-mindedness – would he support a university research fellowship for a brilliant mind willing to take apart the politically correct outpourings of the present multicultural/racial/immigrationist regime? How about a fellowship for a social crediter in order to dissect orthodox finance? Editor’s comment: For those who would like to study a ‘dissection’ of finance by a Christian could download Canon Peter Dominy’s recently completed PhD thesis entitled “Decoding Mammon: Money in Need of Redemption”. The author is a retired Canon of the Church of England. |
OBAMA OBSERVES: TECHNOLOGY A CAUSE OF ‘UNEMPLOYMENT’Canadian social crediter Wallace Klinck had his attention drawn to US President Obama’s recent musings over an “observed tendency for science and automation to create ‘unemployment’". What! It’s taken the Americans this long to wake up to what the Luddites grasped so long ago. Wallace Klinck noted: The Luddites smashed the machines because tending them for wages was the only basis of economic security (marginal as it was) known to them. The Luddites smashed the new textile machines because they feared, quite rightly, that their traditional cottage or home spinning and weaving industry was being threatened by the new technology that could be operated by cheap labour. (These days it is the Chinese people who provide the cheap labour to operate the machines…ed) Of course realistically, mere man is very limited in his physical efficiency and only the development of more productive machines can provide increased security through a higher standard of living (which is) characterised by increased volume and quality of goods and services. Thus the Luddites blindly attacked the very basis for their increasing economic salvation. Purpose of Work … is? Any society that makes an end of a means** by regarding the purpose of an economy as being the creation of "work" or "employment" is at fundamental odds with its own best interests. Every engineer worthy of the name is attempting to reduce the need for human energy-input into productive processes. (Further reading: The Use of Social Credit by C.H. Douglas on website… ed) Politicians working to sabotage best efforts of science and engineering: In advocating policies allegedly designed to offer so-called "full-employment", virtually every politician is working to sabotage the best efforts of science and engineering to free mankind from the necessity of endless work. Let’s get down to reality. The proper ultimate goal of a sane economy is to provide a maximum amount and quality of genuinely consumer-desired goods and services with absolute minimal real cost. This necessarily entails the elimination of human effort as an input factor cost of production. Obama is definitely glimpsing economic realities but unless he has something more constructive in mind, he is merely hearkening back to the old misperceptions and errors of Karl Marx and his blinkered work-worshipping comrades -- and of the Fascists who succeeded them. If any of you have easy access to Obama feel free to forward this message to him. |
PHILLIP ADAMS JUST CAN’T LET GOPhillip Adams was at it again (The Weekend Australian, April 9-10, 2011, Magazine) while commenting on the carbon tax protests, wrote of the crowds containing “many members of deranged cults owing their existence to a truly evil man called Eric Butler”. Why continue to circulate a story which even on its face seems unconvincing – that is, the highly efficient Australian security authorities are dismissed? Well, Phillip wants to warn Abbott. But about what? The Coalition is as pro-Israel as any party could be. Surely it goes further. Phillip just didn’t like Eric. Why, we will leave it to the psycho-historians to explore if they care. As for me, I am proud to be “deranged” if the worldview of Adams represents sanity. Watch Jeremy Lee's "Answer to Slander" |
JULIA LAUGHS WITH “THE BOYS” - WHAT MUST CHINA THINK OF US?by Peter West Then there was the Royal wedding, where Julia and the First Lady, sorry, bloke, what’s-his-name, “living in sin” attended the Church service. The spectacle of a “First bloke”, tagging along behind a female PM was observed in Asia as a sign of our decline. What do you think Muslim countries like Malaysia and Indonesia thought where defacto relations are against the law? Finally, the PM could see no need to “contain China”, despite opinion polls showing significant numbers of Australians thinking differently and the rest of Asia having a great fear of a Chinese dominated world. From Pig Iron Bob to Pig Iran/Coal Gillard, the song of a fast buck remains the same. But worse, as a socialist, red Julia can see Red China doing no wrong. That is the faith of the Left. |
THE GREAT INDIAN RACISM DEBATE: REMEMBER IT?by Ian Wilson LL.B. This tragic death led to Indian newspapers depicting in cartoons the Victorian police as white hood-wearing members of the Ku Klux Klan. If police had followed the “racism” hypothesis they would not have apprehended the killers so quickly. In this case, political correctness would have delayed justice being done to the murder of Nitin Garg. |
‘CARBON TAX WILL BANKRUPT OZ’: LORD MONCKTON TOUR, 2011The following are the details of Lord Monckton’s coming 2011 Australian tour. He will be accompanied by Australian scientists Dr David Evans and Jo Nova. Bookings are through Ticketek: Phone 132 849 or go to www.ticketek.com.au $25 per person. • 6th July 7.00pm Starlight Room, Wests New Lambton NSW Bookings for the following venues are non-ticketek and as indicated Lord Monckton will also appear with Bob Carter on |
SINCE WHEN DID LABOR BECOME A BRAND NAME?by Betty Luks Frankly Andrew I am not so much interested in the ‘number crunching’ of the political parties as I am interested in what can Australians expect should the Coalition find themselves in power. Further reading: “Steps Toward the Monopoly State: An Examination of the Socialist Conspiracy” by Eric D. Butler |
LETTER TO THE PRESSThe Editor, The Chronicle, Toowoomba: |