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28 October 2011 Thought for the Week: Australians all let us rejoice, The Queen of Australia is among us. God bless and keep her, may His face shine upon her, Queen Elizabeth I1 It is good to learn that 55% of Australians wish to keep our monarchy, while only 34% definitely want to cut our ties with Britain ('The Nation', The Australian 20/1). Perhaps the adolescent infatuation with the republican dream, sparked off by Paul Keating, is giving way to a more mature sense of nationhood and our history. - - - Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Victoria |
PROTEST, TELL THE POLITICIANS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! BUT AFTER THAT?by Betty Luks I thought Sami Jamil Jadallah summed up the present situation well, it is basically the same everywhere. He writes: “WE ARE ANGRY! Our political system is so corrupted by money, greed, bad faith, and contempt for the people and it’s citizens, it’s now a danger to all of us! A special breed of political and media consultants who sell us scruple-less idiots and demagogues as choices, where the costs of running for a House seat averages about $2 million every election cycle and where running for a Senate seat costs around $20 million while a presidential election with costs that can run up to a billion dollars is just beyond the realm of normal corruption by a system with holes abused by a few criminals. Now, it’s a criminal danger to every human being not only in the USA, but on the planet. Is this the democracy that Jefferson or Adams dreamed of? We are angry at a two party political system that has paralyzed the nation and its agenda for too long; a party system, Democrats (Labor in Australia) and Republicans (Liberals in Australia), that are driven by a bi-polar ideological divide beholden to special interests and groups…” Read further here: "America is Angry and for Good Reason" CHRIS HEDGES: THE 99% - THIS ONE COULD TAKE THEM DOWN: |
BUT… WHERE TO? WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?Many years ago, Eric Butler spoke of what he attempted to do in his lifetime. First he hoped that with a concerted effort along with his fellow Australians the tide of history could be turned into calmer waters. If that mighty effort didn’t succeed and civilisation disintegrated then those who came after were in for the long-haul – and so we/they are - there is the need to rebuild once again. But how/where do we start to rebuild our families, our communities? Surely we should ask ourselves ‘How do families and communities work best?’ It is important that we learn from our successful achievements – after all, those successes can be repeated! The Social Credit movement has sought to redirect modern man’s attentions to those successes and encourage him to carefully study and analyse how they were achieved. We could say we are back once more where the early disciples of Christ stood as they looked out on an empire in its death throes. As James Reed wrote of Prince Charles’ “Harmony: A New Way of Looking at the World” (2010). “His is a beautifully presented book… proposing a powerful theme : humanity has lost its way. Prince Charles compares our plight to someone who has lost their way, who need to go back, retrace their steps and see where they went wrong. We need to do so too. ..” In the 1940s H.J. Massingham, following on from men such as C.H. Douglas, “saw what vandalism was being unleashed against the natural, social and sacred worlds by the forces of globalisation”. It was Massingham’s deep faith-based sense of the organic integral wholeness of nature that found expression in “The Tree of Life”. He wrote: “The eternal "I AM" made his temporary home with the most immemorial of all human settlers upon the cultivated earth since man had left his primitive childhood, the least subject to the stresses and strains of States and the fluctuations of empire - the peasantry. He made his home among the great home-makers of all civilized nations in all periods, and who alone maintain that personal intimacy with the earth from which one civilization after another releases itself to its final destruction… “Recent anthropology has traced the origins of the human community not to the tribal but to the family unit - a tribe is in essence a cluster of households - while the borderline between primitive and peasant is also crossed by the chosen household in Bethlehem being that of a village craftsman. For craftsmanship antedates husbandry and our first knowledge not only of Homo but Homunculus is as a craftsman…” Massingham continues: The Parables are indeed saturated in ruralism, using the commonest experiences of home-keeping man to throw a blinding light upon universal truths, infinite realities. There could not be a more telling example of Blake's eternity in a grain of sand, of the sky seen in the raindrop, the universal in the particular, the mustard tree in the mustard seed and the whole in the part…” One last point, Massingham observes that Christ in His teaching of the people appeals to the reality of their experiences. Where do we start to rebuild? Why within our families and among our immediate neighbours and communities of course. More and more people are awake to the ‘money scam’ – now is the time to encourage more and more Australians to grasp the truth about the scam. The League carries many books and DVDs exposing it but needs YOU to spread the word.
Excerpt from Operation Bankwatch: "Banking corruption- A constituent approached Senator Paul Mclean (Democrat, NSW) with cases of alleged corruption and malpractice within the Commonwealth Bank. He attempted to investigate, and then asked questions in the Senate. "The Bulletin" (2/5/89) quotes McLean, "Then the floodgate opened," he said. Since December, he has had more than 1000 calls from agitated bank customers, with 200 of these producing details of their woes. McLean has picked 100 cases which he feels are credible enough to demonstrate that something is rotten in the state of Australian banking. On March 2nd he tabled 20 more affidavits which widened the allegations from the Commonwealth to the State Bank of NSW, National Australia Bank, Westpac, and the ANZ. According to McLean, in some cases corrupt bank officers have been pushing clients to bankruptcy, and then selling off their business to a 'syndicate' of people, most of whom are known to the bank official, and the assets are stripped... In other cases, the covering up of incompetent mistakes becomes fraud and corruption on the part of bank employees. So far, the Australian Federal Police have made little headway in prosecutions, and McLean appears to be belting his head against a brick wall. The other political parties have not yet supported him. Presumably they still have election campaign debts from previous elections; debt owed to the very banks Mclean is investigating! The interest rate practices are a scandal". The League carries copies of both the hardcopy booklet "Operation Bankwatch"( $4.00 + postage) and the DVD of the Wudinna Rally where Paul Mclean also spoke. ($12.00 posted). As for the party-political state and national scene… a change in policies is what we want – not a change in political parties governing us. Read Labor Senator Richard Darcey’s 1941 speech here… and ask yourself has anything really changed in the seventy years since then? |
THE NEW ECONOMICS IN WHICH EVERY ONE COUNTSAt last a mainstream economist is beginning ‘to catch a glimpse of light’. George Monbiot wrote in The Guardian recently: In “Major Douglas’ Proposals for a National Dividend - A Logical Successor to the Wage” (http://douglassocialcredit.com/resources.php) Brian Burkitt and Frances Hutchinson, wrote of the “new economics” as envisaged by Major C.H. Douglas in the years immediately following the First World War. To counter this scenario, he designed proposals which attempted to place every citizen on a level economic playing-field. They derived from the view that all social production originates in a common cultural inheritance of past invention, with present individual effort playing a secondary role. The concept of providing citizens with freedom to select employment and consumption patterns according to non-market criteria, i.e. to turn economic theory into a tool rather than a dictator of policy, was well ahead of its time…. Although dependence as an income source on a single form of paid employment throughout adult life has been the exception rather than the rule (most particularly for women), the assumption that provision need only be made for temporary and exceptional interruptions in earning capacities underlies welfare state provision based on the Beveridge Report. |
RIDING THE TIGER IN NEW DARK AGE OF DISSOLUTIONby Brian Simpson Evola rightly defended “Tradition” and said “a society is “traditional” when it is ruled by principles which transcend what is merely human and individual and when all its sectors are formed and ordered from above, and directed to what is above.” (p.2) He thinks we should “ride the tiger” – somehow keep away from the biting, snapping mouth of the system and the super-man can maintain inner spiritual self-authenticity whilst in a world of dissolution. A correct response by conservatives or Traditionalists, is not to retreat into philosophy and mysticism but concrete political action – organising against the forces of destruction and dissolution. Here, I do not find Evola helpful. Too much talk, not enough action. |
CLIMATE CHANGE, QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND ESSENTIAL UNCERTAINTY OF SCIENCEby John Jensen Although my primary interest is physics I have done a little chemistry and maybe the reader has too. There we learn about the structural concept of chemical bonding where we draw line models of molecular structure and dots for electrons. Now my apologies to the non-science readers, but if one cares to read the technical scholarly literature on quantum chemistry, which tries to give an ultimate physical explanation of chemicals and bonding, the model starts to get shaky. I mention controversies in fundamental chemistry – with references for the reader to check – to show that science is uncertain. Likewise climate change chemistry and science is uncertain and also open to fundamental challenge, for how could science be otherwise? |
HOMOSEXUALITY, WHITE AUSTRALIA AND ASIANISATIONby Peter Ewer The book is called A Private Life. In the Lateline transcript Kirby says: “But it’s party of an effort to correct the stereotypes about gay people and to help the next generation to see that gay people, boringly enough, are the same as everybody else and they have loves and life and companions and – if they’re lucky. And this is the way we overcome our demons about white Australia: we began to meet Asian Australians and I think this is part of the move, the journey to have the same force and effect with gay people.” For the record: the White Australia policy was undermined by political elites who no longer wished to defend traditional Australia. It had nothing to do with meeting friendly Asians. Likewise, the homosexual lobby obtained considerable power in society by the 1970s and lobbied to eliminate “discriminatory” legislation, especially making homosexual acts, criminal. The same occurred in medicine and psychiatry. These political movements occurred before the types of personal experiences of meeting and sharing detailed by Kirby. Thus Kirby, unintentionally no doubt, is minimising the revolutionary nature of the political movements involved and making what was a political process, largely personal and subjective. |
THE JEWS AND THE FRENCH REVOLUTIONby Peter Ewer When we see such gems in the orthodox press it is well worth noting them for future reference. |
THE WEIRD NEW BOOK CLUBby James Reed The “truth” of course is the Mexican version. After all the Americans hoped “to profit from the new land in which they could use slaves on plantations, but only if they could defeat the Mexicans who had abolished slavery.” Got the theme: Anglo-Americans racist-liars, Mexicans noble, politically correct warriors. However, the Mexican version is also likely to be flawed. Santa Anna was brutal, as brutal as any Third World despot of today. Mexicans suffered under his tyranny. And although Mexico had officially abolished slavery, this was on paper only. Most of the country was ruled by a regime which treated people worse than Negro slaves were ever treated. Peasants worked to the death. Finally, the idea that most of the American soldiers were asleep and that guards failed to warn is most implausible. But it doesn’t stop there. Brian Ford in “Secret Weapons: Technology, Science and the Race to Win World War I!” says that British spies planned to lace Adolf Hitler’s food with the female sex hormone oestrogen to curb his aggression. Hitler had food tasters for poison and it was hoped that the oestrogen, being tasteless, would escape detection. (The Australian, August 16, 2011, p.9) Problem 1: for cooked food, cooking tends to break the hormone down. Problem 2: eating oestrogen is a poor way to receive it. Normally it is injected. Problem 3: biological reductionism. It is assumed that male hormones made Hitler what he was. But wouldn’t Hitler still be Hitler even with “man boobs”? For my proposed bestseller I will claim that Santa Anna defeated the Anglo-Americans at the Alamo by spiking their drinking water with oestrogen. Publishers, start lining up! |
ASIAN MIGRATION, WHITE FLIGHT AND SHARIA LAWby Peter Ewer What next? The Daily Telegraph (May 22, 2011) reports that “Public schools across Sydney are experiencing a “white flight” of students” as Anglo-Australian parents enrol their children in private schools rather than public because “there are less children from migrant backgrounds.” In the western suburbs of Sydney Anglo-Australian students account for as low as 2% of enrolments. Anglo-Australian parents see highly culturally diverse schools as “ghettos”. Won’t the future be interesting as the trends of migration leave Anglos nowhere to run! As an aside on page 13 of the print out of this article I saw other stories such as “Female orgasm can last four months” that I did not click on. I didn’t have the time or the patience! Finally, in my parcel of joy I refer to “Sharia Law at Work in Australia”, The Australian, July 20, 2011, p.1, which tells us that we now have “legal pluralism” or legal multiculturalism: “Sharia law has become a shadow of a legal system within Australia, endorsing polygamous and underage marriages that are outlawed under the Marriage Act.” And: “Australian Muslims have long been complying with the shadow system of religious law as well as mainstream law.” Beyond this, existing Australian law, and that’s not Sharia law, recognises valid Muslim polygamist marriages entered into in Australia can be recognised as de facto marriages so “a second wife can be validly married under Islamic law…and be a de facto wife under Australian law with the same legal entitlements as any other de facto relationship.” Australia is heading beyond Geoffrey Blainey’s warning of becoming a nation of tribes; it is ceasing to be a “nation” at all and many like the United States devolve into largely separate ethnic enclaves. This is beginning of the end of the Australian experiment and apathetic people have let it all happen. |
THE MYSTERY OF THE GIANT WHITE “I”from Len the Cleaner Can this be a monument to mark the end of White people? Will coffee-coloured Asian peasants farming in the ruins of Adelaide in about 30 years’ time wonder about the people who built it, but who no longer exist? Or could the sign be a celebration of self and ego, the ruling values of this society? Or could the sign be about the impact that the modern university has on the individual and society? All of this is a mystery to me. If I knew how to use a computer perhaps I could search for an answer. But I chose to wait and ponder. Perhaps someone with insight has already seen that the collapse is coming and has left a message – a simple one - for future generations: beware of the “I”? I don’t know. |
LETTER IN THE PRESSBallarat Courier, 12/10/2011: The concept of economics being somewhat astray from reality is one of my favourites. So the offering by the local cartoonist John Ditchburn in the Ballarat Courier on October 10th strikes a chord. He depicts a “desert island castaway today” casting a bottle with the message “Don’t send an economist”. - - Ron Fischer, Sebastopol Victoria. |