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4 March 2011 Thought for the Week: “…in that striving I have come to recognise a force that is stronger than society, secret and swift, that secures itself behind the charter of exploitation of the common people of the world. It is a privileged and select autocracy, which knows no nation and cherishes no faith, and has stolen for itself from the long evolution of modern civilisation an assumption of power which it now claims as a right. And where I, and others, would seek to lead the people through to freedom we have encountered this hidden hand entrenched in ramparts that have become almost unassailable. Enthroned in our society is a hierarchy of financial anarchists playing with a world of men and women for sheer personal gain, putting them to work under the whips of hunger, throwing them into idleness to keep them in discipline, massing them for war, dividing them in peace-and from every activity into which it deploys them drawing toll in gold, counted over and over in human tears and blood. To my people I give the call to throw off this yoke, striking at it through the one chink in its carefully constructed armour; and in the following pages I have endeavoured to point the way by disclosing the methods by which this power works and exposing the immoral sacrifice of whole nations of people, and particularly of this young nation of ours, to the cause of greed..” - - John T. Lang, one time Labor Premier of New South Wales in “Why I Fight”, 1934. |
HOW THE WORLD NOW WORKSA good summary of the type of people we are all dealing with: “This is pretty much how it works. What appear to be so-called Third World countries that can't get themselves together are for the most part people who've been robbed and brutalized just short of death. Ask not for whom the bell tolls... These same crooks will cut your throat too the second it appears profitable to them.” |
THE BRITISH PEOPLE FINALLY AWAKENING?We read in the Guardian: “Protesters have targeted more than 35 branches of Barclays bank, with pickets, poetry readings and even colouring competitions, in another of a series of days of direct action organised by the UK Uncut group. They were highlighting Barclays' admission that it paid just £113m in UK corporation tax in 2009 – a year when it rang up a record £11.6bn in profits. UK UNCUT: Welcome to the Age of Austerity POSITIVE MONEY: "One Good Cut"
Alistair McConnachie of http://ProsperityUK.com writes: |
PEOPLE EVERYWHERE ARE AWAKENINGby Betty Luks The people, that is ordinary citizens like you, me, us, have braved the guns of the ruling elite’s brutal thugs and still said ‘no more’. But what comes next? Revolutions are dangerous affairs and can go terribly wrong for the people; two examples come to mind, the French and Russian Revolutions. For the people to gain economic independence there is the most urgent need to change the policies of all political parties. To waffle on about ‘democracy’ – which in the context of freedom means the self-rule, self-government, of the people themselves - without a change in policy of the purpose of the nation’s financial system is simply empty rhetoric. Read carefully the following articles on the betrayal of the peoples by their political representatives – in secret deals with the corrupt and fraudulent money power (Mamon) - and weigh up the truth of that New Testament [paraphrased] observation: “The love of money, that is, the preference for money in terms of personal advancement, above all other considerations, is the root of all kinds of evil”. True or not? |
KEISER REPORT: FIAT FOODThe headlines read:
“Rising regional tension in wake of Egypt revolt is hitting ‘global markets’”. |
LET’S 'LAY TO REST' THE BIG LIE OF THE 20th CENTURYWe need to finally lay to rest the lies of the sham 20th century ‘Capitalism-Communism enmity and confrontation’. In 1981, Ivor Benson exposed the nexus operating during the Cold War which miraculously ‘converged’ when it suited the super-rich Capitalists-Communists. That great Russian patriot and writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn verified Ivor Benson’s earlier revelations. According to the New York Times “In October 1994, Mr. Solzhenitsyn addressed Russia’s Parliament. “This is not a democracy, but an oligarchy,” he declared. “Rule by the few.” He spoke for an hour, and when he finished, there was only a smattering of applause.”
Assistance flowed plentifully from the capitalist West: Yet the first and second five-year plans came into existence and were carried out not through the miracle of spontaneous generation, nor as a result of the simple violent round-up of large masses of labourers. It demanded many technical provisions, advanced equipment, and the collaboration of specialists experienced in this technology. All this flowed plentifully from the capitalist West, and most of all from the United States; not in the form of a gift, of course, and not in the form of generous help. The Soviet communists paid for all of this abundantly with Russia’s mineral wealth and timber, with concessions for raw materials markets, with trade areas promised to the West, and with plundered goods from the Empire of the tsars. Such deals flowed with the help and approval of international financial magnates, most of all those on Wall Street, in a persistent continuation of the first commercial ties that the Soviet communists developed on the American stock exchanges as early as during the Civil War. The new partnership was strengthened by shiploads of tsarist gold and treasures from the Hermitage. But wait a second, were we not thoroughly taught by Marx that capitalists are the fierce enemies of proletarian socialism and that we should not expect help from them, but rather a destructive, bloody war? Well, it’s not that simple: despite the official diplomatic non-recognition, trade links were completely out in the open, and even written about in Izvestiya: Anthony Sutton, a modern American scholar, researched the recently-opened diplomatic and financial archives and followed the connections of Wall Street with the Bolsheviks; he pointed to the amoral logic of this long and consistent relationship. From as early as the “Marburg” plan at the beginning of the 20th century, which was based on the vast capital of Carnegie, the idea was to strengthen the authority of international finance, through global “socialization,” “for control … and for the forced appeasement.” Sutton concluded that: In that light, the subsequent support of “collective enterprises and the mass destruction of individual rights by Morgan-Rockefeller” was not surprising. In justification of this support, they claimed in Senate hearings: “Why should a great industrial country, like America, desire the creation and subsequent competition of another great industrial rival?” Well, they rightly believed that with such an obviously uncompetitive, centralized and totalitarian regime, Soviet Russia could not rival America. Another thing is that Wall Street could not predict further development of the Bolshevik system, nor its extraordinary ability to control people, working them to the very bone, which eventually led to the creation of a powerful, if misshapen, industry. But how does this tie in with our basic theme? Because as we have seen, American financiers completely refused loans to pre-revolutionary Russia due to the infringement of the rights of Jews there, even though Russia was always a profitable financial prospect. And clearly, if they were prepared to sacrifice profits at that time, then now, despite all their counting on the Soviet markets, the “Morgan-Rockefeller Empire” would not assist the Bolsheviks if the persecution of the Jews was looming on horizon in the USSR at the start of the 1930s…” |
MOAMMAR GADFAFI’S TURN TO BE THROWN TO THE WOLVES?Obviously worried as to how far this revolt could spread, CNN has turned to Mikhail Gorbachev’s warnings to the present Russian ruling elite should the Russian people say “enough is enough for us too"! CNN’s Moscow office reported: “Former Soviet leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner Mikhail Gorbachev is warning that Libyan leader could be chased out of his own country if he does not begin to bend to the will of the people. Gadhafi reacted so ruthlessly that he might end up being forced out (of his country). I don't want to make predictions or anything, but he's shooting at people; he is using the military and weapons against defenceless people," Gorbachev said. American-Zionists love him: Readers should do a search of On Target’s online archives for some background on Gorbachev. |
NOW TO SHINE THE SPOTLIGHT ON THE CORRUPT ELITE OF THE WESTIn IT 'S PLANNED THAT WAY! - On Target 24 October, 2008 - Jeremy Lee wrote: “My recent article claiming that the $US dollar crisis was designed has produced further, ample evidence. Secretary to the Treasury Henry (‘Hank ') Paulson, who demanded carte blanche, immunity from legal challenge or surveillance, to manage a tax-funded bailout package of $700 billion for his Wall Street mate, finally had his package bulldozed through. The minority who held the first vote back were subject to arm-twisting and head-kicking, and the second attempt was successful. But the meltdown didn't go away. In fact it spread through Europe and Asia. Prime Minister Rudd and Treasurer Swan departed Australia 's shores for Wall Street after assuring us that we had to have a 'global solution '... AND NOW FOR AN UPDATE: Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone journalist asks: “Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?” "That's right," he said, signalling to the waitress for the cheque. "Everything's **** up, and nobody goes to jail. You can end the piece right there." Nobody goes to jail. This is the mantra of the financial-crisis era, one that saw virtually every major bank and financial company on Wall Street embroiled in obscene criminal scandals that impoverished millions and collectively destroyed hundreds of billions, in fact, trillions of dollars of the world's wealth — and nobody went to jail. Nobody, that is, except Bernie Madoff, a flamboyant and pathological celebrity con artist, whose victims happened to be other rich and famous people. The rest of them, all of them, got off. Not a single executive who ran the companies that cooked up and cashed in on the phony financial boom — an industry wide scam that involved the mass sale of mismarked, fraudulent mortgage-backed securities — has ever been convicted. Their names by now are familiar to even the most casual Middle American news consumer: companies like AIG, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley. Most of these firms were directly involved in elaborate fraud and theft. Lehman Brothers hid billions in loans from its investors. Bank of America lied about billions in bonuses. Goldman Sachs failed to tell clients how it put together the born-to-lose toxic mortgage deals it was selling. What's more, many of these companies had corporate chieftains whose actions cost investors billions — from AIG derivatives chief Joe Cassano, who assured investors they would not lose even "one dollar" just months before his unit imploded, to the $263 million in compensation that former Lehman chief Dick "The Gorilla" Fuld conveniently failed to disclose. Yet not one of them has faced time behind bars. Instead, federal regulators and prosecutors have let the banks and finance companies that tried to burn the world economy to the ground get off with carefully orchestrated settlements — whitewash jobs that involve the firms paying pathetically small fines without even being required to admit wrongdoing. To add insult to injury, the people who actually committed the crimes almost never pay the fines themselves; banks caught defrauding their shareholders often use shareholder money to foot the tab of justice. "If the allegations in these settlements are true," says Jed Rakoff, a federal judge in the Southern District of New York, "it's management buying its way off cheap, from the pockets of their victims." To understand the significance of this, one has to think carefully about the efficacy of fines as a punishment for a defendant pool that includes the richest people on earth — people who simply get their companies to pay their fines for them. Conversely, one has to consider the powerful deterrent to further wrongdoing that the state is missing by not introducing this particular class of people to the experience of incarceration. "You put Lloyd Blankfein in pound-me-in-the-ass prison for one six-month term, and all this b****t would stop, all over Wall Street," says a former congressional aide. "That's all it would take. Just once." But that hasn't happened. Because the entire system set up to monitor and regulate Wall Street is **** up. Just ask the people who tried to do the right thing. Remember this one? 5th April, 2010: Wall Street's Naked Swindle
UNBELIEVABLE HUBRISBishop Williamson of Eleison: Comments CLXXXVIII (19/2/2011) Prophets of doom do not make themselves popular, but if they are ministers of God, they must tell the truth. Now some people say that such ministers should not concern themselves with politics or economics. But supposing politics have become a substitute religion, necessarily a false religion, as they put man in the place of God? And supposing economics (or finance) are about to make many people go hungry? Are ministers of God not allowed to ask, with Aristotle, how people are going to lead a virtuous life if they will be lacking in the basic necessities of life? Is the virtuous life not the business of such ministers? |
THE FALL OF MANHOODby John Steele Of course, her remarks are applicable to both young men and women in the West. It is a product of affluence, consumerism and urbanisation: people have become skilled at being part of a machine, but have lost what it means to be human. An intimate connection to life has been lost. Watch Bear Grylls on SBS Mondays as he deals with primitive survival situations. Few of the people which we see on the streets could catch their own food, light a fire without matches or modern technology, or construct primitive weapons. Beyond all this, the elites have destroyed manhood, the rugged individualist “John Wayne man” and in its place put a feminised society, one which is easier to control and manipulate. In such a society there is social conformity but no resistance. God help people when the collapse comes. Further reading: “The Tree of Life” by J. Massingham deals in detail with this situation and it was written in the 1940s! $35.00 plus postage from Heritage Books and VeritasBooks online. |
THE FAILURE OF RACE POLICYby Brian Simpson I take this to be in reality, simply more of the market, more migration and more globalisation. It has been these forces of “muscular liberalism” of the new right which has destroyed British identity. Further, to assume that all groups can be simply assimilated into the mainstream is equally fallacious. Racial realities aside, there is a limit to how many people can be boiled down in the melting pot before the pot itself melts. British conservatism is alienated from its historical roots and is as much a plaything of the market and global finance as the Australian Labor Party and Liberal Party. The lessons of the reality of race will be hard learning indeed for our decadent civilisation. |
A TASTE OF THINGS TO COME - SEE YOU IN MOSCOW?from Lou Cook There was a time when a prospective farmer moved to an irrigation area because of the water security, but now there is no financial security due to low farm incomes - so stupid to give it any thought. Moving to a high rainfall area is not a good prospect either because old fashioned water conservation projects like Keyline farming are deemed bad practice. Why? Because it prevents water getting into the dams where it can be sold by government! TRANSITION TOWNS – TRANSITION INTO WHAT? |
BOOK REVIEW“Why I Fight!” by J.T. Lang: Originally published during the Great Depression years, this book details the behaviour of the Private Banks, which at the time, provided all the finance for Australia. We will look at one of these, the Bank of Australasia. |