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23 March 2012 Thought for the Week: Anyone for kiwi fruit for breakfast from China? CNC-world Report from Shaanxi:
Kiwi fruit concerns. In 2010, the output of kiwi fruit in Zhouzhi county reached 250,000 tons. It seems China brought in the growth accelerator from Japan at the end of 1980s and it was approved for use in 1992. China has no regulations on the use of the growth chemical. "Tell Walmart to reject Monsato's GMO Corn" Institute of Science in Society 15/3/2012 |
GM WHEAT AND CORPORATE CONTROLThe following report is most certainly an issue Queenslanders should be tackling their political ‘hopefuls’ on. As your representative “what are they going to do about it? ” Judy Newman writes: To date, most genetic modification has occurred on crops such as corn, soy, cotton and canola. Products from these genetically modified (GM) crops have largely avoided a GM label because they either go into animal feed, which does not need to be labelled, or they enter the human food supply as highly refined products such as oils, that don't need to be labelled in many countries, including Australia. Wheat, however, is different. Most wheat goes into the human food supply. And wheat is in a huge proportion of foods that people eat on a daily basis, including bread. Any GM wheat in those products will require a GM label in many countries, including Australia. Which means that consumers will have a choice over whether they want to buy a product with GM wheat in it or an equivalent product that is GM-free. There is overwhelming evidence that given a choice, people prefer not to eat GM foods. Consequently, wheat markets do not want to buy GM wheat. It is therefore important that if GM wheat is grown commercially anywhere in Australia, it can However, it is exceptionally difficult to try to segregate GM wheat to the level expected by the marketplace. It is therefore too expensive to do and still remain competitive. In addition, the wheat industry is expecting that Australian farmers will not try to segregate GM wheat, but rather will mix it with non-GM wheat. Consequently, if GM wheat was commercialised anywhere in Australia, the perception in national and international markets is that our wheat will contain GM wheat unless we can prove, using expensive testing methods, that a particular batch is not. This means that once GM wheat is grown anywhere in Australia, we could instantly lose all of our wheat markets. This was the finding of Canadian farmers. They asked their markets what would happen if GM wheat was grown commercially in Canada. Their markets said that they would not buy any GM wheat or any supposed non-GM wheat from Canada, they would simply not buy ANY wheat from Canada at all. Consequently, growing GM wheat commercially in Australia could sabotage our entire wheat industry. So why then are Australian plant scientists and some of our governments pushing for GM wheat? Plant breeders usually rely on government or Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) grants to be able to develop new crop varieties. Governments have been reducing the amount of money that goes into crop breeding organisations while GM crop companies have been increasing their share. In addition, if plant breeders do GM crop breeding, they can patent the plants produced, which gives them a cut in the profits and hence some financial security. The Australian government supports this process, because it can not only reduce the money it spends on crop breeding, but it actually gets to make money via patents on the GM crops that are produced. It does this through the agreements and corporate alliances the public plant breeding sector has signed with GM crop companies. Farmers are required to pay levies to the GRDC on the grain that they produce. Some of this money is going into GM crop breeding. It would therefore be expected that farmers would hold some of the intellectual property (IP) over these new crops because they have paid for at least some of it. However, it is not the case. Farmers have no share in the IP on these crops and get no share in the profits. Instead, the IP is traded in deals using confidential agreements between plant breeding organisations such as the CSIRO, and GM companies such as Monsanto. These types of deals are happening throughout the plant breeding sector, including State-based plant research organisations. As part of a deal, the organisation gets to use Monsanto's patented technologies free of charge to make GM crops more cheaply. The situation has been particularly obvious in Western Australia (WA). There, all public plant breeding institutes merged to form one corporate entity, called Intergrain. Shortly after the commercial planting of GM crops was approved by the WA Minister for Agriculture, Monsanto paid $10.5 million for a 19.5% share of Integrain and all the IP developed over decades of plant breeding in that State. Monsanto's alliance partner, Nufarm, now also has the exclusive seed selling rights for crops developed by Intergrain. Intergrain has now taken over the main building of the WA Department of Agriculture. (The Department comes under the authority of the Minister for Agriculture.) In return, Monsanto can add their GM genes into all new crop varieties developed in Western Australia. This means that Monsanto will have a patent over all new GM crops developed in the State and will get a cut in the profits made from those crops. So, what choice does this give farmers in WA? Elsewhere in Australia, the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), and the University of Adelaide (UA) joined together to become Australian Grain Technologies Pty Ltd (AGT). They consolidated more than 100 years of wheat breeding activities when they did so. A wholly owned subsidiary of Limagrain Holdings, a French company, has now purchased 25% of AGT. Meanwhile, AWB Limited (previously known as the Australian Wheat Board) and Syngenta (a major GM crop company) have embarked on a formal joint venture. It operates as LongReach Plant Breeders, and it has stated goals of becoming Australia's premier wheat breeding and foundation seed company, and developing wheat for all States of Australia.
There is also international pressure on the Australian government to accept GM crops into the food supply and to grow them in Australia, particularly from the US. Meanwhile in Australia, the continuing corporate consolidation of our crop seed production in a few companies, particularly Monsanto, will have a ripple-on effect through the rest of the food chain. Now, every section of the farming industry that uses the seeds, and the food industry that uses the crops produced from those seeds, will need to negotiate prices with these companies, particularly Monsanto. Monsanto not only owns 19.5% of all the plant breeding IP that comes from the largest grain producing state (WA), but it also has corporate alliances with almost all of the crop development entities in Australia. |
IN LAW, IT’S THE DETAILS THAT COUNTby Ian Wilson LL.B. This “unfortunate administration error”, as the Attorney General described it (The Australian, February 22, 2012, p.1) which is now corrected, still leaves open a challenge to any such orders made by the Family Court in such matters, between March 1, 2009 and February 11, 2012. This could be thousands of cases. It is a pity that the law industry of the federal government did not spend as much time getting such administrative matters correct as it did pursuing politically correct agendas. |
THE GREAT EDUCATION DEBATE: A FORMER TEACHER REFLECTSby James Reed The social revolution of the 1960s gave us a world of decadent consumerism, godless materialism and a whole host of poisonous “isms” such as feminism. Thus, once a family could live on a family working-wage provided by dad, the bread-winner. Mum stayed home and thus there was someone there when the kids come home. Nowadays, even conservatives hammer as sexist those who like that world. Now we have two parents working if we are lucky and a crashing net reproduction ratio: one child if the family is lucky. Mass migration is to keep the capitalists rich as people, like rats, compete for housing space. The world of the past is radically transformed into a vast supermarket and public toilet. Schools came to be dominated by the ethical system of decadent and diseased capitalism. Old-school discipline is replaced by politically correct brainwashing by monstrous feminist teachers who make Julia Gillard look like a soccer mum. Boys implode in this toxic environment. With runaway ethno-racial diversity, teachers struggle just to keep some degree of order. Schools in Australia become basically childcare centres for techno-savages. Not all, of course. There are enough good schools, even good public schools, to supply the next generation of workers and controllers. But in many schools we find nothing more than “White board jungles” – “black boards” being seen as “racist”. As the Asian societies are not facing this sort of psychopolitical warfare, there is no surprise in finding that the quality of their education is the highest in the world. Our new class elites want our kind to be dispossessed and then die off, as a payback for bringing civilisation to the world. |
THE CRASH COURSE - THE SOCIAL ECONOMICS OF COLLAPSEby James Reed Martenson then argues that “The very mechanisms of our money system promote and even demand the exponential growth of money and debt.” (p.49) As all dollars are backed by nothing but debt, which pays interest and the debt-based money system is an exponential system, then “the amount of debt in the system will always exceed the amount of money.” (p.51) Therefore the modern financial system requires perpetual expansion via continuous credit expansion as well as continuous economic growth and use of physical resources to attempt to do the impossible and pay back the money owed as debt to the financiers. The end result of all of this will be systems-collapse. No mention of social credit or Major Douglas occurs in this book. The book has a “solutions” section but the discussion of “Economy and Money” is only two pages long. Nevertheless, Martenson accepts that alternative forms of money and credit arrangements should be put in place alongside the existing system. |
HUMAN RIGHTS TERRORISMby James Reed Now he is free and can reside permanently in Britain! All of this is thanks to the ultra politically correct European Court of Human Rights. You see the court thought that if he was deported to Jordon to face terrorism charges the trial in Jordon would be a “flagrant denial of justice.” (The Australian, February 14, 2012, p.12). All of this is no joke, it is the way the human rights mind operates. Human rights for the terrorist, but not for the victims of terrorism. For this reason we should not support any changes to the Constitution as anything can and will be used by the lawyer class to pursue politically correct ends. In a time of great uncertainty, the only certainty is “No! No! No!” |
BRIGHT RIGHT MINDS AND DARK LEFT ATTITUDES: WHY RIGHT-WINGERS ARE NOT DUMBby Brian Simpson and Chris Knight It could well be true that individuals with lower IQ may have “greater cognitive rigidity” and “lower integrative complexity” and thus may not be seduced into accepting liberal-left dogmas, which admittedly does require some intellect to be able to understand in the first place. |
THE ACADEMIC TEN COMMANDMENTSby James Reed The practice is perhaps more common in the biomedical and scientific areas than in the Humanities and Social Sciences, where research is typically done in teams. There the senior basically supervises a number of research projects and has his/her name put on a paper with minimal work. The system runs on this and that is why millions of dollars each year are awarded from federal funding bodies for research staff. Academia is founded upon dishonesty. |
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF POLITICALLY CORRECT ARTby Peter Ewer Then we have (p.15) the review of theatre with Bad Blood Blues being featured. Pictured is a muscled black man stripping off and kissing a dyed blonde white woman. The play apparently deals with a bioethical dilemma: the woman (Clare) is in Africa conducting double-blind trials on pregnant women with AIDS. Clare is treating some people with the Big Pharma antiretrovirus drug and others with a sugar placebo. |
LETTER TO THE PRESSTo the Editor of The Australian, 9th March 2012: - - Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Victoria |