home of ... Douglas Social Credit
,4 May 2012 Thought
for the Week:
ANZAC DAY 25th April, 2012 “We will remember them” “The technical definition of war is “any action taken to impose your will upon an enemy or to prevent him from his will upon you.” It will be recognised at once that this definition of war makes the motive rather than the method the important matter to consider. More energy is devoted at the present time to the endeavour to modify the methods of war than to removing the motives for war. If we recognise this, we shall be in a better position to realise that we are never at peace – that only the form of war changes. - - "The Causes of War" by C.H. Douglas “Why is it becoming more difficult to bring peace upon earth, and to make effective, goodwill between men? What is the dynamism which will encourage the conquest of the earth, the sea and the air, but will only permit the substitution of poverty by slavery? Why does the mouthing of the phrase "the Common Good" merely ensue in individual evil? - - “Brief for the Prosecution” by C. H. Douglas |
RISE IN ‘SUICIDE BY ECONOMIC CRISIS’“When will the soul of man arise to challenge the tyrannical and restrictive power and policy of Mammon?” asks Wally Klinck of Canada. “The human tragedy imposed upon mankind without mercy by the existing unconscionable system of debt-finance. William Aberhart of the Province of Alberta was galvanized into resistance by the suicide of only one of his students during the Depression of the 1930s. How jaded or ineffectual has mankind become to tolerate such outrages as reported in the following article. C. H. Douglas taught that in the final analysis only action will secure results. What does it take to inspire -- to motivate?” Elisabetta Povoledo and Doreen Carvajarl wrote in the New York Times 14 April, 2012: Treviso, Italy — On New Year’s Eve, Antonio Tamiozzo, 53, hanged himself in the warehouse of his construction business near Vicenza, after several debtors did not pay what they owed him. Three weeks earlier, Giovanni Schiavon, 59, a contractor, shot himself in the head at the headquarters of his debt-ridden construction company on the outskirts of Padua. As he faced the bleak prospect of ordering Christmas layoffs at his family firm of two generations, he wrote a last message: “Sorry, I cannot take it anymore.” The economic downturn that has shaken Europe for the last three years has also swept away the foundations of once-sturdy lives, leading to an alarming spike in suicide rates. Especially in the most fragile nations like Greece, Ireland and Italy, small-business owners and entrepreneurs are increasingly taking their own lives in a phenomenon some European newspapers have started calling “suicide by economic crisis.” Read further here… |
“GFC PUTS ICELAND’S EX PM IN DOCK”by Betty Luks Gentle readers, carefully consider that sentence: As far as I am aware within modern times this is the first time a politician is to be held legally accountable for not protecting the interests of the people, whose interests he was elected to represent! The ex-pm “told the first day of his trial in Reykjavik that no other government leaders or financial regulators had seen the GFC coming and that the charges against him - carrying a two-year jail sentence - were based on hindsight. The case is being watched by many Western government leaders who are uncomfortable with the idea that a politician can face jail for failing to show foresight and caution.” Yes, yes, I know that in the wake of fraudulent actions by the finance/banking systems some banks have had their wrists slapped (with lots of tut tutting into the bargain) but this seems to be the first time a politician is to be held to account for failing in his duties. The article continued: “Fierce protests drove Mr Haarde's coalition from power and a truth commission into the crisis then accused him and three other politicians of having failed to take proper safeguards in the years before 2008 when the banks were transforming the country's small fishing-based economy by gorging on debt. The parliament voted in 2010 for charges against only Mr Haarde and referred the case to the Landsdomur, a special tribunal created in 1905 to hear charges against MPs that has never before heard a case. It has 15 members - six judges, a constitutional law professor and eight people chosen by parliament. Mr Haarde is charged with failing to ensure safeguards were in place to stop the collapse of the country's banks, and failing to keep his ministers informed about the scale of the crisis. Take particular note, the banks were ‘out of control’ of the government: "We did everything possible to urge the banks to downsize their balance sheets," he said. "It wasn't until the last few days before the collapse that we, or certainly I, realised how interlinked they all were, they were more or less one and the same. By then, of course, it was too late." Comment: Banks hold their special position of issuing and controlling a nation’s money system through the laws of the nation. Who legislates the laws of the nations? Why the politicians do of course! The trial is expected to run for two weeks. Further reading - |
AN ICELANDER TELLS US HOW IT REALLY IS - A BIG POLITICAL GAMEDear Betty Luks: Thank you very much for your interest in what happened in Iceland when the whole banking system went down. I agree with you that the idea of bringing a politician to justice for not doing, fulfilling, his duties to his electorate is something new in the world. Regarding the trial against Iceland former PM Mr. Geir Haarde I want to clarify some issues: 1. This is the first time since the old 1905 legislation in Iceland, the "Landsdomur" (a special court for judging the ministers work) has been activated. There have been juridical problems to fit the old legislation into current legislation in Iceland, also because this court is a political one there are some legal views questioning the situation. 2. After the initial report of the Althingi (parliament) in Iceland, on the bank crisis, the idea was to bring four ministers before the court for further investigation as to why they failed in their duties. The outcome was, that after the tactical voting by the Social Democrats (now in power) only the former PM Geir Haarde, should stand trial. 3. It was only after huge protests and demonstrations by the people against the criminals that were running the banks that the government of Iceland was forced to act. The criminal bankers created huge Ponzi schemes to literally steal all money from the people in Iceland and later used the lack of EU regulations to go abroad and continue doing the same in EU countries like UK, Holland, Luxemburg to the size of 12 times the Icelandic GPD. 4. Mr. Geir Haarde should be honoured with a great medal instead of being put on trial. 5. You now probably understand where I am heading: But you are absolutely right. If people stand together against the behaviour of the banks there might be a slight opening to join together on solving the main economic problem of our times, i.e., banks power and privilege to create money out of nothing. The irresponsible behaviour of the banks is bringing the whole financial system to its end. This has to be changed. - - Best regards to you and all good Australians. Gustaf Skulason, Iceland. Latest news: “Ex-Iceland PM Geir Haarde to escape punishment despite guilty verdict over banking collapse. Iceland's former prime minister Geir Haarde has become the first politician to be found guilty over accusations that he did not do enough to protect his country from the financial crisis. |
THE POPULATION DEBATE WILL NEVER HAPPENfrom Len the Cleaner: Sitting on the book stands is Ian Lowe’s Bigger or Better? Australia’s Population Debate. This gives a scientific case for a “small Australia” because of the degradation of national resources and the environment. Dick Smith in his book said the same. A good review appeared in The Advertiser (17 March, 2012, pp. 44-45) “Time to Ease Our Growing Pains” which put the debate in an Adelaide context. However, compare this to the position of Stephen Martin, chief executive of CEDA (Committee for Economic Development of Australia (“Size Doesn’t Matter When it Comes to Population: The Australian, 23 March, 2012, p.12) Ian Lowe and others opposing big Australia underestimate the power of big business and the corporate elites in dictating the fates of nations. Worse, Lowe in his book criticises Australians against further immigration and other conspiracy types, which I guess includes me. Boo! Boo! Boo! |
THE FACE OF CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGEby Ian Wilson LL.B. I explain: the Constitutional referendum seeks to remove so-called “racist” sections of the Constitution (which I have argued in past articles are not “racist” at all), as well as creating basically affirmative action powers for the “advancement” of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. A clause will also be inserted outlawing racial discrimination. Here is why, I believe, our kind should take action. All of this, I believe, will enshrine in the Constitution everything the Freedom movement has opposed. The clause outlawing racial discrimination will create open borders. The clause for Aboriginal advancement will create an open cheque. For all that you hold dear, fight against this referendum. Even if you need a walking frame, if you can talk, then talk to friends and family and get them as well to oppose this march on political correctness. |
THE SUMMIT OF BARBARISMby Peter West However, the gunman turned out to be an extremist Muslim, Mohamed Merah, with an allegiance to al-Qaida, but basically a lone wolf who wanted to avenge the deaths of Palestinian children. Marine le Pen of the National Front said that the killings showed that France needed new immigration policies as well as new ways of dealing with the “fundamentalist threat”. |
UNIVERSITIES, LIKE BACTERIA, DIE IN THEIR OWN TOXIC SLUDGEby James Reed Perhaps a good first step to create the really super duper Asian university would be to eliminate the largely White academics and replace them with overseas Asians. Start with all vice-chancellors first. Let us see how gung-ho the Asianisers are when their jobs are given away and their superannuation given to Asian migrants and refugees. And let us hope that the debasing of the degree happens very quickly to bring this misery to an end. |
THE FATE OF THE LABOR PARTY IS SEALEDby James Reed Let us hope so. What began as the party for the working White Australian has become the politically correct party of globalism and cosmopolitanism, just like the even more corporate Liberals. The Greens have a family difference, being critical of the corporates, but they make up for it in an even more fanatical support of globalism in the form of world government. Just like capitalism and communism, in the end it will all be the same loss of freedom for the individual. |
GET READY TO SURRENDER THE REST OF YOUR GUNSby John Steele -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALE EDWARD (TED) ROCK: This Australian soldier never did turn his back to the foe. True soldier, True Husband and Father, Teacher and Prophet and true Apostle of our Lord. To know Ted was to respect him. And in the TRUE meaning of the word love, that most powerful gift that can enmesh the human heart, Ted Rock was a true apostle of love and enlightenment. Whilst we have lost a good warrior we are left with inspiration to carry on this Battle of the Spirit. Our sympathies are extended to his wife Nancy and his children of whom he was so proud. |
SENATE INQUIRY INTO POST-GFC BANKING SECTORThere is a Senate “Inquiry into the post GFC (Global Financial Crisis) banking sector” so the 4 Corners Programme “Dicing with Debt” recently reported, referring to Senator John Williams from Inverell as the initiator of the inquiry. From a cursory look at the terms of reference here https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate_Committees?url=economics_ctte/post_gfc_banking/tor.htm This Inquiry would benefit from League/Social Credit supporter’s input, especially with specific solutions such as the re-establishment of a People’s Bank as the original CBA was intended and empowered to be, along with a host of possible recommendations from the Social Credit perspective. Especially under sections (d) (e) & (f) of the terms of Inquiry. Submissions close 31st May 2012. I am inclined to focus on "government policy" and the nexus between the Reserve Bank and National Monetary Policy. Have you looked at the Reserve Bank Act? Not very long and mainly deals with the enhanced remuneration of the Governor of the RBA... hardly a word on its legal workings... seems to be at the whim of the Governor. The RBA is a creature of the government and they should frequently be reminded of their position in no uncertain terms. The destructive effects of inflation would also be important in any submission. This is a good opportunity to have our point of view listed on a government sponsored website, so must be encouraged. Just checked the Senate website and five submissions are already listed. There is plenty of resource material available by doing a Google search on "banking" or "finance" and then appending "crooks", "scams" and the like to your search. I see Christopher Field has a paper "Banks Lie" and other people on the BankWest scandal. Further info for others receiving this message from the Senate website: - The results are speaking for themselves! Don’t neglect the opposition. After your submission has been posted on the Senate website then send it to every politician in your area with a request for an informed response. If you have any other suggested input then please forward to me for distribution. - - Signed: Lou Cook, national director. |
HEINER AFFAIR ON THE MOVE – AT LAST!Mr. Lindeberg and his legal team are making arrangements to meet Queensland’s Premier Newman and the Attorney-General within the next week to discuss the set up of a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry in the Heiner Affair: https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/newman-government-to-consider-new-heiner-inquiry-attorneygeneral-20120411-1wryt.html Mrs. Bronwyn Bishop as the 2004 Chairman of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs recommended in the 2004-report that the Goss-Cabinet members be prosecuted in the same way Pastor Enderby was. Read more to this on: http://heiner-affair.blogspot.com/ |