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8 June 2012 Thought for the Week: The Diamond Jubilee: H. M. Queen Elizabeth II --------------------------------- Mounting debt mainly is not a result of compounding bank interest. This is the discredited debt virus theory. As the Douglas analysis shows, modern economies can not thrive without a steady injection of fresh money.
Under the present system, such extra money can come into circulation by borrowing, either for expansion of industry or government deficit spending. This is the cause of mounting debt.
Since orthodox economists can explain rise in debt only by that theory, this shows that their basic reasoning is wrong. Mounting debt is one of the strongest lines of evidence that Douglas was right. The Crime of the Canadian Banking System by Bill Abram |
PATRIOTIC NATIONALS? TECHNOCRATS DEFINTELY DON’T WANT THEM!The Greek president proposed a technocrat govt, by Christine Pirovolakis: Greece's president suggested a government of technocrats be created in order to avoid new elections after coalition talks with party leaders hit a deadlock. President Karolos Papoulias held a broader meeting with the heads of six of the seven parties that won parliamentary seats, in an effort to find agreement after the May 6 elections produced an inconclusive vote. Excluded from those talks was the ‘extreme far-right fascist party’ Golden Dawn, despite its win of 21 seats in the 300-seat parliament. And so, back to the election process once more, to be held on 17 June. |
ABBOTT WILL PAY FOR LABOR’S GIFTwrites Andrew Bolt: “Amanda Vanstone says Labor bungles may sweep Tony Abbott into office, but they’ll make a misery for him afterwards (14 May, 2012). None of this is good news for Tony Abbott. Labor’s economic incompetence may well contribute to a tidal wave that sweeps Abbott into office. But the mess will be there for an incoming government to clean up... The first few years will be the hardest for the Abbott government. Horrific. New MPs and new ministers, euphoric with victory, will have things they would like to do. But there will be little cash to play with. The Coalition is committed to removing some taxes (less money in) and to some spending initiatives (more money out). By the time a new government takes office, net government debt will be close to $300 billion, about four times the debt the Howard government paid off.” Oh dear, more of the same orthodox ‘claptrap’ - by Betty Luks: Andrew, ‘money’ is created and destroyed every minute of every day, not only in this country but world-wide. The great bulk of ‘money’ in a modern society is known as ‘credit’ and not only comes into existence as a debt but is mainly in the form of computer ‘blips’ on a computer screen. Once upon a time ‘cash’ was in the form of notes and coins. Yes, we all know that the socialist Labor government is wasteful and incompetent and the national debt has reached horrendous numbers – but let us not forget that the Howard government sold off the nation’s real assets in order to reduce the national debt, and then claimed how great they were as money managers! Tell me Andrew, just what are the Liberals going to do that is different from Labor? The Liberals track record is no better. Neither mainline party has any long-term answers. The Debt Clock continues to record Australia’s growing debts to the same bankers who run the rest of the world. What I find so amazing is the complete silence on the part of the mainline media about the recent startling revelation by Professor Steve Keen of West Sydney University – banks can and do create credit - a form of money - out of thin air. I would have thought that was indeed newsworthy. But not so. Thank God the people of the world now have their own means of communication. Despite the mainline media’s ban on such news as that of Professor Keen, it is all over the internet! |
CALLS FOR 'COW WIND' RESEARCH TO ‘GET A REALITY CHECK’Mount Isa MP and State Leader of Katter's Australian Party, Rob Katter, has called on the six Australian universities who have embarked on a research investigation dubbed the Livestock Methane Research Cluster to get a reality check. The newly established research unit which also includes scientists from Canada and the CSIRO has been met with strong criticism from Mr Katter who initially thought the article had been misplaced from the comic section in the newspaper. "It's a cluster alright and this sort of research into stupidity will tarnish the good name Australians have for themselves on the international stage," Mr Katter stated. The research unit's prime objective states that it will measure and manage methane emissions from livestock. "If they truly want to come to a conclusion on how to manage mother nature then I suggest they write in their report that livestock must cease to reproduce which will save them all a hell of a lot of time and money which could be spent on researching something serious," Mr Katter said. Editor’s comment: I would have thought the hot air-emissions that come from Parliament House, Canberra needed to be examined before that of the cows! But one does wonder just how the CSIRO will ‘manage’ the flatulence from cows. The mind boggles. |
SOAPBOX: READER’S WISDOMWhat About Not Taking Migrants in the First Place? A Soapbox entry (The Australian, 16 April, 2012 p.18) |
A GENE FOR GENIUS?by Brian Simpson The genetic study was conducted by a network called ENIGMA, which, by pooling resources was able to study the relationship between 21,151 MRI brain scans and genetic data. The environmentalist position gets weaker by the day. |
MONSANTO BUYS LEADING BEE RESEARCH FIRM AFTER ‘BEE’…ING’ IMPLICATED IN COLONY COLLAPSEby Jonathan Benson, (NaturalNews). Since 2007, Beeologics has been studying CCD, as well as Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV), for the purpose of coming up with intervention-based ways to mitigate these conditions. And based on the way the company describes both CCD and IAPV on its website, Beeologics has largely taken the approach that intervention, rather than prevention, is the key to solving the global bee crisis. Now that Beeologics is owned and controlled by Monsanto, the company is sure to completely avoid dealing with the true causes of CCD and IAPV as they pertain to Monsanto's crop technologies -- GMOs and their chemical counterparts. So going into the future, it seems expected that Beeologics will come up with "scientific breakthroughs" that deny any link between CCD and GMO technologies, and instead blame mystery pathogens and other factors that require more chemicals to eliminate. According to Anthony Gucciardi at Activist Post, Beeologics has also long had a cozy relationship with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which is convenient for Monsanto. The USDA, in fact, considers Beeologics to be one of the foremost bee research organizations in the world, as does the USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS), the mainstream media and "leading entomologists" worldwide, according to the company.
Monsanto to use Beeologics' 'biological tools' to develop more GMOs, crop chemicals: The future looks bleak for bees, in other words, as Monsanto appears poised to slowly gobble up all the competing companies and organizations that threaten its own GMO products, while pretending to care about the dwindling bee populations. And unless drastic action is taken to stop Monsanto in its continued quest to dominate global agriculture, the food supply as we know it will soon be a thing of the past. Source: |
FROM AVATAR TO EXPLOITING THE UNIVERSEby Brian Simpson Now, oh sweet irony, James Cameron and other billionaires have a new company, Planetary Resources, which plans to use space robots to mine asteroids. Asteroids are thought to contain valuable minerals such as rare earths and could yield trillions of dollars. (The Australian 21 April, 2012, p.3) There are legal questions, such as: who owns the rocks? The answers will come very swiftly: We who can take them, so stop us if you can. I wonder if James Cameron will consider this theme variation for Avatar 3? |
ISRAEL: PRACTISING A CRUEL APARTHEID OR JUST DEFENDING ITSELF?by Joseph Jones The husband is quoted as saying: “Any immigrant who is coming to Israel from Ethiopia or Russia who is new to this city, the minute he puts his feet down at the airport, he has more rights than I have. I’m talking pure racism, which is beyond apartheid. Under apartheid, there were cases where people were allowed to have mixed marriages.” If asked whether or not the same logic applies to Australian immigration and the Asian question, would the answer be? I am not interested in this issue, only Israel, but I accept that the logic of my defence would be relevant to the question. |
RAPE, SOUTH AFRICA AND APARTHEIDA mentally retarded 17-year old was raped in the Johannesburg township of Soweto, South Africa in early April. The gang rape was filed and then s[read by cell phones. The film shows her being raped by seven different males. A truly shaking event indeed in a politically correct state which had 56,000 rape cases reported to the police in 2011. |
DALAI LAMA WINS TEMPLETON PRIZE – GIVES IT TO INDIAN CHARITYPress Trust of India, 14 May, 2012. London: Speaking at the St Paul's Cathedral where he received the prize, 76-year-old Dalai Lama said that most of the prize money will go to the 'Save the Children' fund in India, with smaller bequests to a science and religion group which is studying the effects of Buddhist practice and to a project to train Buddhist monks as scientists. About 900,000 pounds will go to 'Save the Children', an Indian NGO that works for child rights, with 125,000 pounds set aside for 'The Minds and Life Institute', a US based non-profit organisation. Money will also go towards a fund to educate Tibetan monks about science. The Dalai Lama, who leads a Tibetan government in exile in India, is being awarded the prize for encouraging "serious scientific investigative reviews of the power of compassion", and its potential to address world problems. The John Templeton Foundation said that he was chosen for exploring these issues, which are key themes of his teachings, with people beyond his own religious traditions. It is the 40th anniversary of the Templeton Prize, which was established in 1972 as a global award honouring a living person who affirms "life's spiritual dimension", whether through insight, discovery, or practical works. "With an increasing reliance on technological advances to solve the world's problems, humanity also seeks the reassurance that only a spiritual quest can answer," Dr John Templeton, President of the foundation and son of the late prize founder said. "The Dalai Lama offers a universal voice of compassion underpinned by a love and respect for spiritually relevant scientific research that centres on every single human being," he added. Previous awardees of The Templeton Prize included Mother Teresa. The root cause for the riots, according to him was that the young were being "brought up to believe that life was just easy. Life is not easy. If you take for granted that life will be easy, then anger develops, frustration, and riots." Asked about the Occupy protest outside St Paul's, he said: "If their reasons and motivations are sincere, then I will join with them." He thought the protests were justified as a way of bringing to light grievances which would otherwise have been ignored. |
FUNNY HOW THE NEWS AGENDA GETS ‘TIRED’writes Robert Fisk, The Independent, 14 May, 2012. Only a couple of months ago, we were all bracing for Israel's attack on Iran's nuclear installations. And for serious pressure on Bashar al-Assad to end his "barbaric campaign". I quote Susan Rice, La Clinton's lady at the UN. And now? Well, Bashar lingers in his palace while Iran goes off the boil. Instead, it's the underpants bomber. Or the super-underpants bomber. Or rather the super-underpants bomber who wasn't – because it was a sting operation and a CIA man (or a British agent "of Middle East origin"; choose as you wish) posed as a would-be super-underpants bomber to get hold of the super-underpants bomb so it could be taken to pieces by the lads and lasses in Langley, Virginia. I weary a bit of this stuff. If the CIA and the Brits and the Saudis have really penetrated al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula – or AQAP, as we are now enjoined to call it, although the acronym sounds a bit like an insurance company – all well and good. But the fact that the Saudis originally supported the Taliban and that al-Qa'ida was until recently led by a Saudi and that most of the 9/11 bombers were Saudis and that an awful lot of other al-Qa'ida men are Saudis, does take the gleam off the cup. Yet still – with the noble, imperishable exception of Matt Frei on panjandrum Jon Snow's brilliant Channel 4 news – we take all this stuff with mind-numbing, poker-faced seriousness. We do not question the story. Or the words. Or even the expressions. Let's start with Rice at the UN, who recently informed us, in reference to Bashar's "barbaric campaign of violence against the Syrian people", that – mark these words – "in the United States, our patience is exhausted". Well, La Clinton looked a little bit exhausted (was it the hair?) when she waded in herself. "World opinion," she said of the Assad regime, "is not going to stand idly by." Haven't I heard this before? Why yes, I have. Back in 2009, Robert Gates was getting very exhausted with North Korea and its nuclear weapons. And what did he tell us, on 30 May to be exact? "We will not stand idly by" as Pyongyang developed nuclear weapons. Last year, Barrack Obama said America would not "stand idly by" when a tyrant (to whit, Muammar Gaddafi) "tells his people there will be no mercy". But none of us journos ever point out what a load of old codswallop this is. We report it at face value, as if the phrases are new, the indignation real, the drama exploding in front of us. We simply do not say or report that "not standing idly by" and patience being "exhausted" are among the greatest clichés of the political world. Why do we not return to some original sources? Which, being an assiduous reader of mid-20th century history, I shall now do. And I'm afraid we've got to go back to That Wretched Bavarian Corporal (born Braunau on the river Inn, 20 April 1889) who was pretty adept at issuing threats and – unlike latter-day politicians – had a disturbing habit of meaning exactly what he said. And so here he is, Adolf Hitler addressing his "volk" on 26 September 1938. He had just met Neville Chamberlain, but was very angry at the Czech Prime Minister Edvard Benes for not handing over the German-majority Sudetenland to the Nazis. And what did Hitler say? "I am no longer willing to stand idly by." And – wait for it – "our patience is exhausted"… Truly, my patience is exhausted. |