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22 June 2012 Thought for the Week: “Labor: blight on the hill”, wrote Andrew Bolt, 23 May 2012 quoting Paul Kelly on Labor today: Tut, tut Andrew. You’re not implying it’s just the Labor party that puts its own self-interest first – are you? |
DEBT’S ‘GRIP OF DEATH’by James Reed The key thesis of the book is that money is not a neutral medium that merely reflects economic facts. Rather “modern money is created in parallel with debt… The stream of money generated by people, businesses and governments constantly borrowing from banks and other lending institutions is relied upon to supply the economy as a whole. Thus the supply of money depends upon people going into debt, and the level of debt within an economy is no more than a measure of the amount of money that has been created.” (p.4) In short, most of the money in our society has been created by banks out of nothing, and that most dollars in existence are matched by an equivalent dollar of debt. The bankruptcies of individuals and collapsing of nations has been due to the impossible quest for inadequate money as well as the never-ending pursuit of economic growth and its destruction of the natural environment. Bank credit is a dysfunctional form of money. What then is the answer? Rowbotham takes us for a detailed tour of the nightmarish world which bank credit has created. However the main theoretical framework for his diagnosis is that of C.H. Douglas, who as we know began writing in 1919 in A.R. Orage’s The New Age, showing that the financial system was inherently unstable and prone to collapse. Without a constant stream of investment and unending economic growth the economy would slump. At the core of this defect was the financial system and its reliance upon faulty and unsustainable bank credit. Prices are being generated at a greater rate than incomes are distributed, leading to a “lack of purchasing power”. The total price of goods in the economy at any point of time will exceed the total buying power of consumers (A+B theorem). Modern economies hence had a problem of distribution. Rowbotham reviews favourably Douglas’ proposal of the “National Dividend”, an income paid to all people by virtue of the productive capacities of the economy, and it would “consist of a supply of money created by the government, in sufficient quantity to match purchasing power and prices at any one time.” (p.228) The National Dividend would eliminate the poverty produced by unemployment, which remains a real issue today, as it was in Douglas’ time. Socially it would also mean that people were no longer wage-slaves. The philosophy behind the present system, Douglas said was “consciously or unconsciously based upon this idea that the individual must be kept in a condition of economic dependence.” Social Credit aimed to abolish poverty amidst plenty. Rowbotham concludes after a lengthy discussion that Douglas’ thought is highly relevant today. To get a grand overview of the money problem and a clear and concise explanation of Social Credit, “The Grip of Death” is a “must-read”. It is available from Heritage Bookshop Services. Order your copy NOW! |
DERIVATIVES: THE UNREGULATED GLOBAL CASINO FOR BANKSThe following information comes from Derivative Data Source: ZeroHedge. It is not intended to panic readers, but should the financial system fall completely ‘pear-shaped’ then readers would have been warned. It is very noticeable that many firms are struggling to pay their accounts and some are struggling to pay their workmen their wages, thus the working man is finding it hard to keep up with his costs of living, and banks are slow in ‘clearing’ cheques for their customers. Is the ‘house of cards’ about to collapse? Long story: A derivative is a legal bet (contract) that derives its value from another asset, such as the future or current value of oil, government bonds or anything else. Example: A derivative buys you the option (but not obligation) to buy oil in 6 months for today's price/any agreed price, hoping that oil will cost more in future. (I'll bet you it'll cost more in 6 months). Deriv. market has blown a galactic bubble, just like the real estate bubble or stock market bubble (that's going on right now). Since there is literally no economist in the world that knows exactly how the derivative money flows, or how the system works, while derivatives are traded in microseconds by computers, we really don't know what will trigger the crash, or when it will happen, but considering the global financial crisis this system is in for tough times, that will be catastrophic for the world financial system since the 9 largest banks shown on website hold a total of $228.72 trillion in Derivatives - Approximately 3 times the entire world economy. No government in (the) world has money for this bailout. Lets take a look at what banks have the biggest Derivative Exposures and what scandals they've been lately involved in.” For those who have access to the internet the graphs on this site tell the story. View here Derivatives; The Unregulated Global Casino for Banks |
THE PRICE OF LAWN CLIPPINGS AS PER WAYNE SWANSenator Barnaby Joyce advises us to cut and prune NOW: “Questioning in Senate estimates has revealed that over 75 per cent of the 112 local governments liable to pay the carbon tax are in regional Australia. There is now an Orwellian concept that all rubbish is bad but some rubbish is worse, most specifically regional rubbish. This to most is a load of rubbish. We must now have naughty lawn clippings and good lawn clippings. Naughty lawn clippings come from Roma, good lawn clippings come from the Botanical gardens in Sydney. You can tell by just looking at them that they are bad. Yesterday (22 May 2012) the government provided the Senate with a list of 104 councils that may be liable for the carbon tax, this in addition to the 8 councils that were identified earlier this month. 89 of these 112 councils are located outside capital cities. Most councils will be liable due to the emissions from landfill sites. This tax was always going to hit regional Australia the hardest because that is where most of Australia's mining and power generation occurs and a substantial section of manufacturing. Many local governments remain completely in the dark about how much they will pay or even if they will pay. They must decide what to charge people for their rubbish on July 1, less than six weeks away. The rubbish dumped in six weeks could attract the tax over 40 years as it decomposes. My advice is mow your lawn and prune your trees now. |
I BELIEVE YOU CRAIG!by James Reed Why, if Craig dyed his hair black and put on the distinctive sun glasses that Burn Notice character Michael Weston wears, who wouldn’t believe?
Perhaps there is a new TV show in the wings, Union Notice : “My name is Craig Thomson. I used to be a spy... eh… an MP…then…” |
DEFENCELESS AUSTRALIAby James Reed But should we worry? Then we had a nation to defend. Now we are just an open borders multicult. Everything is being sold off, we have no national identity, we roll on the floor with our guilt of the White Australia policy. So, why then bother about national defence – for there is nothing to defend? An invasion would make us part of Asia so much quicker – our chattering class would be beside themselves with the atonement. Isn’t that what it is all leading up to anyway? |
WAR GAMES OVER LONDONby Peter West What is all of this for? Essentially to protect the circus of globalism where a war between nations is conducted by the surrogate of sport. The values of cosmopolitanism and commercialism would have been completely alien to the Olympics of ancient Greece which promoted the idea of bodily excellence. |
THE IMMIGRATION FOLLY: DICK AND IAN ON THE RISKS OF PERPETUAL PEOPLE GROWTHby Brian Simpson Lowe also says that just as Hitler blamed the Jews for the problems of Weimar Germany, “One Nation sought to blame the identifiable groups of Asian migrants and Indigenous people for the problems of modern Australia.” (p.168) It’s a superficial argument. One could argue by parallel that the liberal-Left also blame all of the problems of modern Australia on “racists” – but that would be closer to the truth. Lowe in full flight then says: “Immigration is seen generally as part of a Jewish plot to replace the natural diversity of nations with a cosmopolitan global community. The arrival of large numbers of Muslims brings the threat of terrorism, of sharia law being introduced, and a weakening of our resolve to combat al Q’aeda. Asian migrants live in enclaves, make no attempt to fit in with the Australian way of doing things and dilute our cultural values. Some of the rhetoric would not have been out of place in Weimar Germany, while some comes straight from extremist groups in the United States who think governments are colluding to take away their guns, their freedom and their basic human rights.” (pp.169-170) So there you have it, about as concise a statement of the liberal-Left mind at work as you can get it. Each point can be argued against but it would not matter. For years we have been giving scholarly references of sources defending much of what Lowe dismisses. He does not cite any further literature in his critique, so I suppose the above words represent his considered opinion. I see it as a comic-book view of the multiculturalism debate. For its worth, Lowe also drops in the gun control debate – and groups such as the “Jews for Preservation of Firearms Ownership” would disagree with him on that point. |
AXES, MACHETES AND FOOTBALLby John Steele The charges though are all very serious and the number of charges would yield a gaol term if convicted. The circumstances leading to this most tragic event do not appear to be on the net. |
NO MATTER WHAT… THEY’LL CALL THIS ARTICLE ‘RACIST’by Ian Wilson LL.B. Stein quotes from African-American author Booker T. Washington who said in 1911: “There is a class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances because they do not want to lose their jobs.” The same is true today, not only in America, but Australia. |
EVEN FORCED MARRIAGES DOESN’T STOP MIGRATION!by Peter West Most of these prospective marriage visas have been from Asia and the Middle East. Two Australian sponsors were older than 85, and 99 sponsors were aged between 75 and 84. Now, there’s the mystery of love for you! |
VACCINES: NO MONKEYING AROUNDby Peter West I am not a scientist, and glad not to be, but as an ordinary concerned citizen, stories like this concern me because even I know that the biology of monkeys and humans is close and if baby monkeys are affected by a drug then humans could be as well. Stop monkeying around and give the public “the truth”! |
YOU CAN BET ON NATUREby Brian Simpson Verlyn Klinkenborg in “The Folly of Big Agriculture: Why Nature Always Wins” (Environment 360 reminds us that in the end, nature wins, not techno-corporate agriculture. Big Agriculture is concerned about uniformity – massive monocultures of corn, wheat, oats, barley, whatever.
Nature is concerned with diversity, complexity, particularity and inventiveness. |
OOOOO-BAMA! DID YOU BLOW IT, MANby James Reed What other politically correct causes can the Prezzy embrace? How about marriage rights for gay whales? Solar energy and carbon credits for Lesbian penguins? Or maybe he should just relax and accept that he, the pin-up boy for globalism, has the game in the bag whatever he does. Or has he? |
HIP AND COOL – THE PREZZY ON DRUGSThat's right, the President was on 'Late Night w/ Jimmy Fallon' once again admitting that he has used drugs recreationally in the past, but still refuses to end the War on Drug Users. The President admits to having smoked 'weed' and done "a little blow" (that's marijuana and cocaine, for anyone not hip to the lingo), but still wants to put people in jail for it. One very articulate comedian has decided to call Obama out on his hypocrisy and declare that "...it's no joke!" |
TO SLEEP, TO PURCHASE, TO DIETby James Reed Researchers at the Department of Biological Chemistry at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel have discovered that all of our cells have a circadian (biological clock). Disruptions to this clock could lead to obesity and type-2 diabetes. (The Australian 16 May 2012, p.3) |