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13 July 2012 Thought for the Week: Slow motion coup d'etat underway - brace yourself: The American Empire is over and the descent is going to be horrifying. Placing where we are now in a historical context: You can't possibly understand where we are now or appreciate the peril the US (and Australia…ed) is in unless you know the history of the United States in the last 100 years. The fundamental fracturing of the country and its institutions took place around World War I and what's happened since is a natural progression of the forces that were unleashed back then. It's difficult to find people who have the erudition to hold this perspective and harder still to find those who can explain it in comprehensible terms. Chris Hedges is one such individual. Nigel Farage: The Euro Bailout. "Listen! The Whole Thing's a Giant Ponzi Scheme!" "Watch the Dutch elections in September" says Nigel |
No2. THE NEURO-SCIENCE OF RACE AND RACIALISMby Brian Simpson The results of this meta analysis, or synthesis of studies is, simply, that implicit racial preferences are wired into the human brain and the area of the brain most likely dealing with this is the amygdala, which is concerned also with emotion and fear conditioning. The paper is not concerned with accepting racialism as a natural state, but as reported in The Australian 27 June, 2012 p.3, is concerned with promoting egalitarian ideologies, the politically correct status quo: “an obvious goal is to discover the means by which we can control or eliminate their effect.” (p.945) Unfortunately for them, but not us, no interventions exist at present for controlling racial preferences, but they hope that future neuroscience will effectively be able to programme the brain. Let’s hope the neuroscientists fail. |
RACIAL MANIA, ISLAMOPHOBIA AND ALL THATby Peter West Switch now to the national anti-racism campaign. The alleged finding that Islamophobia is a bigger problem for the elites than racism, will not alter the focus of the national anti-racism campaign which begins in August (“Racism Problem ‘Bigger than Islamophobia’” The Australian 28 June 2012 p.6). According to the race Discrimination Commissioner, the “issue of racism was much broader and affected many people, including indigenous Australians”. The two approaches are thus inconsistent and conflict with each other. If Australians are comfortable with multiculturalism and racial diversity (which in my opinion is just acceptance of racial death and genocide by the Anglo Australian ethnic group) then why is an anti-racism campaign needed? Surely a brainwashing strategy to accept uncritically Muslim migration would be more appropriate. In the end: we don’t care. Let us oppose all immigration and the ideologies of multiculturalism and multiracialism! |
MULTICULTURALISM HAS LED TO SHARIA LAWby Ian Wilson LL.B. What is not said in The Australian article is that those consent orders need appraisal by usually Registers of the Court, and they can be knocked back if the settlement is inequitable. Sixty years ago these sort of debates were unheard of. We have gone from Arthur Calwell’s “populate or perish”, bring in the Mediterraneans, to soft multiculturalism, Asian immigration, then Asianisation, endless waves of refugees, etc., and now Chinese colonialism. Is there anything else, any further “ism” They can assault us with? |
THE SNOW WHITE RACEby Brian Simpson Professor Kevin McDonald praised this movie in an article of 1 June 2012 in www.theoccidentalobserver.net. First the movie has romance in the old style sense without modern sexualism, pure and chaste. There is also the classical battle between good and evil, with the morally right people living under alien rule, furthered by white race traitors. The same themes occur in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, which inspired the film’s main script writer. The Lord of the Rings, Professor McDonald notes, caused “moral panic” in the politically correct elites because of its theme of a “morally superior ingroup fighting for their survival against the forces of darkness”. That too is our fight. Enjoy Snow White and the Huntsman and may our future be snow white! Not the only Nation in trouble: In his book “Ten Minutes to Midnight”, Phillip Day warns his people that it may not be long before they cease to exist as nation. He writes, “if the British people can be talked into joining the euro, they will discover that they have been fooled into giving up a lot more than the pound”. Yet he also explores the heartening character of the British people, and why they must at all costs face up and fight this second battle of Britain. Price: $30.00 + postage. |
THE SAGA OF A SYPHILITIC MARXISTby Peter West New Zealand nationalist K.R. Bolton has written on “The Pathology of the West”. He postulates that “the socially-alienated ‘tainted genius’ seek revenge on civilisation and formulate doctrines and lead revolts of other alienated types at the lower end of the cultural and intelligence scale. Their impulse is that of destruction, rationalised by calls to bring down established civil and social norms in the name of ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’, as the French Revolutionaries cries, or what is today being called ‘human rights’, again predicated on the slogan of ‘equality’. This is an interesting thesis, too complex to investigate in this article. Nevertheless, as a first point I note with interest Dr. Bolton’s discussion of Lenin’s syphilis, which he was treated for at the age of 25. It is debated whether Lenin died of neurosyphilis but Dr. Bolton puts a strong case that he did. Could this disease be responsible for the craziness of Lenin and communism? Or is the “disease” not physical at all, but metaphysical and spiritual, the product of the fundamental philosophical flow of the collectivist mindset? |
JEREMY LEE AND THE FORMING OF A VPAby John Brett It all came so naturally without conflict. First he asked me what I thought of the current political situation, then gravitating to the world political situation which news-wise centred around the growing Rhodesian independence conflict. Coming from the previous conflict in Kenya when the Mau Mau terrorist campaign had driven Jeremy and his family from that country he understood the dynamics behind the new campaign in Rhodesia. The terrorist leaders and many of their gang had all been trained in Moscow, but it was difficult to discern who was financing them in this new campaign. This conversation naturally took us to the Communist problem, which was mounting in intensity in Australia, having reached its climax in 1949 when their dominated unions had shut down coal mining leading to no electricity. The incoming Menzies government had promised to fix the problem, along with the communists, by bringing the Army in to open-cut coal mining. The declining communist influence was still a problem internally, in Malaya and Korea. But my own experience with them in the industry where I did my apprenticeship, had equipped me with information that was to weld me to Jeremy’s own experience. My father’s concern about my ideas led to his bank manager telling us who financed the Communist party in Australia. (The same powerful elite who now finance our political parties! Just as wealthy industrialist Engels had financed Karl Marx in England in the beginning.) Coincidently that same night, Jeremy asked me what I thought about Churchill. Having just finished his five-volume history of the war, I was not sure now what to make of him. My war-time worship had diminished with his own story about what happened behind the curtain between us. His revelation of the £5,000,000, Pounds, (five thousand million Pounds) debt to the American Bankers told us something others still cannot fathom. Jeremy lived a mile down the road, so our contact became constant and exciting and at times very hilarious, as his humour was so contagious. His first community campaign was calling a public meeting at the local Kingstown Hall about the rising threat of the Communist Party. This was to be the first leg of his lifetime of public meetings. This local rural community could muster 100 people in the Hall for the annual children’s Christmas arrival of Santa Claus. The same number of people attended this first meeting. That same year he called another public meeting to hear an address by The Australian League of Rights’ director Eric Butler, who was on his way through for a Queensland tour. It was in July and by the end of that meeting the temperature had dropped to minus 2°. But, just as the meeting was to commence Jeremy approached me and in that undeniable request tone of his, asking me to give the vote of thanks! On request from the secretary of the local branch of the Country Party Jeremy joined the local branch of the Country Party and soon had me enrolled and involved in the Rhodesian campaign. This took us to many Country Party conferences pursuing the cause of Rhodesian independence and later the great issue of the rural exodus. At first I did not twig that we were soon to be victims of this national rural exodus, but were to find out the hard way when our income disappeared as our wool became valueless. There were many critical episodes in our long friendship. The most memorable were those of the humorous episodes, such as the plays he put on at the “Ravensbourne Opera House” and the great League functions. They were successful and so enjoyable for they revolved around laughing at ourselves and our plight. Jeremy’s musical ability and writing talents were what made these occasions so enjoyable amongst our other miseries. I still have copies of the political paper “Wake Up” he edited and published for various occasions. “Uncle Chad” was a regular character who featured on the back page. Most of these were totally hilarious but were the sweetener for the nasty political medicine. His genius for obtaining political results we desired was best illustrated in one of the Queensland State elections in the early 1980’s. A Lesbian woman belonging to the Liberal Party held a seat on the South Coast. Premier Joh Bjelke Peterson did not want a Lesbian in his coalition government. He was under increasing pressure from Country Party members to have his Liberal treasurer remove her as a candidate. The Liberal leader refused, as she had been selected by his Party owners and was there to stay. Jeremy tells Joh for a thousand dollars he could have the electorate remove her at the next election. With the thousand dollars Jeremy has a copy of the “Wake Up” paper printed. The paper had no Party content whatsoever, it was all policy and moral issues that did not divide the community. Each page had a humorous cartoon and articles on health and common community problems of the times. Rona Joyner a popular newspaper columnist contributed.
Once the paper was printed (by a Country Party stalwart) C.P. members were recruited in Toowoomba and across the Darling Downs to roll the four page paper, which was retained with an elastic band. Then the week-end before the election two utilities loaded with the papers and a crew of three each arrived at the South Coast electorate.
A cyclone had progressed down the coast during the week but was forecast to abate. The next weekend in a two-page centre fold of “The Weekend Australian” the analysts told Australia what had happened in this electorate. “A highly organised well financed group had carried out an operation in the electorate like a military organisation”. Not one word was correct or the intention of the article. Not one member of the team had been interviewed and there was certainly no organisation besides rolling the papers and obtaining maps of the electorate. It became the model for many more such campaigns on Joh’s behalf. Simple, honest and non-divisive, the essence of Jeremy himself. Jeremy changed our lives for the better. In my case it was a “sea change” for which I am so thankful and grateful. Every turn in my life from 1962 was related to Jeremy whether of the flesh or the spirit. The morning my first wife Gay died at Walcha hospital, Jeremy was there with me until our family arrived. Just a few appropriate words and his presence. Magic. He certainly left this world better off than he found it. |
LETTER TO THE EDITORDear Editor: With the greatest respect towards Wallace Klink of Canada in his honourable intention of hi-lighting the real problem of nations' financial difficulties and attempting to inform Greek officials of that reality. Naturally, a university "research-project" and the media, as almost everywhere, were involved in the finding of and publicising their concerted dislike, not to say hatred for the usual scapegoat, the Germans, as the main-guilty party for Greek misfortunes, today and in war time Greece. Never mind the guilt of those forces in finance, big business and their stooges in big government, extending their power over all nations of the West. The Germans of today especially, have no more sovereignty or are independent, say, in any important matters concerning their country. It is not exactly a secret to many observers around the world, that Germans had been totally annihilated by May 1945, an unconditional surrender forced on them, and never since regained unconditional sovereignty! Today they seem to be totally 'proxy'-governed by either ignorant or disloyal "New-Germans," speaking in the E.U. Parliament for a world-power elite, not for all the German people, nor, obviously, for the suffering Greek people. One feels for those brave Greeks that came close to throwing out the Italian invaders of their country in 1941, the latter of which had to get the Germans (again) to help them to subdue the heroic Greek army. Sadly, after the British evacuated that country, they, and
the U.S., strictly enforced their food embargo to Greece at the crucial time in spite
of reassurances of humanitarian groups around the world, led by the Swiss and Swedish
Red Cross, that food given to the starving, would only feed the Greek people. The
German occupiers agreed to that condition, but the embargo kept in force long enough to cause more suffering than needed. It proved again that lives, even those of declared "friends" or "allies," are expendable in some quarters for ruthless
policy aims. The Greek people's economic situation today, can hardly be blamed on the Gernans, as
well informed people, especially in League of Rights circles should know. Erie D.
Butler referred once to "crude anti-Germanism" in his lead article in the New Times of June 1997. Concerning Hitler's folly of the proposed establishment of a United
Europe, he said among other things: "Today's Germany has been reduced to virtually
an instrument of Zionist Jewish international policy." Editor’s comment: We are suitably chastened Mr. Bethage and would encourage readers new to the work of the League to read such books as “The Controversy of Zion” by Douglas Reed and historian Nesta Webster’s books. Contact the Heritage Bookshop Services and ask for a list of suitable reading. |