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3 August 2012 Thought for the Week: Watch this and weep. Australia’s situation is not much better. We have been inundated with immigrants and ‘refugees’ but no politician asked us whether we want it or not – but as the video highlights – WE pay the bills. But is does look like the Brits have had enough. “We get leather jacket… You pay all the bills!” Agenda 21 for Dummies War causes more pollution than just about anything. Corporations and factory farming destroy the environment like nobody's business. Why then are they going after individuals and private property? |
BOB HAWKE AND THE GLOBALIST ROAD TO SOCIALISMby Charles Castles Back in 1984 as Prime Minister, Bob Hawke gave a speech to the Fabian Society Centenary Dinner, Melbourne, 18 May 1984. Now fast forward to 2008. According to Hawke (The Australian 5 March, 2008, p.7)
“States consist of people, Australian people. What are States’ rights? There is no such thing as States’ rights. But how far will this peculiarity of States’ rights bugger things up? This is a major trap.” My tea has gone cold, and after writing all of this, I think I need an aspirin and a good lie down. Next time we will walk down memory lane with another who has helped create the Australia of today. Further reading: "Brief for the Prosecution" by C.H. Douglas |
THE RACIAL UPSIDE OF GOING… DOWN, DOWN, DOWNby Peter West Better to live (and die) in a desolate wasteland, than meet the fate the global elites have planned for us. |
CIRCLING THE WAGONS: ETHNIC ENCLAVES IN AUSTRALIAby James Reed Well, if these people flock to where their own kind is, what is meant by the word “integrate”? Surely this is a social phenomenon more consistent with racial and ethnic separatism – say ethnic separatism on training wheels. It offers a profound refutation, not confirmation, of multiculturalism. |
GREENS BOYCOTTING ISRAEL? THAT WILL TEACH YOU!by Betty Luks “Stalinist roots” versus ... what Mr. Danby? |
AUSBUY’S COMMENTS ON LABOR’S ‘NATIONAL FOOD PLAN’According to The Australian newspaper this week, it seems that any input from local businesses will be irrelevant to the Minister for Agriculture and his policy mind is already made up. We question how serious he is about getting ideas from local businesses and grower groups with just two weeks notice for submissions due 31 July. Let's understand how our benevolent government is going to feed the world Our farmers know this land and are among the most productive and skilled in the world. Let’s support our sustainable competitive advantages - our clean green growing environment. Foreign investment should be on our terms not theirs. |
THE DINING BOOM: WILL FUTURE AUSTRALIANS STARVE?by Peter West Likewise with food. The chattering class have published many articles about the next big thing: “The Dining Boom”. “We” sell food to China. Yes, and: “we” can feed our “own” too. All this makes the cosmopolitan capitalists richer, but it sells off our future. It is not ecologically sustainable to do this. The chattering class is falling over themselves about the Chinese setting up biofuel plants to convert sugar into biofuel. But the ERoES, the energy returned on energy invested on biofuels, is overall negative and requires an oil economy to operate in the first place. It is not a solution to any energy problem. Such is the crazy “logic” of economics. The mining boom has been used by the power elites to create an immigration flood into Australia. The need for a few thousand skilled workers has been used to “justify” the importation of record numbers of people, who stay in the capital cities. Watch the headlines for the “dining boom” to generate a shortage of agricultural workers and other lies like that. |
SOCIAL CREDIT AND 'CARBON FOR LIFE'by Betty Luks In “The Local World: Exploitation and Conservation Part V” Geoffrey Dobbs drew on his own background knowledge of the politics, propaganda and huge financial resources behind the American New Deal of the 1930s to help people see what was also happening to them. He wrote: There is indeed a monstrous hoax being practised on us, but most Greens are its victims rather than its perpetrators, although those who have become its willing agents have their responsibility. The hoax, in fact, preceded the Green Movement by at least twenty years, and was bound up with the engineering of the first World Threat (the Nuclear Holocaust) which is being replaced by the current World Eco-disaster now that the first is weakening. But most Greens are too young to remember this. In my book "On Planning the Earth" (1951), of which this is a sequel, I gave a contemporary account of the first large-scale centralisation of power over people and the whole landscape in which they lived (the Tennessee Valley) by the financial and political use of environmentalist propaganda. The sequence of events which has been followed ever since in one form or another, was as follows: First create a public scandal by monetary means. Then raise a great public outcry, blaming its victims as irresponsible and in need of 'taking over.' Then take over, amid tremendous propaganda about 'democracy,' conservation, the environment, etc. and perhaps carry out a few useful practices, but on a petty scale compared to the expenditure on the real purposes for which the whole project is undertaken. When this finally emerges and causes a public outcry, the whole business can start again. The Tennessee Valley Authority (T.V.A.) was at once the proto-type, an example and a warning of the working out of this power policy, which is now fairly openly being applied to the whole world. It was an important part of the American New Deal, which was the name applied to what, elsewhere was called socialism, a name which aroused hostile feelings in the U.S.A. and therefore had to be avoided. First Bash Them, then Blame Them, then Take Over This gave the excuse for the setting up of a centralised authority on what were described as new grounds of natural conservation, with control over the entire drainage area of the Tennessee River and its tributaries, thus over-riding State rights in no less than seven States. Conservation, flood control, and above all decentralisation, were the slogans under which the idea was 'sold' to Congress. | Vast sums of money were poured into the area, hundreds of thousands of jobs were created, colossal works of earth-moving were performed, world records in concreting, engineering and mechanisation were achieved, and so forth, and behold! unemployment was virtually abolished and prosperity descended upon the Valley. What was achieved in the name of flood control was the permanent flooding of the fertile soil in all the main valleys, the drowning of villages, of houses, churches, graveyards, and the moving of the valley people (56,000 of them) to create the Great Lakes of the South, with much advertised fishing, boating, and industrial navigation. What was achieved in the name of conservation was the destruction of the valley farms, with some tree-planting, terracing, contour ploughing etc. of the valley slopes. But above all the farming population was 'educated' with a high-pressure programme on how to manage their farms in a modern way, with demonstration farms to show what big crops they could get with quick-acting, soluble super-phosphates (provided free) compared to the old, slow-acting mineral phosphates. Since a flood-control dam needs an empty reservoir and a power-dam needs a full one, their purposes are incompatible; which meant building their 21 dams to a double height-the largest job of engineering and construction ever carried out in American history up to that time. It also involved employing tens of thousands of men, clearing more than 175,000 acres of land, relocating more than 1200 miles of roadway and 140 miles of railway, excavating some 30 million cubic yards of earth and rock and pouring and placing 113 million cubic yards of concrete and rock fill-more, it was boasted, than twelve times the bulk of the seven great pyramids of Egypt. People Management What then was the final product of this great organisation of 'Democracy on the March' to make the Tennessee River 'work for the people' by providing the second biggest source of electrical power in the U.S.A. and probably in the world? And why should a rural community need so much power? It was in fact completed barely in time for the Hitler war, and provided at one time about half the aluminium for the manufacture of American bombers, and, finally, from a vast industrial complex in the secret and heavily guarded valley of Oak Ridge, over which aircraft were forbidden to fly, the full flower of its achievement: one of the first two Atom Bombs, which inaugurated the era of Nuclear Psycho-Doom for a whole generation. It should be mentioned also that Mr. David Lilienthal, the Chairman of the TVA and author of TVA-Democracy on the March, moved on to be Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and stayed on to be one of the four members of the Committee which recommended the manufacture of the vastly more powerful H-Bomb. So much, then, for mass-produced, passionate and persuasive verbal 'conservationism' with big money behind it. If the people of the Tennesse Valley had been allowed a small fraction of the vast sums expended by the TVA along with some genuinely informed advice from the Soil Conservation Service where wanted, all the real improvements necessary to restore and conserve the soil could have been carried out without any of the monstrous interference with land, water and people which was imposed upon them by central direction. The valley lands could have been retained, and the floods restrained, mainly by afforestation and conservation of the higher terrains; where necessary by a few flood-control dams. There was not then, and there is not now, any secret about the measures necessary to restore the land and conserve the soil; but all over the world they are beyond the powers of the debt-enslaved farmer. Tree-planting, contour ploughing, terracing, legumes, careful choice of crops to suit the soil and real needs rather than urgent cash-return, sub-soiling, and so on: they are all perfectly practicable. The world's supply of rock phosphate is strictly limited, but this plant nutrient is present in most subsoils and needs only to be circulated. Dr. Christine Jones and “Carbon for Life’ In her paper on 'Our soils, Our Future' she observes:- Historical losses of soil and soil carbon The most meaningful indicator for the health of the land, and the long-term wealth of a nation, is whether soil is being formed or lost. If soil is being lost, so too is the economic and ecological foundation on which production and conservation are based. In addition to the loss of soil itself, there has been a reduction of between 50% and 80% in the organic carbon content of surface soils in Australia since European settlement. Losses of carbon of this magnitude have immeasurable economic and environmental
implications. Soil carbon is the prime determinant of agricultural productivity, landscape function and water quality. Further, the carbon and water cycles are inextricably linked. Building new topsoil| |
HUMAN RIGHTISM IS INHERENTLY ANTI-CHRISTIANby Peter West The European Court of Human Rights has recently ruled against classrooms in Italy displaying crucifixes. The ruling came when an Italian mother argued for her children’s human right to a secular education. The Court found that “The compulsory display of a symbol of a given confession in premises used by public authorities… restricted the right of parents to educate their children in conformity with their convictions.” Dr. Bolton shows in detail that such a ruling is an outgrowth of the New World Order movement to create a secular United States of Europe as a prelude to world government. This ideal has been supported by myriad forces, including the Masons, the Marxists, and cosmopolitan capitalism and high finance. All of these globalist groups are hostile to traditional Christianity which is opposed to their “Universal Republic”. It was Christ himself, tempted by Satan with the spoils of the world before him, who rejected the temptation to rule over the towers of commerce, in favour of higher ideals. It is these “higher ideals” that organisations such as the European Court of Human Rights, reject. Human rights for them, are not given by God, but from the ruling elites of Anti-Europe. Comment: No doubt about it, ‘the children of this world are in this generation wiser than the children of Light’. |
WHAT’S NEXT? ASKS THE PRIVATEER, A VERY LARGE ‘DISTRACTION’?Ever since the second half of 2012 began three weeks ago, the attention of the financial world has been slowly swinging away from Europe and back towards the US. While that focus wavered on July 20 as European rates spiked and stock markets dived, it has not been entirely deflected. Nor will it be as long as nothing is done about US debts and deficits. The US is well aware of the growing possibility that they may have to stage a very large-scale distraction sometime between now and the end of the year. The best proof of this is the recent surge of violence in Syria and the huge buildup of US military presence in the Persian Gulf. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accomplished nothing (other than having her motorcade pelted with tomatoes) during her recent trip to Egypt. Nothing daunted, she announced that the US will use “all elements of American power” to stop Iran’s alleged drive to develop a nuclear weapon. The “elements” are certainly in place. (reproduced with permission) © 2012 - The Privateer |