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12 October 2012 Thought for the Week: Capitalists and Socialists United for Global Governance: But the harder question to find an answer to is why so many politicians of all ranks have been so willing to allow their own countries to be decimated by the globalist tornado. When there is a raging storm the normal thing is to close all the windows and doors. But modern politicians follow new theories and want everything opened up. A feature of the modern politician and political party is the practise of having an array of "advisors". Since they seem to be incapable of making any worthwhile decisions without all this advice we are left to wonder if elected governments are necessary at all. At least that is one impression gained… There is considerable evidence that all the big parties in the developed world are now chiefly dependent upon corporate donations and sponsorship. Gone are the days when a large grass roots membership raised most party funds. |
THE TRULY GREAT LEAP FORWARDby Betty Luks The papers were videoed and will be available at a later date. An "Action Kit" is in the making! In the meantime, the H.S. Chapman Society hosted Kenneth Freeman and Don Casey, Chair and 'Vice-chair of the Alliance for Citizens Rights, Alabama USA, who told of their battle over 15 years in Alabama to banish the United Nations Agenda 21 from interference in their state. We were pleased to note the host for the occasion was Andrew Fraser, Deputy Speaker and National Party MP for Coffs Harbour. The MP is to be commended for standing up for his people’s freedoms. The Revolt of the State of Alabama, USA in 2012 Alabama Senate Bill (SB) 477 struck an extraordinary blow for freedom (c) Since the United Nations has accredited, and enlisted numerous non-governmental organizations to assist in the implementation of its politics relative to Agenda 21 around the world, the State e of Alabama and all political subdivisions may not enter into any agreement, expend any sum of money, or receive funds contracting services, or giving financial aid to or from those non-governmental services and inter- governmental organizations as defined in Agenda 21. We remind readers: Under Agenda 21, the Australian government committed itself to act as the de facto agent,
at national level, for the United Nations, in controlling the following: It is from Agenda 21 that the word 'sustainable' comes - e.g. 'sustainable development', 'sustainable agriculture' and 'sustainable communities'. 'Sustainable' communities are to be 'energy-efficient' communities, where people are herded into high-rise dwellings built on public transit lines. |
WHAT THEY SAY WHEN THEY THINK WE’RE NOT LISTENINGEichmann Jr recommends fraud as pretext for killing civilians. How to Build U.S.-Israeli Coordination on Preventing an Iranian Nuclear Breakout “The Most Hideous One Minute Video I've Ever Seen!” Comment online: "If anybody's gonna do it, we oughta do it, because we have the capability." |
FIRST PEOPLE: PROMOTE THE CONSTITUTIONAL RECOGNITION OF ANGLO SAXON AUSTRALIANSby James Reed We should fight these proposed Constitutional changes rigorously, especially the clause to introduce a prohibition on racial discrimination, which in my opinion is essentially a clause for Anglo Australian genocide, enshrining immigration, multiculturalism, Asianisation and every new class elite politically correct “ISM” into the Constitution. It would be an eternal gift to human rights lawyers who will live off it. Tony Abbott is right to describe this clause as the single-issue bill of rights”, but as usual, hasn’t gone far enough. The time to fight this is now, not to wait two years while the minority inner city elites work away. Promote the idea that British Australians are the first people of the entity which is known as “Australia”, a cultural and legal entity, not a landmass. |
YES, THE PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO UNITE TO WIN THIS ONEby Betty Luks: “One reason for its inclusion in the Constitution is crucial for local government. Councils have real problems finding the funds to carry out their functions. This is made worse when state governments transfer new functions to councils, but forget to pass over some money as well. The states love this cost-shifting; councils hate it, but have no choice. This is a key reason for the local sector wanting constitutional recognition and, through it, access to direct Commonwealth funding….” Notice that no politician or media journalist will ever, ever, mention the big, big, elephant in the room? That is the ever-expanding global debts of all countries, whether the debts are the governments’ or the people’s ? Whilst struggling under the burden of such huge debts, just how did Dean think the Commonwealth government would do any better in funding local councils than the State governments are doing at present? In “Warning Democracy” C.H. Douglas had this to say: “The method by which this position can be rectified, and with it, at any rate in our opinion, a very large number of the troubles from which humanity at the present time suffers, is technical and as I previously said, I do not propose to inflict it upon you. I am going to ask you tonight to accept the statement that I have just made as correct, and as being proved both mathematically and by the inductive method of comparative statistics. “Taking this for granted, then, you would naturally assume that the great majority of people would regard such a matter as being not only of the greatest possible interest, but as the nature of a very happy discovery. It is quite possible that my own method of communicating information may be to some extent at fault, although I do not think this is the whole explanation, because it is a common experience. But, speaking generally, the information to which I have referred is not received with the enthusiasm which at first sight you would expect. Now, one of the first conceptions which is driven home to a consistent critic of the money system is the curious and widely spread desire which seems to exist to attribute our troubles to anything but the money system….” Further reading here…. LETTER TO THE PRESS The Editor, The Advertiser |
LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN THE CONSTITUTION - A TRAP?ICLEI – going the United Nation’s “Global to Local” Way The UN globalists see so-called 'Sustainable' so-called 'Development' as their way forward. This is being executed at the local level, attempting to by-pass national governments via ICLEI. ICLEI's modus operandi is 'Global to Local'. Those of us that care about responsible, accountable government need to be aware of and spread information about the worldwide activities of ICLEI. Much useful information about the globalists so-called 'Sustainable Development' tactics may be found on the website of “Freedom Advocates”. Local Agenda 21 Policy includes plans to abolish private ownership of land and to divert people to living in controlled settlements. |
HEAR THE ONE ABOUT THE TRANS PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP?by James Reed The negotiations are, as usual with these sinister schemes, shrouded in secrecy. The proposed draft has not been made available to the public, the Press – or even policy makers. Senator Ron Wyden was denied access to the negotiation texts, and he has jurisdiction over the TPP via his position of chair of the appropriate ruling Congressional Committee! So what are they, the New World Order, hiding? Leaked chapters of the TPP agreement indicate that there will be an introduction of new corporate rights and privileges effectively abolishing the accountability of foreign corporations to host governments. The alien parasites will be able to do almost as they want without regard to health, safety and environmental laws. If corporations incur any cost, they will be compensated from the public purse. Big Pharma will also be given long-term monopolies on pharmaceutical drugs so that cheaper generic drugs will no longer be available – resulting in a massive increase in the cost of medicine. Yes, there is something here for every villain. The last remaining capital control powers of nations to deal with financial crises will be removed. Nothing shall prevent external speculation by the financial capitalists, and the free flow of all financial toxins such as derivatives, shall be free. The nation’s legal systems will be over-ridden as foreign corporates will be able to pursue claims in foreign tribunals regardless of the decisions of local courts. “Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak lauds the achievements of his government in delivering economic growth while other countries struggle to avoid recession. That ability to deliver consistent economic development is threatened by the proposed US-backed Trans-Pacific Partnership, shaped in secret by private companies. |
MAKING WAR ON OUR FOOD SUPPLY– from an American Correspondent. Fishermen Cry War Over Fishing Regulations: How are these products transported? Many are shipped by air. Not only are the carbon emissions from these cargo flights greater than land and sea transport, but the great distances travelled, by comparison with locally caught product, cause an enormous carbon burden. Yet the fishing industry in the EU has been hamstrung by absurd regulations, including one that requires fishermen return certain species of fish to the sea, even if the catch is dead. That is enforced waste. Further, third world countries do NOT benefit from these treaties. Only the big fisheries benefit, not the small fishermen, because the EU insists on compliance with their own rules that prohibit and restrict small fishing practices. The day after the first free trade agreement was signed with the EU last year, the price of many of the cheaper but high quality fish (such as corvina) doubled here in Panama. Centralized governments don't work. We should have learned that from the Soviet Union. Have you checked out the fish selection in your local grocery store? Notice they come from China, Taiwan, foreign countries. Why is that? Cause: AGENDA 21 is stopping our access to our food and income for the fishing industry ! After at least 15 years or more of talking with Agenda 21 experts like Dr. Micheal Coffman and the late Henry Lamb, then researching and reading the actual Agenda 21 document and companion (un-ratified) UN treaty; Convention on Biological Diversity and the massive Global Biodiversity Assessment. I can say that all roads lead back to these. The overall big picture was described explicitly by a high UN official, Maurice Strong when he said that because we consume too much of the earth's resources and as a result are causing all the global problems "... isn't it our responsibility to bring about the collapse of the industrialized countries?" Thus, a primary reason that the economy is in the tank is directly attributable to the implementation of Agenda 21/Sustainable Development by the federal government since June 29, 1993 when Bill Clinton issued executive order 12852 and ordered the creation of the President's Council on Sustainable Development to find ways to incorporate Agenda 21 into government policy. Prior to this the EPA on its own had already issued an inter-office memorandum to "natural resource agencies" to begin implementation of the UN Agenda 21 policies. The NAFTA Agreement which facilitated the evisceration of the American manufacturing base is also tied directly to Agenda 21. The NAFTA Preamble cites "Promoting Sustainable Development" as a Goal. Sustainable Development is the implementation plan for Agenda 21. Al Gore said that we must undergo a "wrenching transformation of society". He intended that this be done through the "re-inventing of government". What this is about is re-configuring American government policy and the American way of life to conform to and abide by Agenda 21. After all as the UN states it's their "Plan for the 21st. Century". |
MINT CHIP – BUT IT AIN’T CHOCOLATE!by James Reed “The powers of financial capitalism have] another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.” All of that has long been achieved. Non-financial corporates have been busy dismantling the nation state through free trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership and open migration. The next step for the financial elites is to eliminate cash and put in place digital currency. One experiment in Canada long these lines is called “MintChip”, advanced by the Royal Canadian Mint. This will be a chip which allows your money to be loaded onto a smart phone, computer or some other device. Not only would cash be eliminated, but the dollar could be replaced as the world’s reserve currency with this artificial currency. Talk about signs of the Beast! The mere elimination of cash will, as an article in the “Michael” journal (May-July 2012) points out lead to the recording of all transactions in a data base and a loss of pour freedom to buy and sell. “Michael” urges people to fight this, and they should, but most won’t, as only a minority are prepared to defend their homeland from “the spirits of wickedness and evil”. Maybe that will be enough to win. Plan B should be to get all of those transactions, that you don’t want Big Sister and Brother to record, done now. I don’t mean illegal transactions by the way. I am thinking of food and medical/health first and stockpiles and the like, anything that gives out a message of “survivalism”. No wonder our American friends are worried about black helicopters – it’s enough to make a relaxed bloke like me a wee bit paranoid! Should you decide to fight for your freedoms you need to be better informed. Further reading is essential. "Tragedy and Hope" by Professor Carroll Quigley $70.00 + postage Professor Antony Sutton books: |
THE CURRENCY, NOTES AND COINS OF THE COMMONWEALTHI was reminded of this issue (Universal Credit – UK) upon reading an email from a colleague who asked, “How will the people of the UK gain access to their cash – that is their notes and coins – if they don’t have a bank account?” The UK Post Office is closing its Easy Access Savings Account facility, the only readily available access to cash, i.e., to notes and coins of the realm. In the future it may be through a single banker’s card. |
ABBOTT’S THOUGHT POLICE AND FREEDOM OF THOUGHT!by Chris Knight Peter Singer, animal rights philosopher, is one who has questioned the bestiality human/animal sex taboo and his remarks on ABC1, “Q&A, 14 June 2010 are reproduced by “Cut and Paste” (The Australian 20 September 2012, p.13). Yet the editorial of The Australian on the same page criticises Bernardi saying that using the slippery slope argument to polygamy was unlikely, but reasonable, but extending it to bestiality is not. Why not, in the light of Peter Singer’s position? Sure he is a minority, but it was a minority opposing White Australia in 1946 as well. Who knows what will come from the introduction of gay marriage 50 years down the track? I now join James Reed, from this day forth, only speaking of “Tony Rabbitt”. |
OPEN BORDERS AND THE END OF THE WELFARE STATEby James Reed Not only that but “European countries must finally and honestly acknowledge that, like the US, Canada, and Australia, they are lands of immigrants.” Oh no they are not- and only short-term perspective economists could think that. Europe has been the home of various white ethnic groups for tens of thousands of years, long before the sordid economic system of money-grubbing capitalism existed. Ironically Sutherland and Malmstrom note that migrants with qualifications are starting to head to China, India and Brazil, so the migration bubble has burst. Isn’t it time to grow up and live without immigration? Apparently not because Europe has a problem with an ageing population. But this problem is now becoming global and migration is not going to solve it. Live with it! It was good to see free market economist Judith Sloan (“End the Boatpeople – Centrelink Cycle” The Australian 18 September 2012, p.14) point out that refugees have high unemployment and high rates of welfare dependency, years after being here. About 94 per cent of households from Afghanistan are on Centrelink; those from Iraq, 93 per cent and 85 per cent for humanitarian migrant households. As I see it, we are certainly paying for inner city elites to have warm and fuzzy feelings. |
LIBERALISM BREASTFEEDING THE WORLDby Peter Ewer: Lawrence Auster has a photograph of the happy family and says: “Looking at this photograph, I can’t help but wonder which liberal consummation will take place first : the suicide of men for the sake of women, the suicide of whites for the sake of blacks, the suicide of heterosexuals for the sake of homosexuals, the suicide of infidels for the sake of Muslims, or the suicide of America (and the West – Pete) for the sake of everyone and everything that is not America (or the West – Pete)?” My answer is: all of the above: they all rage at the same time. The aim of liberalism is to, metaphorically, breastfeed the world. |
LETTERS IN THE PRESSThe Chronicle Toowoomba, 11 September 2012: - - Alan Ellis, Warra, Queensland The Western Star Roma, Queensland, 25 September 2012: - - Barbara Treloar, Romå Queensland |