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30 November 2012 Thought for the Week: The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary Tuesday, 20 November 2012. The wedding on 20th November 1947 was one of the first joyful events after the horrors of WW II.
After the Diamond Jubilee, marking Her Majesty's 60 years of reign as Queen of Australia, The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. It is a landmark which no other British monarch has achieved, and one which may never be surpassed. From that great literary artist Alexander Solzhenitsyn, that moral giant, who defied the Soviets and lived to tell the tale: “A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny”. - - "The Gulag Archipelago" (1973) Further reading: “One should never direct people towards happiness, because happiness too is an idol of the marketplace. One should direct them towards mutual affection. A beast gnawing at its prey can be happy too, but only human beings can feel affection for each other, and this is the highest achievement they can aspire to”. - - Shulubin, in "Cancer Ward" (1968) Pt. 2, Ch. 10 “Our century of conflict is the product of an alliance of money and intellect, with intellect almost invariably subordinate to, and at the service of, money; money being in the 20th century the primary source of great power”. |
ONE WORD OF TRUTH SHALL OUTWEIGH THE WORLDFrom Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s 1970 Nobel Prize lecture Any man who has once acclaimed violence as his METHOD must inexorably choose falsehood as his PRINCIPLE. At its birth violence acts openly and even with pride. But no sooner does it become strong, firmly established, than it senses the rarefaction of the air around it and it cannot continue to exist without descending into a fog of lies, clothing them in sweet talk. It does not always, not necessarily, openly throttle the throat, more often it demands from its subjects only an oath of allegiance to falsehood, only complicity in falsehood. And the simple step of a simple courageous man is not to partake in falsehood, not to support false actions! Let THAT enter the world, let it even reign in the world - but not with my help. But writers and artists can achieve more: they can CONQUER FALSEHOOD! In the struggle with falsehood art always did win and it always does win! Openly, irrefutably for everyone! Falsehood can hold out against much in this world, but not against art. That is why, my friends, I believe that we are able to help the world in its white-hot hour. Not by making the excuse of possessing no weapons, and not by giving ourselves over to a frivolous life - but by going to war! And it is here, on an imaginary fantasy, a breach of the principle of the conservation of mass and energy, that I base both my own activity and my appeal to the writers of the whole world. |
THE HOLY LAND CHRISTIAN LEADERS SPEAK OUT AGAINST OPPRESSION“Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity. Those who clearly recognize the voice of their own conscience usually recognize also the voice of justice”. Dear Friend, Please distribute the attached letter for a world wide distribution. Many thanks…
Rabbi Meir Hirsh, Neturei Karta, Palestine Nov. '12: Outcry of Authentic World Jewry We, as believing, authentic Jews in the Holy Land, proclaim once again that Zionism has no connection with the Jewish people. Zionism and Judaism are diametric opposites. All of their crimes and murderous actions against the Palestinian people throughout their history, and especially this most recent war against the peaceful residents of Palestine, should arouse every straight-thinking person - anyone who has any humanity in him - to protest. Their crimes are completely opposed to the holy Torah, which forbids murder, as it is written in Genesis 9:6, "He who spills the blood of man, through man shall his blood be spilled, for man was created in the image of G-d." And this is also one of the Ten Commandments given to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai, "Thou shalt not kill." The Jewish people has always been known as a merciful people, but with their despicable and murderous acts, the accursed Zionists slander the good name of the Jews, who are totally removed from such crimes. They have cast away their humanity, and they do not belong to the Jewish people at all. We hereby call to the enlightened nations of the world, the human rights organizations and the Arab countries - all who seek righteousness and justice - to use any means at their disposal to stop this genocide by the Zionists. We, Jews who believe in G-d, hereby declare that the Zionists do not belong to the Jewish people or the Jewish religion, which strongly opposes murder. Zionists are not Jews at all, and their use of the name "Israel" is a forgery. We convey our deepest condolences to all the families of those murdered, and to the Palestinian people and its leaders; and we wish a complete recovery to all those wounded by the bloodthirsty Zionists. The Zionists will be expelled from the Holy Land by the power of G-d. May we merit the fulfillment of the prophets’ ancient promise, that G-d’s kingdom will be revealed throughout the world and all nations will join in serving Him. - - Signed in pain and anger, Neturei Karta Al-Quds, Palestine [nkp@neto.bezeqint.net ] Let it, finally, be said:
In praise of the ever-martyred but ever-heroic and ever-renascent people of Gaza.
May they live to see the full brightness of dawn. |
ELITES MAKE GAZANS OF US ALLby Chris Hedges Gaza is a window on our coming dystopia (i.e, ‘vision of very bad place’). The growing divide between the world’s elite and its miserable masses of humanity is maintained through spiralling violence. Many impoverished regions of the world, which have fallen off the economic cliff, are beginning to resemble Gaza, where 1.6 million Palestinians live in the planet’s largest internment camp. These sacrifice zones, filled with seas of pitifully poor people trapped in squalid slums or mud-walled villages, are increasingly hemmed in by electronic fences, monitored by surveillance cameras and drones and surrounded by border guards or military units that shoot to kill. In the new global landscape, as in Israel’s occupied territories and the United States’ own imperial projects in Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and Afghanistan, massacres of thousands of defenceless innocents are labelled wars. Resistance is called a provocation, terrorism or a crime against humanity. The rule of law, as well as respect for the most basic civil liberties and the right of self-determination, is a public relations fiction used to placate the consciences of those who live in the zones of privilege. Prisoners are routinely tortured and “disappeared”. The severance of food and medical supplies is an accepted tactic of control. Lies permeate the airwaves. Religious, racial and ethnic groups are demonized. Missiles rain down on concrete hovels, mechanized units fire on unarmed villagers, gunboats pound refugee camps with heavy shells, and the dead, including children, line the corridors of hospitals that lack electricity and medicine. The impending collapse of the international economy, the assaults on the climate, the resulting droughts, flooding, precipitous decline in crop yields and rising food prices are creating a universe where power is divided between the narrow elites, who hold in their hands sophisticated instruments of death, and the enraged masses. The crises are fostering a class war that will dwarf anything imagined by Karl Marx. |
THE ACT OF RECOGNITION : LIBERALS TRUE TO FORMby Ian Wilson LL.B. Avoid a dispute!? Isn’t this Parliament where the name of the game is disputing issues? Abbott had objected to such an Act because it was an attempt to tie up the next Parliament, and that still holds. Gillard says that the proposed bill will not bind a future parliament (it cannot anyway). The Coalition has said that the Act is essentially “symbolic”, ignoring a wealth of argument that has been given indicating that this is not so. Consequently get ready for the Constitutional challenge. The new class politically correct elites need to be defeated in the referendum, a defeat that will be more than just “symbolic”. Spread the word to friends, and a message to all – don’t get sleepy on this one. |
THE NEXT “ANDREW BOLT” CASEby Ian Wilson LL.B. Does he? Did the indigenous people build the great structures at the University of Sydney? No, they did not. Nor did their culture concern itself with liberal tolerance and being “respectful” to everybody. On the contrary, the archaeological evidence indicates that “primitive/pre-modern peoples were engaged in “constant battles” with very high relative death tolls from tribal warfare. (There is much on this topic and Brian Simpson is preparing a review article on it. For supporting evidence see Lawrance Keeley, “War Before Civilisation” (Oxford Press, 1996). The custodians of the values of the University were not Aborigines, but the English. The barrister was right. Then we have the case of Emeritus Professor Don Aitkin who issued a blog 27 August 2012. Aitkin has refused to retract his statement, so it looks like a legal battle will follow. I personally am glad that Aitkin is making a stand. There needs to be a decisive defeat delivered to the politically correct law brigade. Basically the law hangs on one statement, which is a statement of opinion rather than fact. Aitkin could have some fun with this. Looking “about as Aboriginal as I do” – why Your Honour, we all know from the Bolt Case that being light skinned does not disprove Aboriginality. As he has already said: “There is nothing offensive in saying that [he] doesn’t look Aboriginal because looking Aboriginal isn’t one of the criteria. The criteria are, do you claim to be, and are you accepted by others as one”. He is off to a good start.
Dillon goes on to say: “It is sad and strange that 200 years ago this country’s first people were strong and adaptive, able to live under harsh conditions. But today, some of them claim that they are traumatised, simply because someone remarks about their skin colour”. That just about sums up the absurdity of the existing race hate legislation and its philosophical legacy. |
ISRAEL AND THE NUKES : THANK OBAMAby Peter Ewer If a nuclear weapon is used, Iran would conduct war against Israel. If the missile fails to halt the weapons programme, then use of a nuclear weapon by Iran in future is assured. This is a situation full of grim dilemmas, and Obama bears responsibility for what follows. |
SELLING OUR LAND IS NOT IN ‘NATIONAL INTEREST’: AUSBUY PETITIONPetition Background (Preamble): We have a “For Sale” Sign on our wealth creating assets (our non renewable energy resources, our farms and our businesses). This means Australia does not get the benefit of these assets as our tax laws favour foreign companies and countries. Our high interest rates are locking Australians out. We keep no register of the sale of our land or businesses. The FIRB thresholds for land or businesses are $244M for all countries except the USA which is $1001M before Governments count the cost, whereas some of our governments do count if foreign interests buy an apartment in a city. Put simply these high FIRB AUD$ thresholds do not meet the national interest test. We are concerned about the sale of our land to foreign countries and companies, especially those countries which do not reciprocate the opportunity. China, the Arab States, India and USA are buying our land for their use. They are also allowed to buy businesses beyond the farm gate which means our farmers are price takers not price makers, and we do not get the full benefit of our exports. The countries buying our land have long recognised the importance of food security, yet for successive decades our policy decisions have forced our farmers off their land. This is an issue of national importance. New Zealand recently applied the national interest test to stop the sale of eight dairy farms to the Chinese as the assets would no longer be used in the interests of New Zealand citizens. We are not saying no to foreign investment, but we do want Australia to have controlling interest in assets which are necessary to Australia's long term security and prosperity. We are concerned how we will pay off our debt if these assets are working for other countries and companies not to the benefit of Australia. |
IS IT SEXIST TO ASK WHERE THE $5,000 CAME FROM? (YES JAMES, IT IS)by James Reed Chris Kenny in The Australian 10 November 2012 concluded: “Gillard clearly knew of the existence of the slush fund that she had helped to establish. On the evidence so far, it seems that neither Gillard nor her firm alerted their client (AWU) or the police to this slush fund’s existence in 1995”. So doesn’t this mean that Julia lied? Not necessarily; memories are fallible after 17 years. Maybe Julia just forgot? But wait! What about the $5,000 given to her? Well, more accurately Ian Cambridge, former national head of the Australian Workers Union made diary entries at the time of the affair. The diary entries were supplied to The Australian and were confirmed as authentic. One entry says that a particular employee was told to put $5,000 in cash into a bank account in the name of Julia Gillard in 1995. The employee told The Australian that the diary account of events was accurate. However Gillard’s response to The Australian’s questions was that she “was not involved in any wrong doing”. I also note that, despite repeatedly being asked to do so, The Australian has been unable to substantiate any allegations of wrong doing”. The Truth Will Out: It is quite legitimate to test and probe our political leaders. Gillard though has lashed out at “misogynists and nut jobs on the internet” making defamatory statements about her. (The Australian 15 November 2012, p.15) It is true that there are misogynists and nut jobs in the blogosphere making utterly vile remarks about her. Some of the material is truly ‘sicko’ stuff. But the media investigation of Gillard has been fair and balanced. |
YOUR SUPERANNUATION, NOW A UNION WEAPON?Andrew Bolt’S Blog, 20/11/2012 Victorian building unions have asked Cbus chairman Steve Bracks and chief executive David Atkin to front a meeting to explain the $18 billion superannuation fund’s links to builder Grocon. The unions, including the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union and the Electrical Trades Union, are demanding that Mr Bracks and Mr Atkin set out the corporate governance and ethical policies that govern the scheme’s investments. Cbus, through its $2 billion property arm as well as specialist managers, invests in large building developments, some of which have appointed Grocon, with which the CFMEU is in a bitter legal dispute. This privilege, identified by the IPA, will also have to go: The role of some Australian superannuation industry funds as ‘default’ funds in Australia’s industry relations system constitutes government-granted special financial privileges. While customers can opt-out of industry funds defaulted by the industrial award system, few do so. |
EASTERN-EUROPEAN JEWISH BANKERS SUPPLANTED GERMAN-AMERICAN ONES?Joachimt Cries - It's Those Naughty Zionists! Tell me gentle readers, after looking back over world events during the last heart-breaking century, do you really believe modern politicians (a percentage of whom make up the government of the day) are any more to be trusted with the control of a centralised financial system than the private banksters themselves?
Having ‘googled’ the name of Mr. Joachim Martillo I came up with the following: Great thinkers of the 20th century long ago clearly grasped what was planned That is good. But the idea that John Citizen must automatically benefit thereby, is premature. Various well-meaning if somewhat naïve organisations have stated, as though it were both axiomatic and desirable, that only "the State" has the "right" to issue purchasing power. That is the Divine Right of Kings complex once again. Mr. Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of "England" may be heard to murmur "Nationalisation? We welcome it." A much abler, if less theatrical banker, Sir Edward Holden, Chairman of the London, City and Midland Bank (Midland Bank) during the 1914-1918 war, when told that his policy was leading directly to nationalisation of banking, replied "Well, I don't care. I should still manage it." To put the matter quite shortly, transfer of power almost certainly means transfer of policy. We have seen the transfer of power. What is the policy? Whose is the policy? The policy is MONOPOLY… Perhaps the most useful phrase in the lexicon of the world plotter or planner, is "common ownership". To the simple man "common ownership" means ownership divided amongst common men, of whom he counts himself. But any lawyer would tell him that common ownership means transfer of control to an administrator, who in theory, distributes the usufruct (not the thing "commonly owned," which must on no account be touched by any one of the common owners). You, reader, are a common owner of the Post Office, which is nationalised (now ‘privatised’ …ed). Go into the nearest branch, and remark that you will take your share in office pens, collect all the pens in sight, and move for the door. You will receive a lesson in common ownership. You may now observe that as you are a common owner, either you ought to be served by the Post Office free of charge, or, alternatively, obtain your share of the usufruct in the form of a handsome dividend… The distinction between joint shareholders and "common owners" should be noted. You will be told, not merely by large "capitalists," but by their ostensible antagonists, the Labour-Socialists, that monopolies are inevitable, competition is wasteful, and "industry demands large units on the score of efficiency". Conflict not so much between cartels, monopolies and nationalised industries but as between small businesses and privately owned properties: You will be perhaps puzzled to find that the conflict in the economic world is not so much between cartels, monopolies and nationalised industry and property, as between all three and small businesses and privately-owned property. Let us not jump to conclusions. It is not difficult as we shall see, to identify monopolisation, in its varying forms of cartel, "public corporation" on the model of the "B" B.C., the London Transport Board, or the Tennessee Valley Authority, or outright State ownership of the Russian (Soviet) type, as being a policy, not an automatic and inevitable process, as we are asked to believe. That by itself does not condemn it, although it does put it on the defensive. We are concerned to know whether the New Order is better, for the majority, than the Old…” Read document in full here…. Worth reading: “There was a Russian revolution with Bolshevik involvement; but that does not make it a Bolshevik revolution, as shall be explained. Indeed, there is as yet no word in any languages which represents exactly the complex meaning of what happened; so we are compelled to use expressions like "Russian revolution" and "Bolshevik revolution" in this article until the long-concealed full meaning can be unfolded. “Russia 1917-1918: A key to the riddle of an age of conflict” by Ivor Benson |
WA ABORIGINAL FOLK AND THEIR TROUBLES WITH MINING COMPANYby Betty Luks It is alleged Ms Maher regularly briefed her partner, Michael Gallagher, about proceedings at the tribunal that affected FMG, according to a lawyer who worked with Mr Gallagher. The lawyer, Kerry Savas, who was seconded by the Perth law firm Corser & Corser to work for the WYAC throughout last year, told The Australian that Ms Maher and Mr Gallagher had discussed hearings at the NNTT concerning the WYAC on a "daily" basis. "I lived with Michael Gallagher when this was all happening", Mr Savas said. "He spent all day checking on the NNTT business. I know he was talking to her (Ms Maher). This was a daily occurrence". Mr Gallagher did not deny this and wrote in an email:
"It would seem that Mr Savas has forgotten his ongoing professional obligations to his former clients". Mr Savas denied the charge, noting that his obligations were to the WYAC and the court. Ms Maher did not respond to an email and phone call to her new employer, RCD Consulting. |
WELL, WELL, WELL – A PROPOSAL FOR A STATELESS NATIONThis fellow is promoting ideas that come direct from Lenin And Stalin! Has anyone told Mr. Murray there is nothing new or unique in his proposals? We are now entering the final stages of the battle for our liberties and freedom. Are you ready to join the battle? The League’s records show we were already warning Australians about these various groups and their true agenda - long, long, ago. The Heritage Book Services and Veritas Online carry the DVD “Australia on the Bloc” by Jeremy Lee. Price: $10.00 + postage. |
DO IT YOURSELF ACTION KIT: NOW IS THE TIME – TO TAKE ACTION!Have you downloaded your copy yet? We urge you to start doing your bit. Make use of this worthwhilepaign. The details are here… https://www.madeinaustraliacampaign.net/ or from K Grundy, Box 177, Naracoorte SA 5271 |