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10 March 2012 Thought for the Week: Money gone, says Britain: Andrew Bolt – Tuesday, February 28, 2012: “Debt-crippled Britain has no more cash, admits British Chancellor George Osborne: “The British Government has run out of money because all the money was spent in the good years,” the Chancellor said. “The money and the investment and the jobs need to come from the private sector.” A reader’s response: Feel really bad about Britain with no money. My son works in Abu Dhabi and told me this morning that the UAE Gov. has just paid off every citizen’s debts, including housing loans, credit cards, etc. They do not want another Syria on their doorstep. Don’t think our Gov. has the ability to do that for its citizens”. - - Golden Oldie of Sunshine Coast (Reply), Tue 28 Feb 12 (12:40pm) Comment: To claim that Britain ‘has no money’ is like saying there are not enough figures to number the pages of a book. What did Professor Keen say? Banks create credit ‘out of thin air’. Maybe it has something to do with too much carbon (pollution?) and it is proving difficult to extract the figures from ‘the thin air’? Lament of the Commonwealth Bank A hand-maiden, where once I ruled,
A Queen from sea to sea!
No task too vile to set me to, |
DEBTS, DEBTS, DEBTS – WHEN DO THE PEOPLE GET THEIR CREDITS?The following letter was written by Clifford Hugh Douglas in the 1920s. It is just as relevant to our situation today as it was then. The difference this time is that more and more people are waking up to the fact that they have been terribly deceived into believing what the world power brokers would have them believe. Letter by Major C. H. Douglas in "Manchester Despatch" United Kingdom: The 'problem' is described as an 'unemployment' crisis. It's not! Organisers, scientists and engineers have been engaged for hundreds of years, in successfully producing this so-called 'unemployment' crisis. The so-called 'problem' is really the transfer of economic labour from the backs of men on to the backs of machines. We have been trying to do it for centuries, and have succeeded! The machines are capable of making the goods, but the unemployed lack the money to buy. Our situation should be one of freedom and leisure, but is disguised as one of 'economic catastrophe'. The actual and potential wealth of the world is far beyond the requirements of the highest standard of living -- for the whole of the population. The two claims cannot both be right: First: that the world is rich and getting richer (which is the claim of the engineer and the scientist). Steps toward understanding: How is it that the financial system presents a fictitious picture of poverty when, in fact, there is no fundamental poverty anywhere?
Read further here.... - - |
IT’S TIME THE PEOPLE HAD SOME CREDITS – NOT JUST DEBITS !The following comes from a paper by accountant and social crediter, Victor Bridger - “Introduction to a National Balance Sheet”: We need not concern ourselves with the fallacies contained in the simplistic approach in the above except to point out that if there is any use at all for the compilation of such figures it would be for the purpose of obtaining information on trends that may occur. These trends may offer assistance in obtaining statistical information on changes that may be occurring within the economy. However the information does not reflect the true state of the economy In detailing the particular aspects of the above grouping it will be seen that a change in certain philosophies will be necessary. It is no small assertion to state that it is precisely certain philosophies that have been and are a hindrance to the attainment of a change in national financial accounting principles for the betterment of the people in the world. Read further online: |
A SOCIAL CREDIT SENATORby James Reed While people think that the government governs us, Senator Darcey said, “I have told the people repeatedly that their assumption is entirely wrong and that Australia is governed by the associated banks.” Governments are locked into a system of paying the ever-increasing interest bill by borrowing and hence further increasing the debt. Senator Darcey quoted early Adelaide social crediter D.J. Amos who showed that Australia could “lend against the productive capacity of the nation.” The nation is limited only by its productive capacity. Against the rejoinder that this could be inflationary Senator Darcey said “It must follow that the purchasing power of the people is reduced by the refusal of the banks to issue further credit, or by the calling up of overdrafts, it must have the effect of lowering prices.” Relevant to today Senator Darcey concluded “The only way Australia may be safe from financial and economic ruin is by a complete alteration of the financial system”. Social crediters agree and are saying the same thing today. Read D.J. Amos’ “The Story of the Commonwealth Bank” and catch a glimpse of what life could be - if only the people really wanted it badly enough and were willing to strive for it. |
THE NATIONAL DIVIDEND: LOGICAL, ETHICAL, SUCCESSOR TO THE WAGEby James Reed An excellent history and defence of the National Dividend has been given by Brian Burkitt and Frances Hutchinson, in International Journal of Social Economics, vol.21, 1994. Major Douglas’ Proposals for a National Dividend As A.R. Orage said in “The BBC Speech and
the Fear of Leisure” in 1934: “If the Machine does the work of one hundred
men, its production is enough to pay one hundred men’s wages. The Dividend
is the logical successor to the Wage”. |
THE FRAGILE TECHNO-INSTRUCTUREby Chris Knight Such a group, unlike conventional terrorists do not have any stated political objective beyond creating chaos. Presumably even the members of the group do not know each other. This makes combating them even more difficult than dealing with conventionalist terrorists like al-Qa’ida. But terrorists these people are, for shutting down the internet and the power grid goes beyond economic disruption – it will lead to the deaths of thousands of people, especially old people, across the world. Technology has indeed given us a very frightening world, but the demons are out of the bottle now. |
GILLARD PLANS TO ‘WASH YOUR BRAIN!by James Reed Swallowing this contradiction whole is difficult so Gillard has launched a public information campaign for Constitutional change – or what I call brain washing. Yes, $10 million of taxpayers money will be spent. The elites also believe that people rejected the republic in the failed 1999 referendum because they did not understand the concept of a republic. I say that they understood it too well. Let us educate them too, about the real motives behind Constitutional change and who will really benefit from the bill of rights that it will create. |
FREE SPEECH AND ACADEMIC FREEDOMby Ian Wilson LL.B. Canadian campuses have velvet totalitarianism, “the presence of uninterpretable laws; the presence and power of unqualified pseudo experts; status defined ethics; freezing fear of engaging in public discussion of controversial but fundamental issues; demonization of dissidents”. (p.279) Furedy sees in the Professor Andrew Fraser case the same threat to academic freedom occurring in Australia. Writers at this present site have argued though that things are much worse than that, and although Australian university speech codes are on the surface not as bad as Canadian ones, the subtle control of thought on campuses and the reinforcement of a solid liberal-left regime in power determined to Asianise Australia and destroy Anglo-Australia, is complete. Free speech is dead on Australian campuses because there are simply no more free thinkers! They have been eliminated. |
EDUCATION BASICSby James Reed In short, the successful Asian schools engage in mastery of basic subjects, reading, mathematics and science, and lack our soul-destroying political correctness, feminism, and black armband morality. Of course they are going to ‘eat us’. In our schools, even getting children to be quiet is an achievement. We are engaging in national ethno-racial suicide. This may have excited the new class, but they won’t be so excited when their sacred economy and standard of living crashes. The Asian success story in schools is a direct refutation of our politically correct education. |
REMEMBER MERS? PROBABLY NOT, SO LET’S RECALL ITVeterans Today (USA) reported The Death Of MERS, 22/2/2012. MERS is the method the bankers preferred to quickly and illegally evict millions of homeowners from their homes. In the process MERS allowed the Banks to separate the note from the security. This allowed the securitization and bundling of millions of home loans into trade-able securities. The only problem is that the MERS process destroyed the chain of title. Now 50% of the real estate in the USA does not have a clear title to determine who actually owns the real estate and who owns the note. The net result is the notes for the home loans are worthless paper. The Banks no longer have legal standing to evict any one from their home. That is the good news, the bad news is that no one now can prove they have a clear title. So who owns these homes and other real estate?? That is still unclear. For the time being possession is 90% of the law and people with MERS homes and other MERS real estate, may need to resort to the concept of adverse possession and live on the property for the required time (which varies by state) until clear title can be issued by the state or county to the party which occupies the property. Many people will be able to remain in their homes, but for those currently buying a home, the buyers must make sure that the bank will post a bond and insure clear title to the home before you sign any financial instruments. If not, the home buyer risks not having a clear title to the home they are purchasing. The downside for the banks is that they must now down grade their balance sheets to reflect that the financial instruments are defective, and write off trillions of dollars. The good news for many homeowners is they cannot be evicted. The ruling by Judge Grossman is precedent setting and it restores the rule of law into the mortgage industry. The aftermath of these illegal practices of the banks and lenders may take decades to rectify. The other aggrieved parties are the institutional investors, pension funds, mutual funds who were also defrauded with these worthless securities. The banks will be forced to make them whole and refund 100% of their investments, please keep in mind that these funds belong to the American workers who earned the pensions by investing their savings in these funds for decades…" Read further: On Target has reported on MERS before: MERS - MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRY SYSTEM “Making a Difference” in Australia The DVD is $15.00 posted and includes his son Topher speaking on “Communication: Making the Penny Drop”. |
DICK SMITH, COLD FUSION AND THE POPULATION PRIZE PROMISEby Chris Knight Now, these sorts of ventures are just the thing that governments should support. One politically correct ARC (Australian Research Council) Fellowship on feminism, Aborigines, etc. etc. chews up over 3 – 5 years, many times the cost needed to check out this exciting invention. Thousands of great Australian inventions have been lost to this country while money is…well… “hosed” against the proverbial wall. If it comes to nothing…well it's far better than wasting money on politically correct grants. If Professor Rossi’s method does fail then at least that type of experiment has been done and tested. Maybe some new insights may come. We will not know if we don’t try. Regarding Dick Smith, probably the best of our capitalists, I wonder what he is doing about the $1 million which he promised well over a year ago to a person under the age of 30 who took on the population/immigration/growth question? Checking the internet it is easy to see some interesting candidates. Is Dick going to award the prize or is this just a storm in the test tube? If I had his email I would send him my question but I hope that the word gets through by bush telegraph. |
JAPAN’S SECRET: RACIAL HOMOGENITYby James Reed Japan has none of the problems of a multicultural/multiracial society and thus has a high level of social capital. In general multiracial societies have lower levels of social capital, so low that when the technological props fail (eg. contrast Hurricane Katrina with the Japan Earthquake), these societies begin to fall apart. |
NEW ANTI-FREEDOM LAWSby Ian Wilson LL.B. It gets even more crazy. Turning Western legal traditions upside down, it will reverse the burden of proof so that the person accused of discrimination must now prove that they were not biased. The former Soviet Union could have learnt a lot from this legislation – oops, that’s discriminating and hence a thought crime. Your freedoms are about to vanish. |
SPECIAL NOTICES Victorian State Lunch and Seminar: Saturday 17th March 2012. Commencing at 11.00am. Doug and Jean Holmes’ (South Australian Heritage Bookshop Services) phone number has been changed TO: 08 8396 1245. Please note the new number in your teledex. |