Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
24 January 1969. Thought for the Week: "A highly organised and regimented society, whose members exhibit a minimum of personal peculiarities, and whose collective behaviour is governed by a single master plan from above, is felt by the planners and even (such is the power of propaganda) by the planners to be more scientific', and therefore better, than a society of independent, freely co-operating and self-governing individuals".
Aldous Huxley in Science, Liberty and Peace.


"After a period of confrontation we are entering an era of negotiation". - Richard Nixon in his inaugural address, in Washington on January 20.

President Nixon's inaugural address must have brought smiles to the faces of the hard-nosed Soviet strategists. If they are not going to be confronted, but invited to more "peace" talks, this leaves them free to continue to advance their global strategy without any fear of effective resistance.
The statement by President Nixon was first made at a press interview last year before the Republican Convention. This was before the Soviet thrust into Czechoslovakia.

During his acceptance speech at the Republican Convention Mr. Nixon provided further evidence of his thinking on foreign policy when he claimed that the conclusion of the Korean conflict was a victory for the Republican Party, and that a similar victory was his objective in Vietnam. Korea was, of course, a major disaster for the West, and paved the way for Vietnam, just as General Douglas MacArthur predicted. A similar "victory" in Vietnam can only lead to even more disasters.
The Soviet criminals are quite happy to enter into any negotiations, which will help disarm their opponents.

After the American Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and the State Department had negotiated the Non-Proliferation Treaty on Nuclear Weapons, President Johnson enthusiastically proclaimed on July 1, 1968 that, "The conclusion of the Non-Proliferation Treaty encourages the hope that other steps may be taken. Agreement has been reached between the governments of the Union of Socialist Republics and the United States to enter in the nearest future into discussions on the limitation and the reduction of both offensive strategic nuclear weapons delivery systems of defence against ballistic missiles".
But before these discussions could get under way, the Soviet reacted by the massive military invasion of Czechoslovakia.

American experts on Soviet strategy have pointed out the obvious: The obsession by the American Administration to negotiate the Non-Proliferation Treaty convinced the Soviet that they could move with complete safety against Czechoslovakia without any fear of NATO using nuclear weapons.
To the Communists, all negotiations are a major aspect of revolutionary warfare. The Soviet support for negotiations about the future of Vietnam is simply clear evidence that a new phase in the Vietnam war is opening.

The Herald, (Melbourne) of January 18 carries the following report from Washington:
"Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, who takes over next week as President Nixon's chief negotiator at the Paris peace talks, said today he still believed there could be no military solution in Vietnam. Talking to reporters after a closed-door session with the Senate foreign relations committee, he said he regarded the peace negotiations as of the greatest urgency and supreme importance".
Eventually the "Battle of the Table" ended in Paris with the Communists claiming a victory with the Americans being forced to accept the Communist National Liberation Front on the same footing as the Saigon Government. The "peace" talks are going to continue for a long time in Paris - and so is the fighting and dying in Vietnam. But the Communist strategists have little to fear so long as American spokesmen publicly state that it is impossible to win militarily in Vietnam.

If they decide for a Korean-type of stalemate, this will enable the vast resources thrown into Vietnam to be diverted to other major fronts like the Middle East. The future looks ominous. But an enlightened grass-roots movement in the U.S.A., and other Western nations like Australia, can effectively challenge the policy of retreatism. The example of Czechoslovakian resisters to the Soviet invaders demonstrates that the power of the human spirit is still great.


"The Democratic Labor Party yesterday attacked the Prime Minister (Mr. Gorton) describing him as 'a man of drift' in international affairs. Mr. Gorton appeared to be trying to drag the Government parties towards policies, which would quickly erode the Australian-American alliance, it claimed. The attack - one of the most severe on the Government and the Prime Minister by the DLP - was made by its leader (Senator Gair)" - The Age, Melbourne, January 20.

Senator Gair renders a public service by calling attention to the fact that faced with a deteriorating situation in South-East Asia, the withdrawal by the British Socialists being a major contributing factor, the Gorton Government has as yet to enunciate a constructive defence policy. It is true that without any real strain on the Australian economy, Australia could undertake to maintain an adequate defence force in countries like Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand - providing the Governments of those countries make it clear that they welcome such forces. But Australia cannot on its own defend South-East Asia against major Communist offensives. The Asians themselves must make a greater effort in their own self-defence.

Whether or not a more constructive Australian defence policy in South-East Asia would automatically produce greater American support is debatable. Senator Gair himself admits that the "Americans were fed up with the burden of Vietnam and would not easily be brought to the defence of other South-East Asian countries".

The American people have only become "fed up" with Vietnam because of the no-win policy, which has prevented a decisive military victory. We cannot recall the DLP giving any type of a strong lead on the necessity for a decisive military victory in Vietnam, in an attempt to really influence those Americans advocating this positive policy. Mr. Gorton could undoubtedly do much to influence American public opinion with a bold and realistic defence policy. But is Mr. Gorton capable of producing such policies?

Realistic defence and foreign policies require a realistic grasp of Communist global strategy. The Sunday Truth (Brisbane) of December 22, 1968, carries a long report of an interview with Prime Minister Gorton by a New Limited editorial team from all parts of Australia. In answer to the question, "Are you worried that there is a growing Russian influence in the Indian Ocean?" Mr. Gorton replied, "I think there is evidence of a growing Russian influence in the Indian Ocean and in the countries bordering it. What motivates it is a matter for interpretation even for our External Affairs Department".
If Mr. Gorton does not understand that all expanding Soviet activities are motivated by the conception of a global strategy which will ultimately result in complete world domination by Communism, then it is not surprising that he is "a man of drift".

The growing Soviet thrust into the Indian Ocean is co-ordinated with the thrust down Africa against the front line being held by Rhodesia and the Portuguese territories against the major objective of South Africa. Mr. Gorton can be credited with having used his personality and tact to help prevent any explosion on Rhodesia at the recent Prime Ministers' Conference in London. But as yet there is no sign of a realistic defence and foreign policy concerning Southern Africa. The DLP stands self-condemned on this vital issue also.

The only question on which Prime Minister Gorton appears to have clear-cut views is on the future of the Federal system of Government in Australia. In the Sunday Truth interview Mr. Gorton made it clear that he supports centralisation and unification, and uniformity:
"...I believe that a central government must have control of the economy of the country, and by control I mean the sole control…"
"… a child in Queensland should be provided with the same educational facilities as a child in New South Wales, which might well not happen if it were left to each State to spend money in any way it likes".
Here we have the Big Brother complex showing through clearly. The Central Government knows best!

In spire of Mr. Gorton's engaging personality, his excellent TV image, there is undoubtly a period of dangerous drift both in the field of foreign policy and defence, and internally. This drift can only be halted by the determined effort of concerned Australians.


"It might have nothing to do with the forthcoming State election, but the politicians up here (in the Cook electorate) are reported to have been handing out to the aboriginals and islanders everything from corn-cob pipes and balloons to jelly beans and instant photographs of themselves". - A staff reporter writing from Cooktown in The Courier Mail Brisbane, January 10.

League of Rights National Director Eric Butler has often caused a laugh at meetings when, in commenting on the campaign to reduce the voting age, he has suggested that the logical end to this should be votes for all those who can read and write, with political bribery entering a new era as would-be politicians offering more school holidays and "free" lollies for the younger voters. Humour has given way to frightening reality in North Queensland as natives are bribed with cheap gimmicks.
The Courier-Mail reporter quotes political campaigners as saying that it was "practical politics" to use these gimmicks to get unsophisticated natives to vote!

It is estimated that 30 per cent of those on the rolls in the State electorate of Cook are either aboriginals or islanders. The successful candidate may be the man who has doled out the most jelly beans to this decisive minority of the electorate: In a very close election result this section of the electorate could well determine which parties were to form a Government. Here we can see clearly how the one-man-one-vote dogma, imposed irrespective of qualifications, leads to more and more political bribery and irresponsible voting.
It is, of course, happening everywhere, and is destroying the main value of the genuine democratic principle.

Responsible government requires responsible voting by responsible electors. Our University political scientists - might well be asked to provide a logical answer to the question of why should better government be expected if elected by an electorate with less experience than existing electorates. And if qualifications for political voting are to be changed, why not have higher qualifications?


At a time when the national and international situation was never more serious, and major crises loom ahead in 1969, the League of Rights has to announce that unless the deficiency of $5000 for its programme can be provided during the first six months of this year, a major cut back will have to be faced by the end of June. A number have suggested that the period before Christmas is a bad time to launch the annual financial appeal, as many people have heavier financial obligations at this time. Based on this assessment, and the recommendation of some supporters, we are therefore going to continue the 1969 campaign until the end of June - but only to seek the support of those who have not yet contributed.

NO FURTHER CONTRIBUTIONS OR PLEDGES ARE REQUESTED FROM THE SMALL MINORITY WHO HAVE MADE SUCH A MAGNIFICENT EFFORT. All that is required is $10 each on the average (10 cents a week) from 500 readers between now and June. Approximately $200 came in last week. We will publish a progress report. Send to Box 1052J. GPO. Melbourne, 3001.


The young Czechoslovakian student, Jan Palach, who turned himself into a human torch, resulting in his death, to protest against the Soviet invasion of his country, has caused the Soviet criminals grave concern and demonstrated once again the primacy of the spirit over the flesh...
Massive demonstrations against President Nixon indicate that America faces another year of civil violence and revolutionary activities....
Mr. T.C. Stott complains that Canada is - continuing to sell wheat in large quantities to Red China because of her more sympathetic foreign policy. The folly of expanding Australian wheat production to serve the requirements of the Red Chinese is now clear....
Having become the first Western-nation to extend diplomatic recognition to North Vietnam, Sweden caused a further stir a few days later, on January 13, by announcing the elevation of its diplomatic mission in Communist Cuba to full embassy status…
Reports from Britain reveal that the British started before Christmas to react to Fabian-Socialist Wilson's further financial restrictions by going on a "spending spree". People have been drawing savings from banks and investing in home equipment and other assets, which they claim will be eventually more valuable than money. One reports says, "The national mood is clearly one of defiance, to spend as much, not as little, as possible.