home of ... Douglas Social Credit
11 July 1969. Thought for the Week: "Let me issue
and control a nation's money and I care not who writes its laws."
Meyer Amschel Rothschild. |
FARMERS UNION PRESIDENT HITS SOCIALIST POLICIES"The president of Australia's biggest grower organisation has charged that revolutionary socialist policies, aimed at destroying the independent primary producer, are being imposed on Australia. - The Weekly Times, Melbourne, July 2. Mr. A.B. Wood, President of 27,000 strong Victorian Farmers' Union was the spokesman referred to. Mr. Wood pulled no punches. He said that present policies would lead to a situation in which everyone handed over what they had to one common control; and this was the basic start of Communism as laid down by Karl Marx. Mr. Wood attacked Mr. Anthony's plan to amalgamate dairy farms and said it would solve nothing as in a short while the amalgamated farms would become uneconomic too as rising costs overtook gains in production. He said there were similar moves in the woolgrowers industry and pointed to the policies of Sir William Gunn and his association with top socialist economist Dr. H.C. Coombs. Mr. Wood said there was a great need for a challenge to basic financial policies, and that there was an urgent need to alter the Arbitration Act "so that the arbitration system will work for us instead of against us." It is refreshing to hear such common sense from such an influential spokesman. If Mr. Wood and his fellow executives in the Farmers Union can grasp the importance of reversing the policies which finance rising costs so that credit is made available outside the cost structure to finance consumption, they will be tackling the basic financial remedy to the plight of the independent producer. These men need all the support they can get from their fellow farmers throughout Australia. |
RE-ASSURANCE AMID THE GATHERING STORMAs intrigue, subversion immorality and bloodshed continues to splash the headlines of our newspapers, the investiture of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales provided a dignified and historical reminder of the true path of freedom. The ceremony is essentially one of homage and dedication to service. Few could fail to have been impressed with the gentle and manly bearing of the young man who will one day be King. As he knelt before his mother with his hands between hers, we saw symbolised the concept of faith and commitment to the basis of all freedom, Almighty God, from whom a Christian nation draws authority. As he turned to his people, Prince Charles dedicated his life to their service in accordance with the Divine admonition, perhaps best expressed in those words: "In whose service is perfect freedom." The ceremony, which has remained-unchanged since
the earliest days in British history, drew upon the richness and depth
of a great cultural heritage. It served to remind us all of the roots
from which we are sprung - roots upon which we must draw as we turn
to the future. Prince Charles reminded us finally, by his own bearing,
that a free people must also be a responsible people. Freedom is the
result of the acceptance of responsibility in faith. It was, perhaps,
strange to think that there were, among those assembled at Pembroke
castle, men of high position in the land whose spoken homage was belied
by their true objectives. For should sovereign Britain enter the Common
Market, she will have sacrificed all that for which the ceremony in
Wales spoke so much. Occasions of this sort, if they occur at all, will
merely be a time for rhetoric, rather than true purpose. |
ANOTHER RHODESIAN ACT OF DEFIANCEThe following report was prepared by Mr. Eric Butler in Salisbury shortly after the Rhodesian Referendum: The central feature of the Rhodesian Referendum on June 20 was that, rightly or wrongly, Rhodesians felt that they had 'to vote YES on the Government's constitutional proposals in order to show the world that they stood firmly behind Prime Minister Ian Smith and would not be intimidated by the Harold Wilson's of this world, the Afro-Asian bloc and "world opinion." There was comparatively little discussion of the implications of the actual Constitutional proposals. One of the biggest propaganda windfalls for the Rhodesian Government was the statement in the Congo by Mr. Harold Wilson's Minister, Mr.Foley who said just prior to the Referendum that the objective of the British and Rhodesian Government was the same - "majority rule!" The Rhodesians have vivid recollections of what happened in the Congo after "majority rule" had been introduced theme. They are also aware of the results of "majority rule" in other parts of "liberated" Africa to their North. Next door in Zambia, President Kaunda, so beloved by those "Christian pacifists" who advocate force against Rhodesia has prepared the way for a complete tyranny with a Referendum which now enables him to deprive people of their property. The one-party state is being established. No objective observer could have covered the Rhodesian Referendum campaign and maintain that Rhodesia is a Police State. Charges and counter-charges were made through the press and from the public platform. In view of the nature of the Referendum, it was conducted with far less emotionalism than one might have expected. Heckling at meetings did not appear to be excessive. I was particularly interested in the behaviour of the Africans at public meetings. They turned out in large numbers to the Centre Party's meetings, but it was clear to me that they regarded the meeting as a type of show at which they could shout and applaud. There was no evidence of bitterness. Few of course have bothered to register to vote, even if they have the qualifications. The police told me they had little trouble at meetings during the Referendum. Overseas press and TV teams who visited Rhodesia for the Referendum left disappointed because they could only record a very quiet campaign. Discussing the campaign with a former Australian, he agreed with me that he had seen much more stirring political elections in Australia. One outside observer said, after attending Referendum meetings that he was surprised how well behaved the Rhodesians were. Those Rhodesians who have a deeper historical perspective are concerned about their final break with the Crown and the United Kingdom. But, they feel that Socialist Wilson pushed them into an impossible situation. In an exclusive interview with me immediately following the Referendum, Lord Graham Vice-President of the Rhodesian Front, and former Minister for Defence and External Affairs, said that he would like Australians and New Zealanders to know that the Wilson Government had left Rhodesia with no alternative to becoming a Republic. He personally had deeply regretted, and had opposed, eliminating the Union Jack from the new Rhodesian flag. Lord Graham said that the Union Jack was not a symbol of subservience for anyone, but the symbol of people who around the world had done so much for mankind. He wanted Australians and New Zealanders to know that Rhodesians like himself would still treasure in the future a deep sense of kinship, which went back over hundreds of years. If the peoples of British stock around the world can only retain this sense of kinship, and get rid of the Wilsons who have so cruelly betrayed them, they can establish new relations in the future. Both geography and strategic factors strongly urge that a start towards the establishment of new relations should be made by Australians, New Zealanders and Rhodesians. The Rhodesian Parliament will take some type of debate and implement the new Rhodesian Constitution. Whatever the detailed steps taken by the Rhodesians to ensure that new, completely different races can live and prosper together in harmony, the outside world should cease setting themselves up as carping critics. Rhodesians have to live with their own decisions. They should be credited with the common sense to make the best possible decisions. There is no concern about Prime Minister Wilson's reaction to the Referendum decision. The stage has been set for the next stage of the Rhodesian drama. If the Rhodesians can implement realistic financial and economic policies, nothing short of massive military force can defeat them. |
DEFICIENCY FUND REPORTThe final figure subscribed by the end of June, our deadline was $5622. 87. The achieving of this objective was the result of selfless giving derived from great faith in the objectives to which the League is dedicated. The immediate future of the League's work is assured, but we must press on to the challenges and tasks ahead of us. The historical moment we now live in will record whether we have been able to meet the challenge to turn the tide against those forces threatening to enslave the peoples of the world. To all those who made the sacrifices necessary to ensure our 1968 budget we give our grateful thanks. |
THE REALITIES OF RACE"The Minister for External Affairs (Mr. Freeth) said the Australian Government and people were deeply shocked at the death of Mr. Mboya." - The Age, July 8. Rioting between the Luo tribe and the Kikuyus
tribe broke out as the result of Mr. Mboya's assassination. The assassin
has not been discovered and no doubt this in itself will lead to further
suspicion and tribal dissent. With Mr. Kenyatta reaching the age when
it is expected that he must depart from the scene, it is logical to
assume that this assassination is designed to remove one of the contenders
for the throne. The announced death of Mr. Moise Tshombe the ex-Katanga and Congo leader finalises one of the most despicable chapters of deceit and desertion by western leadership in the sorry history of Africa. However he died, or when, and that could have been months ago for all that the West knew or cared, Moise Tshombe will go down in history as a great African leader who faced up to the reality of those forces using the black man for the purposes of forwarding world revolution. He never compromised with his fundamental principles, which brought him in direct conflict with the dupes and protagonists of communist revolution, and for this he paid the supreme sacrifice. All lovers of freedom will salute Moise Tshombe. |
SOVIET NAVAL EXPANSION GOES ON"A Soviet naval squadron will visit Cuba this month." - The Age, July 8. This is the first time Soviet naval forces have been to Cuba, 90 miles from American shores. At the same time as the Paul Scott report in The Wanderer says, "Intelligence analysts here say they cannot remember the Soviet Union placing so many major warships in separate armadas (Atlantic twenty; Mediterranean, forty-two; Black Sea, thirty) and deploying them so far from Soviet territory in coordinated maneuvers with land forces. " Could it be later than we think? |
N.S.W. HOLDING UP THE DAIRY PLAN"The Minister for Primary Industry, Mr. Anthony, said today a difference of opinion in the N.S.W. Ministry was delaying a decision over the Federal Government's marginal dairy farm reconstruction scheme" - Daily Telegraph, June 28th 1969. The nigger in the woodpile in this case is N.S.W. Minister for Lands, Mr. Lewis. But the signs of mounting concern amongst an increasing number of State members are not hard to see. The Country Party conference in Dubbo, N.S.W., this week, reflected the growing disillusion with the growth of power in Canberra. A hard-hitting speech by the N.S.W. Minister of Public Works, Mr. Davis Hughes, highlighted the intrusion of Commonwealth policy into the domestic field of the State. As the conference got under way, the difficulties of primary producers and Local Government officers became painfully obvious. It is a long time since Country Party Ministers had such a difficult time within the ranks of their own party. Among other strong resolutions was one, which pointed to the number of people leaving the land, and suggesting that the decentralisation of political and economic power was the only answer. There is mounting concern throughout Australia with the present Federal Government, and it is only fear of an even worse alternative, which may prevent any large swing in November. It is only when the voter is given a choice between two evils that apathy, despair and loss of faith occur. |