home of ... Douglas Social Credit
31 January 1969. Thought for the Week: "Christianity
is not nihilism; and no Christian need feel compelled to embrace a solution
to his national problems of survival that is nihilistic in character,
that ends in national self-destruction. Westerners can feel compassion
for the Asians living in misery and in vast numbers till it is oppressive
in the extreme. But this should not induce South Africans, Australians,
Americans and other threatened national groups to help the enemy put
a knife to the throat of their children".
Anthony Harrigan in Defence Against Total Attack. |
SOVIET UNION'S "PEACE OFFENSIVE" IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA"The Soviet Union had been helping the United States to achieve peace in Vietnam, neutralise South-East Asia and check Chinese advance to the South, veteran Ambassador Averell Harriman disclosed yesterday in a remarkably frank Meet the Press television interview". The Age, Melbourne, January 28. It is not surprising that Mr. Averell Harriman should further dangerous delusions about the Soviet Union. He has a long diplomatic history of appeasing the Soviet leaders, and must be listed as one of those in the West who have played a disastrous role in helping to produce the present world crisis. Harriman was American Ambassador to Moscow during World War II. He was one of Roosevelt's top advisers during the period when at Teheran and Yalta conferences Stalin was having most of his demands met. Even in 1951 when the Soviets had completed their conquest of Eastern Europe and China, Harriman was still defending the secret Yalta Agreements of early 1945, which were a major victory for Stalin. The late President John Kennedy made Harriman Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs. Harriman was personally responsible for the Kennedy Administration's threat to cut off aid to Laos unless Loations were prepared to accept Communists into a "neutral" Government. Laos was "neutralised" in 1962. Harriman told members of the American Congress that, "it doesn't matter much to us, one way or the other, what happens in Laos". Americans concessions in Laos in 1962 encouraged the intensification of the Communist pressure on Vietnam. "Neutral" Laos provided the Communists with bases and a route down which they flooded military equipment and men for the war in South Vietnam. And now come reports that Hanoi is assisting the Pathet Lao in Laos to initiate large-scale fighting against the troops under the control of the Laos Government. Instead of being fired for his disastrous policy in Laos, Harriman was promoted in the State Department and in July 1963 he went to Moscow to negotiate the nuclear test ban treaty. And then President Johnson used him to represent his Administration at the Paris talks with Hanoi. Harriman used his influence to ensure that the National Liberation Front was represented at the round table when the formal "peace" talks started. In his "remarkable frank" television interview
in Washington, Harriman denied that it was to the Soviet's advantage
to have the U.S. "bogged down in South - East Asia", replying that "The
Russians were helpful in October and helpful recently". He said that
"I talked to Mr. Kosygin three years ago and he made it very plain they
wanted to see peace come to South-East Asia. They want to see a South-
East Asia that is neutral, to check Chinese advance to the south". If the Soviet really wishes to contain the Chinese,
why has it not encouraged the Americans to do this? |
DEFICIENCY FUNDThe League of Rights' "Deficiency Fund" moved last week from $200 to $579. 60. There were 9 who contributed and/or pledged. $5000 is required by the end of June. All contributions to Box 1052J, GPO. Melbourne. 3001. |
RACE PROBLEM FLARES IN BRITAIN"A standing ovation from more than a 1000 people acclaimed a speech yesterday by Mr. Edward Heath calling for stricter control of immigration. Mr. Heath, Leader of the Conservative Opposition, demanded fresh law's immediately to tighten existing checks on the flow of migrants which are adding to Britain's dark millions. One of applauding Mr. Heath's speech was Mr. Enoch Powell, who was dismissed from the Tory shadow Government by Mr. Heath last April. This was just after Mr. Powell had made his 'Britain must be mad' speech, condemning colored immigration." - The Sun (Melbourne), January 27. Mr. Heath's address on immigration has been described
as marking "the end of an era" in Britain. By openly endorsing the Enoch
Powell stand, the British Tory leader has reflected the growing groundswell
of concern amongst the British people about the effects of mass non-European
immigration. Race has been openly projected into British politics, an
incredible development, which not so many years ago would have been
disbelieved if suggested. The "multi-racial society" just does not work
out. And it cannot be denied that the British are perhaps the most tolerant
people in the world. Mr. Bagmohan Joshi, national secretary of the Indian Workers' Association of Great Britain, called Mr. Heath's speech "the most vicious and dangerous yet made by a politician." Mr. Joshi threatened that in India "the people, if not the Government, would seize British investment and for every Indian forced to leave Britain, an Englishman would be forced to leave India. These threats recall Karl Marx's famous statement that the English would never make their own revolution, and that foreigners would have to make it for them. Growing race conflict in Britain should act as a powerful antidote to suggestions of Australia attempting to create a multi-racial society. Victorian Liberal State Member, Mr. Brian Dixon, who talks sense on many issues, is one of the latest to lend his voice to that of multi-racial society advocates. Equally dangerous is the advocacy by Federal Minister for the Interior, Mr. Peter Nixon (Country Party) that all Australian schools should cease teaching European languages such as French, and teach Asian languages. Mr. Nixon also suggests dropping the teaching of British and European history, and the replacement by Asian history Mr. J. E Menadue, President of the Australian Natives Association, made a most appropriate reply to Mr. Nixon, pointing out that all Australia's cultural and historical ties are with Europe, not Asia. "If we do that, we forget what the philosophers Plato, Demostrenes, Aristotle and others taught us, we forget Magna Carta and we forget everything that followed, including the principles of democracy." Australians who want to learn Asian languages should be enabled to do so. But it is dangerous defeatism to parrot that Australia's destiny is tied up with Asia. At the moment the leaders of South-East Asia are desperately seeking Australian guarantees of continued military and economic aid. Australia can provide proper aid and support for its Asian neighbours only by remaining true to its own traditions. Governor Phillips put the matter clearly on January 26, 1788 when he said, "We hope not only to occupy and rule this great country but also to become the beneficent patron of all the nations of the Southern Hemipshere". |
FALSE ECONOMICS FORCING RECOGNITION OF RED CHINA"Tokyo, January, 27, Japan's Prime Minister (Mr. Sato) said today that Japan would welcome Communist China becoming a widely accepted member of the international community. In a notably warmer mood than normal when speaking of Peking, Mr. Sato said that relations with China was the major problem facing Japan in Asia. " The Age (Melbourne), January 28. The Japanese Government has been under pressure
for years by shortsighted Japanese businessmen who believe that with
a change in political attitudes towards Peking by Tokyo, they could
increase their exports to Red China. Reports from Japan state that the
Sato Government has been prompted to soften its public attitude towards
Peking because it is felt that the decisions by the Trudeau Government
in Canada, and the new Leftist Italian Government, to seek new relations
with Red China, and the growing campaign for a change in attitude by
the U.S.A. (Senator Edward Kennedy has been the latest to join this
campaign) are all signals that a new situation is developing. Japan
has big investments in Formosa, but is moving towards the "Two China"
policy, under which both Red China and Formosa (Taiwan) would be seated
in the United Nations. But it is the lure of the vast Chinese market,
which is the major driving force behind most those who wish to give
official recognition to the Peking criminals. |
ESSENTIAL BACKGROUND FOR READING "ON TARGET"New readers sometimes ask, "What is On Target all about?" We readily admit it is raw reading for those who lack some understanding of the real plight of the world, and how it came about. Those who wish to obtain that understanding can do so by reading 'two books for a start: The Red Pattern of World Conquest, by Eric D. Butler, introduction by Sir Raphael Cilento. Price $1.05 post free. Secret Communist Agents who have Changed the Course of History, by Patrick Walsh, former Royal Canadian Police under-cover agent. Price 45 cents post free. Order from The League of Rights, Box 1052J, GPO Melbourne 3001. |
TRADE AGREEMENT BETWEEN RUSSIA AND YUGOSLAVIA"Russia and Yugoslavia are negotiating a trade agreement for next year. The annual negotiations, within the framework of a long-term trade plan between the two countries for 1966-70, began early this week". - The Australian, December 21. 1968. Since the above report appeared, there has been an obvious relaxation of the "Crisis" condition, which allegedly existed between Moscow and Belgrade following the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in August of last year. The old hard-line Communist Tito knows just how much his country's economy depends upon the Soviet Union. The Soviet offers Yugoslavia a market for ships, locomotives, electrical equipment and machines. An examination of Tito's foreign policy reveals that it meshes in neatly with that of the Soviet Union. Tito regards himself as a loyal member of the Socialist Empire. But minister for External Affairs Paul Hasluck and his departmental advisers persist in believing that Tito is an "independent Communist". |
THE WEEK IN BRIEFThe Soviet Union has forced its way into the Australia-Europe shipping conference by threatening it with a price-cutting war. It is certain that with its growing merchant navy, the Soviet Union will force its way into other shipping organisations. These are important moves in the Soviet's global strategy for world domination. |