home of ... Douglas Social Credit
8 August 1969. Thought for the Week: "When arguing
with Marshall (General George Marshall, Chief of Staff, American Armed
Forces in Second World War) I could never get him fully to appreciate
the very core connection that existed between the various German fronts.
For him they might have been separate wars. A Russian war on the one
side, a Mediterranean war on another and a cross Channel one to be started
as soon as possible. I have often wondered since the war how different
matters might have been if I had had MacArthur instead of Marshall to
deal with. From everything I saw of him (MacArthur) I put him down as
the greatest general of the last war. He certainly showed a far greater
strategic grasp than Marshall."
Statement by Viscount Alanbrooke, British Chief of Imperial General Staff, quoted in Turn of the Tide, 1939 1943. |
NIXON AND CO-EXISTENCE"President Nixon has been to Bucharest, and gone, and nobody is much the wiser about why he went." - The Age, Melbourne. August 5. The Age editorial quoted above demonstrates the
abysmal ignorance of the mass media on the political facts of life.
No one is in the position to gauge the real thoughts of President Richard
Nixon, but the pattern of western policies are obvious, and it is becoming
increasingly obvious that American policy under Mr. Nixon does not run
counter to what has been fundamental to American, and broadly Western
policy for at least 36 years, the appeasement of Communism. That this
appeasement has been presented under the guise that there are Communists
and Communists, are that the USSR and Eastern European type is more
acceptable than the Chinese counts little if the strategy to undermine
the West is successful. Mr. Nixon came back saying he extends the hand
of friendship to all irrespective of their domestic policies. There
is no indication that Rhodesia and South Africa are included in this
handsome offer, and it was specifically pointed towards the countries
under Communist control. Mr. Nixon does not have to go on world trips
to obtain the friendship of those who want to be his friends. Obviously
the whole intention of the exercise was to further prepare the West
to make further concessions to world Communism. |
THE STUDENT REVOLTThree top class speakers will present papers at the Australian League of Rights 1969 Seminar on this topical subject. Mr. Eric Butler, National Director of the League, Mr. Patrick Walsh, Research Director with Canadian League of Rights, and Dr. Geoffrey Dobbs, Senior Lecturer at University North Wales. To be held in The Empire Room, Federal Hotel, Collins Street, Melbourne, Saturday September 20, papers commencing, 2 p.m.; 4 p.m.; and 8 p.m. Fees $1 per person. $1.75 husband and wife. Half fees for students and pensioners. Single session 50 cents plus 30 cents for afternoon tea if required. |
AN AFRICAN SURVEYDevelopments in Africa are now of greater concern to the rest of the world than ever before. The following report by Mr. Eric Butler, based upon both his own recent observations and discussions with political leaders, top Government officials, including intelligence and security officials, and prominent anti-Communists, will provide our readers with an up-to-the minute picture of the "Dark Continent." Lenin has been credited with the statement that Europe without Africa was like the plucked fowl ready for the pot. I have never been able to have this alleged statement authenticated. But is does draw attention to a fundamental truth: that Western Europe's future is now closely linked with what is happening in Africa. The Communist strategists, both in Moscow and Peking, are well aware of this. Prime Minister Harold MacMillan of Britain, a Fabian masquerading as a Conservative gave the open signal for the British retreat in Africa when, arrogantly abusing the hospitality of his host, the late South African Prime Minister Dr. Verwoerd, he said without warning in the South African Parliament that the European must retreat from Africa in face of "the winds of change." The Communists have been delighted with the results of these winds of change; outbreaks of tribal warfare throughout most of Africa, chaos and the establishment of despotic governments, with collapse back into barbarism over wide areas. The overall position deteriorates daily. Complete collapse has been averted in some areas only because sufficient Europeans have stayed, either because they find it requires complete economic sacrifice to leave, or because they are prepared to take the risks in order to make comparatively large salaries. With the exception of Ghana, and Ivory Coast, from which the Russians were recently expelled, the Communist advance in Africa has moved steadily forward as the European "colonialists" have retreated. Kenya has been presented as an example of hope, but corruption was widespread and growing. And the economy was, in spite of enormous external assistance, running down. Then came the murder of Mr. Tom Mboya, clearly a political killing. Tribal realities quickly came to the surface, and even the President, Jomo Kenyatta, was too afraid to attend Mboya's funeral, held under a forest of tommy guns. Significantly, throughout the period of mourning for Mboya, the only flag at full mast in Nairobi was that over the Chinese Embassy. The weakness of the Kenyatta Government is such that not even any senior representatives of the Government felt it safe to attend the Mboya funeral. Kenya could become another Nigeria, where the frightful tribal war goes on with the Soviet gaining a firmer base through the Federal Government with every day that passes. Apart from Soviet and Egyptian pilots, East German Air Force pilots are now getting experience in flying Soviet planes against the unfortunate Biafrans. The seizure of power in the Sudan by a left-wing group of Army officers in May has substantially increased Communist strength and influence in Northern Africa. The first act of the new regime was to recognise East Germany. Uganda's dictator Dr. Obone moves closer to the Communists. An estimated 3000 Russians are now serving with the Egyptian forces as "advisers", while in Algeria alone other end of the Mediterranean the Russians have 15,000 similar "advisers". There is growing concern amongst the African people in both Tanzania and Zambia as the Red Chinese build up continues, primarily as the result of activities on the railway line to be built from Dar-es-Salaam to Lusaka. Both President Nyerere of Tanzania and President Kaunda of Zambia are men who having mounted the back of the red tiger, are now finding their position increasingly precarious. But they must go forward. Anticipating the greatly expanded use of the Dam-es-Salaam harbour, now being enlarged, Red China is looking ahead by giving Tanzania assistance to form a national shipping line. The Peking strategists visualise greatly expanded trade with Africa through Tanzania. The 1000 mile railway line to Lusaka is vital to Peking strategy. This is the biggest engineering project in Africa after the Volta River dams projects in West Africa. The Times, London (now part of Sir Roy Thomson's newspaper Empire) has recently demonstrated its disgusting standards by publishing a letter from Mr. Mainza Chona, secretary-general of the United National Independence Party of Zambia, appealing to "all true progressives" to provide the support necessary to train "militant Africans" so that they can do (in Rhodesia) what Britain has failed to do for racialist reasons." But a secret paper circulated to all Western organisanions supporting the African National Congress "freedom fighters". The Sino-Soviet 'split' manifests itself in the camps. The secret report charges that the leaders of the "freedom fighters", instead of being an example to the men, were invariably well dressed, well fed, and more often than not dead drunk." But in the meantime South Africa has been stepping up its war against the African terrorists. Tougher security measures have been taken in the vital Caprivi Strip, which is situated between South-West Africa, Angola, Rhodesia, Botswana and Zambia. It is believed that the terrorists have switched their tactics from open confrontation across the Zambesi River with the Rhodesians, to infiltrating trained guerrillas to establish secret military camps inside Rhodesia, South-West Africa and South Africa. The Portuguese continue to use large forces on their long borders in both Angola and Mozambique, with constant clashes with terrorists. Security and military authorities in South Africa are convinced that the pressure of Communist-backed terrorists from the North will continue. Prime Minister John Vorster of South Africa is today one of the West's most important leaders. There appears to be no other South African politician who could at present hold South Africa firmly on its present course. In is disturbing therefore to know that Mr. Vorster's health is not 100 per cent. His frequent golf playing is an attempt to cope with this. I sat close to the Prime Minister while traveling by plane from Cape Town to Johannesburg he and I felt he looked tired. He has tremendous problems to face, not the least of these mounting internal financial problems stemming from an uncritical acceptance of the same type of Fabian-Socialist policies undermining other Western governments. There is also a startling growth in the drug traffic in South Africa, increasing numbers of young people becoming involved. Increasing ferment amongst University students also indicates that South Africa's enemies are not neglecting the role of the student in fermenting revolution. If the whole of Africa is lost to Communist strategy, not only will Western Europe be imperiled; the position of Australia and New Zealand would become even more dangerous. I returned to Australia convinced that developments in Africa and the Indian Ocean must be given the most serious consideration by those who would attempt to secure Australia's future. |
WESTERN AUSTRALIA LEAGUE OF RIGHTS ANNUAL DINNERAll W.A. readers are urged to attend the third Annual Dinner to be held on August 30 at the Postal Institute, 1st Floor, Zimpels Arcade, 158 St. George's Terrace, Perth. Cocktails 6.30 p.m. Dinner 7.00 p.m. Guest Speaker, Mr. Patrick Walsh, Research Director Canadian League of Rights and Canadian Intelligence Service. Donation $4.50. Notify Mr. R. White, P.O. Box N 1131. Perth. |
TAXATION CONTINUES TO SOAR"Australians are paying more than $500 a head a year in taxation - equivalent to $2000 for a man, wife and two children. The Commonwealth Statistician, Mr. K.M.Archer, estimated today that in 1967-68 collections of Federal, State and local authority taxation totaled $500.40 a head - almost twice the total of $274 ten years ago. - Sydney Morning Herald, July 25. And so another milestone along the Marxist Way
has been reached. The growth of taxation is the story of Sovietisation
by stealth. It is often suggested that increased taxation is necessary
to cater for increased services, and particularly for defense. But during
the Second World War taxation in 1940 was $140 per head in Australia.
A growing percentage of taxation is not returned to the population in
the form of services, but is put out of circulation in the form of debt
service. |
FLIGHT FROM THE LAND CONTINUES"N.S.W. has amalgamated 155 farms in the past four years at a cost of $2.5.m. Last year 1,139 farms, mainly on the North Coast, closed down, leaving 9,800." - Sydney Morning Herald, July 28. The Melbourne newspaper, The Age, August
4, in a special article Choking to Death in a sea of Wheat, highlights
the above trend. From overproduction we could move to scarcity. A N.S.W. Country Party politician points out that N.S.W. has now become dependent on Victoria for dairy produce imports, and ice cream manufacturers are predicting the possible need to import dairy products in the future! |