home of ... Douglas Social Credit
17 October 1969. Thought for the Week: "Our species
is the only creative species, and it has only one creative instrument;
The individual mind and spirit of man. Nothing was ever created by two
men. There are no good collaborations, whether in music, in art, in
poetry, in mathematics, in philosophy. Once the miracle of creation
has taken place, the group can build and extend it
but the group never
invents anything. The preciousness lies in the lonely mind of a man."
John Steinbeck |
POLICIES; WHAT ARE WE OFFERED?"He placed two small beer glasses on the counter and said, 'look, here's the Liberals - here's Labor.' In between he placed a large beer glass. 'Here's the Monster' he went on. The 'monster' used to be the Country Party 'today it's the DLP', said the bar-room Walter Lippman." - Michael Ryan in The Age, Melbourne October 9, reporting on the reception to the Prime Minister's policy speech. The above concept probably typifies the feelings
of many Australians, that the DLP constitutes the one alternative to
the major parties. In terms of political realism we would agree that
to use the DLP to censure the major parties is sound strategy. Whether
the DLP constitutes a genuine alternative to the policies of socialism
and centralism of both the Liberal-C.P. coalition and the Labour party
is an entirely different matter. The greatest attraction of the DLP
is the realism of its defence policy, for as Mr. Gair said when delivering
their policy speech, "what is the use of talking about domestic policy
if we are to lose our freedom." However along with all other parties
there was not sufficient understanding of how the enemy undermining
Australia from within should be challenged. Prime Minister Gorton's policy speech revealed the belated acknowledgement that he had taken the party off the rails, and that he was hastening to scramble back on to what he hoped was the winning track. On foreign policy he almost abjectly apologised for his responsibility with Mr. Freeth for agreeing we could co-operate with the Soviet in a collective security arrangement. It should be remembered in the future that the P.M. stated categorically in regard to S.E. Asia, "We will continue to support the concept of a regional security pact in that region in which we participate. But we will exert all the influence at our command to prevent participation by Russia in such an arrangement. We believe that our security would be threatened by the establishment of any Russian naval or military bases in that area. We believe that any military alliance or arrangement between Russia and a country in our region would pose a threat to ourselves." Much is made by political commentators of the
role of the minority force of the DLP in forcing this about face. Apart
from the fact that the greater number of Australians were concerned
about the previous Freeth-Gorton policy of appeasing the Communists,
the inherent right of small emerging groups in a free country to act
as a deterrent to those operating the power structure, is the main factor
restricting the corruption which comes from obtaining power. This has
always been the role of the Australian League of Rights. Few would doubt
the efficacy of a good cattle dog in moving the mob. His effectiveness
is not restricted by his size. Nothing was said about the two fundamental and outstanding problems facing the Australian community inflation and the political and financial sovereignty of the States. Both problems are inseparable, and while we have economic centralism we must inevitably get increasing doses of its natural by-product socialism. The real government, the entrenched bureaucracy will not yield centralised power until there is a real showdown in the political field. All state politicians, irrespective of party labels should now be campaigning vigorously to enforce concessions from the Federal parties. Without any real revolt from the Municipal and State level there will be no basic change in Federal policies, irrespective of the party in power. |
BASIS FOR MIDDLE EAST SETTLEMENT"The Egyptian Foreign Minister, Mr. Riad, indicated yesterday that his Government would recognise Israel's pre-1967 borders as a settlement based on Israeli withdrawal from all captured territories. Egypt thus went further than it had ever gone before showing willingness to acknowledge Israel's boundaries, as they existed before the 1967 war. For 25 years Arab governments refused any such concession, which came from Mr. Riad in a statement at a foreign correspondents' luncheon in New York." - The Australian, October 1. Objective observers of the Middle East crisis
have stressed for years that no peace was possible unless there was
a firm guarantee that Israel had no further expansionist policies. The
more realistic of the Arab leaders, like King Hussein of Jordan, have
recognised the impossibility of undoing what has been done by the Zionist
conquest of Palestine. They have therefore asked for two undertakings
from the UN, which brought Israel into existence as a new State: So far from responding constructively to these
reasonable requests, spokesmen for the Israel Government have made it
clear that they intend to keep permanently all the territory they have
taken beyond the boundaries set by the UN. This has left the Soviet
in the position where it can exploit the natural resentment of the Arabs
and in the process extend its influence in the whole of the Middle East.
CAN PRIME MINISTER BE TRUSTED ON DEFENCE?"Prime Minister Gorton said in Perth yesterday that the Commonwealth Government would meet the total cost of the causeway to Garden Island as the first step towards a naval base in Cockburn Sound. The cost was expected to be about $7 million... Mr. Gorton said that work on the causeway - scheduled to begin next financial year would take up to two years to complete." - The West Australian, October 10. DLP leader Senator Vince Gair may find some satisfaction in Prime Minister Gorton's pre-election statements that Australia's defences will be strengthened, but thinking Australians are entitled to assess a Government on its record, not on last-minute pre-election promises designed obviously to get votes. Mr. Gorton's Budget indicated no great concern about expanding defence - in fact the defence vote was down by 5 per cent. The Prime Minister and his Minister for External
Affairs Mr. Gordon Freeth, have made a number of misleading and self-contradictory
statements concerning the Soviet thrust into the Indian Ocean and South-East
Asia. They have suddenly realised that this performance could lose them
up to three Liberal Members in Western Australia, including Mr. Freeth
himself, and so the Prime Minister belatedly seeks to create the impression
that he is preparing to clear Australian defence to counter-balance
the growing Soviet influence in the Indian Ocean. Building the causeway is only a start towards creating an adequate naval base. Mr. Gorton admitted in Perth that the causeway was going to take up no two years to complete. At his Perth airport press conference he declined to give a timetable for developing Cockburn Sound. But it would take a "long time." A Government realistic about Soviet policy in the Indian Ocean would, of course, have had the establishment of a major naval base in Western Australia under way before this. By the time Mr. Gorton even has the causeway finished, the Soviet could have its naval forces in the Indian Oceans doubled, or trebled. Writing from Perth, the Australian correspondent
for the London Times, Mr. Stewart Harris, provides some chilling
facts about the Soviet's naval strength and Australia's appalling weaknesses,
which neither the Government nor the Labor Party has stressed Mr. Harris
has reported: "No party... has explained that ten Skyhawk fighter-bombers
on Australia's one aircraft carrier, the Melbourne, and 24 F111 land
based bombers (when they arrive) will be the only weapons able to challenge
the threat from Russia's missile-equipped navy. Even the Indonesian
navy has l2 Komar class patrol boats with Styx missiles." With more realistic financial and economic policies, Australia could at this late hour make the necessary effort to step up necessary defence measures. Prime Minister Gorton's pre-election promises are just not good enough. The fact that the ALP defence programme is no better is beside the point. Only some electoral punishment of the present Government will have the desired effect in Canberra. |
HYPOCRISY FROM FEDERAL TREASURER"There would be no clarification of the Government 's proposed tax relief for lower and middle income earners before the election, Treasurer McMahon said The Government had not had time to work out scales, but relief would start at about the $2,000 a year level. The government had not worked out an upper figure." - The Daily Telegraph October 10. After years of maintaining a taxation policy which has, as a result of an inflationary financial policy which Mr. Mc Mahon himself says he cannot resolve, imposing an increasingly heavy burden upon Australian middle-income earners, the Government has belatedly decided just before a Federal election that something should be done. But it is rather vague. However, we suggest that careful note be taken, for future reference, of the Prime Minister's policy speech, in which he said "The Government's aim would be to reduce personal income tax over the three year period starting with the next budget. At the end of the period it would be providing relief, to lower and middle-income earners of the order of $200,000." However, against this pre-election promise we
have the Federal Treasurer's own statement that inflation is going to
continue. Mr. Doug Anthony Minister for Primary Industries, is on record
as telling a meeting of farmers in the Western District Victoria, that
the basic wage will double in the next ten years, and that therefore
increasing economic centralism was inevitable." But these are financial costs, resulting from
the very inflationary credit policies, which Mr. Mc Ewen and his colleagues
have been supporting. It is blatant hypocrisy for the Government to
be charging Mr. Whitlam with advocating an inflationary programme -
which, of course, he is while the Government is imposing the same type
of programme. |
STUDENT FRONTS"A student, Paul Jackson, has been expelled from a leading Melbourne Catholic High School, De La Salle for distributing student 'underground' newspapers." - Tribune (Communist) September 24. The Tribune reveals that Jackson is a
member of "Socialist Secondary Students" which was formerly Students
Dissent (SID). The change of name for this student front organisation
will interest those who attended Mr. Patrick Walsh's lectures on The
Student Revolt. In the same issue of The Tribune another well-known
Communist Front organisation, the Association for International Co-operation
and Disarmament announced the names of a panel of speakers to campaign
against Mr. Nigel Bowen in the Federal election. Mr. Robert Wilton son
of the Chief of Staff, Mr. John Zarb whose "conscience" has been splattered
all over the Australian press, Rev. Stan Moore of the Unitarian Church
recently returned from involvement in USA in draft resistance counseling.
Also involved is Murray Sime Barrister and Guy Morrison, Journalist.
Another important "guest" of the A.I.C.D. is Miss Judith Todd, daughter
of former Rhodesian Prime Minister, Garfield Todd, who will lecture
under the chairmanship of Dr. Jim Cairns at the Camberwell Civic Centre
in Melbourne on November 5. |