home of ... Douglas Social Credit
14 November 1969. Thought for the Week: " the
emancipation of individuality is the same thing as the growth of liberty.
Even a glance at the most primitive ages thus discloses that there is
an organic relationship between the growth of liberty and the development
of civilization."
Ramsay Muir in Civilization and Liberty. |
AUSTRALIA TO SHARE MILITARY BASE WITH SOVIET UNION"Australia may one day share a military base in Singapore with the Soviet Union to maintain stability in South-East Asia. That prediction came today from Edwin 0. Reischauer a leading U.S. expert on Asian Affairs. 'It wouldn't be a bad thing', the professor added coolly." - The Sun, Melbourne, November 7. Professor Reischauer's prediction makes a substantial contribution to current Soviet strategy in South East Asia, with the constant stress on the necessity for "collective security." American Ambassador to Japan from 1961-1966, Reischauer has a long record of blindness concerning the realities of International Communism. It was appropriate that he should have made his prediction concerning Singapore at an inaugural meeting of an Australian student club at Harvard University. Harvard University has been a major spawning centre for subversives who have penetrated into vital official positions in the United States. Two of the most notorious were Alger Hiss, one of the principal architects of the United Nations, and Harry Dexter White, main architect of the World Bank and The International Monetary Fund. Probably speaking with "inside" knowledge, Professor
Reischauer said that he believed that the U.S. combat role in Vietnam
would be over by late next year, and that there would be a complete
withdrawal of American troops by late 1971. The British withdrawal from
Singapore will also be completed by the end of 1971. Professor Reischauer's
view is that with the American withdrawal from South-East Asia, Singapore
would become "a key base in maintaining stability". And that "Australia
and other nations including the Soviet could make some commitment. "
It remains to be seen whether the Gorton Government is now prepared to come forward with a constructive policy in an attempt to meet Soviet strategy. The first essential is for the Government to reject firmly the type of dangerous nonsense put forward by the "experts" in the External Affairs Department. Mr. Freeth has gone but these "experts" are still with us. They will persist with advice about "peaceful co-existence" being essential. Already the Soviet is stressing this theme. The Age, Melbourne, of November 8 quotes from the news bulletin issued regularly by the Soviet Embassy in Canberra. The news bulletin states that, "There are no objective reasons standing in the way of an end to the period of alienation, and of promoting mutual ties between the peoples of the USSR and Australia. It seems that the time has come to put into effect all obvious opportunities for consolidating Soviet-Australia contacts and to look for new possibilities. They are present, for example, in trade, shipping, culture and scientific exchange." The article goes on to say that from Moscow's point of view the basis of Soviet-Australia relations is the principle of peaceful co-existence between countries with different political and social systems. The student of Communist dialectics knows that the Marxist - Leninist regards "peaceful co-existence" as a sophisticated form of warfare. If this elementary truth could be grasped by Australia's Federal politicians they would realise that so far from the Soviet's "collective security" strategy in East Asia being motivated by any long-term peaceful objective, it is designed to isolate Australia as the necessary preliminary to take-over. Australia is clearly now starting to face its hour of Truth. |
KEEP THE CAMPAIGN ROLLINGThe selective distribution of the special election issue of On Target acted like a catalyst during the Federal Elections. (Ask Mr. Freeth!) It is urgently necessary that the League of Rights' growing momentum be given a new major impetus with the selective distribution of another special issue of On Target, this to appear next week. It will be in the form of an Open letter, directed primarily at Liberal and Country Party supporters. Packed with telling arguments and information, this Open Letter will make a major impact at the present time.Actionists are requested to order immediately from Box 1052J, Melbourne, 3001. Price 12 for 36 cents. |
GROWING PRESSURE TO RECOGNISE RED CHINA" it is rather depressing to read of our ambassador, Mr. Patrick Shaw, giving the stock Australian contribution to the annual UN debate on China's admission to that body. China, he said, cannot be admitted to the UN because it is still a threat to many of its Asian neighbours. Maybe so, but has anyone else since Czechoslovakia suggested that Russia should be tossed out of the UN because it is a threat to Yugoslavia and Romania. Or America tossed out because it is a threat to Cuba?" - Robert Duffield, Foreign Editor, The Australian November 8. The international campaign to have Red China
seated in the United Nations has been intensified since Canada's Fabian
Socialist Prime Minister, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, together with his
fellow Fabian Michael Sharp, Minister for External Affairs, have made
it clear that they will swallow all Peking's demands in order to establish
diplomatic relations with the Red Chinese regime. Mr. Robert Duffield's
double-talk is typical of the "pragmatists" who urge that opponents
of Red China be "realistic" and face the fact that "Red China does exist."
The "pragmatism" of Mr. Duffield and his friends
is in fact a marked bias in favour of every policy, which suits the
Marxist strategists. But Mr. Duffield does raise a point when he asks
has anyone suggested that the Soviet be thrown out of the UN because
it is a threat to its neighbours. We have consistently stressed that
the UN as it has operated since 1945 is little more than an International
Communist front organisation. The sickening hypocrisy of the UN has been demonstrated by the manner in which this "peace-keeping" organisation has applied economic sanctions against peaceful Rhodesia while taking no effective steps against the brutal aggression of the Soviet Union in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Mr. Duffield best demonstrates his mastery of the technique of double-talk by equating Soviet aggression with the alleged threat of the U.S.A. to Cuba. As a Foreign Editor Mr. Duffield must surely be aware that Fidel Castro came to power with the assistance and blessing of influential individuals in the U.S.A., and that since the crisis produced by Khrushchev in 1962, when the late John Kennedy gave a formal assurance that there would be no American military attack on Cuba, American policy-makers have offered no threats whatever to this major Communist base in the Western hemisphere. But Australian opponents of Red China can take
some heart from Mr. Duffield's lament that "When a Liberal External
Affairs Minister is rejected by his electorate for making a realistic
speech recognising Russia's growing influence in this region, what hope
is there of any government daring to be realistic about China?" |
REVOLUTION THREATENS IN ITALY"Leaders of Italy's three largest labor confederations have set a nationwide 24hr general strike for November 19. The strike is to support demands for better social and economic conditions. More than half of Italy's 20 million workforce belong to unions of these confederations, which are closely allied to major political parties." - The Sun Melbourne, Nov. 8. Every industrial nation in the non-Communist world is being convulsed by one crisis after another as wage and salary earners strike for higher wages, only to find that under present financial policies these increases are quickly eroded by higher prices. Fierce struggles for export markets and increasing centralisation are the inevitable results of inflationary financial policies. These policies have been aptly described as the Marxists' secret weapon. It is certain that unless they are modified, all industrial nations will eventually be plunged into chaos. |
FINANCIAL SINEWS OF WAR MUST BE FOUNDWhile League of Rights front-line campaigners expand the battlefront in the war for national survival, there is a serious lag in the flow of the "financial ammunition" without which the war must come to a halt. Last week National Director Eric Butler addressed two League meetings in Gippsland, conducted one highly successful school and spoke to a major Rotary Club. Late this week he left to address three Country Women's Associations in South Aust. and to conduct a School.Last week saw Assist. National Director Edward Rock campaigning solidly on the West Coast of S.A. With personal contact work and lectures Mr. Jim Marsh is working up to 7 days a week. It is the same story in the North with the League's Don Martin - Jeremy Lee - Jean Luscombe team. But during last week only 26 supporters contributed. The total now pledged or donated towards the 1969/70 $25,000 fund stands at $5031. 80. Are we to lose through the default of the many? |
THE INTERNATIONAL CHESS BOARDBy Eric D. Butler. Next door to Libya in the South President Tombalbaye of the Chad Republic is learning like many others that it is a dangerous business accepting "assistance" from Moscow. Soviet "experts" have been pouring into Chad over the past twelve months. Now President Tombalbaye has discovered that the Soviet is supporting the powerful rebel movement, Front de Liberation National du Tchad (FROLINAT), which has plunged his country into civil war. A look at the map of Africa indicates the strategic
importance of this former part of French Equatorial Africa, sharing
common borders with Nigeria, where the Soviet has established a firm
foothold, the Cameroun Republic, where a Communist-backed rebellion
is also taking place, the Central African Republic, Sudan and the Niger
Republic. As in the Sudan and Nigeria, the Soviet is exploiting the
Moslem Africans in Chad. They are being warned not only against the
"French colonialists" but "Zionist infiltration." While some crumbs of information have found their way into the press concerning the growing Soviet influence in Somali, where there is forward planning for the time when the Soviet hopes to dominate the Indian Ocean, and the countries which it links, little detailed information has been made public about the Soviet naval concentration on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. All the signs indicate the establishment of yet another Soviet base in the wake of a British retreat. 500 miles east of Madagascar and the strategically vital Mozambique Channel, Mauritius is well suited to any Soviet plans for disrupting shipping which goes around the Cape of Good Hope. Shortly after Soviet trawlers started operating in the area between Mauritius and the Seychelles Islands in 1967, they were joined by specially equipped "research ships" which have made increasing use of Port Louis, Mauritius. About the middle of last year Soviet warships operating in the Northern Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf made contact with the trawlers and the "research ships". In April this year the first Soviet warships armed with guided missiles, came into Port Louis. Now the Soviet has recently reached an agreement with the Government of Mauritius under which the Soviet is to develop a deep-sea fishing industry and also to carry out oceanic and fishing surveys for the Mauritius Government. The Soviet now has an official foothold in Mauritius
and with its scientifically-equipped "research ships" can start to expand
its operators in one of the most vital areas in the whole world. The
South Africans understand the significance of what is happening. But
what about Canberra? |