7 February 2014 Thought for the Week:Communism IS Globalism: The essence of communism is centralised control over the economy, politics and the individual. It is a mistake to see communism as primarily an economic system - what is more important are questions of power and control. To simplify this somewhat : in both systems, despite cosmetic differences in the sphere of production, a group of technocratic elite control the fate and freedom of the individual. Just like "two prongs on the one fork". - - “Behind the Aboriginal Issue – One World Government” by James Reed, New Times Survey July 2007 |
The Pedigree of Ideas"Although it is necessary to look backwards to maintain continuity with the past, this becomes urgent only with a view to carrying a living policy into the future." THE CONSTITUTIONAL ASSAULT: THIS YEAR’S “AUSTRALIA” DAY THEME On Australia Day the new class usually reveal their “big thing” for the year. In the past it has been refugees, immigration and Asianisation, but judging from the Australia Day awards and the mainline media coverage (e.g., The Weekend Australian 25-26 January 2014, pp.1, 2) the theme this year will be “journey to recognition”. Abbott’s New Year’s Day message was about “recognising” indigenous Australians in the Constitution. This is his “big thing”, his version of Rudd’s apology. The Australian article cites an Auspoll survey from last year which found that “58 per cent (of Australians) feel indigenous Australia is an important aspect of our national identity. Well, I agree with that, but not with any, repeat any form of Constitutional recognition. Saying that the “race power” is “racist” is politically correct nonsense. Indeed, if it is removed then the elites want in its place – to ensure Aboriginal funding – a “special power” for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander “advancement”. This will be an infinite sinkhole of bureaucratic funding, and, even with just a token recognition in the Constitution’s preamble, politically correct judges will magically find the same result. Let us organise to fight all and any Constitutional change. It would be a good building movement from which a group can be born to tackle other new class issues such as multiculturalism and Asianisation – issues that will eventually weaken and divide Australia into but an outpost of China. |
DOES LABOR EQUAL REASON ITSELF? END OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT?by James Reed. Former Labor minister Craig Emerson now writes columns for The Australian and they are worthy of criticism. In “Ideology, Not Logic is Driving Today’s Debates” (The WE Australian 25-26 January 2014, p.18), he tells us that the age of reason that rang in the age of Enlightenment is over. Public policy debate now comes from predetermined ideological positions without a primacy placed upon facts – and if facts are used at all they are used to support ideologies, and facts contrary to ideology are dismissed in a conspiratorial way. At a deeper level, beyond his own ideology, Emerson probably has a few sound points. These issues will not be resolved by “reason” because the issues behind such public policy debates are about fundamental principles which start the reasoning process and involve “essentially contested concepts”. Both Labor and Liberal see immigration as an uncontestable ‘good’ because immigration is now a core part of their humanist religion. Matters indeed will not be resolved by “reason”. Consider, for example the new John Pilger documentary “Utopia”, which takes the position that from the time of settlement, until today, Aborigines have been treated as sub-humans. (The WE Australian 25-26 January 2914, p.14) What facts could convince him otherwise? Surely not the billions of dollars poured into helping Aborigines. Whatever Australians do, those of the hard-Left regard the nation as a racist, apartheid state. So, in the end, why bother with their view at all? Reason has indeed, died. At the international level, the philosophical challenge to liberal-democracy posed by the rise of China will not be resolved by reason. For China, values are national, not universals, so authoritarianism is justified for China. However the West holds to the Enlightenment idea of universal human values/rights. With US decline China is now projecting its own national, ethnocentric values in the region, such as authority over freedom, hierarchy over equality, and the good of the group over the good of the individual. China’s goal is to refashion the world in accordance with “China values”, with China as Number One - and all nations in deference to China. No thought or statement critical of China by a leader or person would be permitted, without China striking back (The WE Australian 25-26 January 2014, p.16) Welcome to the dark world which our elites have helped create. All that has constituted Western civilisation will be destroyed in the name of the Market and Money. Comment: And sadly, Aboriginal Australians may not fare as well as they hoped, should we end up an outpost of China. |
EVERYTHING MUST GO! ABBOTT’S GREAT FIRE SALE OF AUSTRALIA!by James Reed. Infrastructure Australia has concluded that privatisations, sell-offs of ports, electricity and water utilities, among other things, will leave governments around $64 billion better off even without dividends. (The Australian 8 January 2014 p.1) But wait – there’s more! Selling off 30 government (read the people’s) assets, including the Snowy Hydro scheme, would yield $92 billion. It looks like the private sector can run everything. So how about privatising government itself and chopping that down to size? Maybe we should get rid of the federal government altogether and just reduce Australia to a Confederacy of co-operating states? Maybe we could also abandon immigration and multiculturalism and save hundreds of billions of dollars in the process? Does the Abbott government really want to save money or is it just going through the usual motions of the Liberals – feeding the corporates from the public (read the people’s) assets created by the blood, sweat and tears of generations of Australians. |
1949 LIBERAL PARTY STATEMENT OF BELIEFSHave you noticed the many references to ‘conservatives’ these days? I have and I think it time we defined what a ‘conservative’ now means. “We Believe in Liberty: Not anarchy, but an individual and social liberty based upon and limited by a civilized conception of social justice.” NO THEY DON’T! PROBABLY NEVER DID They DON’T believe in individual liberty nor social liberty! It is intended that you, me, we ‘Australians of the Land of the Free’, will become simply wage-slaves competing on the world labour market for the jobs our Corporate Masters offer us. World Economic Forum: The powerful few who meet at Davos make decisions for millions of less well-connected folk… Funded by its 1,000 member companies whose balance sheets run, typically, into the billions, it is a meeting of minds and money for five days of speeches, dinners, drinks and perhaps the most pervasive intoxicant of all, influence. (I think the ABC should have said POWER! not merely ‘influence’). - - ABC News, 20 January 2014 WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM NEVER MENTIONED! The headlines read, World Economic Forum: “World's rich threaten democracy says Oxfam in pre-Davos report” 21 Jan, 2014. “The world's elite have rigged laws in their own favour undermining democracy and creating a chasm of inequality across the globe, charity Oxfam said in advance of the annual get-together of the world's most powerful at Davos. Inequality has run so out of control, that the 85 richest people on the planet "own the wealth of half the world's population," Oxfam said in an introduction to a new report on widening disparities between the rich and poor.” How have they rigged laws in their own favour and undermined democracy? Oxfam doesn’t tell us. But wait, aren’t we all for liberty and private initiative (i.e., free enterprise) within a democracy? The question is though, how to claw back our freedoms in this 21st century? It is not as though people are not now more and more aware of the forces that now control us. C. H. Douglas saw our future in 1919. In “The Pyramid of Power” he wrote:
“At various well-defined epochs in the history of civilisation there has occurred such a clash of apparently irreconcilable ideas as has at this time most definitely come upon us. Now, as then, from every quarter come the unmistakable signs of crumbling institutions and discredited formulae, while the widespread nature of the general unrest, together with the immense range of pretext alleged for it, is a clear indication that a general re-arrangement is imminent. In “Economic Democracy” he wrote of the changes he saw that were needed:
“We have in the industrial field a double problem to solve: to obtain effective distribution of the results of consumer production and to restore personal initiative”. Industry governed by Control of The One Bank’s credit creating powers: The immediate effect of this Monopoly of Credit “the life-blood of industry,” is to give the banks control over industrial expansion. The bank stands in relation to industry as a works department stands to a factory. Each factory of any size has a clerk of works, who allocates resources. The various sections of a factory send their requests to the works department, which then issues orders accordingly; the smooth running of the factory depends upon the prompt issue of these orders. The bank stands in the same relation to the whole industrial system as works departments do to individual factories. The bank lends money, which it creates out of nothing, according to policies of its own and these policies are not necessarily the policies of either industry or the nation. The bank may deliberately limit production, and therefore prosperity, by restricting credit, a Policy admitted by Montague Norman, Governor of the Bank of England, when he said “I do not think it is good for people to be prosperous. ” Industry must borrow from The One Bank so too must Governments – as under present policies of ALL mainline political parties. As a result, the bank (and there really is only One Bank) is in a position to restrict, even determine, the actions of otherwise sovereign states. For example, if bank policy is that China is to be the new emerging world power (as it is), credit would be made available to Chinese industries. Resources from such countries as Australia would be purchased through the One Bank’s credit creating powers. If iron and steel production is to be centralized in Germany, credit would be made readily available to the German industry, something which plainly happened before World War II. (How many British people know that prior to WW II, the Bank of England released credit to Hitler’s regime while at the same time forcing the closure of British industries?) Read more here.... Importantly, control of credit and control of information and propaganda are/were closely linked. The pioneering spirit of early Australia was summed up in the “Lament of the Commonwealth Bank” A hand-maiden, where once I ruled God! Did I once stand upright
from As in a dream I see them pass, My Credit flows in running streams When Ruin turns his grim face
This a list of Australian attendee at G20 in Davos Andrew Forrest, Chairman Fortescue Metals Group Limited |
Australian of the Year 2014National Finalist Australian of the Year 2014 - Dr Felicity-ann Lewis - and this is the woman who is chairman of the Australian Local Government Association and spearheaded the drive for including recognition of local government in the Constitution. |
IGNORE THE PEOPLE AND LET THE ‘EXPERTS’ RUN THE WORLD – IT’S THE DAVOS WAYby Kees Van Der Pijl Emeritus Professor, Centre for Global Political Economy at University of Sussex 24 January 2014. Source: The Conversation“If you’re bored of running the world, the Swiss Alps have other attractions”. Frédéric de Goldschmidt “It is that time of the year again in Davos. High politics, big business and a sprinkling of glitz, and every year a bit more barbed wire and machine guns. For the global elite is fast losing popularity and rightly so. As Dennis Nally, chairman of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, told Associated Press against the snowy backdrop of the Swiss skiing resort: When you have such a disparity between the wealth controlled by such a few number of individuals, or the gap that exists between that minority versus the majority, you really do have the potential for such significant unrest in different parts of the world, which is going to be one of the biggest challenges we are going to have to deal with. Yet no one should think that the attendees of the Davos gathering arrive with an open mind on how to meet this challenge. If we must single out one aspect of what the World Economic Forum (WEF) aims to achieve, it is the idea that the economy should be shielded from the political process, as a topic on which majorities can decide. The WEF was launched in 1971 as one of the first instances of what we can now see was a counter-revolution against the encroachment of democracy on the capitalist economy. A powerful left surge across the globe, the US defeat in Vietnam and the collapse of fascist Portugal and its African empire combined with the oil crisis and the nuclear stalemate with the Soviet Union to put the west on the defensive. The anti-western tide centrally included the call by some developing nations for a New International Economic Order in which states would govern the world economy under the auspices of the United Nations; domestically, Keynesian welfare states and capital controls gave labour movements across the developed world a strong position. In several countries, such as Sweden or the Netherlands, there was talk of creaming off part of the profits of large transnational corporations and putting them in wage-earners’ funds to serve socially useful purposes. As Milton Friedman would famously remark at the time, if this trend wasn’t stopped then capitalism, in hindsight, “might prove to be only a brief historical accident”. The WEF’s initiator and continuing éminence grise, Swiss engineer Klaus Schwab, shares this sentiment. A former board member of several Swiss companies as well as the UK’s Daily Mail Group, Schwab also set up a Global Competitiveness Report that annually records which countries have done most to create a favourable business climate. Today, the WEF is still at the heart of the counter-movement that seeks to bracket economics off as a “science” best left to experts. In this regard the WEF sits alongside the prize given by the Swedish Central Bank from 1969 (with approval of the Nobel Committee and since mistakenly called the Nobel Prize for Economics), which Hayek was awarded in 1974 and Friedman two years later. By then, the forces for a political turn to market fundamentalism were gathering strength: after General Pinochet had called in Friedman to advise on re-privatising the Chilean economy following the bloody military coup of 1973, Margaret Thatcher became the first civilian politician to execute a neoliberal economic programme six years later. Meanwhile the rampage of unrestrained capitalism across the globe has produced the huge disparities recognised by the Davos attendees. And all amidst a severe crisis that shows little sign of abating, spreading violence and an environmental crisis that threatens the survival of humanity. If the WEF meetings currently underway are to contribute anything to solving any of the above, then clearly “Davos man” will first require a fundamental makeover. |
ANZAC LEGEND IS NO MYTHsays Andrew Nikolic, by Betty Luks Michael Smith News.com 27 January 2014 carried the following story:
A lengthy story aired on the ABC today (27 January 2014), contains extensive commentary from those claiming we should focus on the misogyny, racism, discrimination and exploitation at Gallipoli. Even an “excoriating anthem” by songwriter Eric Bogle is harnessed to question Gallipoli’s place in our history. Instead of honouring more than a century of service and sacrifice by Australian men and women in uniform, the ABC honours the opinions of those who trawl through the history of 1915 Cairo brothels. The wearing of black armbands started in Ancient Egypt, but there are clearly those in the ABC still wearing them, who are intent in swinging the historical pendulum from pride to guilt. Shame on them for diminishing the proud achievements of our troops over more than 100 years and for being so out of touch with mainstream public opinion.” When I took over as editor of On Target, articles were published criticising the engagement of our troops in the war in Iraq. That true-blue Aussie Bruce Ruxton took umbrage and roundly ‘ticked us off’ believing we were disloyal to our troops. (I have the letter somewhere in my untidy files). History has proved the war a terrible disaster and the lies or obfuscations as to the reasons committing our troops have been exposed over time. Australia was not under attack, nor were our allies, yet our troops were sent to fight in a war that set out to destabilise the Middle East. It was neither a just nor a moral war – if there can be such wars. But let is be clear the League does believe in ‘the Spirit of ANZAC’ but I think it time it was clearly restated just what is ‘the Spirit of ANZAC. Eric D. Butler wrote of it in1990. BETRAYING THE ANZAC SPIRIT The Sunday Age of April 15th carries an article by The Australian writer Phillip Knightley entitled "The ANZAC Myth", which concludes as follows: "The historic truth will always be there, one to be proud of, but it no longer needs the halo and falsification of myth. This should be the last official pilgrimage to Gallipoli and the last Anzac Day; the time has come to let them really rest in peace". Knightley's reference to "The Anzac Myth", coming at a time when the A.B.C. sunk to a new level of vulgarity by using the Easter Season to present Dr. Barbara Thiering's interpretation of the traditional Christian story as allegedly revealed by the Dead Sea Scrolls, raises the generally misunderstood nature of myths and their vital role in the human drama. What needs to be grasped is the nature of myths and the use to which they are put. There is, for example, the "Chosen Race" myth, which treats people as a collectivity to be used by "leaders" against the best interests of the individual. Any realistic discussion of the subject of myths must start with a definition of the term. An examination of the Greek derivation mythos shows that the word simply means a story, neither an untrue nor a "true" story, but just a story. Christ's use of stories in the form of parables was a method of conveying an understanding of truths at that time. A generation brought up on Aesop's stories will testify to the great benefit they derived from the wisdom and values conveyed by these stories. Now it is certainly true that from a strictly military point of view, Gallipoli was a disaster of the greatest magnitude. The bungling was appalling. There was a tragic loss of life, not only of Australians and New Zealanders, but also of British and other Empire troops. Gallipoli was one of Winston Churchill's many military blunders. But what did the epic of Gallipoli, the manifestation of a type of reckless courage, of incredible resourcefulness, leave behind? The legacy of Gallipoli was that of the spirit, affecting a nation, helping to illuminate the eternal values. What was apparently Christ's ignominious death upon the Cross also appeared to be a complete defeat. But two thousand years of Christianity demonstrated that Christ's teachings so partook of Truth, of Reality, of God, that death was followed by life. Even some of the world's prominent agnostics have said that the world would have been a poorer place without what they believed to be a myth…" And he finishes with the words "As a national symbol, Anzac Day offers an inspiring message concerning free men offering their lives in defence of an ideal far superior to that offered by those who, unless checked, will continue to attempt to drive Mankind towards some type of a World State. This is a time to say, again, "Lest we forget", and to remember, "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance"." Continue reading here... |
NELSON MANDELA AND THE REALITY OF SOUTH AFRICABy Nathan Freeman, Gillits South Africa. Now that all the shed tears have dried of the global politically correct liberal ruling elite over the death of Nelson Mandela – who has now become a secular ‘saint’ – a summing up is appropriate. On Target, 10 January 2014 carried two articles about Mandela. In the first, the great Eric Butler observed that at the Rivonia trial in South Africa, Mandela admitted that his ANC (African National Congress) and the South African Communist Party, closely co-operated and that he had written the booklet, How to be a Good Communist. This was noted on 22 October 1966. The mainstream media gave only a passing recognition of Mandela’s communist past when British historian, Professor Stephen Ellis showed that Mandela held a senior rank in the South African Communist Party (SACP) (see: Nelson Mandela 'proven' to be a member of the Communist Party after decades of denial, The Telegraph, 8 December 2012). Further, the SACP said in December 2013 Mandela was a member of its central committee. Mandela the Communist Terrorist The ANC was also helped in its bomb-making enterprises by the IRA. The bombings were conducted by the organisation “Spear of the Nation” which Mandela helped form in 1961.
At Mandela’s trial he confessed to complicity in numerous murders and 156 acts of terror, but the liberals dismiss this because a trial by the ‘Apartheid’ South African government is by definition “illegitimate” because “racism” (for whites) is a worse sin than murder. In 27 years of house arrest Mandela continued to instruct his followers and was also able to make a fortune. In testimony before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission he admitted to targeting terrorist bombings that occurred during his imprisonment that targeted Afrikaner women and children. (See further: Andy Nowicki, “Immoral Equivalence”, Alternative Right 12 December 2013 at (https://www.alternativeright.com/blog/category/immoral-equivalence.) Nowicki concludes from his study of Mandela that he “didn’t just promulgate a race war… but actively engaged in it. Over the course of his career, he not only raised his fist Commie-style, and sang a blood-curdling song about killing the whites”, but actually played a leading role in the torture and murder of many whites and blacks, including women and children.”
Mandela was offered freedom from imprisonment in 1985 if he swore to cease supporting violence, but he never did this. Thus, even an organisation such as Amnesty International did not grant Mandela political prisoner status because of his support for violence. Mandela was considered a terrorist and put on the terrorist watch list be the US government, until a vote by Congress in April 2008. His visit to the US in 2005 to meet President George W. Bush required a special waiver by the US State department for Mandela to even enter the country. He was also seen as a terrorist by the British Prime Minster Margaret Thatcher.
Liberals of course dismiss this. But Mandela embraced the likes of Fidel Castro, Muamar Qaddafi, Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein. He praised remaining communist dictators in speeches critical of Western democracies and praised Cuban and Libyan ideals. Cuba was his “second home”: “Long live the Cuban Revolution!” “Long live comrade Fidel Castro!” As President of South Africa, Mandela did nothing to stop farm attacks that have led to thousands of Afrikaners being raped, tortured and murdered. Mandela helped bring into existence a South Africa, which I will now describe, which is worse than many apocalyptic movies. It really is the land of the “walking dead”. But don’t take my word for all of this. You can consult Ilana Mercer, Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa (Bytech Services, 2012). South Africa is the rape and murder “capital” of the world, with the highest per capita rate of rapes; highest total number of HIV infections, and a per capita murder rate seven times that of the United States. Most rapes are racially-based gang rapes, “jack rolling” it is called here. Rapes (sexual assaults were 65,000 reported for the year ending March 2012 or 12.7 per 100,000 people, but this is an under-representation as most rapes go unreported. South Africa has the highest incidence of child and baby rape in the world, e.g., 67,000 cases reported in 2000 according to Wikipedia (“Rape Statistics”). The reason is that some Africans have the belief that sex with a virgin can cure a man of AIDS (and that again is citing Wikpedia, but it is common knowledge here). The HIV/AIDS/TB infection rate is 20 per cent, which means that many rapes lead to the victim being HIV infected. Rapes often lead to horrific murders, especially of white farm women who have been disembowelled with broken bottles. Murders of whites occur every day, although rich whites have some protection living in village fortresses protected by security guards. There are around 500,000 private security guards in a nation of less than 53 million.) Some sources put the number of white South Africans murdered since the beginning of the ANC regime at 60,000; other sources quote higher figures, others lower. It is difficult to know because reliable statistics are not available; most murders are not reported or investigated by the South African police. Perhaps 2 per cent of White South Africa has been murdered since 1994. Of these, about 4,000 (and rising) farmers have been murdered, often involving torture such as burning with hot irons. One can consult South Africa - Genocide Watch ww.genocidewatch.org/southafrica.html for more information. An article in BBC News Magazine 19 May 2013: “Do White People Have a Future in South Africa?” says that white communities face a level of deprivation , or of violence, which threatens their future in the country”. People are twice as likely to be killed if they are a white farmer than a police officer – and the profession of police officer is one of the most dangerous in the land. Many of the killings are not thieves but targeted killings. White squatter camps have sprung up; there are now about 80 such camps with around 400,000 whites living in absolute poverty. The number of both blacks and whites living in absolute poverty will continue to rise as corruption runs right through the government, even more so than in the West – if that is possible. “Reverse Apartheid” has led to blacks being economically much worse than under apartheid. The rate of those without jobs doubled to 48 per cent from 1991-1992, and the number of people living on $1-a-day doubled from two to four million. In 2006 a quarter of South Africans lived in shacks with no running water or electricity. Only 5,000 of over 35 million blacks earn more than $60,000 per year. The life expectancy of the black population has fallen by 13 years since 1994. Even though the ANC’s Black Economic Empowerment programmes distribute wealth according to race, things have not improved for black people. ANC radicals are now seeking nationalisation of the mining and banking sectors and perhaps Mugabe-style land grabs of white farms. Racial Lessons - Ilana Mercer’s book “Into the Cannibal’s Pot” has a chapter entitled ‘Why Do Wasp Societies Wither?’ This is the question that needs to be thought about by nationalists today. I have no general answer to offer here, but I found the concluding remarks of US writer Jim Goad (“Mandela: What the Obits Omit”, 9 December 2013) informative.
“Mandela was “a charismatic foot-servant of globalism. In the end, despite his image as the foe of colonialism, he may have been nothing more than a useful tool of global finance. The Financial Powers That Be will continue to rape and exploit South Africa’s bounteous mineral riches, and the great masses of the country’s blacks will continue to wallow in violence, poverty, disease and hunger. The main difference will be that the pesky and irksome Boers who pulled the region out of the Stone Age will no longer be in the way. Like the pioneers who tamed the American West they have served their purpose and are now being discarded”. Editor’s comment: At last some people are seeing facts of history without the rose-coloured misrepresentations by the mainline media. Men such as Ivor Benson and Eric D. Butler had a more realistic grasp of world events than previously acknowledged and their words have come back to haunt us. Further reading here… and also “This Age of Conflict” by Ivor Benson |
LETTERS TO THE PRESSTo the Editor of The Australian 29th December 2014. The spirit of Barry Cohen's piece ('Prejudice the making of a proud first Australian', 29/1) is admirable, more so than the quality of argument. Personal anecdote is a weak way of supporting a case on a serious public issue: the fact that Cohen's ancestors did not 'own any banks' does not refute the obvious fact that for several hundred years Jewish influence in European and international banking has been, in demographic terms, greatly disproportionate - this leading to many problems for both gentiles and Jews. And I doubt that he has any hard evidence that his relatives perished in 'gas chambers' at Chelmno. Today's persecuted are not Jews, so much as courageous critics of the self-serving political behaviours of certain Jews and Jewish groups. - - Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic NEWS FROM FRANCE Exasperation against Jewish tyranny 1) At the big demonstration in Paris last Sunday (January 26, "day of anger") against President Hollande and his government; some participants, at least one with a megaphone, were heard chanting a slogan that can be translated "Faurisson is right: the gas chambers are a sham". The demonstration gave rise to clashes between marchers and police: there were 262 arrests and 19 policemen injured. Those arrested were all subjected to the burdensome procedure of detention in isolation (garde à vue), in which a lawyer and a physician must be called for each person held. See here... 2) The well-known revisionist "Joe Lecorbeau", graphic artist and publicist (joelecorbeau.com), is under arrest in Toulouse in the context of an inquiry into the posting on the Internet of a photo of a young man making the "quenelle" gesture in front of a Jewish school in that city: the police have searched his house and seized his computer and other belongings. 3) This morning the comic Dieudonné, friend of the revisionists, saw both his theatre in Paris and his residence in the countryside to the west of the city searched by the police. |