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14 February 2014 Thought for the Week: The Twelfth Commandment: Some years ago a clergyman friend confided that he could not understand why "goodness" in a man did not ensure God's blessing in the form of economic prosperity. "Why," I said, "I've just been reading a book that will help you clear up that point." I was thinking of some passages from the greatest mind of this century. Here is the central point from page 15:
"It is not necessary to have a contempt, or to be lacking in a proper respect, for qualities in human beings which add to the grace, dignity and meaning of human existence, to be quite clear that those qualities are not in themselves at issue in regard to many of the economic and industrial problems which confront the world at this time." A year later, on answering a "call" from another State, he returned the book, remarking casually, "Afraid I didn't get round to reading it." Although my Scottish ancestry is cause for pride, it is not of the clan Douglas, so the way the conversation should have continued does not occur to me until next day. To his confession I reply, "So there's one of Christ's commandments you don't carry out". With startled look, he enquires. "Which is that?" "The twelfth," I say, " 'Seek ye the truth, and the truth shall make you free'." To the best of my knowledge his mind is still in bondage to a "group ego" which conforms to the requirements of Satan - subjugation of the individual to totalitarian bureaucracy. Demon est Deus inversus. - - Eve Arndt, The New Times, p.4, 14 March 1958 |
SPC ARDMONA:The 'SPC Coca Cola Amatil' saga has dominated the news particularly with the Prime Minister's rejection of a request by SPC-CCA for supporting funds from the Commonwealth and State to upgrade their factories. Please write letters of support to Dr Sharman Stone and remind other backbenchers that their stay in Parliament could be short. The electorate is fickle and the same group who supported Cathy McGowan, Independent for Indi, is working to replicate the same result elsewhere at the next election. In the discussions, the fruit growers don't rate a mention and there little understanding of their role in the food production supply chain. It takes 14/15 years for a fruit tree to reach maturity and the orchardist has to put money up-front and do considerable work before there is any financial return. This is why SPC Ardmona must be supported. The Liberal/National back-benchers should be 'screwed' for all you are worth ... this is the 'Achilles heel' of the Government. This is why continuing operation of the cannery must be supported. Start with your local representatives; you will find their names in a phone book. Write to Members and Senators care of Parliament House, Canberra 2600. The Prime Minister's stand against SPC-CCA must be closely linked to his support for the Trans Pacific Partnership. Free trade between the G20 countries must come at a cost. Write to your elected representatives and ask them if they support the TPP and how will participation in the TPP help Australian agriculture and motor industry. Be polite in your enquiries and keep your questions short and to the point. It helps if you can cultivate 'an air of enquiring ignorance'. |
THE ‘ABORIGINAL RECOGNITION’ CONSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGEby Ian Wilson LL.B. and Brian Simpson: Andrew Bolt really stirred up the Establishment ruling elites with his article “I am, You are, We are Australian” in the Herald Sun 29 January 2014. Bolt said, “I am an indigenous Australian, like millions of other people here, black or white. Take note, Tony Abbott. Think again, you new dividers, before we are on the path to apartheid with your change to our Constitution”. Bolt is a classical liberal who puts individuals first. Thus he sees himself as indigenous being born here and having as much right to this land as anyone else. The Aboriginal lobby are racial essentialists who see that, as the Aboriginal race (people) occupied this land mass, allegedly first, they therefore have some special claim. Such a priority claim is never accepted by the chattering class for white nations such as Sweden because the indigenous ideology really only applied to non-white people. But leaving this aside, the whole Aboriginal argument is inconsistent with their stated objective of attempting to remove race from the Constitution: if anything it further racialises the Constitution. Adding some special clause of Aboriginal advancement will indeed constitute economic apartheid, adding an eternal affirmative action clause to the Constitution. Let us organise to fight all and any Constitutional change. It would be a good building movement from which a group can be born to tackle other new class issues such as multiculturalism and Asianisation – issues that will eventually weaken and divide Australia into but an outpost of China. |
Meet the Australian of the Year and What He Really Thinks:The Age of 26 January 2014 contained some relevant thoughts by Adam Goodes, Australian of the Year. For Goodes, “Australia Day is a day of mourning”. He said, “It’s a very sad day for a lot of our mob”. Yes, the Sydney Swans player owes everything to Australia – there was no football played by Aboriginals prior to British settlement. Goodes has done well in this system but he says that he finds it difficult to celebrate Australia Day “because of the sadness and the mourning and sorrow of our people and a culture that unfortunately has been lost to me through generations”. Actually Adam, you can go and throw it all away and go to the Northern Territory and hunt kangaroo with a spear if you want to: it’s your heritage. And one wonders the fate of such a guilt industry if the Chinese had settled Australia? As well, if China ultimately colonises Australia what significance will be given to the survival of the Aboriginal people, and to us? |
A Strategy for Fighting the Coming Constitutional Challenge:The Andrew Bolt article goes on to outline the most likely outcome of the Constitutional change. Abbott will “license demands from people, particularly race industry professionals, who will in some cases be satisfied with nothing less than apartheid”. Bolt said that the Aboriginal reconciliation movement went from a demand for a “sorry”, which Kevin Rudd gave them as his “big act” to Parliament passing an “act of recognition”. Now comes the demand for Constitutional change, and it won’t stop there. Right now Abbott’s chief adviser on Aboriginal issues has as that there is a need for the recognition of treaties with the hundreds of tribes to “acknowledge Australia’s right to exist”. How do you like that: does it make you want to vote “Yes”? And after that comes complete apartheid with no Australian court being able to sit in judgment of Aborigines, Bolt notes. The legal argument against Constitutional change was put by law professor James Allan (“The Document We Have Sure Ain’t broken, So Why Change It?” The Australian 30 January 2014, p.10) Professor Allan points out that our High Court has engaged in a creative use of the law, such as finding “implied rights” in the Constitution. The High Court has seen the Constitution as a “living tree” that can be pruned by the legal elites. Gone are the days of trying to capture any “original intention” of the Founding Fathers. One does not know how far down this road they will take us in a few decades. Judges have already decided that some in prison may vote even when Parliament has said that they could not, and based on the phrase “directly chosen by the people” judges have made a decision about when electoral rolls could close. In short, this argument is : don’t trust the lawyers to get their hands on our Constitution! Professor Allan draws on the New Zealand example of the Treaty of Waitangi where judges have invented a “partnership principle” between the Crown and the Maoris and “Treaty principles” which “is just a springboard to read in the desires of today’s metropolitan elite”. All of this has created numerous race-based divisions that have fostered “rent-seeking behaviour that benefits the tribal elite far, far more than the poor in the cities”. Democracy has been undermined. These two articles summarised here are excellent to refer people to who need some convincing on the Aboriginal referendum issue. |
Red Over Black : Essential Reading Today:Geoff McDonald in his classic book “Red Over Black : Behind the Aboriginal Land Rights” (1982), sets out the historical case about how the Aboriginal land rights movement was used by the communists and what we would call ‘globalists of the Left’ to attack and undermine traditional Australia. It was most definitely a “divide and conquer” strategy. McDonald would know because he was a member of the Australian Communist Party, joining in 1948. He learnt how leading communists were planning to make Australia into a communist republic through the establishment of “black republic” areas of Australia to be exclusively inhabited by Aborigines. This was to become the “land rights” movement. As well, the communists, through the universities and education system had begun a full scale attack on the White Australia Policy, with the longer term aim of “abandoning Australia as a European nation to become predominately Asian”. (p. xii) The communists were explicitly seeking to destroy Anglo Saxon Australia, because, we believe, that anti-white and anti-Anglo Saxonism is implicitly built into communism. G.H. Burchett’s “China and the White Australia Policy” was one of the texts that McDonald studied, which supported the right of the Asians to be homogenous whilst attacking the White Australia Policy because it offended the Indians! Burchett advocated a “one world consciousness” which is the defining ideology today. McDonald’s chapter four “Singling Out the Anglo Saxons for Attack” is instructive to read today because he has all the relevant quotes from early attackers, such as Al Grassby of the Whitlam government fame. Readers who don’t know about him now have the magic of Google for enlightenment, but in short Grassby was one of the first to develop multiculturalism as an Australian doctrine and what it entailed.
All of this is relevant because the White Australia Policy was once accepted by the major parties. Today it is seen in our schools and universities as a “Nazi” racist policy. Proceeding with a Fabian strategy of the inevitability of gradualism, the elites move, step-by-step to undermine the old order and ring in their New World Order, where they rule. Geoff McDonald’s book presented all of the early available evidence that radicals were using the Aboriginal issue to create an independent black nation, and to dispossess white Australians (chapter three of the book). We have seen that Mr. McDonald’s early predictions have come true, first with Mabo (No2) and Wik, judgements which undermined the traditional basis for possession of Australia, and now with this Constitutional challenge. There is a continuity of purpose here indicating an agenda that has been worked on for at least fifty years. 'It is NOT Too Late!
The time to fight is now, for all that you hold dear. In the time to come, more articles will appear at this site about strategies of resistance, but for the time being, actionists need to build up their knowledge for the battle ahead. |
SHOCK – HORROR – WE ARE TOLD, SA’s PREMIER IS RED FACED!And do you know why? “Jay Weatherill has been hit with a cash crisis less that two months from the election…” (The Advertiser 23 January 2014 p.1.) Not only has a Government modelling revealed a “cash crisis” of a $380 million Budget ‘black hole’ but South Australian taxpayers are looking at a government “deficit now out to more than $1 billion”. I don’t know about you gentle reader but I am sick to the back teeth with this type of charade being played out just before a looming election – or timed when the incoming Party takes the reins of office. For God’s sake South Australians, wake up to the fact that governments of all persuasions handed over the powers of credit creation (creation of a State’s money supply) to the Financial Oligarchs many years ago. It is a long sorry story, but if you won’t discipline yourselves to take time to understand what happened then you and your children, and grandchildren, and your great grandchildren will continue to live under this oppressive system. Probably the South Australian government will sell South Australia’s remaining public assets to the Chinese government in a “Debt for Equity Swap”. JEREMY LEE’S MP3 Files ESSENTIAL LISTENING ON THE SUBJECT |
CHINA-ISATION AND THE ABANDONMENT OF WESTERN VALUESby Richard Miller. John Fitzgerald (“To Each Their Own No Longer Applies to China”, The WE-Australian 25-26 January 2014, p.16) is the author of “Big White Lie - Chinese Australians in White Australia”. I haven’t yet read this book, but I can guess at its contents by comments made in his article that the Chinese were not regarded by the founders of White Australia as having equal rights of “all men”: “Chinese were to be excluded from Australia because they were held incapable of appreciating universal values that made white people – and only white people – Australian”. Feel guilty yet? On the contrary, the White Australia Policy aimed to prevent Australia being racially transformed as it is today, just as the racially-based immigration policy of China does in protecting China. Ironically Fitzgerald goes on to detail the challenge which China is making to the very basis of liberal democratic values as China is now seeking to universalise its values of authority over freedom, hierarchy over equality and the group over the individual. In the Chinese New World Order, all nations would pay deference to China and States “would never say or do anything to give offence to the government of China. If they did, Beijing would strike back… There would be no tolerance for another country’s leaders or citizens expressing an inconvenient thought about the Chinese regime or leader, not even on that other country’s home soil”. Fitzgerald’s criticism of White Australia is essentially undermined by this observation of Chinese global totalitarianism. Even if it was the case that the founders of the White Australia Policy did exclude the Chinese, not merely because of Anglo Saxon racial preservation, but because the Chinese people as a whole did not accept liberal democratic institutions but favoured “Chinese values”, these observations seem to confirm such a fear.
A nation with a majority Chinese will have “Chinese values”, logically enough, even if many individuals did favour liberty and freedom. As the quote from Fitzgerald makes clear, the few will be forced by the iron fist of China to conform. |
LAND SOLD FOR QUARTER OF ITS VALUE: THE FINAL FATE OF THE MFP: By James Reed. I remember the MFP – Multifunction Polis – a futuristic Japanese city that was to be built on the “swamps” of Gillman, Adelaide. It was all the go at the time because the new class saw Japan as Number 1. They would do the same for China if China operated that way. Now it appears that the South Australian government has sold off the MFP site in Gillman “for a quarter of its potential value without going to tender”. (The WE Australian, 25-26 January 2014, p.8) |
DEATH OF THE FAMILY FARM, DEATH OF THE FAMILY: IT’S ALL PART OF GLOBALISMby Peter West. According to union boss Paul Howes, we need to see the end of “ma and pa farming” so that Australia can become the food bowl for Asia. (The Australian, 2 December 2013, p.1) Corporate agriculture is the way to go, he believes, just like in the US. It is an interesting connection shown here between corporatism, Asianisation and globalism. Just put in there that corporate farms are all Chinese owned, and my, my, you have everything! Comment: Obviously, unionist Mr Howes is an internationalist (a one worlder?). |
WHO OWNS CORPORATE AUSTRALIA?Pleased to see some folk within the business world are speaking out on the centralisation of finance and the economy. The following is from website: http://wakeup-world.com/ “Due to the complex nature of the legal structures of shareholders and ways that the various shareholders work together, it is virtually impossible to determine who really controls the banks. Many of the other minor shareholders in the banks also have HSBC, JP Morgan and Citibank, along with many other European and US banks as their major shareholders.
One of the most interesting aspects that complement the cross-ownership in the big four Australian banks is the number of cross directorships in other foreign banks and financial institutions that exist in a wide manner. Studies have shown how even small cross-shareholding structures, at a national level, can affect market competition in sectors such as airline, automobile and steel, as well as the financial one. If one examines company directorships there is a tight cross-linking across commerce, banking and mining in Australia today. Commerce, banking and mining are now part of an oligopoly. The great myth is that Australia is a competitive economy. Most of Australia’s largest companies have either monopolies or exercise some form of oligopoly.
The top businesses in Australia do not exist within competitive environments and are therefore able to earn above average profits. This has potential consequences for local innovation, consequences for sustainable exploitation of resources, consequences for which industries survive and which industries are lost, and consequences for the cost of living for Australians, not to mention fairness and transparency in the marketplace…” |
LETTERS IN THE PRESS: AUSSIE WORKERS FIRST – GLOBALISM LAST!Train our own workers before imports “Well said, Engineers Australia (“Cal1 to lift migrant intake as skills crunch looms”, The Australian 13/1). The nation should definitely mobilise more of our own people before we look overseas for skilled workers. The Australian Industry Group’s call for increased immigration is impractical when so many businesses are struggling to stay afloat, or are releasing skilled labour through downsizing or business closure. The financial as well as non-economic costs of immigration affect the future of us all. We need more emphasis on skilling up the population we already have, through training and apprenticeships”. - - Margaret James, Carlton, Vic “The Australian Industry Group warns of a looming fall in apprenticeships, and business urges an expanded migration program to prevent a “shortage of about 2.8 million skilled workers within a decade”. Increasing the number of migrants to such levels will create a bigger demand for infrastructure and housing, areas in which we allegedly already have skills shortages. Ai Group’s demand should be pruned by empirical evidence, a cost-benefit analysis, and a firm foot in reality. With jobs growth sluggish, and the puff running out of the mining boom, industries are dwindling, infrastructure debt is growing and so is unemployment”. (The Australian 13/1) - - Margit Alm, Eltham, Vic |
I SMELL A RATby Betty Luks:
Oh why, oh why, am I so cynical and suspicious? All of a sudden there is this attack on the unions by Tony Abbott’s ‘conservative’ mob and it happened just when the public was reading of the Gravy Trains some union heavies have been riding. I don’t think we can look at any one issue in isolation. An ‘Untold’ Story? Miranda Devine in The Telegraph, Sunday, November 03, 2013 (12:44am) opened discussion on the subversive activities of communist-led wharfie unions during WWII. She writes:
“As the Abbott government begins to take on union power and corruption, a timely new book reveals the union movement’s role in one of the most shameful periods of Australian history. What the wharfies did to Australian troops - and their nation’s war effort - between 1939 and 1945 is nothing short of an abomination. Miranda, I have news for you – it is not an ‘untold story’:
The Australian League of Rights was formed in 1946 with many returned servicemen supporting the movement, they knew of the traitorous communist-led wharfie unionists.
In the eulogy to his deceased friend, the late Edward (Ted) Rock, himself a returned serviceman, wrote of Horton Davies another early supporter - “Happy - Joyous - Horton Lewis Davies” and explained the communists had infiltrated not only the wharfie unions:
“I first got to know Horton in the early nineteen fifties shortly after he was demobilised from the R.A.A.F. in which he served as pilot in a transport wing flying B57s servicing the many fronts in the Island warfare zones which needed supplies. Possibly his most memorable and heart-rending experience was when the armistice came he shuttle-lifted continuous flights of Australian prisoners of war from Changi Prison in Singapore back to hospitals in Australia. Horton said there was no need for stretchers to carry them to the plane, they were so emaciated he could have picked up one in each arm to carry them to his plane. But Perth lawyer, Mr Hal Colebatch, should have caste his inquiring net much wider because that part of the story doesn’t give the Australian people a fuller picture of the forces at work in those times - and subsequent events. Yes, there were WWII communist wharfie-union traitors, but really, they were small fish in comparison with the larger fish in an ocean of intrigue and treachery. You need to download and read the following booklets for a better understanding: We also recommend the following books for further reading: |
ASYLUM SEEKERS AND THE INEVITABLE HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE CLAIMby Peter West. The shock horror headline-story was that of the ABC footage of asylum seekers whose boat was turned back to Indonesia by the Australian Navy on 6 January 2014. They were allegedly punched and beaten by sailors and forced to hold hot pipes on the boat’s engines, burning their hands. (Photo at The Australian 24 January 2014, p.1) Update: |
AND THEN FROM THE UK CAME THIS REPORT OF OUR ‘INHUMANITY’Cathedral defies Australia's 'inhumane, demeaning' asylum policies, 25 Jan 2014 https://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/20017. “A banner at St Paul’s Cathedral in Melbourne encouraging people to “fully welcome refugees” will remain until Australia's “inhumane and demeaning” asylum policies change, the Dean of Melbourne, Dr Andreas Loewe, has confirmed. Dr Loewe made this statement following creditable claims by asylum seekers that they were taken up by an Australian naval vessel and placed in a lifeboat with written instructions to return to Indonesia. News sources claim that the first such documented group of asylum seekers to be transferred into a lifeboat received an assurance that they would be transferred to offshore detention on Christmas Island. The asylum seekers' claims have not been denied by the Minister for Immigration…" |
I was delighted to see Gary Johns (“Migration Control an Important Tool of National Social Policy” The Australian 28 January 2014, p.10) put the case that “Citizens should have a say in the number of people who want to settle in their country”. I agree and go to the next logical step: Citizens have the right to decide about the race, ethnicity, religion etc., of those people.
Gary Johns goes on to say something which essentially leads to my point: “Saving one refugee is humane: saving one million refugees is almost certainly not. Large numbers of refugees, or migrants not carefully chosen, can change the nature of the host community, to its detriment. If Australia were to consist of a mix of Iraqs, Irans, Afghanistans, Syrias, Somalias, it would no longer be Australia”. On refugees Johns says that refugee advocates never answer the question of : how many? Presumably Australia has no limit to its compassion or sustainability but the “effect, if indeed not the object of refugee advocacy is to disarm Australia”. I, of course go further and see the object of immigration itself, to do this, while giving short-term profits to the ruling elites. Johns concludes that only the citizens can determine how many is enough. Well Tony, let’s forget about the Aboriginal recognition referendum and have a long-overdue referendum on immigration, multiculturalism and Asianisation. If, Tony, you really want to define yourself with championing a big issue, this is the one, one which you yourself spoke about … way back in 1990! |
LETTER IN THE PRESS: WHAT A BEAT UP!Adelaide Advertiser 28 January 2014 It has become increasingly clear that much of the reporting on “asylum seekers” getting on the boats in Indonesia to come to Australia is a beat up. Here is why: They arrive on flights into Indonesia with passports from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, etc. They must lodge an incoming passenger card with immigration when they show their passport and purchase a VOA (Visa On Arrival) for US$25. VOA is only available for up to 30 days. Upon departure from Indonesia they must present the outgoing part of the incoming passenger card to depart Indonesia through immigration. If they do not depart Indonesia within 30 days they have breached Indonesian immigration laws. When they arrive in Australia on the illegal boats they have therefore committed a crime in another country by breaching their immigration laws, and also committed a crime invading Australia’s sovereignty with no good reason, since they aren’t fleeing Indonesia. Therefore under the Migration Act 1958 they have committed a crime in another country and should not pass the Character Test under Section 501 of the Migration Act 1958.So these people should be charged in the first instance under Indonesia’s immigration laws and also be issued with a “Notice of Intention to Refuse A (Any) Visa on Character Grounds”, that is, they are lying, cheating, dishonest individuals. Send them back to Indonesia for breaching Indonesia’s immigration laws and do not allow them to pass the “character test” as they have already lied to another country. Not only that, but they are no longer fleeing persecution or harm while harbouring in Indonesia or any other country they are smuggled from. This is illegal migration as defined by UNHRC guidelines on defining illegal migration and seeking asylum. You cannot bounce around from country to country until you find the one with good welfare. Case closed. - - Signed: William Durrell, Darling Heights |
The Machine Stopsby Arnis Luks. In the last couple of weeks I had the opportunity to read the essay “Economic Puritansim”. It was such a revelation that I went to my computer and scanned the document into the machine, OCR’d it to recognise the text and then spent a short time setting out pagination for the finished product. This particular task of 9 pages of fine text would have taken an experienced typist at least an hour to complete, yet here is me; the one finger maestro doing it 4 times faster with machines. What does this say about this time in history? China is the production machine for the whole world and - our leaders would have us believe - the rest of the world stand idle waiting for tickets (money) from our merchant oligarchs to have enough to eat. Madness. The essay “Economic Puritansim” shows the same puritan philosophy for both Communist and Capitalist with only the oligarchs (communist and capitalist alike) entitled to leisure. This is further reinforced by Geoff MacDonalds “Red Over Black” DVD and the document “America, Rooseveldt and the New Deal” both mentioning the puritan methods used in the communist training camps. Recently a tree fell across the neighbour’s driveway. It needed to be processed into firewood. Out came the electric chain saw to tidy up the trunk and major branches, a little effort stripped the small branches of leaves and the electric benchsaw processed the rest into suitable sizes and lengths. The handsaw stood by watching and hoping to be called into duty but it was not to be. It is the machine and automation age that has released us all from unnecessary toil to ponder the true meaning of life during our leisure. “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O men of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek all these things; and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well….RSV |