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27 March 1970. Thought for the Week:
"...Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which hath
been crucified, He is not here; for he is risen, even as he
St. Matthew 28: 5 & 6. |
"HE LIVES!!" - THE EASTER MESSAGEOur world rejects the fundamental Christian values, perhaps to a greater extent than any other period of history since the birth of Christ, whether we talk of man or his institutions, church and state. The words recorded by Isaiah the prophet, and made more familiar when set to the noble music of Handel's "The Messiah" make clear for us not only the reaction of those who saw him come 2000 years ago, but our own society today. "He was despised and rejected of men." The same words epitomise the present day rejection of the gospel of Christ as the only basis on which life for each individual can approach the realities of truth. Truth - both metaphysical and material, as it works in establishing peace of mind, love of neighbour, or the laws of politics, government and economics, must be fashioned on the anvil of human experience which accepts as guidelines the gospel of Christ and the laws of God. The response of man to God, the hope of all Christians is that "every knee shall bow," and "every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." This is the gospel for which Christ died on that Good Friday many years ago and which we also are called to give our all, if necessary, that the truth may live. We are fortified by the knowledge that the truth we fight for is invincible. "For he is risen, even as he said." |
CANADIAN TAX REVOLTMr. Eric Butler reports from Canada A White Paper on taxation presented by the Trudeau Government's Minister for Finance, Mr. Benson, has produced a dramatic nationwide protest. While sitting in his bathtub, a Toronto businessman and teacher, Mr. John Bulloch, decided that the proposals in Mr. Benson's White Paper were so revolutionary, and such a threat to the smaller businessman, that something should be done. He inserted an advertisement in the press suggesting that businessmen who thought as he did should get together and take some action. The result was a new organisation, the Canadian Council for Fair Taxation, which called its first meeting for a Sunday. The result shocked the Liberal-Socialists right across Canada: For more than 2,500 people packed into that first meeting, and indicated that they were angry. It is reported that the Canadian Council for Fair Taxation has mushroomed to some 6,000 members, and is progressively gaining more support. The Council has started publishing a monthly journal, Guardian, and has opened offices right across Canada. Full page advertisements have been appearing in the daily press, and a flood of mail has been going to Federal Members. A spokesman for the Council on Fair Taxation has observed that, "The White Paper on Taxation is really a social document that will change the course of Canadian history. It really is the product of a strong civil service that ignores the wishes of the people. The Liberal Party committed suicide by this document." Mr. Pat Walsh, Research Director for the Canadian League of Rights, which is playing a vital role in encouraging the tax revolt, bluntly states that the White Paper on Taxation is the product of a small group of civil servants in the Finance Department who are known Fabian Socialists. Mr. Walsh claims that veteran economic adviser Robert Bryce played a major role in fashioning the White Paper. Mr. Walsh describes Mr. Bryce as "a model Fabian Socialist trained in Secret Communist cells." The open influence of the Fabian Socialists now appears to be much greater in Ottawa than in Australia. That, of course, is no consolation to Australians suffering under the same type of financial and economic programme being imposed in Australia. One Liberal Party Member at Ottawa has decided that he has had enough, although I am informed that at least 25 others think as he does. In explaining why he resigned, Mr. Perry Ryan spoke of a "closely knit civil service bureaucracy... powerful enough to promote its own opinions and on occasions to make or break governments." The Liberal Premier of Saskatchewan, Mr. Ross Thatcher, has also lashed out against the Fabians' White Paper: "As a liberal I want to say that it is the most abominable piece of legislation introduced since I became a Liberal. If Canada adopts the White Paper we are going to be just like England - incentives and initiative will be discouraged and it will be a terrible country... I must do everything I can to defeat this White Paper." Conservative Opposition leader Stanfield does not seem to inspire much confidence as an opponent of Prime Minister Trudeau, and it appears certain that if the Fabian programme is going to be halted, it will only be because of a non-party grass-roots revolt. The Council for Fair Taxation claims it is going to take its campaign right up until the next elections. The Canadian League of Rights is expanding. The farmers are turning out in large numbers to protest meetings. Prime-Minister Trudeau says he will not be "bullied." It appears that the battle lines are being clearly drawn in Canada for a major struggle between those attempting to use centralised control of finance to change the social structure, and people determined to resist. |
EUROMONEY"One of the most ambitious aims of the Continental Eurocrats is to establish a common currency area for the whole of the Common Market, perhaps before the end of the decade It is with this aim in view that the officials of the community are proposing the Barre plan This plan provides for the increased pooling of reserves, increased rigidity of exchange rates, and an ultimate banning of any changes in the relative parities of the Six There is the question of the kind of relationships which would come to exist between the central banks of the member-countries as controllers of the creation of their supply of money. These questions of financial organisation are obviously closely related to fundamental political questions, because political sovereignty is closely related to the power to control the money supply." THE BULLETIN, (Sydney) March 7, 1970. Never was the iron hand beneath the velvet glove of the Common Market's insidious allure more obvious than in this latest proposal. The implications of the Barre plan are clearly understood by the author of this article when he goes on to examine possible implications: "One (possible outcome) is that a great deal of the effective power over national economies would be removed from the direct control of national parliaments and go into the hands of a consortium of central bankers, finance ministers and community officials." So there we have it. As the old song goes "Will you come into my parlour, said the Spider to the Fly?" This article deserves the closest attention of those Australians who still find it hard to believe that banks create credit. |
TO WHAT DEPTHS"A strike which no New Yorker wants to think about - the walkout of this city's 1,700 grave diggers - is well into its second month, with small hope of a settlement. In 44 cemeteries in and around the city coffins are piled up under makeshift tents, in garages, even - in one instance - alongside the road that runs through the grave yard, protected only by canvas sheeting... The cemetery owners decline to say how many bodies are stockpiled. But a conservative estimate is about 3,000." THE BULLETIN (Sydney) March 7th, 1970. There is captured in this article something of the despair and horror of Sodom and Gomorrah. It was a wise man who once wrote that a nation might be judged by the respect, which it pays to the dead. The financial dealing in graveyard plots is a custom long established in America, and now appearing in Australia. We need to take a pretty good look at this last degradation of a society, which has lost faith, for the seeds of the same degradation are too obvious in Australia. |
A COMEDY OF ERRORSEven the most cost-beset of our farmers would be forced to smile at the succession of absurdities with which Commonwealth Treasurer Bury heralded his "anti-inflationary measures." How long is the myth of "too much money and not enough goods" to be perpetrated? According to Mr. Bury, the cause of inflation is "excessive demand putting excessive pressure on the economy." The only solution, from this one-eyed point of view, is to curb demand by further restrictions on consumer spending. In support of this viewpoint, Mr. Bury has dragged out once again the only evidence of production shortage, which is in the building industry. It is quite true that there is a temporary shortage of one or two building items - notably tiles and bricks. But this is quite untrue of the overwhelming majority of Australia's productive industries, where the great problem is to find a buyer for production. Many industries could increase production further if there was effective demand. So great has been the technological advance of the post-war years that the abundance, availability and range of all consumer goods defies the imagination. To suggest, even for a moment, that Australia's problem is an inability to cater for the requirements of the people is ridiculous. The problem, which faces the world, is no longer production, but distribution. Never have we stood a greater chance of escaping the "curse of Adam." The excess wheat, the unsold butter, the mountainous stocks of electrical and mechanical goods, clothing and fuel make a complete mockery of Mr.Bury's suggestion. But the comedy of errors is likely to become a tragedy unless a saner view of the financial system is undertaken. In fact, for one sector, Rural Industry, that tragedy has arrived. |
AN UNPUBLISHED LETTER ON RHODESIAThe following letter dated March 5, was sent to The Editor of the Adelaide Advertiser, whom to date has not seen fit to print it. The writer, Dr.Walter Henderson is recognised as an outstanding authority of constitutional law and is LL. D of Gray's Inn, London. Mr. John McLeay, M.H.R. and Rhodesia.
FARMERS MARCH IN MELBOURNEThe turnout of farmers in the march to protest about the economic plight of rural industries justified the hopes and optimism of the organisers. Likewise the forecasts of "useless" and that the march would "fizzle out" by its opponents were confounded. Numbers were estimated to this writer by an official as being twelve to fourteen thousand, but as the march is in progress as we prepare to go to press it is difficult to get a correct figure. However it is hoped that now all the shouting and speeches have finished that there is a new spirit of enquiry from rural leaders into policies which can give the farmer a genuine alternative to present disastrous financial policies.The Victorian division of The Institute of Economic Democracy issued a leaflet and widely distributed it at the march pointing the way. |