home of ... Douglas Social Credit
5 June 1970. Thought for the Week: "In
the main, it will be found that a power over a man's support
is a power over his will."
Alexander Hamilton. |
PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR UNIVERSITIES DROPPING"A few years ago students were popular in the community - there was a bond between students and community, but students have ceased to be funny and they have ceased to be popular." - Mr. J. Cameron MLA in NSW. The Australian. Mr. Cameron asserted, "private benefactions to Sydney University have dropped by 50 per cent in the past year because the benefactors don't like the students. " This was later disputed by the registrar who said that there was no fall off and that benefactions varied from year to year. However, he did not say whether this is a low or high year for benefactions, and we rather suspect that Mr. Cameron has a point. He had a further point when he expressed disgust that public money should be used to produce the University of NSW student paper Tharunka which he said presented pornography which was an "outrage" against current public values. If Mr. Cameron followed this argument to its logical conclusion he would realise it is the irresponsible spending of public funds on education, which has led to the present situation. Taxation now running at over $500 per head of population should be decreased to enable parents to finance the education of their children and restore a basis of responsibility. Student papers should be financed by the voluntary support of students indicating such support by financial discrimination. |
ADVISERS GO TO LAOS"The Pentagon today tacitly admitted that U.S. military advisers had crossed into Laos with South Vietnamese troops. " - The Telegraph, Brisbane, May 19th. News coming from the United States in recent days accentuates the hardening of some policies in the Vietnam situation. Communist Viet Cong sanctuaries are under increasing attack. Most heartening is the mounting demonstrations of support inside America for such policies of firmness. If sufficient strength can be demonstrated at home Mr. Nixon could be influenced to land troops in North Vietnam and clean up the whole situation in S.E. Asia. Australians should do everything possible to influence our government to encourage the Nixon administration to accept such policies. |
RHODESIAN GOVERNMENT FEARS SUBVERSION IN CHURCHESMr. Eric Butler sent the following report after recently spending a week in Rhodesia. During an interview with Prime Minister Smith of Rhodesia, I asked him what was the basic reason for the Land Tenure Act, publicised internationally as an attack on the Christian Church by the Rhodesian Government. Why were some Church spokesmen in Rhodesia criticising some sections of the Act, I asked Mr. Smith. Looking more relaxed than I have seen him during other interviews, Prime Minister Smith said that his Government had every reason to fear the use of some Churches for subversive purposes. As the Church in all Western nations has been used by the Marxists for subversion it is not surprising that the numerous Churches in Africa are also regarded by the Marxists as institutions through which they can work. A graphic example of what Mr. Smith spoke about was provided early this year when a Swiss cleric, a Father Traber, was expelled from Rhodesia. Father Traber was editor of a journal known as Moto, and it is only necessary to glance at some of his writing to understand why the Rhodesian Government expelled him. In a TV interview in Zambia, Father Traber said that it was difficult to organise strikes in Rhodesia as most of the African trade union leaders are in goal. The "leaders he referred to were those responsible for acts of terrorism, most of them against their fellow-Africans. It was not surprising that a photo in the Zambian Times showed Father Traber visiting the headquarters of one of the Communist backed terrorist groups operating against Rhodesia from Zambia. It should be recorded that approximately 80 per cent of the so-called "freedom fighters" against Rhodesia, are non-Rhodesians. Much of the international propaganda against the Rhodesian Government's Land Tenure Act is given credence by some of the charges made by those claiming to speak for the Church in Rhodesia. But there have been some extremely loose and erroneous statements made. One result is a major cleavage between the great majority of the laity of the Church and those who claim to speak for the Church. At one meeting the Roman Catholic spokesman, Bishop Lamont, was forced to agree that he could not claim any infallibility on the issue being discussed. And when he asked who was going to stand with him against the Government's legislation only two out of approximately 80 of his own flock stood to support the Bishop. A group of Methodist laymen have publicly expressed their disagreement with statements made by their clergy. The general charge against the Government is that through the Land Tenure Act it is attempting to interfere with "freedom of worship" by forcing European and non-Europeans to worship in different Churches. The truth is that the Land Tenure Act is basically the same as the Land Apportionment Act, designed to protect the rights of the African Rhodesian as well as the European Rhodesian. The tenets of the Land Apportionment Act were supported by the London Missionary Society and clergy in 1931. It is true that as a result of different people living in different areas, they will be worshipping in different Church buildings. Africans do worship in some Churches where the congregation is predominantly European. Prime Minister Smith stressed that he has worshipped together with Africans, and that he has no objections to doing this. "This has been part of our way of life", he said. Australian born Secretary of External Affairs, Mr. S. O'Donnell, a regular attendee with his family at the Anglican Church, informed me that he has no objections to the several Africans who attend the same services that he does. Mr. O'Donnell has for a long time been prominent in the Boy Scouts' Movement in Rhodesia, and was recently given an outstanding award by the International Scouting Movement. The basic essential for Christian missionary work, and the operation of the Church, is law and order. It is the Government, which is primarily responsible for law and order in order that freedom of worship and other Christian activities are possible. The traditional role of the Christian Church was to influence the use of power by Governments through exercising proper authority. But when Bishop Lamont describes Mr. Ian Smith and other Rhodesian Cabinet Ministers as "the real terrorists in Rhodesia", and the Anglican, Bishop Skelton, makes the foul and false charge that the Rhodesian police have poisoned African water sources in order to force them to move, it is not surprising that these Churchmen exercise no authority whatever. The Rt.Rev. Green-Wilkinson, Archbishop of Central Africa, has charged Rhodesians with failing to meet Christian standards. The same Archbishop was silent when in Zambia the Kaunda Government butchered large numbers of the Lumpa sect. Two out of every five Zambian children die under the age of 5 years. His Grace might care to remonstrate with the Zambian Government about these and other matters, but he confines his critism to the Rhodesians. While I would, if a Rhodesian citizen, be critical of some aspects of the Smith Government's policies I am completely satisfied that the reserve powers which the Rhodesian Government has taken under the Land Tenure Act, are a necessary precaution in the face of actual and threatened Marxist subversion. |
WOOL GROWERS IN DESPERATE PLIGHT"The pastoral position in Western Queensland is deteriorating rapidly, and unless the grazier is given immediate financial assistance, the next three months will see the death of one of Australia's major wool-growing areas. " - The Sunday Mail, Brisbane, May 24. Mr. Edward Rock assistant director of the League who has just passed through central Queensland lecturing in a different area each day verifies the above report from his personal contact with farmers and their problems. Typical of the situation was that encountered in one seemingly prosperous western town where 95 per cent of all farmers carry large overdrafts and 90 per cent are up to the limit and both bank managers and clients can see no way out of the situation. In another town was a machinery agent whose turnover in the past twelve months has been a mere $6,000 compared to $120,000 in the previous year. The economic situation brought about by increasing costs of all descriptions far outweighs seasonal setbacks. Farmers point out that even given first class seasonal conditions the high rates of interest and high production costs would not allow them to get back on their feet. Of 25 inland shires $30,000,000 is being taken our each year on redemption and interest rates on loans by the woolgrower. Grain growers are similarly situated, and yet the fact remains that these farmers are still supplying an abundance of produce to the local and export markets, but financial policies are sabotaging their efforts which should enable them to weather any situation such as the present crisis. A complete reversal of current economic and finance policies is the only solution to the situation. Long term interest loans based upon the genuine cost of servicing such loans should be demanded as standard policy. Such loans could be up to 30 years at 2%. Local Government by passing on high costs to farmers brought about by debt finance now and leaving some shires with as little as 16 and 20 per cent of revenue for essential services should be in receipt of direct grants based upon a ratio of dollars per head of ratepayer population plus area to be serviced. Finally the nations' financial policies should reject the concept of financing continuous cost increases thus accentuating the problem, and replace such policies with the finance of consumer production with funds, which do not go through the cost structure. Price discounts, reducing prices to the consumer, are essential if the situation is to be corrected. |
JUNE IS CRISIS MONTH FOR LEAGUE OF RIGHTSThe Australian League of Rights is fast approaching a major financial crisis. It must be approached honestly. The balance of the $25,000 expansion fund for 1969-70 must be donated by June 30th, or a retrenchment of the League's programme will be imperative. This does not mean that the existence of the League as such is threatened - it is far too well based for that to happen - but it does mean there will be a disastrous check to a programme which, to be successful in the long haul ahead, must keep growing. A plant severely checked in its growth may never be the same again. The expansion of League activity over the past nine months has been such that the big problem has been one of keeping pace with effective servicing. Members of the present full time staff and volunteers are strained to the limit. Instead of even thinking about retrenchment - which we hasten to say we are not, because of our faith - we should now be thinking of bringing another full time man into the field. As we go to press the deficiency required by June 30th is $6,066-20. We must stress that much of the League's long-range purpose will be defeated if those who have already contributed attempt to make good the deficiency. We request that these wait until we launch our 1970-71 fund in September. The crucial period is between June 30 and the start of the new flow of donations for the 1970-71 programme. The League is pushing ahead and taking it for granted that the large number who has not yet contributed will match that faith. Every donation, however small, is vital...But whether it is small or large, please get it into Box 1052J, G.P.O. Melbourne, 3001, TODAY, so that others will be inspired to follow the example set. |
NOTICE FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIAN SUPPORTERSThe fourth Annual Dinner of the W.A. Council of the Australian League of Rights will be held on Saturday, 20th June 1970 at the Postal Institute Rooms, 1st Floor, Zimpel Arcade, St. George's Terrace, Perth. Cost $5 per person. The guest speaker will be Mr. Eric Butler, National Director of the Australian League of Rights, whose address will bear the title "The Struggle for the World". The gentleman to contact is Mr. Ray White, on 714176 or 746625, The new postal address of the League in W.A. is "P.0 Box 16, Inglewood, W.A. 6052" |