home of ... Douglas Social Credit
14 August. 1970. Thought for the Week:
The depth of consensus tends generally to make people apathetic
about politics. Politicians may posture and strike histrionic
poses, but most people know that the Public Service is the
ruling elite in Australia; that far from being a humble army
of clerks it formulates policies, persuades Ministers to accept
them and then loyally administers them.
The Financial Review, May 5, 1970. |
STOPPING MR. HAWKE"The newspapers are bamboozled by Bob Hawke. They send out their cub reporters, like Owen Thompson on The Australian, and Bob has them cross-eyed in a short time." - Maxwell Newton in Business Review, August 6. Mr. Newton goes on to say that Mr. Hawke has lost "the workers more millions in wages and losing the country more millions in production:" Figures given by Mr. Newton are of interest: The number of working days lost are as follows.
It can be seen that days lost more than doubled in the two years from 1967 to 1969 on 1966-67. While it must be conceded that Mr. Hawke is much more of the militant than his predecessor Mr. Monk, Mr. Newton does a disservice to his readers and the Australian public when he fails to point out that Mr. Hawke is only able to pursue his revolutionary activities on the basic premises established in the Treasury. Those premises are a sure fire formula for breeding dissatisfaction, not only amongst the workers whom Mr. Hawke adroitly manipulates but every other section of the Australian community. High interest rates, credit restriction, punitive taxation, crippling indebtedness, increasing costs of land, food, home building, home appliances, motor cars, and in fact all basic commodities adds up to galloping inflation. Mr. Newton compares the present administration of the Gorton Government unfavourably with those of the past. The figures of the last election show that few would disagree with that assessment. However whatever is said about past administrations there was a corresponding dissatisfaction resulting from the application of the same policies as are operational today. At no time has any section of the population been assured of that genuine economic security resulting from a stable or falling financial cost structure. Various factors have allowed some to ride out the situation better than others, but always the underlying turbulence has been present. Inflation and climbing debt inevitably bring a point of no return. We are now reaching that point. Mr. Hawke is having a field day. Mr. Newton says he must be stopped. Therefore Mr. Newton the economist and journalist should enunciate economic and financial policies which will result in a reversal of present disastrous policies. |
DRUGS CANNOT BE STOPPED"Narcotics men can never hope to completely stamp out drug traffic in Australia." Mr. Chipp, Minister for Customs and Excise - The Herald, August 4. The only possible method of dealing with the illegal supply of narcotics to the nations of the Western world is to cut off the source of supply. The evidence is irrefutable that the promotion of the useful supply of drugs to Western nations is a top priority weapon being used by the international communist conspiracy against those they wish to destroy. Dr. W.G.Goddard, former official with the Department of External Affairs, expert on China, and adviser to the National Government in Formosa, made it clear in his book, The Story of Chang Lao, that China placed the greatest importance on the supply of heroin as a means of destroying the morale of the west. However a much more important contribution to our understanding has been made with the publication of the booklet Narcotics - The Attack on The West by Susan L.M.Huch (25 cents posted from Box 1052J, G.P.O. Melbourne, 3001) As far back as 1964 the value of Red China's opium products going to surrounding countries and to the West was valued at $8,000 million. Five million acres are under poppy cultivation. The stream of drugs pouring into Western countries is impossible to control. Mr. Chipp did not mention Red China. He may have been embarrassed by the large volume of trade in wheat and other exports we send each year to China. If the West wanted to really deal with the drug traffic, a trade embargo on Red China would bring it to a stop overnight, and in the process weaken and destroy the military potential of the Communist empire so dependent upon imports from the West. |
POLITICALLY INSPIRED ATTACK ON RACIAL POLICY"... when asked whether Mr. Allen had refused an assisted passage, an official said Mr. Allen did not apply for one. "There is not an inkling on Mr. Allen's file to show that he intended to apply for an assisted passage," he said. - The Herald, August 4. The Allen case is being used to attack
Australia's immigration policy once again. The same old tired
arguments are being used, as were used in another recent case
when a Chinese, Mr. Chow, came with his white wife from Canada
to Australia. It is assumed by such critics that because non-Europeans
may be inconvenienced a little more than other nationalities,
that we are barbarians of some sort because we do not consciously
encourage race mixing. Press editorials and published letters
take a delight in so belittling a policy, which for sound
commonsense in the face of never ending evidence, is essential
to the stability of society. In Africa it was pointed out by the late Sir Wilfred Kent-Hughes in the article published last week that apartheid is widely practiced by the African states, even down to a tribal level. This is selective racial policy on a strict basis. It is time our homegrown knockers of Australia's policy got things into perspective. |
WOOL RECEIVES ANOTHER SETBACK"Another blow falls on the hard hit wool industry with the threatened increase, from September 1, of 4% in freight rates to Europe." - The Herald, July 30. Many woolgrowers in their desperation have now accepted the concept of Government control and marketing of the wool clip through a statutory authority. Many may disagree that such is Government control, but in the final analysis the statutory body relies on financial backing and legislative support by the government, and control of the wool industry under such circumstances now becomes a question of politics. The increase in freight rates underlines the real problem facing the wool producer. He has over-produced to meet rising costs, on a market, which under present economic conditions will not sell increased wool production at a just price to the producer. Until costs are reduced there will be no incentive to the producer to face the realities of the demands of the market, and then trim supply to demand. Given some sort of financial reserves of his own, the wool producer will then refuse to sell wool at an uneconomic price. The wool producer's first problem is to demand policies, which will reduce the burden of increased costs. |
LABOR SOCIALISTS WORRIED ABOUT LEAGUE OF RIGHTS"There's dangerous signs in Queensland that the Liberal and Country Parties are being infiltrated and influenced by outside extreme right wing organisations ...you won't hear (the Queensland Premier) talk about the extreme right wing League of Rights organisation which is being aided by certain Country Party members as it campaigns in Southern Queensland. The League of Rights has been outlawed by the A.L.P. because of its policies. - from "Inside Politics", an ALP advertisement in The Telegraph, Brisbane, July 31. The Australian League of Rights is a non-party organisation primarily concerned about realistic political activity to uphold certain basic principles outlined in its Objectives. Supporters of The League Of Rights belong to different political parties, primary producers' organisations, Chambers of Commerce, service clubs and similar bodies. So far from "infiltrating" the Liberal and Country parties, an increasing number of members of these parties, including a few politicians have become increasingly interested in the activities of The League. This growing interest has not only upset some of the Labor Socialists; it has caused concern amongst some Liberal and Country Party officials and supporters, who resent any exposure of the Socialist policies of the Federal Liberal-Country Party coalition government. In Victoria one branch of the Liberal Party called for an "investigation" of the League of Rights, and while the report of the committee set up to do the "investigating" did not go as far as the ALP, which has allegedly "outlawed" the League (whatever that means), it was most unenthusiastic about the League. However, all this bubble and ferment amongst the parties, or in other organisations, does not really concern the League, because it is not a power movement trying to seize control of the nation, but is an association of Australian patriots of all walks of life who are working in the different sections of society to advance an understanding of the principles for which it stands. The Queensland ALP is of course, quite correct when it refers to the campaigning of the League of Rights in Southern Queensland. This campaigning has reached a high degree of intensity, with the politicians of all labels concerned as large numbers of people turn out to attend, not only League meetings, but also League Social Dynamics Organisational and Motivation Schools. One Federal Country Party Member felt it necessary to attend a Social Dynamics School. Mr. Jeremy Lee's address to the Annual State Conference of the Queensland Dairymen's' Association, in Brisbane, on July 14, was a major jolt to the planners. Mr. Lee's address was headlined in the Brisbane morning paper, The Courier-Mail, and received wide publicity. One Queensland State ALP Member of Parliament has asked in Parliament that The League of Rights be investigated by the Queensland Government. The League is always ready and willing to assist anyone genuinely interested in what it is attempting to achieve and how it is working. In the meantime whether "outlawed" or not, it continues to go from strength to strength from one end of Australia to the other. |
INCREASED PRESSURE ON SOUTH AFRICA"The United Nations, in its long battle to make South Africa relinquish control of Nambia (South-West Africa) is to take the issue to the International Court of Justice." - The Age, Melbourne July 31. Effective control of South-West Africa is essential for the defence of South Africa. Communist strategists are well aware of this fact, even if many Western politicians are not. No one should be misled by the fact that in the United Nations Security Council, the Soviet Union and Poland abstained from voting to refer the South West African issue to the International Court of Justice. The Communist view is that the issue was dealt with in 1966 when the General Assembly voted that South Africa was illegally in possession of South-West Africa. The Communists may also fear that the international Court will rule in favour of South Africa as it did in 1966. The UN Security Council has also adopted, with only two members abstaining, the United Kingdom and France, a resolution calling on all States that maintain diplomatic and consular relations with South Africa to issue a formal statement to the Government of South Africa that they do not recognise South African authority in what the UN is pleased to describe as Nambia, and that they consider South Africa's continued presence as "illegal". As the present Australian Government has attempted to justify its attitude towards Rhodesia on the basis that as a Member of the UN Australia must carry out UN Security policy, we would be interested to know what the Gorton Government proposes to do on the vital question of South West Africa. Prime Minister Gorton may not consider Southern Africa very vital to Australia, but does his entire Ministry share his completely negative approach? We hope not. |
ON TARGET BULLETINSubject for Discussion