home of ... Douglas Social Credit
28 August 1970. Thought for the Week:
"There is no error so monstrous that it fails to find defenders
among the ablest men.
Lord Acton. |
BUDGET ILLUSIONS"The Budget submitted to Parliament by the Federal Treasurer (Mr. Bury) gave him the reputation of a capable conjurer. He produced income tax reductions amounting to $293 million a year from the sleeve of his coat and before the applause had subsided, the audience found he was concealing increases in indirect taxation totaling $239 million. This sleight-of-hand ensured that the Commonwealth would remain in a buoyant position as revenue receipts will be $805 million more than they were last year". The Northern Daily Leader, Tamworth, N.S. W. August 20. The above comment is a penetrating observation on the essence of a budget, which has all the earmarks of a special Gorton production designed to try to avert electoral disaster at the coming Senate Elections. By making reductions in personal income tax even greater than those promised before the last Federal Elections, the Prime Minister hopes to gain the thanks of middle income groups in the urban areas at the Senate Elections before they realise that like wage increases, their benefits will be more than offset by progressive inflation. Mr. Bury made no suggestion that he
was halting inflation. In fact he spoke of "an economy still
threatened by disruptive inflation. " The truth is that all
inflation is disruptive and anti-social. The 1970 budget is a clear warning to
the rural communities of Australia that the Canberra planners
are determined to "reconstruct" them. The $30 million allocated
to the wool industry is but a crumb. It is only 50 per cent
of what Primary Industry Minister D. Anthony was prepared
to seek on behalf of one of the most important national industries
in Australia. And Mr. Anthony has made it clear that the $30
million grant is only a short term measure and must not be
allowed to obscure the necessity for the "reconstruction"
programme of his Socialist planners, who are insistent that
the rural areas of Australia must accept what has been blatantly
described by one of its advocates, as a revolution." The $30 million for the wool industry
looks miserable compared with the $15 million recently allocated
to house the growing army of Federal bureaucrats. It is only
slightly larger than the $25 million allocated in the budget
to launch the Socialist Industry Development Corporation.
There are strong rumours that when Country Party leader John
Mc Ewen retires, he will take over the Chairmanship of this
enterprise for the socialisation of investment, an old Fabian
Socialist project. The budget reveals a substantial increase in the running expenses of every Commonwealth Department. There is no evidence whatever that the Federal Government is attempting to accept the "restraint" it urges upon the community. One of the biggest proportionate increases in the budget is for capital works and capital advances. The increase of $120 million is about 23 per cent. Financing capital works, which in most cases will last many lifetimes, out of taxation forces one generation to sacrifice its immediate standard of living, allegedly for future generations. The use of a community's current income
to finance long-term capital works is fundamentally wrong
on a number of points. These should be financed by new long-term
credits, thus enabling a major reduction in taxation. The overall result of the budget will be more inflation, and more centralisation of power. It should stimulate an even greater interest in the rapidly growing activities of the Australian League of Rights. |
RIDING THE TRAIL TO MOSCOW"Two years ago we all faced the Russian tanks. Today we face the Western 'Real politik' and honestly we don't know which is the uglier or more frightening." - Letter to the editor of The Age, August 17, signed by 16 former Czechoslovakians now living in Melbourne. As an exercise in revealing the disillusionment
of former victims of Communist tyranny who on their escape
to the West thought they were going to live with people who
are determined to fight against the evil of the thing they
escaped from, the excerpt from the letter we have quoted above
is self-explanatory. The complete letter is worthy of reprint
and is a complete indictment of the policies pursued by our
own Government. On the same session Mr. McMahon bowed to that force of "world opinion" in excusing Australia's decision for not supplying arms to South Africa, whose cause is Australia's cause when it comes to taking steps to offset Soviet Penetration of the Indian Ocean. No wonder the 16 Czech's are completely dismayed with Western flabbiness. Their letter follows: Sir, It is getting closer to the second
anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia and we
regard this as an appropriate moment to express our gratitude.
We would like to thank the Australian Government for sending
Mr. McEwen to Moscow to encourage trade between the USSR and
Australia. Business is business. We would like to thank the
Australian Labor Party for sending Mr. Whitlam on a friendly
visit to the same city. All roads lead to Moscow. We would
like to thank the Australian culture lovers for enjoying their
Bolshoi. Politics and art don't mix. We would like to thank
the Australian protesters for ignoring the Czechoslovakian
issue. Only some oppression is worth protesting about. And
finally we would like to thank the organisers of the Moratorium
for supporting vehemently the Government of North Vietnam,
one of the few governments that supported the invasion of
Czechoslovakia. Two years ago we all faced the Russian tanks.
Today we face the Western "Realpolitik" and honestly don't
know which is the uglier or more frightening." |
A.B.C. PLEADS FOR IMMUNITY"The General Manager of the A.B.C. (Mr. T.S.Duckmanton) yesterday strongly defended the Commission's right to determine its programmes without Government interference." - The Age. Melbourne, 22nd August 1970. Mr. Duckmanton was addressing some 200 Australian and overseas scientists at the national convention of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, in Canberra. He went on to say that the A. B.C. was suffering more than just criticism from its detractors; it was, he claimed, suffering harassment. Mr. Duckmanton, from the reports in the Press, made no mention at all of the principal complaint brought against the A. B. C. by its critics. That of persistent continual, left wing bias. This was without a doubt the underlying reason for the blow-up earlier this year when the Postmaster General, Mr. Alan Hulme, recommended specific cuts in expenditure in A.B.C. current affairs programmes: specifically "This Day Tonight", and "Four Corners". Any regular observer of these programmes cannot but have been struck by the persistent, continual favour being given to the views of personalities of a strong Leftish persuasion; especially left-wing academic. It has been noticed that there has been an improvement in recent weeks, with the appearance of such men of a "conservative" approach as Mr. Norman Banks, and even the controversial Dr. Frank Knopfelmacher. Mr. Santamaria, also, has appeared more than once. We know that the A.B.C. does turn out a really splendid job with cultural programmes. Many of the musical and drama sectors of the A.B.C.'s telecasting time just cannot be matched in quality by the commercial channels. But we are paying heavily for it, and we do have a right to expect the best. The whole point of importance is that the A.B.C. is a Public instrumentality, operating on Public Funds. It is NOT sovereign in itself, and MUST be responsible to the people who PAY for it, through the people's instrument of government, PARLIAMENT. The A.B.C. must be responsible to Parliament if it allows its current affairs programmes to be manipulated in such a way as to support subversive views, then it has to take the consequences. Mr. Duckmanton made rather cryptic remarks towards the close of his address. He said, "There are more and more people behind campaigns. LEAGUES, (our emphasis) lobbies and pressure groups - people who are unidentified and often unidentifiable. Society, I suggest, has a right to know who these people are. These are the manipulators - and the philosophy of manipulation may also be worth examining in some depth." At least the Australian League of Rights is not an unseen manipulator, as its views are published for all to see. |
DINNER AND SEMINARThe Annual New Times Dinner is to be held on Friday. September 18. Only those eligible to attend are invited to apply. Very few vacancies are left. Supporters should encourage awide attendance at the Annual Seminar the following day: Saturday 19th September to be held at The Federal Hotel, cnr. Collins and King Streets, Melbourne, in the Collins Room, commencing at 2.00 p.m. Three leading speakers will be heard on differing aspects of the menace of centralism. |
DR. CAIRNS AND DIALECTICS"The Vietnam Moratorium would take the right to use public streets for mass rallies if the right to use them was not granted, the Labor M.P. for Yarra, Dr. J.F. Cairns, said yesterday". The Australian, 25th August 1970. Firstly, the "Australian" should smarten up its level of accuracy in reporting. Dr Cairns, is the M.H.R. for Lalor: the electorate of Yarra no longer exists. Dr. Cairns went on to say that "we have to take that right by methods of peaceful insistence." In other words, if the law of the land does not approve or allow a certain action, one has only to take it by "peaceful insistence" and everything will be hunky-dory. This, of course, is utter rubbish, made worse by its manipulation to the end of fostering the campaign of Communist revolution for Australia. What did seize our interest in Dr. Cairns' address to the NSW Moratorium trade union committee in Sydney was a remark of the highest significance. He said "Sometimes we have to take a step backwards to keep in front." If any reader does not already know the word DIALECTICS, then it becomes a matter of urgency that he familiarises himself with it, and all that it stands for, without delay. The Communists are masters of the Dialectic in fact Communism is often described as the philosophy of Dialectical Materialism. Ignorance of Dialectics among Western leaders enables International Communism to score point after point in its steady advance to world power. (Read "Dialectics" - Communist instrument for World Conquest: price 45 cents, post-free. Order from Box 1052J, G.P.O. Melbourne Vic. 3001) |