home of ... Douglas Social Credit
11 September 1970. Thought for the Week:
"Everything that is called duty, the prerequisite for all
genuine law and the substance of every noble custom, can be
traced back to honor. The farmer had his honor, as does every
craftsman; the merchant and the officer; the official; and
the old princely families all have their honor. He who has
none, who 'sets no store' in standing respectably before himself
as well as his peers, is 'common'; he is the opposite of noble
in the view of every genuine society."
Oswald Spengler |
INCREASING PRESSURE ON SOUTHERN AFRICALusaka, September 7. Leaders of the non-aligned nations meet today to map out a strategy for ending white rule in southern Africa. Foreign Ministers of more than 50 nations meeting here before tomorrow's summit will have before them a draft document recommending that the non aligned world should take a more active interest in freedom movements, including the provision of material aid, conference sources said." - The Age, Melbourne September 8. Increasing international pressure on Southern Africa - Rhodesia, South Africa and the Portuguese territories - coincides with expanding Soviet activities in Northern Africa and the Indian Ocean. The promise by the British Conservative Government to provide the necessary military equipment for South Africa to protest the vital Cape sea route, and to maintain a military and naval presence at East Suez, was the first ray of sunshine in a bleak situation. The Gorton Government continues to insist that Australia has no vital interests in Southern Africa, and has made no effort whatever to encourage the British Conservatives. Now comes the news that the Heath Government may find that it will be difficult to support its East of Suez policy. The reason concerns the Achilles heel of all Western nations - continued inflation and associated industrial friction. The Western nations cannot adopt realistic foreign and defence policies while their economies are distorted by Fabian-Marxist financial policies usually presented as Keynesian economics. The threat confronting Rhodesia and South
Africa has been further increased by the Soviet diplomatic
break-through in Botswana, described by one writer as "a primitive
tribal slum." But with the discovery of immense resources
of copper, nickel, diamonds, coal, and much else, the situation
has dramatically changed. It is significant that the Trudeau Government is collaborating with the World Bank in providing the finance capital for the development of Botswana's vast mineral resources. There is also the American proposal to finance a link across the Zambesi between Botswana and Zambia. All these disturbing developments raise the question of why the West persistently continues to prepare the ground for the Communist advance in Africa. Former American top Communist leader
and theoretician Earl Browder provided a glimpse of the answer
back during the Second World War years, when he wrote as follows
in his book, Teheran: Our Path in War and Peace: Finance is the instrument through which Botswana is being used to establish a time bomb between Rhodesia and South Africa. And the Soviet has moved in to ensure that everything goes to plan. It would be instructive to learn how many politicians there are at Canberra who disagree with the Gorton Government's view that Australia has no vital interests in Southern Africa! |
DOUBLE TALK BY FEDERAL MINISTER ON RHODESIA"Australia does not recognise the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia and following the unilateral declaration of independence Australia and other Commonwealth countries introduced sanctions on trade with Rhodesia. Subsequently, Australia as a member of the United Nations was obliged under Article 25 of the United Nations Chatter to comply with the Security Council's 1968 resolution, which extended the nature and scope of these sanctions. The object of the sanctions policy is to encourage, by peaceful means rather than force, a return to constitutional rule in Rhodesia. I do not believe that a parallel can validly be drawn, with the possible application of sanctions, between Rhodesia and countries such as the Soviet Union. The two situations differ widely not the least difference being that there is no U.N. call for sanctions against Russia." - Extract from a letter by the Hon. Ian Sinclair, signed by Mr. Sinclair as the "Acting Minister for Trade and Industry" on August 7. We trust that electors in the Federal
Electorate of New England carefully note the double talk of
the Country Party Member at Canberra. If it is claimed that
Mr. Sinclair is privately sympathetic towards Rhodesia but
while representing Mr. John McEwen as Minister for Trade and
Commerce must endorse the anti Rhodesian stand taken by Mr.
McEwen, then this situation highlights the problem of introducing
a little old fashioned morality into Government. We presume that Mr. Sinclair would not
wish to impugn the standing or integrity of the Courts in
Rhodesia. The Rhodesian Judges have clearly pronounced that
Rhodesia is constitutionally independent and the Government
legal. As demonstrated by a number of eminent authorities,
the U.N. violated its own Charter when in 1968 it extended
the scope of sanctions against Rhodesia. It was charged that
Rhodesia was a major threat to world peace! Does Mr. Sinclair
believe this dangerous nonsense? Probably not, but in the
letter from which we quote, he goes on to demonstrate why
the Soviet Union must not he compared with Rhodesia: The essence of what Mr. Sinclair supports is that the Australian Government joins with the Communists in an attempt to destroy one of the Free worlds most important strategic front lines while at the same time seeks to increase Australian exports to Communist nations whose leaders are pledged to destroy Australia. And Mr. Sinclair's Government has the audacity to call itself an anti Communist Government! We could he excused for believing that after the painful experiences of the Australian wheat growers, who were encouraged to believe in the great gains to be made by exporting wheat to Red China, the Ministry for Trade and Industry would be more careful before making the Australian economy more dependent upon the Communists. Either Mr. John McEwen and his Department's officials are so blinded by financial orthodoxy that they really believe that Australian interests will be advanced by tying the Australian economy closer to the Communist nations, in which case they are what Lenin described as "deaf mutes", or their motives are subversive. Instead of lining up with the opponents of Rhodesia, Mr. Sinclair would be better advised to study how the Rhodesians have adjusted their economy to successfully defeat sanctions. He would then be in a position to press for more realistic financial policies to assist an increased number of his hard pressed rural electors. |
SOME REALISM FROM COUNTRY PARTY M.P."A New South Wales Country Party back bencher today asked the Government to give urgent consideration to an agricultural mortgage bank to help rehabilitate Australia's ailing rural industries. Mr. Ralph Hunt, the Member for Gwydir suggested that an institution similar to one legislated for in 1938 is established to provide long-term, low interest rate finance for up to 35 years to farmers. Mr. Hunt, the former chairman of the Federal Party, told the House of Representatives that a Commonwealth Bank Bill to set up a mortgage bank was introduced in 1938 by the then Treasurer, Mr. (now Lord) Casey." - The Northern Daily Leader, Tamworth, N.S.W. August 26th. Mr. Hunt's proposal indicates some realistic thinking on the subject of finance. The present financial system is a perfect administrative instrument. But it has been divorced from reality, as witnessed by the progressive expansion of debt finance necessary in order to prevent an economic collapse. What is desperately required is a change of policy. Mr. Hunt expresses the viewpoint that "the situation on the 30's parallels that of the 70's in the rural sector...." and that "The most important requirement of the farmers and graziers large and small, who have been slugged by drought, wheat quotas and low prices, is the provision of long term low interest rate finance to enable them to rehabilitate and recover. While agreeing with the general theme of what Mr. Hunt proposes, we would point out that there is no need to create yet another Government bank in order to provide farmers and graziers with long term low rate finances. If the Government really wished to implement such a policy, it could readily use the National Bank or the Commonwealth Bank. But how the policy of long-term low interest credit is implemented is of relatively little importance. The main thing is for all members of the rural community, including business and professional men, to press for it through the Rural Independence Policy campaign recently initiated by The Australian League of Rights. If this campaign is successful, it will benefit the whole nation in more ways than one. |
QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT GIVES LEAD ON LAW AND ORDER"Brisbane. - The Queensland Premier, Mr. Bjelke-Petersen today confirmed that moratorium demonstrators would not be allowed to march along Brisbane's main street, Queen Street on September 18. Asked what action would be taken if the peace demonstrators defied the Government and attempted to march along Queen Street, Mr. Bjelke-Petersen said, 'They will be met by the full strength of the police force... We have a duty to law abiding citizens against the minority who want to impose their will." - The Herald, Melbourne, September 8. The firm stand by the Queensland Government is to be warmly applauded. It highlights the point that it is the States, which are primarily responsible for dealing with all offences against persons and private property. As we have consistently drawn attention to the necessity of upholding The Rule of Law, we will not be misunderstood when we express the view that the recent statement by Prime Minister Gorton, that the Commonwealth is introducing "law and order", smacks a little of political opportunism. The Commonwealth has powers now to deal with violations of the National Service Act, or with those encouraging others to violate this Act, but it has been most reluctant to use these powers. The recent case of hooliganism against the Federal Attorney-General, Mr. Hughes has been cited as a reason for Mr. Gorton's proposed legislation to protect Commonwealth Members of Parliament and employees against intimidation. But following the invasion of Mr. Hughes' home in Sydney by student demonstrators, the N.S.W. police took prompt and effective action. Unless the Prime Minister can demonstrate that the States are not capable of maintaining law and order, many are going to be suspicious that this is another political "gimmick", and a further extension of Federal power at the expense of the States. The maintenance of law and order, Communist subversion, and similar issues are much too important to be used as political footballs. |
ANNUAL "NEW TIMES" DINNER AND LEAGUE SEMINARA few seats only are now available for
the annual New Times Dinner. Only those eligible to attend
should apply. The subscription of $5.00 per person must be
paid in advance. Receipts not issued unless requested. Every reader who can should attend the Annual National Seminar of The Australian League of Rights, Collins Room, Federal Hotel, corner of King and Collins Streets, on Saturday, September 19. First Paper at 2p.m. Theme: "The Evils of Centralisation." Three most competent speakers. Final Paper by Mr. Eric Butler at 8p.m. on "The Moral Implications of Centralised Power." |