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9 October 1970. Thought for the Week:
"The changes in the conditions of war and world power make
it more important than ever before to re-establish the traditional
religion and moral limits in man's social activities, and
to make the nations conscious of their responsibilities to
God and their neighbour."
British historian Christopher Dawson. |
ALP LEADER WHITLAM CRITICISES LEAGUE OF RIGHTS DIRECTOR"The Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Whitlam, asked Mr. Lynch about Government facilitation for travel by Australians to Rhodesia. He asked whether passports were freely given to people who were born in Australia; and who went to Rhodesia for the purpose of propaganda for the illegal regime in that country. 'I am referring to the recent visit by the National Director of the notoriously reactionary and anti-Semitic League of Rights, Mr. Eric Butler', said Mr. Whitlam." - The Herald, Melbourne, October 1. We can only guess at Mr. Whitlam's attack on Mr. Eric Butler, who from the beginning of the Rhodesian affair established himself as an internationally recognised authority on the real reason for the worldwide campaign against Rhodesia - it was a major barrier to the expansion of Communist global strategy. Mr. Whitlam is as weak on his facts about Mr. Butler as he is about Rhodesia. He should ask his Fabian Socialist secretary, Mr. Race Mathews, to ensure that he is briefed more thoroughly. The last "recent visit" to Rhodesia by Mr. Butler was in May of this year. Mr. Butler holds an Australian passport and as a writer and lecturer with an international reputation travels regularly. He has visited Rhodesia on many occasions, in a perfectly legal manner, as have Australian Members of Parliament, journalists and others, in an endeavour to keep himself informed on what is happening in Rhodesia. We have never heard Mr. Whitlam raising any objections to Australians visiting Communist countries. He himself has visited the Soviet Union. Perhaps the truth is that Mr. Whitlam has attempted to smear Mr. Butler not because Mr. Butler has visited Rhodesia, but because of the growing influence of The Australian League of Rights? It is significant that in those areas where the League is having the biggest impact, it is people associated with the ALP who attempt to smear the League. But it is also true that some Federal Government Members, feeling the electoral heat being generated by The Australian League of Rights, have also joined in the smearing game. These Members are extremely foolish and shortsighted. As we go to press we have no idea what type of a written reply the Minister for Immigration, Mr. Lynch, will give to Mr. Whitlam. But no one representing Mr. Lynch has approached Mr. Butler or The Australian League of Rights as part of the promised "investigation." Perhaps Mr. Lynch would be better advised to "investigate" his own political colleague, backbench Liberal Alan Jarman, who courageously recommended at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Canberra that Australia should recognise Rhodesia. In the meantime we can report that Mr. Butler spoke on Rhodesia in Melbourne this week to a meeting of women bank employees, and agreed to appear in the ABC TV programme, "This Day Tonight", to discuss the disgraceful policy of the World Council of Churches to make funds available to Communist trained and equipped terrorists attacking Southern Africa. Poor Mr. Whitlam! |
MASSIVE INCREASE IN POSTAL CHARGESPostal charges for On Target TREBLED last week! This is a reflection of the Federal Government's contribution towards defeating inflation. The major cause of the massive increases in postal charges is not the inherent inefficiency of all Government operations of this type, and "controlled inflation", which requires progressive wage increases, but the policy of attempting to make the PMG finance its expansion of capital works out of current income. The League of Rights is a service, not a commercial organisation, and for this reason we are reluctant to react to savage increases of postal charges by increasing our subscriptions. We feel that this is a policy to be adopted only as a last resort. The more constructive policy is to make a major effort to increase the rate of circulation increase. We need approximately 4000 new subscribers to offset the increased postal charges. This is easily possible if all existing readers make a determined effort to introduce On Target to prospective new subscribers. In fact a thousand new subscribers are possible if all co-operate. We are offering a special trial subscription rate of 3 subscriptions for $1.00 for 4 weeks. An invitation to subscribe will be sent at the end of the four weeks. |
EDITORIAL DOUBLE TALK ON COMMONWEALTH STATE RELATIONS"Sir Henry's initiatives in attempting to persuade the Commonwealth of the injustice of existing Federal-State financial relations have had, and will have, our full support. Australia in 1970 is a dismal contradiction of a Commonwealth growing fat while the States go bankrupt we would like to take the matter much further a review of the Constitution... . increased Commonwealth responsibility for education, urban transport, social services " Editorial in The Age, Melbourne, September 30. It is pleasing to read in The Age editorial that this influential newspaper appears to support the principle of Federalism, and therefore the viability of the States. The editorial is quite correct when it asserts that the Commonwealth grows fat while the States go bankrupt. However, Christian theologians propound in their expositions of the Moral Law that no organisation should arrogate to itself a function, which can be adequately fulfilled by a smaller organisation. Decentralisation is in accordance with the Moral Law. But the Age editorial, having favoured the principle of States' Rights, then calls for increased Commonwealth control over education, urban transport and other activities which are the right and proper responsibility of the States. These right and proper State functions cannot be adequately carried out because the Commonwealth has an almost complete monopoly control of the nation's purse-strings, and will not let go of them. It is true that The Age does mention the need for "a system of financial priorities which balance National and State needs", but something more constructive than this is required. The fundamental truth should never be overlooked that the nation consists of the basic, founding parts, the States. There is far too much double-talk on this question, The Age editorial being a classic example. The shrewd challenge to the Canberra power structure by Sir Henry Bolte could prove a turning point in Australian history. But for the challenge to be successful it will require the backing of an enlightened Australian electorate, which understands that the only safe place for power is as close to the people as possible. Electors should refuse to vote for any Senate candidates who refuse to give a written undertaking to force a decentralisation of power back to the States and Municipal Government. |
MOUNTING "RACIST" CHARGE AGAINST AUSTRALIA"Australia was suffering from 'the scourge of racism', the Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr. Woods, said last night. Dr. Woods was delivering his charge to the senate of the archdiocese of Melbourne... 'I know Australians don't like to be called racists. But I was grateful to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr. Knox, when only a few days ago he bravely told the Australian people that looking at us from the point of view of Asia, where he had spent many years of his ministry, Australia undoubtedly was a racist country.' The Sun, Melbourne, October 6. Like the term "fascist, racism" has through constant repetition been made into a highly emotive political swear word. The Marxists of all types are experts in the use of such political swearwords, and in fact have played a major part in both coining and publicising these swear words. Churchmen like Dr. Woods who parrot the lying rubbish spread about South Africa and Rhodesia, are unconsciously supporting the far-reaching Communist campaign against Southern Africa. It is true that some Asian and African politicians have criticised Australia's immigration policy. They felt that it was quite in order to do this at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Canberra. The Speaker from the Ceylonese House of Representatives, Mr. Stanley Tillekeratne, was scathing in his comments. He said, "If Australia is part of Asia, shouldn't Asians have the right to come here." Australian representatives were obviously too courteous - or perhaps ill informed, to suggest that Ceylon might do something about its own race problem, the discrimination against the Tamils. And no one mentioned the rigid casts system in India, the friction between Malays and Chinese in Malaysia, and the strict immigration laws of that Country. Unmentioned were the African tribal conflicts and the African campaigns against Asians. Writing in The Herald, Melbourne of October 2, well-known Methodist, the Rev. Sir Irving Benson, gives a rather favourable report on a recent interview he had with Mr. Enoch Powell while in England. He quoted Powell as saying, "When one of my constituents, a decent, ordinary Englishman, says that this country will not be worth living in for his children, I do not have the right to shrug my shoulders. What he is saying hundreds of thousands are saying in areas that are undergoing a total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English History." Australians have a heritage of a homogeneous nation, passed to them by forebears who did not talk about "enriching" the national culture with non-European immigrants, or of allowing selected numbers of "specialists" to come to produce the inevitable problems which have flowed everywhere from this type of sloppy attitude. There is disquieting evidence that the present Government is permitting an increasing number of non-Europeans to come to Australia. Many of these are undoubtedly hidden in the vague references to people of "unidentified" nationality. Minister for Immigration Lynch should be asked some searching questions on this important national issue. Australia must not make the fatal mistake, which other nations have made. Let the critics go on using the swear language about "racism". But it is much more important to maintain a homogeneous people with no internal race friction to be exploited by subversives. |
THE BIG BROTHERS OF INDUSTRY TAKING OVER"The growth of huge business corporations and powerful groups of trade unions was eroding the free enterprise system and the right of free choice, Sir Percy Spender said last night. Sir Percy, a former Federal Minister, Australian Ambassador to the U.S. and president of the International Court of Justice, was delivering the inaugural R.G.Menzies lecture at Queensland University." - The Australian, October 3. Always noted for his independent thinking, Sir. Percy rendered a public service by his attack on the philosophy of centralising power. He said, "We have reached a stage where more and more of our economic system is controlled through organisations outside our parliaments, through the concentration of economic and industrial power in the hands of a comparatively few massive corporations and powerful unions. Each in an increasing manner is subjecting the people, or large sections of them, to its own power." There is a growing international monopoly of power, and Sir Spender observed that it is estimated that if the present rate of centralisation continues, within the next 20 years fewer than 100 international corporations would have effective control over most of the world's production and distribution of goods and services. The international implications of this development are explosive. Lenin said that International Communism could never be established until there was an international economic system. Two recent reports are of significance Marxism welcomes all forms of centralised power. The philosophy being preached to the primary producers, "Get bigger or get out", is also the underlying philosophy of those driving the world rapidly towards one centralised economic unit. Civilization is doomed unless this philosophy is effectively challenged. |