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6 February 1970. Thought for the Week:
"Our species is the only creative species, but it has only
one creative instrument, the individual mind and spirit of
man. Nothing was ever created by two men. There are no good
collaborations, whether in music, in art, in poetry, in mathematics,
in philosophy. Once the miracle of creation has taken place,
the group can build and extend it, but the group never invents
anything. The preciousness lies in the lonely mind of a man."
John Steinbeck, Readers Digest, May 1969 |
COMMUNIST BUILD-UP FOR MAJOR MILITARY ATTACK IN VIETNAM"The Viet Cong launched their heaviest shelling attacks for nearly five months yesterday, the U.S, Military Command announced today." - The Age, February 3. Xuan Thuy, chief North Vietnam delegate to the Paris "peace" talks has announced in the last few days that his Government is prepared for the eventual collapse of the talks. Air Vice Marshall Ky, the South Vietnam representative has returned to Saigon saying it will be a long time before he returns to Paris. Following reports of the biggest buildup of North Vietnam divisions within striking distance of Saigon itself, the Americans have reinstituted B52 bombing raids of supply trails along which large truck convoys are feeding supplies into this massive troop buildup. Xuan Thuy's announcement and Marshall Ky's statement are an open acknowledgement that a military showdown is imminent. Marshall Ky accompanied his statement with the threat that the South Vietnam air force would go it alone in bombing North Vietnam supply depots. Forced to accept the original decision of the Americans to suspend bombing in exchange for talking, South Vietnam leaders know that the military advantages they may have established in South Vietnam are being rapidly eroded, while their casualties continue to mount alarmingly under "the policy of Vietnamisation". Mr. Nixon threatens to "get tough" if the Communists don't play the game. Within a few short weeks his resurgence of bombing the supply lines - even if it should continue - could be like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. After sixteen months of comparative freedom to move in supplies the buildup could now be completed, setting the stage for the Dien Bein Phu of South Vietnam. If not successful, undoubtedly the attempt will be made accompanied by the worldwide propaganda slogans about "the unwinnable war." Australian politicians have been returning from Vietnam testifying to how satisfactory the real position is, that South Vietnam Government controls the majority of the cities and countryside. Propaganda stunts such as bike races to emphasise the freedom of the roads from attack by the Viet Cong have built up a picture which if exploded could lead to the greatest psychological defeat of the war. |
FUND BUILDS UPThe League of Rights' $25,000 fund for 1969-70 continues to fill, but far too slowly. Since last week one veteran supporter led the donations with $200. A very good supporter from SA contributed $75. And we know that those making a number of smaller donations found the giving just as sacrificial. Now that we are past the halfway mark, with only a handful of readers yet contributing, the balance required should be easy. Do it NOW. Send to Box 1052J, G.P.O. Melbourne. Northern N.S.W. and Queensland readers to P.O. Box 3 Paddington, Brisbane, Queensland. |
SOUND TALK ON NEW GUINEA"Australia should set up in Papua- New Guinea a loose Federation of largely autonomous States." B.A. Santamaria reported in The Age, January 20. Mr. Santamaria said that lessons from
tribal massacres in Africa should prompt Australia to take
such action. He pointed to one of the political realities
of New Guinea, the almost complete lack of any sense of nationalism,
illustrated by the fact that most of those whom Australians
think of as New Guineans, have never heard of New Guinea until
told of it by some European. It is good to see the lessons
of Africa being applied to the problems of New Guinea. Before the Australian Government can be brought to apply the commonsense proposals suggested by Mr. Santamaria, it should be obvious that a change in basic thinking as applied to the domestic situation in Australia should be undertaken. How will a Government committed to domestic policies of increased centralism in Australia, apply the concept of decentralisation in New Guinea. Many Northern Territory people justifiably ask the question, why give to undeveloped people rights and privileges refused to Australians. The Territorians are rapidly being joined by Victorians, New South Welshmen and Australians from the other states whose rights are being destroyed by Canberra. |
OIL - THE MIDDLE EAST AND THE USSR"Russians prod Syria into action." Headline in The Australian February 3. The Syrians have been reluctant to become involved in military attacks upon Israel. Commentators have painted a picture of Syrian enmity towards Egypt. Jordan and the Lebanon, all now in-involved in the "hot" war, and Egypt and Jordan at least, in guerrilla activities against Israel. Syria, which did not accept the Security Council resolution calling on Israel to withdraw from occupied territories in Jordan and the Sinai Desert, pursued a separate policy. The USSR has worked to involve the whole of the Arab world in such a way as to make the Arab States dependent upon the USSR. The ultimate prize being the domination of the Middle East as the main strategical gateway to Europe. With the Middle East controlling 32 per cent of the worlds oil supply, of which 49.4 per cent goes to Europe and 25 per cent to Japan, the remainder to S.E. Asia and Australasia; the control of this oil is of major political significance. Tucked away in a special section of The Australian, February 3, promoting the oil and gas industry is an item dealing with the development of a new oilfield by the USSR in Syria. The field was discovered by American and German operators in 1956 and 1959. Syria refused both the American and German interests permission to exploit the find and accepted the offer of the Soviet. As the Soviet does nothing without political motivation it can be concluded that attractive economic terms were offered. Three fields have been brought into operation under the guidance of Soviet technicians and capital. Apart from any other factors, the supply of arms, the socialist Baathist Government, Soviet influence in Syria serves ultimate Communist policy. Israel is the lever the Soviet is using to put the whole of the Arab world into her camp. Control of a major part of the world's oil supply is a formidable weapon of coercion when that control is completed. |
GROWING FARM REVOLT"Many Kowree Shire farmers facing bankruptcy would be forced to sell out during the next 18 months, taxation consultant, Mr. Ted Garth, of Edenhope, said yesterday." Wimmera Mail-Times, January 28. We reported last week of the plans by Victorian farmers to stage a mass march on Melbourne to protest against economic conditions destroying their livelihood and their equity in their property. The date for the march has now been set at March 23. The desperate position of the woolgrowers was highlighted by Mr. Garth when he compared the income from wool $800 million, to the national farm debt, $1,972 million. The portion owed by woolgrowers could not be liquidated by their total incomes. "We consider we are among the best farmers in Australia, and if we are in trouble, then heaven help the rest," said Mr. Garth. Concerned farmers will ensure that they are not fobbed off by offers which (a) only continue to underwrite rising prices, a policy the government has continuously pursued. But (b) financial policies, which reduce costs and do not encroach upon the farmer's independence and control of his farm or crop, are instituted. Such policies would only reflect the reality of what Mr. Garth has underlined and is true in the main of the whole farming community, that they are highly efficient and productive by comparison with any standard. Supply and demand should be regulated by prices satisfactory to both producer and consumer. Farmers must recognise their main opponents are the professional economists employed in Government departments and all sorts of farm advisory services. These are the people who have continually called the tune in economic policies. Their advice has resulted in chaos and the destruction of efficient farming. Their call to increase the size of farms and force farmers off the land in increasing numbers should be rejected. Such policies only demonstrate that these "experts" have been unable to fashion policies, which reward efficient farmers, and lacking any alternative they now wish to destroy them. However, farmers must also realise the only means they have at their disposal to alter policy is through parliament, and in effect the politicians must put the heat onto the financial expert and insist he comes up with answers based upon reality. If the politicians need any advice on this score we suggest they contact The Institute for Economic Democracy, P.O. Box 33. Paddington 4064 Queensland. They may then learn some of the first principles, which the economists have forgotten, e, g. that which is physically possible is financially possible. |
THE WORLD OF CULTURE"The best contemporary theatre playing in London will never come here, because you are so far behind. I think of a splendid play by Edward Bond, about Queen Victoria as a lesbian and cannibalism - you wouldn't see it here for 50 years. Robert Chetwyn, theatrical producer reported in The Australian, February 3. We would like to inform Mr. Chetwyn that it would be no loss if we did not see it at all, and he also. We try to keep out harmful drugs and corrupting pornography. It is a pity the censors cannot deal with Mr. Chetwyn also. He has come to Sydney to produce a play on pregnant women, described by Mr. Chetwyn as a sure fire commercial success. Sir Robert Helpman had a few words to say on modern trends in the theatre. He deplored the nudity cult. He had been asked so many times if he had seen the production of Oh Calcutta that he felt impelled to go so he could give an opinion. 'Thank God I didn't pay for the seats. It was the most boring evening of theatre I've ever experienced. "Once they got their knickers off, I said 'fine - now do something clever.' "But they didn't. It's just smut and dirt. There's not one good sketch or one good tune. It has not one iota of theatrical merit." Mr. Chetwyn called for substantial subsidies from the Australian Government to underwrite what he considers art and theatre. It is time for taxpayers to revolt on such matters. Individual choice and patronage should decide such matters, not the irresponsible use of taxpayer's funds. |
UNDERMINING YOUTH"The weekly patriotic ceremony in State Schools, in which all pupils pledge their loyalty to God and country, was criticised yesterday." The Sun, Melbourne, Feb. 3. The critic of the practice of instructing children on patriotism and its meaning was Mr. G. Kitchenn, president of the Victorian Council of School Organisations. Mr. Kitchenn amongst other things wants the control of education completely in the hands of Government, and as one who subscribes to the philosophy of State control of the individual, he recognises in patriotism and loyalty to the Queen, principles which are those of free individuals, and not those who are mendicants of the State. Figures quoted by Mr. Kitchenn, if true, indicate the depth to which patriotism and loyalty have been undermined. In a recent survey he said 49 percent of students said they Loved God 38 percent said they honored the flag, and only 19 percent said they served the Queen. Had the same survey been taken 20 years ago we have no doubt the results would have been vastly different. What are the forces, which have undermined patriotism in the meantime? |