home of ... Douglas Social Credit
4 December 1970. Thought for the Week:
"A slave is... a man who has no property; and property means
something that he has, and that nobody can take from him without
his leave, or consent. Whatever man, no matter what he calls
himself or anybody else may call him, can have his money or
his goods taken from him by force, by virtue of an order,
or ordinance, or law, which he has no hand in making, and
to which he has not given his assent, has no property, and
is merely a depository of the goods from his master."
William Cobbett in Advice To Young Men. |
DR. JIM CAIRNS ADVOCATES DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL PLANNING"Dr. J.F. Cairns the Federal Labor M.P., yesterday urged the setting up of Federal departments of national planning and secondary industrial development. He said a national plan must be compiled to set targets for the needs of Aboriginals, the aged, education, health, roads and other public purposes and the development of industry." - The Australian, December 1. As a dedicated Socialist, one who sees himself next to the Communists in the political spectrum, Dr. Cairns is logical in advocating further steps towards centralised planning of Australia from Canberra. His views were put forward in a paper delivered on his behalf at a forum in Melbourne on tariffs sponsored by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia. It should be recorded that the reason Dr. Cairns could not be present in person to deliver his paper, was that he was overseas attending a Communist-promoted "peace" convention. He was accompanied by Senator Georges of Queensland. When challenged by the Queensland Premier before the Senate elections on the Cairns-Georges mission, Labor leader Gough Whitlam expressed astonishment that anyone should be prevented from travelling where he desired. But the same Mr. Whitlam has indicated in the national parliament that Mr. Eric Butler should be prevented from visiting Rhodesia. The "national planning" advocated by Dr. Cairns is in fact starting to take shape - under a Government which still seeks to win votes by stressing how anti-Socialist it is! Irrespective of political labels, the
centralisation of all power is the major feature of the Socialist
strategy for destroying the genuine free enterprise economic
system. The National Socialists in Hitler's Germany were realistic
enough to know that greater efficiency resulted from leaving
economic activities in the hands of private enterprise. But
through central planning they determined what private enterprise
should produce - "Guns before butter". |
WILL IMMIGRATION MINISTER LYNCH PLEASE EXPLAIN?"Mr. Logan Moodley, a colored fugitive guerrilla from South Africa, has challenged the Australian Government to charge him for refusing to register as an alien. Mr. Moodley, 26, an Indian born in Pietermaritzburg, who describes himself as an African nationalist, was granted an Australian entry permit in August 1968, and has not registered himself annually as an alien since then." - The Australian, November 30. The Moodley case provides further disturbing evidence of the growing laxity of Australia's immigration laws, and it is time that the present Minister for Immigration, Mr. P.Lynch, was asked some searching questions. Moodley left South Africa illegally in 1964. He arrived in Australia two years later by deserting a ship in Brisbane. Now the interesting point is that Mr. Moodley was only granted an entry permit to Australia because of representations by Mr. Edward St.John, at that time Liberal Member of the Commonwealth Parliament, and the South African Defence and Aid Fund in Sydney. It would be instructive to learn what lawyer Edward St. John has to say about Mr. Moodley deliberately breaking the Aliens Act. There is more to the Moodley case than meets the eye. Why should this man of Indian background who describes himself as an "African nationalist", leave South Africa illegally, accept hospitality in Australia and now attempt to further the anti-South African campaign in Australia? How Mr. Lynch handles the Moodley case will be closely observed by that growing number of concerned Australians who have noticed the sudden increase of non-Europeans. Several British migrants have told us that they see signs of the development in Australia of the very same problem now haunting the British. The great majority of the non-Europeans entering Australia are obviously of Indian background. It is disturbing to note that two members of Mr. Lynch's Immigration Department are listed as members of the recently formed Australia-Indian Society in Melbourne. We are informed by one observer who attended the inaugural meeting of this Society, that it is concerned with assisting migration from India. Mr. Lynch might explain why two members of his Department (we have their names) are members of such a Society? And why is Australia taking migrants from India? The Herald, Melbourne, of November 28, publishes a photo of an Indian girl, Hyacinth Fredericks under the caption. "Brown is BEAUTIFUL," The report underneath, states that this Indian girl came to Australia from Madras nine months ago - with $8 in her pocket. She then nominated her fiancé as a migrant who, through the courtesy of the Public Works Department for whom she works, has also been brought to Australia. As the couple has now married, they have no further problems about staying in Australia permanently. No doubt they are an excellent couple. But surely their technical skills could be much better used in serving their fellow Indians in India? And just why is Mr. Lynch permitting certain schools to bring Indian teachers into Australia? The numbers of non-Europeans entering Australia are still relatively small but under the Lynch policy they are increasing. The time to call a halt is NOW - not when Australia has the same problems bedeviling many other countries. The whole Australian immigration policy needs tightening up. Even European migrants should be more carefully selected. Numbers for the sake of numbers is a major fallacy. |
MR. GOUGH WHITLAM'S CLEVER DOUBLE TALK"The present 43 year old financial agreement between the Commonwealth and State Governments must be replaced with a new three part agreement including local government, the Leader of the Federal Opposition, Mr. Whitlam, said at the weekend. - The Australian, November 30. Mr. Whitlam was speaking at La Trobe University (Melbourne) where he opened a symposium on outer suburban development. At first reading the statements attributed to Mr. Whitlam on this occasion would appear to stamp him as the new champion of Local Government, hence a strong advocate of decentralisation. He called for arrangements, which would make Local Government an equal partner in the Australian Federal system. He asserted that the Commonwealth should make direct revenue grants to Local Government - but on a REGIONAL BASIS. Also, he said, the Commonwealth should negotiate loan programmes with Local Government. We observe that the man, who pays the piper, calls the tune! It is obvious that Mr. Whitlam is playing for all the support of Local Government that he can muster, and the superficial thinkers, especially amongst the desperate members of Local Government may fall for it. A closer examination of all the remarks
made by Whitlam on this occasion reveals quite a different
meaning. It reveals the Fabian Socialist Planner and Centralist.
What, in fact, Mr. Whitlam is calling for is the setting up
of Regional Councils, to replace State Governments, and which
will be under the rigid control of the central Government
in Canberra. He said: "if we were devising anew a structure
of representative government for our continent, we would have
neither so few State Governments nor so many local government
units." If Mr. Whitlam deserves a public image, it should be one of unctuousness. But his sly cajoling will not deceive the politically alert, who know that only sovereign State Governments, fully responsible for raising their own revenue (taxing powers) are able to govern in the best interests -of the individuals who collectively comprise the States. |
FUND SURGES FORWARDThe initial response to Mr. Eric Butler's annual financial appeal has lifted the $25,000 fund by approximately $1000, the total now being $9,000. But as yet only a few have responded. Can we have one big push all together - and get this matter of finance out of the way? Do it TODAY. Send to Box 1052J, G.P.O. Melbourne, 3001, Northern N.S.W. and Queensland to Box 17, Alderley, Brisbane 4051. |
PRIME MINISTER DEFENDS GOVERNMENT'S POLICIES"The Prime Minister (Mr. Gorton) claimed last night that the results of the Senate election were an endorsement for the Government's policies on foreign affairs and defence. Speaking at the annual convention of Victorian Young Liberals, Mr. Gorton said that in terms of seats for the Liberal Party there was no doubt that when counting was concluded the result would be satisfactory to the Government..." The Age Melbourne. The Prime Minister is clutching at political straws if he believes that the Senate election results offer much hope for his Government's future. There is little doubt that many people are as yet not prepared to vote for the ALP, their main fear being that Dr.Cairns and his colleagues would exercise a disastrous effect on Australia's defence and foreign policies. The dominant issues in the Senate election were domestic, and the results clearly indicate that the electorate is turning against the Government on these issues. If the present Parliament runs its full term, it is almost certain that the Vietnam affair will be over in terms of Australian involvement, primarily because President Nixon and his advisers are determined to bring American involvement to an end before the 1972 Presidential contest. When asked about their party's domestic policies, Government apologists follow Mr. Gorton's lead, attempt to defend the policies explaining that they must make a greater effort to "explain" them to the electors. It will take more than explanation to satisfy electors that policies of increasing centralisation of power are desirable. |
SOVIET MOVES AHEAD IN MILITARY BUILD UP"The Soviet Union can now deploy more anti-ship guided missiles than the Western powers .This conclusion is reflected in the 1970-71 edition of Jane's Weapon Systems, an authoritative reference work on the world's military arsenals . . .It says Russia has a 'commanding lead' in weapons deployed, and confirms that the USSR is now edging ahead of the U.S. in long-range mass-destruction rockets." - The Age, Melbourne, November 28. While the non-Communist world is being constantly lulled with propaganda about the "cold war thaw", and "peaceful co-existence", the Soviet strategists push on relentlessly with a programme of massive military and naval expansion which is used to achieve political objectives. Any sign of defensive action by the non-Communists is immediately attacked as evidence of "aggression." The Federal Government is to be congratulated on the manner in which they quickly made it clear to the Soviet Ambassador at Canberra that they were not prepared to tolerate the criticism of Australia's declared policy of developing Cockburn Sound in Western Australia. Minister of Defence Fraser has rightly drawn attention to growing Soviet naval influence in the Indian Ocean. But the Soviet claims that it is expanding in the Indian Ocean because of the "aggressive intentions of the imperialists." It is violently opposed to British arms for South Africa; in fact the intense international campaign against South Africa is one of the Soviet's major strategic efforts at the present time. If Southern Africa collapses, the Soviet strategists will be in the position to use their growing military superiority to press ahead for the "kill" against the non-Communist world." |
IVOR BENSON OPENS IN GREAT FORMSouth African journalist and commentator Ivor Benson, was too much for the ABC interviewer on the national programme PM, on Monday of this week.We have received enthusiastic reports concerning Mr. Benson's Queensland tour. He speaks at the Collins Room, Federal Hotel, Melbourne, Monday. December 7, at Horsham on Tuesday, December 8, Adelaide on Wednesday. December 9. Election comment authorised by Eric. D. Butler, 273 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic. 3000 |