home of ... Douglas Social Credit
16 July 1971. Thought for the Week: "....
It is necessary now, as it has always been necessary, to look
behind words of individuals to find from their actions what
their true purpose is."
John Foster Dulles. |
TRADING WITH COMMUNIST CHINAThe Labor Party delegation to Red China has revived the whole question of trade with Communist countries. Australian farmers, desperate to maintain their equity in property will welcome any crumbs thrown from the Communist table. The Labor Socialists, an arm of the International Socialist army, sees an opportunity to gain the political support of the farmers as a prelude to their political policy of dispossession, as socialist policies gain ground throughout the world. Desperately caught in a position where the Liberal-Country Party government offers no alternative, there is no doubt the Labor-Socialist stands to gain increasing support from farmers. What is the genuine alternative open to farmers? There is no short solution. A miracle cannot be wrought overnight unless the Liberal-C.P, coalition is forced by political pressure to reverse present policies. It is easy enough to state what should
be done. Long-term, low-interest loans, issued after present
debts are called in - a genuine moratorium, not the type Whitlam,
Cairns and Hawke support to help the enemy, but a genuine
confrontation with the debt system and a policy, which ensures
that debt never becomes a major factor again. Interest rates,
at the cost of administration, should be fixed, and authority
removed from the Treasury and the Reserve Bank to alter the
rate. Reversal of the present policy of expanding debt-credit
facilities by the approximate amount of $1,000 million yearly,
and the use of such money to finance a subsidy-discount price
scheme on Australian production would immediately bring down
retail prices and increase consumption while maintaining producer
price levels. Farmers, and all sections of the community, would benefit immediately. To finance such a program no more money than that issued would be needed. Only the policy would change. That policy would be to issue money as purchasing power outside the debt and cost structure. Debts would come down, as would costs. From the point of view of obtaining a realistic financial alternative, the problem is one of politics. If the electors forced politicians to demand of The Treasury and the Reserve Bank a financial policy, which simply reflected the principle "that which is physically possible is financially possible", the whole question of trade with either communist countries or Great Britain would be reconciled. Those countries which want our produce, and can either supply us with produce we cannot grow or manufacture in Australia, or make available the money in suitable medium of international exchange, so we could buy our needs elsewhere, we would trade with them. We would trade on the understanding that those receiving our goods were not planning to return them in the form of guns or bullets, bombs etc., and political sabotage, to undermine our national freedom. |
DESPERATE NATIONAL ATTACK ON LEAGUE OF RIGHTSSouth Australians opened their Adelaide Advertiser last Friday, July 9th, to read on the front page a sensational headline, LCL here 'secretly infiltrated' ". The first paragraph of the long story underneath read, "The Australian League of Rights, the extreme Right-wing movement, was accused of secretly infiltrating the LCL in SA". This charge was made by the recently elected member for the South Australian Legislative Council, Mr. M. Cameron. The Cameron allegation, and subsequent developments indicate a carefully planned national campaign, now being conducted through the three major political parties, to attempt to discredit Australia's fastest-growing political movement. We will in the near future be analysing the carefully coordinated moves against the one Australian movement all the totalitarians, irrespective of label, really fear. Adelaide readers will have an opportunity of hearing the League's National Director, Mr. Eric Butler, comment on the current anti-League program at the RSL Hall, Adelaide, on Friday, July 23rd. Readers may bring their friends. |
BANK CHIEF MAKES SENSEMr. B. Callagahan, managing director of the Commonwealth Banking Corporation, warned Australians they ignored changes in neighbouring countries at their own peril, The Australian, July 9th. Mr. Callagahan said Australia should avoid becoming little more than an international quarry for more farsighted people. He said Australia had to avoid the "she'll be right mate" state of mind, which could make these foreign quarries a permanent feature. Don't let us sit back complacent in the thought of our growing income from those holes in the ground, and watch the Japanese steel industry increase its output by 12 per cent a year right through the 1970's." We could not agree more with Mr. Callagahan, and it is good to see him speaking out, as he has on so many occasions on matters of this kind. However, it is equally a pity, that a man of such understanding does not associate the banking policies of the Reserve Bank, along with general financial policies controlled by the Treasury, with the cause of the problem he is concerned about. The insane policy of "capital inflow" at all costs, the growing internal debt structure which robs Australians of investing in their own heritage, and thus providing the financial capital to control and exploit our own resources, in our own best interests, are a direct result of domestic financial policy. Mr. Callagahan is a high officer in that system. It is time he started to look to its defects. |
INFLATION AT THE DOUBLE"The Federal Government, which has retained the Australian people's favour for 20 odd years, may have a grand plan to thwart the inflationary march, which is now proceeding at the double. It may be delaying the plan for clever reasons of political strategy. But it should not delay too long because people are wondering if the Liberal leaders have stopped listening to their economic advisers, or if the economists themselves are incompetent. " - The Eastern Suburbs Standard, Melbourne, July 6th. The Eastern Suburbs Standard is an influential Melbourne suburban newspaper. This extract, quoted above, is from its editorial. This newspaper is noted for the soundness of its editorial comment. It is symptomatic of the tenor of the times that the issue of inflation is now the subject of editorial comment in a suburban newspaper. Suburban newspapers, affectionately known as 'local rags', are much nearer to the mood of the people than the big city dailies. Suburban newspapers deal in local issues, and they reflect what the local small shopkeepers, tradesmen, professional men are thinking, and saying. The answer to the question, posed in the editorial, is that as long as the politicians listen to the present economic advisers, the economic problems, over which they mouth so much alarm, will deepen, and grow worse. The 'accepted' economic theories, slavishly followed all over the Western world, and based upon the finance-economic tenets of Lord Keynes, the war-time Governor of the Bank of "England", have failed. We repeat, and must keep on repeating, for it is the Truth, that the finance-economic systems of the Western world will collapse, unless drastic, radical, alteration is made in our whole approach to finance-economics. We believe that this is as well known to those mighty forces, which operate in the misty heights of International Finance as it is to us. The stunning blow, which many are unable to accept, because they don't want to accept it, is that the present state of the world is the result of a deliberate, intentional, policy. It has been well said that - 'History is crystallised politics'. It then becomes quite obvious that the break-down of the West's finance-economic, and following from that, social systems will lead in to something else. Indeed, the Communists will never be so busy as at this time, which is not all that far away. The prospect is horrible; frightening. Finance produces the crises for International Communism to exploit: (Read - "A Programme for Reversing Inflation"; price 31 cents, post free, from Box 1052J, G.P.O., Melbourne, Vic. 3001) |
HAROLD WILSON PREPARING TO TRUMP EDWARD HEATH?"The swing against Europe in the British Labour Party has accelerated. It now seems likely that if Mr. Harold Wilson decides to come out against Common Market entry on the available terms he will have the backing of a majority at every level of his Party." - The Age, Melbourne, July 13th. It is beyond doubt that the Party machines in Britain are humming at top revs. behind the scenes. That master of political infighting, Harold Wilson, is desperately shaping his Party to the mould he desires. His desire is for the anti-Market feeling in Britain to grow, and deepen still more. The more this takes place, the stronger will his position be as an anti-Marketeer, and the sooner he will emerge from his cocoon of mystery. There is a report that Mr. Wilson is to make a quick dash to New Zealand to 'investigate' the effects of Britain's E.E.C. entry upon this Commonwealth member. This, of course, will be a mere public relations stunt for the home hustings. Mr. Heath has imposed a three-line whip on all Conservative Party members: which means that every Member must vote, and vote on the Party line. Heath is a desperate man. If that very shrewd tactician. Harold Wilson, succeeds in the molding of his Party, then he will have Mr. Heath just where he wants him - over a barrel. Mr. Noel Hawken raised an interesting aspect of the ramifications of the Common Market dilemma in The Sun, Melbourne, July 13th. Mr. Hawken, the Sun's London correspondent, claims that Edward Heath is after a quick deal with Prime Minister Ian Smith of Rhodesia, in order to appease the "Africa-men " on the Tory benches in the House of Commons. These are men who are identified with multi-million business investments, mainly in South Africa, and Rhodesia. In return for his 'deal' with Ian Smith, Mr. Heath could "justly" expect support on Britain's E.E.C. entry in the House of Commons. Heath could, to some considerable extent, turn deaf ears to the screams from the Black members of the Commonwealth, for the simple reason that Britain would have turned her back on the Commonwealth after entry, and then of course, the Commonwealth would have to look to its own devices. Neat? Yes, if one is prepared to legislate in a moral vacuum. If Mr. Wilson is able to carry off his Grand Design, to lob him back onto the Treasury benches, then he, himself, will need to "re-discover" the Commonwealth. There will be an almost certain unfavourable reaction from the Common Market countries, which will further push Mr. Wilson towards, particularly, the Crown Commonwealth (Canada, Australia, New Zealand). This could well turn out to be our, and the world's salvation. It will give us a vital breathing space to regenerate the forces of Commonwealth cohesion, of which we spoke last week. The Conservative Party in Britain would,
of course then be in disarray. Mr. Heath would most probably
be finished as a political force, and other men would have
up to five years to erect a political structure based upon
genuine conservatism. That brilliant man, Enoch Powell, may
find that this time in the wilderness is necessary to prepare
him for his destiny. We have been watching this man for very
many years, and we feel that we shall hear much more of him.
It may well be that the British political mood is not ready
for him yet; but it probably will be in the next few years.
His brilliance is undisputed: he was a full Professor at Sydney
University, Australia, at the age of twenty-two: The second
youngest in history. (He was Professor of Greek). Only the
German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, piped him; being
a Professor of Philosophy at the age of twenty-one. |
EDUCATION - AN INTERESTING EXPERIENCEBannekar School is one of 36 elementary schools in the grimy industrial city of Gary, Indiana, but it differs from others. If its 840 pupils do not master reading and maths as well as others of their age across the country, the school system gets its money back. - An article in The National Times "Company Contracts to Educate: If The Kids Fail It Loses Money" July 12th. The backlash against the welfare education system will undoubtedly increase. The reality behind present "public" education by the State is that it simply fails to deliver results on any basis other than dissatisfaction to all concerned - except those manipulating students for purposes which cannot be described as educational. The principal of Bannekar School put the position quite clearly. Dr. Alfonso D. Holliday, said "Three out of four sixth-graders couldn't read (at acceptable levels), and in view of that we didn't feel we could continue to ask the public for more money. We were at rock bottom and had to try new approaches to educate our children." And so the school board called in private enterprise, which contracted to get results in the basic subjects. Using new techniques, and a large degree of individual tuition, results are proving satisfactory. |