home of ... Douglas Social Credit
24 September 1971. Thought for the Week:
"In a free country there is much clamour, with little suffering.
In a despotic state there is little complaint, but much suffering."
Quoted by Sir Reginald Sholl when opening the Heritage Seminar of The Australian League of Rights on September 18th. |
LEAGUE SEMINAR REACHES NEW HEIGHTSRecord attendances for the three papers given to mark the launching of the Australian Heritage Society at the annual Seminar of the Australian League of Rights last Saturday, September 18th, clearly indicated that the League is achieving increasing strength and support. The seminar was opened by the former justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Sir Reginald Sholl. Sir Reginald's remarks touched many of the key problems facing Australian and western society. He congratulated the Australian League of Rights in providing a "group of people interested in studying the heritage Australia has, and what will be lost to this country if we throw it away." After reminding his audience that the price of liberty was still eternal vigilance Sir Reginald warned against remaining inarticulate. Many Australians were disinclined to buy trouble and argument and are manifesting what Sir Reginald described as "a sinister development", fearful of becoming known and identified as opponents of the pressure groups of the so-called "left." The inference of Sir Reginald's remarks were clear; that it was time that such Australians should not remain inarticulate in the face of what he described as "the attempts of extremists, anarchists, communists, student revolutionaries, woolly-minded reformers, and the so-called liberal intellectuals to up-end the whole shooting box in the name of political social reform." The Melbourne Sun on Monday 20th, gave a news report coverage of the speakers remarks at the Seminar. Sir Raphael Cilento's tape-recorded message on our racial heritage was featured under headlines designed to create a false impression of the content. However, the story of his remarks and those of National Director Mr. Butler were adequately reported. A full report of the seminar will be published in the October issue of Intelligence Survey. More League history has been made. |
REALISTIC PROPOSALS ON DECENTRALISATION"The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry yesterday adopted a 15 point plan for balanced State development." - The Sun, September 17th. Proposals for the elimination of payroll tax and financial concessions to those in country areas are a realistic contribution towards concepts of decentralisation. It is evident from the feeling which motivated a conference in a major inland city, Ballarat, that there is a growing appreciation for the need to bring about decentralised living away from the polluted and stultifying atmosphere of the city rat race. However, the deficiency of such proposals are that the lifting of taxation in one area of society will result under present financial rules to its imposition in another area, and therefore no real gains will result. When our business leaders realise that decentralised living is only really possible when the individual has control over a decentralised financial system, they will be advocating policies, which will strike at the heart of the matter. At least it is heartening to see that businessmen recognise the need for decentralised industry as a social need. It is a step in the right direction. |
COMMON MARKET WILL BE DECIDED ON LOYALTY AND INTEGRITYThe September issue of New Times carries an important article from Mr. John Mitchell, founder of the Christian Campaign for Freedom in England. Mr. Mitchell makes it clear that argument on the economic merits of entry into the E.E.C. is now a waste of time. Mr. Mitchell clearly stated the position of trust, which is the responsibility of the Member of Parliament. "Constitutionally if an M.P. dies during the term for which he was elected that power goes back to the electorate for them to use to elect someone else, as it does at the end of the term. If an M.P. supports the giving away of that power to foreigners, or for that matter to anyone, he betrays that trust. In fact he betrays his country." (Our emphasis) The issue of Britain's national sovereignty is the issue of the century. It is intimately tied with the sovereignty and survival of other English-speaking members of the Commonwealth. Should Britain remain free and independent, the basis of revival of traditional strengths and values remains to haunt the promoters of world control. At this late hour we are asking supporters to write before the vote is taken late in October, to one of the following M.P.'s at the House of Commons in Westminster, calling upon his senses of loyalty and integrity to uphold the sovereignty of his country as a prelude to strengthening the bonds of friendship and mutual co-operation on all other levels between our countries. Labor Party Members: Peter Archer, W.T. Williams, W.T. Wells, Terry Davis, Jack Ashley, Edward Bishop, Hugh Brown, Arthur Bottomley, Sir Alfred Broughton, D.R. Coleman, Neil Carmichael, Stanley Cohen, Mrs. Freda Corbet, J.D. Concannon, B. Conlan, R.J. Douglas, George Darling, James Dempsey, Greville Janner, Tom Ellis, Sir Arthur Irvine, Barry Jones, James Johnson, Walter Johnson, Michael McGuire, Gerald Kaufman, Marcus Lipton, Robert Parry, Bruce Millan, Eric Ogden, Goronwy Roberts, William Price, David Reed, John Smith, Robert Sheldon, William Small, Jeffrey Thomas, Gavin Strang, Dr. Shirley Summerskill, Phil Whitehead. Conservative Party Members : Mr. Rost (M.P. for Derby), Mr. Carol Mather, Derek Coombs, Mr. Toby Jessel, Stephen Hastings, Julian Critchley, John Hannam, Mrs. Elaine Kellett, Mr. Hall (M.P. for Wycombe). |
RURAL RECONSTRUCTION - FOLLY COMPOUNDING FOLLY"Criticism by the secretary of the Graziers Association of Victoria and a defeated amendment in the House of Representatives represent what is already seen as the one failing of the Commonwealth retraining scheme." -- The Herald, Melbourne, September 20th. As the bureaucracy intrudes into another segment of society, increasing chaos develops. It is obvious when reading reports of legislation dealing with the "re-training" and "restructuring" of rural industry by doctrinaire departmental officers with little or no experience of life outside their bureaucratic vacuum, that the results will be to say the least, highly disorganised, and more likely to be a shambles. Farmers eligible for re-training will be also eligible for a relocation loan of $1,000 described by critics as "hopelessly inadequate." But also it seems that those administering the legislation are at a loss to decide who is available for the $1,000. In the case of the Graziers' Association, it is a great pity that they are now content to argue about the details of administration of what is a poisonous exercise in socialisation instead of going to the root of the problem and demanding financial policies which ensure the financial independence of the rural community. Policies, which would lead to a greater expansion of the rural population and the increased economic stability of the rural areas. Rural Reconstruction is only a thinly disguised plan for acquisition of private property by the State as the following paragraph of the report in the Herald. "Those eligible were people refused or likely to be refused debt reconstruction assistance and those whose properties were acquired under the farm build-up provisions of the State Grants (Rural Reconstruction) Act or the Marginal Dairy Farms Agreements Act." It would be an interesting question to put to M.P.'s to ask how many farms have been so acquired and what does the State propose to do with them. Readers of the booklet The Wool Industry and the Cost Inflation Problem, published by the Institute of Economic Democracy, (now out of print) will recall the remarks of Mr. Campbell Curtis advocating the collectivisation of farms as a means of solving rural economic problems. Mr. Campbell Curtis has now accepted an appointment to administer Rural Reconstruction. Socialisation and collectivisation could not take place if it was not promoted and administered by those who believe in such policies. It is time those operating behind the front offered by gullible politicians were more fully exposed. |
U.N. FACING BANKRUPTCY"Secretary-General U Thant said today the United Nations must soon face the fact that it is bankrupt." -- The Herald, Melbourne, September 20th. Over the years the U.N. has been threatened with bankruptcy. The scares come along intermittently. For many, the demise of this supra-national organisation would be a blessed relief and remove one of the main sources from which both communist propaganda and policy are initiated. While there has always been more than sufficient currency available whether in roubles, dollars or sterling to promote the growth of world government, communism, or the destruction of national sovereignty, which are all of a piece. There will be only two reasons for the demise of the U.N. Either it will have served its purpose and will be replaced by a formal organisation administering world government, or, revulsion against the U.N. will be realistic enough to defeat that objective. While today it is useless, obstructive, hopelessly wasteful and inefficient, it is too much of a sounding board, and pressure point serving the revolutionaries to be disbanded. |
TALKS WITH RHODESIABritish and Rhodesian negotiators met twice today trying to solve the six-year-old constitutional deadlock over Rhodesia's seizure of independence. -- The Herald, Melbourne, September 20th. It is widely recognised that Mr. Edward Heath, British Prime Minister is faced with overcoming his "Rhodesian problem" before gaining entry into the European community. It is also speculated that the main obstruction to successful conclusions is the same as in previous talks, namely agreement on constitutional provisions for eventual majority rule. As this was the original point at issue in 1961 long before the declaration of independence, it is difficult to see the Rhodesians retreating on the principle, which was mainly responsible for the declaration in 1965. It will be ironical if, in an attempt to destroy British sovereignty in the homeland, Mr. Heath is forced to restore it in Rhodesia. Whilst no doubt those forces organising to destroy Rhodesia and South Africa feel they can pick such small countries off at the appropriate moment, but while any doubts remain and the restoration of Rhodesian sovereignty strengthens her hand, the revolutionary forces will be uneasy. |
YOUNG LIBERALS IN BRITAIN MOVE TOWARDS REVOLUTION"Typical of this uncomfortable new breed is Young Liberals' chairman (Mr. Peter Hain) who played a leading part in last year's successful campaign against the South Africa cricket tour." -- The Age, Melbourne, Sept. 20th. Mr. Hain is noted for his advocacy of violence behind a facade of plausible sincerity. From the report quoted it is obvious the Liberal Party in England, a minority party, is open to capture by people such as Mr. Hain. The emergence of a party openly flouting parliamentary rule and acting as a rallying point in the political arena would constitute a major step forward in the process of erecting a dictatorship through mob rule. As Governments retreat from the firm administration of law and order, Mr. Hain and his fellow revolutionaries press forward. The capture of a party organisation would bring them to the point of advance achieved by previous dictators before grasping ultimate power. Such was the route taken by Hitler. |
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ANNUAL DINNERA preliminary announcement only; the Annual South Australian Dinner of the League of Rights will be held on Saturday, October 23. Guest speaker: Mr. Horton Davies, Chairman of The Christian Institute for Individual Freedom. |