Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
5 May 1972. Thought for the Week: "Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put chains upon their own appetites.... It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate habits cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters."
Edmund Burke.


Mr. Eric Butler reports from London during his three weeks lecturing and fact-finding tour of the United Kingdom.

In a frank exchange of viewpoints on the Common Market battle I found the controversial British Conservative M.P., the Rt. Hon. Enoch Powell, a man of hard realism. This does not mean that I found him, as some have alleged, cold and aloof. He is a genuine intellectual but he does have a genuine sense of humour. He has one of the most logical minds I have met, which does not mean that I believe that Mr. Powell's conclusions are always right. Like a slide rule, logic can only give the total of all the factors used. If some are missing, the logic can be perfect, but the conclusions wrong. As much of the interview was off-the-record, I must confine myself to generalities.

Mr. Powell believes that the Common Market issue is desperate, but not hopeless. He drew attention to the unexpected in history and there is no question that he intends to fight on. Mr. Powell has no answer to the vital problem, one facing the peoples of the free world everywhere, of how an electorate can force its will on a Government pursuing a policy clearly at variance with the policy of a substantial percentage of the electors. But Mr. Powell drew attention to the hard political fact that it is only the strongest political activity in the electorates which, to use one of his colourful phrases can make the politicians' "Teeth chatter with fear."

Mr. Powell's contribution to the battle is clearly to hold his base inside the Conservative Party, and keep delivering broadsides, which even some press censorship cannot prevent from reaching the British people. Mr. Powell is using some of the hardest-hitting language in his condemnation of Prime Minister Heath and his colleagues. In an address on April 8 he exposed the double-talk of Mr. Heath now claiming that as Parliament has consented, on behalf of the people, to the principle of joining the Common Market, the opponents should now accept that verdict and cease opposition. Mr. Powell observed that Mr. Heath had promised that it was the "full-hearted consent" of Parliament and people, which would have to be obtained. He also said that the close voting in the House of Commons showed that there was not even "full-hearted consent" of the Parliament.

He then went on to make the following charge:
"So conscious is the Government of not having even the bare consent of the House of Commons that no device of political pressure and thuggery has been omitted to constrain Conservative Members to vote on this issue against their opinion and conscience."
Mr. Powell concluded by warning Mr. Heath that if he perseveres with his policy of breaking his own word, that it would be small consolation to receive the plaudits of Europe and the commentators, when he would "go down to history bearing with him the indelible brand of broken faith and trust betrayed."

Many may wonder how a member of a political party is not threatened with expulsion when he speaks as Mr. Powell does. The truth is that any attempt by Prime Minister Heath to curb or expel Mr. Powell would produce a major split inside the Conservative Party. Every time one mentions Mr. Powell's name at meetings there is spontaneous applause. But Mr. Powell is not going to heed the loose suggestion that he should leave the Conservative Party to lead yet another party. I believe he is fighting in the most realistic manner possible as the situation is.

The key to the situation is how to develop sufficient electoral pressure in a sufficient number of electorates to make the politicians' "teeth chatter with fear." This is the task to which Mr. Don Martin, National Director of the British League of Rights, is directing all his dedicated attention. Audiences are applauding as he tells them "We do not know the meaning of the word defeat. We will fight the enemy even as Churchill said we would fight. Even if we are legally committed to the E.E.C., we will then raise the banner on Home Rule for the British. We will never give in."

The Government's desperate use of the guillotine in an endeavour to force the E.E.C. legislation through the House of Commons is producing a new upsurge of opposition. Action has been started in the Courts against the Government, and eminent constitutional authorities are canvassing the question of whether one Government can completely bind the policies of a future Government. And, as the battle rages in the United Kingdom, friction grows in the Common Market, with Mr. Heath's pro-Marxist friend Willy Brandt, struggling to survive in West Germany.
Inflation continues and unemployment mounts. All in all, I would conclude by saying that the real battle is just "hotting up".


Proof of the fact that the League message is continuing to spread in spite of all the attacks can be seen in the news that there are now five vigorous and expanding Electors' Associations in Federal electorates in Queensland and northern New South Wales. These are in the Queensland seats of Maranoa and Darling Downs, and in the city seat of Ipswich, or Oxley as it is called, and in northern New South Wales in the seats of Gwydir and New England. In addition, plans for the establishment of an Electors' Association are well under way in Kennedy. But it is clear that the idea is beginning to spread organically, and I have been asked to provide advice in a number of local campaigns related to the imminent State Election campaign in Queensland, and the initiative being shown in these may well blossom out into something more comprehensive by the time the Federal election is on us. The initiative being shown already is little short of astonishing.

As the Electors' Associations got under way, there was the natural tendency to expect the League of Rights to undertake the organisational work. But League speakers have been adamant in pointing out that, while we will provide all advice that is asked of us, it is up to local people to take action on their own behalf and that each Electors' Association must generate enough steam and enthusiasm to build the sort of programme needed.

This forced each concerned elector to examine what he or she would do. Typical of this was a group of farmers and businessmen in the electorate of Darling Downs. It finally dawned on them that if their association was to grow and become a vital force, each one would have to sacrifice some time and effort to get the ball rolling. It was decided that they would start with a Sunday devoted to a personal canvass of one small town in the electorate. A small number of decidedly nervous and sober individuals made the Fire Station in the main street the meeting point for the day. Areas for the canvass were marked out. Going in pairs the town would be covered street by street. A concluding meeting would be held at six o'clock back at the fire station to count the wounded and the maimed.

Although it was a nervous group that set out in the morning, the meeting that evening was a very enthusiastic one. There had been a ready response from all those that had been interviewed. This was true irrespective of the various Party affiliations that existed. The general feeling was that the choice of a candidate was less important than the establishment of a much firmer relationship between electors and elected. This enthusiasm has spread, and in many parts of Southern Queensland, ordinary people are making the effort to get out and meet others. It is grass-roots activity at its best.

It can safely be said that no Party or organisation could provide its followers with sufficient enthusiasm to make these sacrifices. The growing number of bulletins and information pamphlets which each Electors' Association is producing have all the merit of local initiative, and judging by the hum of activity already so apparent, there is no doubt that the Electors' Association idea has already injected a new and healthy note into the jaded political set-up that exists at the moment.
As far as the League of Rights is concerned, the activity continues.

An excellent public meeting in Brisbane was exceptional for the number of young people attending. I was asked to speak to theological students at the University of Queensland, in a panel with two Party speakers on the subject "Christianity and Politics". There is no doubt that the students felt that the League message compared very favourably with the mud slinging to which they were subjected by the Party representatives.

A meeting with students at Gatton Agricultural College on "The true purpose of Production" caused similar interest. An excellent meeting on the Dorrigo plateau in northern New South Wales further consolidated the considerable interest and activity in that part of the world. Supporters in Dorrigo tell me that they already have their sights set on the formation of an Electors' Association in Cowper, seat of Mr. Ian Robinson. All in all, the pace is hectic, but the message continues to spread.


The proposed marketing authority for the Australian wool clip is threatening to cause a major dispute between the coalition Liberal and Country parties. The Prime Minister, Mr. McMahon, is reported by wool industry leaders to be opposing the acquisition scheme, which would involve the amalgamation of the Australian Wool Commission and the Wool Board.
Country Party ministers are supporting it...Unless the legislation to set up a single authority with the power to sell all the Australian wool clip is introduced within three weeks, it could not operate before the start of the new selling season in August...
In his campaign Mr. McMahon will argue that the Government will have to provide a massive injection of money to get the scheme under way. But the Chairman of the Australian Wool Board, Sir William Gunn. said when the merger and acquisition proposals were made public by the conference that he had held discussions with two international banking consortiums which had indicated their willingness to finance the marketing of the wool clip..." The Sunday Australian, April 23rd.

In two referendums in the past, Australian woolgrowers have rejected socialist control of the wool industry, in the face of continued pressure from Sir William Gunn, who has pushed relentlessly for this measure ever since he was appointed to the board of directors of the Reserve Bank by Dr. H. C. Coombs, the seasoned and tried member of the Fabian-Socialist society. After woolgrowers had rejected his terms for the second time, Sir William Gunn was reported to have said that "Woolgrowers would have to be brought to their knees" before they would sell out their freedom.

There is no doubt that the wool crisis was the result, not of a lack of demand for wool, which is still a universally accepted fibre, but of financial policies that compromised producers and consumers alike, induced in the main by the powers that control the international banking consortiums who have promised the money which Sir William requires.

It is also quite clear that there are alternative proposals, which for a fraction of the cost of the wool-board proposals, could re-establish viable wool-producing and processing industries in Australia's traditional wool areas. Many Australians are unaware of a completely new range of wool processing machinery, much of it designed in Australia which for a fraction of the $300 million estimated to be the minimum cost of Sir William Gunn's scheme, could bring this country right into the forefront on the world's fibre markets.
Well-researched and presented estimates in this regard have been prepared by wool-men themselves.

Shocking, but not surprising, is the attitude of the Country Party, which seems determined to bulldoze acquisition through, even before the Randall Committee Report appears. The Country Party has always traditionally opposed the "socialisation of industry, production, distribution and exchange." They have abandoned this, and have joined forces with the Labor Party in a campaign for acquisition. They are hoping that woolgrowers, battered and on their knees as they are, will not "kick against the thorns".

A few Liberal members, to their credit, have done more to preserve free enterprise in the wool industry than their coalition partners. These men deserve the support of woolgrowers, and an issue on which Mr. McMahon has taken the right stand, should not go unobserved.


The Lanzon brothers have just produced their Let's Think Leaflet No. 6, on the subject of the Little Red Schoolbook, and entitled, "Goodbye, Mr. Chipp". Many think it is the cleverest of the six so far produced.
Prices of the "Let's Think Leaflets" are 10 for 27c: 50 for 90c: 100 for $1.60, post free.

The other leaflets No.1 "That's Not Cricket Sport",
No.2 "War and Peace",
No.3 "Playing the Game"(Chinese Ping Pong),
No.4 "In Black and White" (satire on Press), and
No.5 "Cutting Down on the Servants" (a tilt at bureaucracy).

All "Let's Think Leaflets" attack the subject with a brilliant and acid wit.

Freedom and Reality by Enoch Powell. A supply of this book has just arrived from U.K. Chapters include - Free Society v. Socialism; Politicians versus People; To Socialism through Inflation; Illusions about Defence etc. etc. Price: $1.00 post free.


The Rule of Law

Individuals living together in society must have a system of justice governing their relations one with the other. Individual rights must be protected, private property rights, the right to life, the right to walk the streets in safety, protection against libel and slander. Successful human associations are impossible unless these and similar rights are protected. Violations of these rights require an independent judiciary, whose members are really a type of umpire adjudicating impartially.
Although governments are responsible for ensuring that there is an independent judiciary, it must be free of all political influence.

One of the major functions of government is to maintain a strict Rule of Law. It is often claimed, falsely, that all law is an infringement on the freedom of the individual. Real freedom is impossible except inside an agreed Rule of Law.

From Hansard: Senator Ivor Greenwood replying to Senator Cant, 11/4/72... "It is a fact that I visited Rhodesia in 1971 and that I learned a lot of facts about that country which one cannot get by relying merely upon the newspapers of this country." Dr. Malcolm Mackay speaking in the Australian Defence debate (12/4/72).

Speaking of Indonesia in the early 1960's Dr. Mackay said ...."When the revolt occurred the Communists set out to eliminate the top Army leadership. Most top generals were trapped, their eyes were gouged out and then they were forced to run naked among Communist women who slowly tortured them to death with knives. Two generals escaped - Nasution and Suharto. They acted swiftly to seize Radio Djakarta to prevent the order for widespread selective massacre going out to the nation, and they brought the tanks from Bogor... Western Powers kept doors open and gave military and other aid even when it was dangerous to do so. How much was due to the fact of allied resistance in Vietnam? Those in a position to know say that it was a crucial factor, and there is the point of my connection."

"One of the most specious bits of twaddle the Leader of the Opposition and the Deputy Leader of the Opposition have ever spoken, and that is saying a lot, was to talk recently of restricting our military actions to the territorial sea and not venturing outside those limits unless invited to do so by the United Nations. China and Russia have a veto on such decisions by the United Nations and they are the countries which will increasingly have nuclear submarines and missile-equipped ships off our very coast."