home of ... Douglas Social Credit
2 June 1972. Thought for the Week: "The
greatest mistake that is being made in the free world today
is the fact that we are mixing iron and clay. We are fighting
for freedom but allowing. .. boys and girls to grow up believing
in things, which turn out to be basic Communistic concepts.
..Every time we produce a boy or girl who is trained to believe
that the universe is the product of accumulated accident,
that human beings are only graduate beasts, that there is
no such thing as innate right and wrong or that deep spiritual
convictions are old-fashioned and unnecessary, then we have
a casualty among our own ranks in the field of ideological
W. Cleon Skousen in The Naked Capitalist. |
BATTLE FOR SOUTHERN AFRICA TO BE INTENSIFIEDAt the conclusion of his Southern African programme, Mr. Eric Butler wrote the following report. The Pearce Commission's report that the Rhodesian Africans had rejected the settlement terms agreed to by the Rhodesian and British Governments, is the signal for increased international pressure on the whole of Southern Africa. Under pressure from the United Nations Committee on Rhodesian Sanctions, which Red China and the Soviet Union are using to attempt to have mandatory sanctions extended to both South Africa and the Portuguese Territories of Angola and Mozambique, the United States has now agreed to cease importing any more Rhodesian chrome. President Kaunda of Zambia has called upon the United States to join with Zambia in giving "every possible support to the fighting forces in Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe (Rhodesia), Namibia (South-West Africa) and South Africa who are still fighting for liberation from colonial oppression." The campaign against Southern Africa
is supported in the U.S.A., not only by revolutionary organisations
but also by influential political leaders. In his annual report
for 1970-71, the South African Commissioner of Police has
warned that the terrorist threats to South Africa are increasing.
The Commissioner also reported "Internally general organisations
are actively engaged in militant leftist subversive action
against the Republic." The Chinese are making excellent progress on the Tan-Zam railway, on which work started on October 26th, 1970. The completion date is given as October 1975. It is probable that 14,000 Red Army engineers are working on the railway. But the Tan-Zam railway line is only one part of the growing Red Chinese activities. Next year Tanzania will become the first African State to receive MiG fighters from Red China. Twelve are to be supplied. Chief of the Tanzanian defence forces, Major-General Sarakikya has recently revealed that Tanzanian air and ground crews have been training in Red China for the past two years. A base is being built 80 miles West of Dar es Salaam, and will enable the Red Chinese MiGs to be used to increase terrorist pressure on the Portuguese in Mozambique. The arrival of Red Chinese women indicates that the Chinese are planning to stay in East Africa for a long time. The Red Chinese are instructing Tanzania infantry and tank units. Many Chinese officers are attached to Tanzanian regiments in an advisory capacity. Patrol boats have been supplied to the Chinese base in Dar es Salaam. A Chinese built ammunition factory is now in operation making Chinese machine guns and rifles. Chinese agriculturalists are supervising farm and irrigation schemes. One chilling report states that Tanzania's children from ten years of age upwards are attending nightly training sessions during which they learn to handle Chinese dummy rifles and are taught Marxist ideology. |
LEAGUE NATIONAL DIRECTOR TO REPORT ON GLOBAL SITUATION AND AUSTRALIA'S FUTUREI have before me a photo of a Chinese modern operatic troupe performing "The East is Red" in Dar es Salaam. A study of Red Chinese techniques in East Africa recalls how they took possession of areas of Nepal by sending in road building "technicians". ln Lusaka, Zambia, the large Red Chinese Embassy Staff is working hard to influence Zambian students, who are often invited to parties at the Chinese Embassy. The Thoughts of Chairman Mao is being freely distributed. Some time back so many Chairman Mao badges were being worn in Lusaka that the Kaunda Government took temporary fright and banned them. The general situation in Zambia continues to deteriorate. An ironic manifestation of the growing economic run down is the fact that after having exported a large quantity of maize to Red China, the Zambians had to avert the threat of starvation by importing a vast quantity of maize from the hated Rhodesians! The collapse of President Philibert - Tsiranana's regime in Madagascar, following a period of riots and bloodshed, has caused serious disquiet in South Africa. Pretoria was relying upon large-scale financial loans to Madagascar to promote the current policy of seeking dialogue with African States. As yet it is too early to say what Madagascar's new military leader, General Gabriel Ramanantsoa, will do concerning South Africa. Students and workers participating in the riots said that they objected to President Tsiranana's friendly policy towards South Africa. The Marxists in both Moscow and Peking are vitally interested in developments in Madagascar, which is regarded as a major potential base for increasing pressure on Southern Africa. But there has been more progress made by the Marxists in Mauritius, which has provided the Soviet harbour facilities at Port Louis for their "fishing" vessels over the past few years. Red China has now dramatically moved
into the situation with the news that following the granting
of an interest-free development loan; Chou En Lai has accepted
an invitation to visit this highly strategic island in the
Southern Indian Ocean. As this report is written a Chinese
delegation is about to visit the island as a prelude to the
establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries,
agreed to in April when the Mauritian Prime Minister, Sir
Seewoosagur Ramgoodam, visited Peking. These developments heighten the urgent necessity for Australia to offer closer co-operation with South Africa, and to cease continuing with an anti -Rhodesian policy, which plays directly into the hands of the Marxists. The Europeans in South Africa, Rhodesia and the Portuguese territories are essential for maintaining any chance of stability in Southern Africa. Those who aid in any way the weakening of that stability are serving the cause of Marxist global strategy. |
THE FABRICATIONS OF MR. MIKE RICHARDSMr. Mike Richards, author of the hatchet articles on The Australian League of Rights published in The Age, Melbourne, and The Sydney Morning Herald, in February, is also editor of the magazine Dissent, which describes itself as a "radical quarterly"? We are extremely sorry for those unfortunate students who are studying under Mr. Richards at the Melbourne University, where he is a tutor in "Political Science". As a sample of Mr. Richards' "scholarship" we submit the following footnote to a long article on The Australian League of Rights in the Autumn, 1972, issue of Dissent: "But there is evidence to suggest that more recently the League has been directing considerably greater attention to bodies like Rotary, Apex, Lions and the R.S.L. It appears that a favourite tactic of the League (at least as far as Rotary is concerned) is to contact the programme Secretaries of various branches and indicate that a speaker can be provided (at this point no mention of the League is made) The topic is usually innocuous (on one occasion it was "Student Unrest in Canada", with the speaker an ex-Canadian Mountie) and quite often the offer is accepted. What transpires, however, is that the secretary is contacted on the morning of the meeting to be told that the speaker is indisposed, but that a substitute could be offered. The substitute is none other than Mr. Eric Butler, Mr. Edward Rock or another League functionary. " Mr. Richards does not submit any "evidence" to support his claim that the League is directing greater attention to service organisations. The truth is that while the League accepts where possible, invitations to address service organisations, no special efforts are being made to obtain invitations to address these organisations. The "favourite tactic" mentioned by Mr. Richards is a blatant fabrication and indicates the dishonest tactics this smearer is prepared to use in the desperate campaign to try to check the growth of The League of Rights. The "ex-Canadian mountie" mentioned by Mr. Richards is Mr. Patrick Walsh of the Canadian League of Rights, whose 1968 Australian tour was cut short as a result of the death of his wife. Mr. Butler substituted for Mr. Walsh at a number of meetings, all arranged under the auspices of The Australian League of Rights. As Mr. Richards claims to be a close student of League literature, he must be aware of the truth. But he prefers to distort it. While it is true that at one time the anti-conservative movement was served by men of outstanding intellect, men like H. G. Wells, Bertrand Russell and others; this is no longer the case. Increasing numbers of outstanding thinkers are beginning to realise that intellect is of itself most unreliable. Bernard Shaw, Wells, Russell and others became increasingly disillusioned towards the end of their lives. Today most of the anti-conservatives, the "progressive liberals" as they often call themselves, are completely mediocre, many of them suffering from that "arrested development" which Winston Churchill once mentioned. Many of them will be found posing as "academics" in the Universities, paid salaries far beyond their genuine worth to the community. Mr. Richards' studies of The League of Rights suggest that perhaps he should turn to writing fiction, as he is not a man to worry himself unduly about facts, he should be completely at home in this type of activity. And he might then find himself being taken more seriously than he is at present. |
THE QUEENSLAND ELECTIONSWhile Mr. Bjelke-Petersen Queensland's
Premier is hailing the success of his government as a halt
to the growing success of the Labour Party in other states,
a more appropriate question is whether the Queensland electors
can hope for any genuine alternatives to what they would have
got under a Labor Government. From the way Mr. Bjelke-Petersen
is praising Mr. McMahon it would appear that all is sweetness
and light between his Government and the Federal Government
even though the major problems facing State Governments are
generated from Canberra. As the campaign was drawing towards its conclusion we noted with interest the agitated remarks of the Minister for Lands, Mr. Sullivan, in Condamine where he is struggling to survive against the independent candidate Mr. Charles Russell. Mr. Sullivan along with other candidates was called before a meeting of electors, which numbered 400. The meeting was organised by the Electors Association in the area. In the press report Mr. Sullivan, pressed by the Association to give firm pledges for policies and principles to advance the economic-financial security and political freedom of all electors, challenged the Association to disclose its membership on the basis that he could not give such an undertaking unless it could be proved the Association spoke for the whole electorate. As the figures of the election indicate Mr. Sullivan could hardly claim to speak for the whole electorate. His agitation is understandable. Faithful party politicians who gain their preselection from a handful of party adherents, far removed from representative of the whole electorate, must find it a new experience to face electors who make it clear they know what they want, and what they expect from their elected representative. It may be as the vote unfolds Mr. Sullivan will have leisure to consider anew the role of electors in deciding election results. |
ON TARGET BULLETINEconomic FreedomIt has been observed that economic independence is the basis of real freedom for the individual, enabling him to spiritualise it through self-development, and is a basic feature of Christian doctrine. Unless able to exercise free will, and be personally responsible for the choices made, the individual cannot rise above animal level. The Christian God is one of love, whose abundant universe offers the life more abundant. But the life more abundant is only possible through the discovery of the truths governing natural laws and their correct application in the production sphere. When a Communist insists that "labour produces all wealth", he is logically expressing his own underlying philosophy. But the great majority of people who call themselves anti-Communists will at the same time agree with the widely accepted view that "labour produces all wealth." They are philosophically confused. The philosophy underlying the doctrine that "labour produces all wealth" logically elevates man into his own God, and infers that he alone is responsible for the basis of life, that he is self-sufficient. The truth is rather different. |