home of ... Douglas Social Credit
7 July 1972. Thought for the Week: "I
think religion is the most important thing in life, because
what people believe, the convictions they hold... governs
what they do."
Mr. Eric D. Butler, National Director of The Australian League of Rights, in the ABC National TV programme, "National Conference ", Monday, June 26th |
LEAGUE SCORES HEAVILY FROM NATIONAL T.V. PROGRAMMEA number of post mortems have already been held on the ABC national 45 minute T.V. programme, "Monday Conference", June 26th, when League of Rights National Director, Mr. Eric Butler, was interviewed by Mr. Max Teichmann, Senior lecturer in Politics, Monash University, and Mr. Brian White, Head of News Programme, 2GB, Macquarie Broadcasting Services, under the chairmanship of Mr. Robert Moore. But one central reaction has come through loud and clear: The League of Rights has received the biggest flood of congratulatory letters and telegrams in the history of the League, many of the letters being from people who have had no previous contact with League. National headquarters in Melbourne was inundated with phone calls and visitors seeking books and information. In a letter of thanks to Mr. Butler, Mr. Robert Moore states that "your interview has caused a great deal of interest and we have had many letters commenting on it. Again, needless to say, on one side or the other." While we are aware that some have criticised Mr. Butler's performance, we have been reliably informed that in one State, (not N.S.W.) the ABC received the biggest number of calls ever following a "Monday Conference" programme, and that these overwhelmingly supported Mr. Butler. Most of those who have contacted the League, including non-League supporters, have expressed strong views concerning what they felt was a "ganging up" against Mr. Butler, with Mr. Moore becoming far too involved as chairman. One non-League critic wrote of the "three yapping dogs." Mr. Butler comments that while it was disappointing that valuable time was spent in an obvious attempt to smear him and the League, instead of bringing out what the League was really about, he did not feel the same sense of hostility by the panel, as did many viewers. He says that "Perhaps I was too busy attempting to deal with three interviewers clearly trying to trip me up by asking different questions at once!" Mr. Max Teichmann may be the pleasant individual Mr. Butler says he found him to be away from the T.V. cameras, but he did himself enormous damage when he said in a most unfortunate manner, "I've been reading your stuff for years, Mr. Butler. I must say it's almost illiterate". Mr. Brian White's behaviour was little better. When Mr. Butler said that he believed in open discussion on all problems, including the Jewish problem, Mr. White asked, "What about "the Butler problem". Of course people with different backgrounds react differently to the type of programme on which Mr. Butler appeared. Faced with a barrage of statements from Mr.Teichmann concerning his book, The International Jew, which has been out of print for years, Mr. Butler could hardly be expected to deal adequately with even one of those questions unless permitted to do so and most of the statements were falsely based. For example, Mr.Teichmann charged Mr. Butler with having "said in that book (The International Jew) that Hitler was Jewish, that he was the bastard son of Baron Rothschild." Quite apart from the context in which Mr. Butler raised this question, he in fact wrote that "Some investigators of Hitler's parentage have expressed the opinion that he was actually of partly Jewish ancestry.'" (P.87) and then proceeded to quote extensively from the book, I Paid Hitler, by Thyssen the well-known German industrialist, who comments on Hitler's obscure parentage, drawing attention to the strong possibility that Hitler's father was the illegitimate son of Baron Rothschild of Austria. Mr. Teichmann could not even get this point correct. As the subject is primarily one of historical interest, Mr.Teichmann must not be surprised if many people gained the impression from "Monday Conference" that he was deliberately using "red-herrings" so that there could be no real examination of The Australian League of Rights. This impression was also strengthened by Mr.Teichmann's attempt to suggest a similarity between Hitler's movement, the Communists, and the League of Rights. While the backgrounds of the three who interviewed Mr. Butler may help to explain a deep, unconscious emotional attitude towards The Australian League of Right's philosophy and policies, it is difficult to extend this rather charitable view to whoever was responsible for the ABC's national advertising of Mr. Butler's appearance on "Monday Conference". This advertising attempted to link the League of Rights with the Nazi Party. It was a new low for the ABC. (The July issue of the League's Intelligence Survey, single copy 25 cents posted carries extensive extracts from the ABC's transcript of Mr. Butler's interview on "Monday Conference.") |
MR. REYNOLD LANZON JOINS LEAGUE STAFFWe are pleased to report that Mr.Reynold Lanzon, one of the authors of the valuable booklet, Light On The United Nations, and of the series of "Let's Think" leaflets, has joined the full-time staff of the League. This able young man will provide a new fillip to the League's expanding activities. |
MR. ANTHONYTS FUTILE VISIT TO BRUSSELS"Brussels, June 30th - Australia's Deputy Prime Minister (Mr. Anthony) is unlikely to obtain any cast-iron guarantees for the protection of Australian exports when Britain joins the Common Market. Mr. Anthony flew into Brussels yesterday for talks with EEC officials. But informed sources here say the most he can expect during the talks is polite attention and perhaps a little sympathy at the end." - Michael Robson in The Age. Melbourne, July 1st. It may be that the leader of the Federal Country Party is so naive that he really believes that he can wring some concessions for Australian primary producers out of the Eurocrats in Brussels. But it is also true that Mr. Anthony is well aware that during this critical election year he must at all costs seek to project an image of a man winning decisive battles on behalf of the rural community. Aided by most of the mass media, he was able to claim that he had successfully defied the Liberal Party on devaluation. The truth is, of course, that quite apart from the merits or demerits of Australia's devaluing its dollar, there was no devaluation of the Australian dollar in relationship to the monetary units of major trading partners. We warned from the beginning about the real meaning of the campaign to force the British into the European Economic Community. With the exception of the Australian High Commissioner in London, Sir Alex Downer, no spokesman for the Australian or New Zealand Governments has warned about the far-reaching and revolutionary implications for the whole British world if the British surrendered its independence to the EEC. It is true that Sir Robert Menzies has drawn attention to some of these implications - but only after he left office. If The Age correspondent Michael Robson is correct, Mr. Anthony has attempted to impress upon EEC Commissioner for External Affairs, Herr Ralph Dahrendorf, that Australia "trusted" the EEC to make sure that Australia received fair treatment after the EEC had been enlarged. Australia also trusted" Edward Heath and his associates, ignoring the fact that these ruthless men were not likely to be worrying about the Australian primary producers when they were demonstrating their naked contempt for the British people. With a realistic internal finance-economic policy, the Australian Government could easily cushion the effect of the loss of any markets in the United Kingdom. But the basic Common Market issue is not economics, it is politics. One of the strategic objectives is to break up forever if possible the British family of nations, one of the great barriers to the creation of the World State. As we observed last week, the Heath Government's decision to devalue once again - euphemistically terming this "floating the pound" is another major step in the break up of the British Commonwealth. Writing in the Sunday Telegraph
of July 2nd, Mr.Roger Randerson, one of the more realistic
economists, confirms our view: The British world desperately needs a real statesman at the present time, one to help rally the British peoples everywhere on the basic issues. In the absence of such a statesman they will have to rely upon themselves. Australians can expect little from Mr. Anthony and his colleagues. They are too busy trying to buy votes to keep themselves inside the political tart-shop. Clearly there are trying days ahead for the peoples of the British Commonwealth everywhere. But the light of faith provided by the Leagues of Rights is shining brightly. |
INFLATION THE WRECKER"In the U.K. the cost of living has risen by l7percent since the present Government came to power. The Industrial Relations Act does not seem to be of much use. The Rent Act is highly inflationary. The policy of non-interferences in industrial finance has collapsed." - Weekly Review, England, June 29th. Before Edward Heath came to office he spoke glibly about quickly ending inflation with a few strokes of the pen. But inflation is one of the inevitable results of Keynesian-type financial policies of rapidly expanding debt, with increasing rates and taxation necessary merely to service the debt. If the Heath Government manages to actually get the British into the European Economic Community, it is agreed that food prices in the United Kingdom will increase steeply. By the time Mr. Heath's Government next faces the electors the cost of living should be 50 percent higher than it was when the Heath Government was elected in 1972. No doubt an enraged British public will throw Mr. Heath out. But unless there is an effective grass-roots revolt against the policies of betrayal, the Socialists will then act as the front men for the power-groups determined to wreck the British, determined to drive them, along with the rest of the non-Communist world, closer into the embrace of the Communists. Inflation is wrecking every non-Communist nation. It is increasing in the EEC countries. An increasing flow of new credit-money is being pumped in to the non-Communist economies, all of which has the effect of inflating still further and of further undermining the free enterprise economy, the only realistic basis for genuine freedom. While the wreckage from inflation is mounting daily all over the world, Australian politicians like Senator Greenwood have the effrontery to charge the Australian League of Rights with advocating "dangerous" financial policies. Surely even the most perverse politician can grasp the principle of using at least some of the new credit-money-which is being created anyway - to help stabilise prices and therefore wages, through price-discounts? Is it too much to suggest that a halt to taxing the taxpayers at seven percent on their own taxes, for the PMG for example, would be a welcome relief? Would not even a few percent reduction in interest charges relieve the financial burden? And what is "dangerous" about financing long-term capital works out of long-term new credits instead of current taxation? Instead of using some real initiative, every new inflation crisis is used by politicians to impose further Socialist controls. Former Prime Minister Gorton is attempting to stage a political comeback by using the inflation and other issues. He had his chance and prices still went up. He now wants an investigation of causes. These are known. What is wanted is an attack on those causes. If the present politicians will not face those causes, then the electors will have to engage some who will face them and deal with them - even if it means making it clear to the present Government advisers that the expert should be on tap and not on top. |
AUSTRALIAN COMMUNISTS MEET AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS"Our delegation had many interesting and informative talks with Communist parties and with various anti-imperialist movements, but one of the most interesting and inspiring was the brief talk we had with representatives of the African National Congress in London. We wanted to thank them for their warm greetings to our recent Party Congress, to tell them something of the big and militant movement against the 1971 Springbok/Australian tour, and to find out more about their movements and their suggestions on how the left in Australia could do more in solidarity with the struggle against apartheid and the Vorster regime." - Judy Mundey, member of Communist Party of Australia delegation which recently returned from overseas, in Tribune June 27th - July 3rd. There are naive Australians, including some Churchmen, who really think that the African National Congress has no connection with Communism! |
ERIC BUTLER FOR SYDNEYThursday, July 13th, 7.45 p.m., debates Edward St. John at Mosman Town Hall. Friday, July 14th, guest speaker at Sydney League Annual Dinner. Late bookings through Mr. Frank Salter, 635-9686. |
ON TARGET BULLETINWhat is Money?A modern economy is controlled almost completely by financial policy. There is practically no barter. All exchanges of goods and services take place through money. No understanding of the problems of an economy, including inflation, is possible without an understanding of the creation and control of money. The essential feature of any form of money is its acceptability. The psychological factor is all important. Counterfeited $20.00 bills act as money just so long as they are accepted by those handling them. Throughout history, many different forms of money have been used by different people - shells; different types of stones; metals made into different types of coins; paper money of numerous sizes and types. But so long as people believe that they can at any time obtain goods and services for any type of money; then they accept it and it acts as money.MONEY HAS NO VALUE OF ITSELF AT ALL. |
A reply from Senator J. S. Carrick (Lib.) re Sex Education..."In my view there has always been a gross over-simplification of this matter. As I see it, there is no one subject, which could be called Sex Education - unfolding of relevant information, must come first, with anatomy, physiology - after with social sciences. These should relate to the structure of our society and particularly of the family group... I believe that no programme should represent itself as being a programme of sex education if it is merely a biological approach to the reproductive process. The A.S.E.P. programme may be unobjectionable and valuable to students who have a background of scientific knowledge - the real question is how we bring to young people - psychological, spiritual, and values judgments which lend themselves to major controversy if in unskilled, or partisan hands". (Exactly!) |