home of ... Douglas Social Credit
11 August 1972. Thought for the Week:
"No revolution can be successful without organization and
money. "The downtrodden masses" usually provide little of
the former, and none of the latter. But Insiders at the top
can arrange for both."
Gary Allen, in None Dare Call It Conspiracy. |
QUEENSLAND C.P. OPPOSES RHODESIA SANCTIONS"The Federal Government will be asked by the Queensland division of the Country Party to drop sanctions against Rhodesia. A motion aimed at this from Ipswich delegate and Central Councillor Mr. G. Petersen, also asked the Federal Government as a matter of urgency to recognise Rhodesia diplomatically. Mr. Petersen said that sanctions against Rhodesia had failed miserably. It was ridiculous that Australia should recognise Russia and other Communist countries and not Rhodesia." - The Chronicle, Toowoomba, Queensland. July 26th. We are informed that only a few delegates at the recent Queensland Country Party conference voted against resolution opposing continued sanctions against Rhodesia. One of these followed the Federal Government's "line" that Australia was a member of the United Nations and should abide by its decisions. As many of these decisions are Communist-inspired, we suggest that as many of our readers as possible should make the point that it is not in Australia's interests to implement such decisions. Queensland Country Party President, Mr. R. L. Sparkes, is to be congratulated on giving a firm lead on the Rhodesia issue, urging that Australians should adopt a realistic attitude towards Rhodesia. He pointed out that many African countries in the United Nations were not democratic. He also said that it was hypocrisy that the Smith Government should be outlawed because it was undemocratic. "On that basis Communist-dominated countries should be expelled. That is an absurd situation and I urge conference to accept the motion", said Mr. Sparkes. We wait with interest to see the reactions
from Federal Country Party leader, Mr. Doug Anthony, to the
Queensland resolution. Perhaps he will call his Queensland
colleagues a pack of "racists". |
THE POOR COMMUNISTSIn a recent A.B.C. Country hour broadcast, listeners heard an interview with an American businessman, the general manager for Ford Tractors. Asked about the prospects for world trade in wheat and wool he emphasised the availability of markets in the Communist countries. The interviewer replied that these were "poor" countries, and asked could they really afford to take our produce. The reply was such as to point the direction in which finance plays its role to exploit the productive nations to make them the slaves of the unproductive, economically inefficient, Communist states. We were told. "These nations have all the money necessary; they may have poor people, but they do not lack all the funds necessary to buy from anyone who wishes to sell. - Gary Allen in None Dare Call it Conspiracy, and W. Cleon Skousen in The Naked Capitalist, literally "lifts the lid" on the nexus between powerful financial groups and World Communism. The building up of powerful political groups within the Western world for the purposes of financing the Communist conspiracy within the borders of those countries not yet under the direct control of Communism, is the result of that financial nexus. The same groups have organised a worldwide credit union to ensure the maximum financial funds to finance the survival of Communist societies already created. By organising industry in the West on the basis of inflation, high and punitive taxation, usurious interest, and the consequent mounting debt structure, the necessary whip; and at the same time control of a suppliant working force is maintained to subsidise Communist nations on the basis that we must export or perish. The exposure of the conspiracy to destroy our real credit is the first step necessary to restore sanity in the Western world. |
THE CROATIAN PUZZLE CONTINUES"Australian authorities, turning a bleary if not blind eye to the presence here of Croat terrorists, must have earned the gratitude of Moscow". - Douglas Wilkie in The Sun, Melbourne, July 31st. It is interesting that Mr. Douglas Wilkie should pursue the issue of the so-called "Croatian terrorists." Mr. Wilkie has often served the interests of the international groups that have prepared the stage for advances of the Communist conspiracy. In the tradition of a slick American journalist of "Time" status, probing and commenting on international issues, inevitably we find that the South Africans and Rhodesians are racists, that independence for South Vietnam is pursued by reactionaries, as it is in Rhodesia. But for some reason independence for Croatia is against the work of those elements out of step with the more progressive political policies of our day. There is no doubt that in Yugoslavia, with the long-standing enmity between Serb and Croat, each of these groups long for national independence, but such is not in the best interest of the powerful political forces manipulating the situation in this important Balkan-Mediterranean strategical area. The casting of Tito as the enemy of the Soviet will not wash. In every important advance towards the success of central Communist strategy he has supported the Soviet, in fact the Marxist-Leninists in every move they have made, whether of the Soviet or Chinese brand. In recent visits to Hanoi and Egypt he has promoted the interests of both. It is obvious that with the scheduled disappearance of Tito from the Balkan scene and the advance of central Soviet strategy in the Middle East the time is now ripe to establish the Red Army on the European shores of the Mediterranean. The promotion of the Croatian "independence" movement is similar to many other independence movements that have preceded the advance of Soviet influence. The victims will be the hapless genuine nationalists amongst the Serbs and Croatians, just as in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. |
FEAR OF UNEMPLOYMENT MAINTAINS SOURCE OF FEAR"SYDNEY. - The Arbitration Commission today granted workers at shipping container depots a 35 hour week." - The Herald, Melbourne. August 2nd. Containerisation, as it is called, has reduced the need of great numbers of men working on the docks. This reduction is the need for manpower is to be seen in any and every field of industry. The unionist realizes that shorter working hours must come if "full-employment" is to be maintained. The fear of being out of a job motivates the unionist to reduce working hours to ensure he continues to have work. This form of unemployment is behind many of the strikes being held all over the world today. Ironically, it is this very fear of unemployment, which maintains the source of the fear itself. Instead of being afraid of unemployment, the unionists should realize that growing unemployment is inevitable. With this in mind, and the realization that the labours of mankind since the discovery of fire, have been to make more leisure for himself and his heirs, they should try to discover why they are being robbed of this inheritance. One of the main contentions of the Keynesian economists is that the Keynesian policy maintains "full-employment". The purpose of an economic system is not to maintain "full-employment" at all. It is to reflect faithfully the reality of the nations ability to produce and distribute goods and services with the least inconvenience in the shortest possible time. If increased leisure is a direct possibility of the economy, due to the inventiveness and inherited know-how of the population, then that, too, must be reflected in the economic system and for the benefit of the population. It is clear that the dread of unemployment, which is inherent in our economic system, is a fear that continues to perpetuate itself. To fear departure from a system that creates fears of unemployment is to maintain that system and that fear. The only way to break the vicious circle is to accept a state of increasing leisure as something to be desired. Perhaps then we will see why our present economic system has failed. |
IMMIGRATION AND VALUES"A Country Court judge yesterday warned a Turkish youth, who had forcibly abducted a girl, he would have to adopt Australian values." - The Age, Melbourne. August 2nd. The Government's policy of allowing inassimilable migrants into Australia is sure to bring discontent to both the migrants and the settled community. The Turks, having their own culture and values based upon the Moslem religion, resent being told to accept Australian values. And, of course, it is an imposition to demand of people that they discard old values and accept alien ones. If values are not valuable to a person they are not values at all. If they are valuable, a person will not drop them. That is the crux of the problem. Were the Turkish immigrants sufficiently aware before they left their country of the problems they would face once they were here? Did our Government warn them they would have to give up their old values? If it didn't the immigrants were brought here under false pretences and they have a right to be resentful. Knowing the full circumstances they would not have come here at all. The young Turk's intention was to marry the girl. In his own country if the young lady did not accept his proposal (the manner of his proposal is not unheard of in his country) the matter would have been settled by the families of each without the humiliation of going to court. In Australia his humiliation is shared by the rest of the Turkish community who must surely feel indignant at having their values judged as improper by the holders of a set of values which they themselves may regard as being inferior to their own. Such incidents are sure to bring dissent. They will be occurring until either our immigration policy is reversed, or the Government recognises two (or more) sets of values' for the community. It is axiomatic that if one set of values is accepted the other will be rejected, perhaps violently so. And as no nation can survive being "divided among itself" the latter is no alternative at all. But it is the element in which communist revolutionaries love to work. |
THE SELF-RULE OF MR. SOMARE"Pull your head in or else" warned Papua-New Guinea Chief Minister, Mr. Somare, as reported in The Herald Melbourne, August 3rd. The warning was directed at a New Guinea deputy head master that criticised Mr.Somare's coalition government. Mr.Somare is also reported to have said that the schoolteacher's wages were paid by his government and that they could sack him (the teacher) or transfer him". He pointed out that in "some countries further north they would shoot him. That is a broad hint of things to come when "self rule" comes to New Guinea, and is the result of the "enlightened rule that U.N. emissaries from strife-torn black Africa suggested for New Guinea. It is becoming increasingly clear what Mr.Somare means by his cry for "self government" it is government by himself without toleration of opposition. But there are a number of "Somares" in New Guinea who want "self rule". The pattern of the coups and counter-corps of Africa was brought to New Guinea along with the suggestion for "self rule". A strife-stricken New Guinea will be a painful thorn in Australia's side. It will have grave implications for our defense strategy. It is likely that Australia will experience the same kind of problems that Rhodesia and South Africa are experiencing with unfriendly armies at their borders. The surrounding of America, the one step before the last in the communists plan for world conquest, would be almost complete with the collapse of Australia, Rhodesia and South Africa before communist inspired terrorism on their respective borders. The possibilities of such a thing happening should take the smugness out of the people who think, "It can't happen here". |
COMMUNIST VIEW OF MR.BOB HAWKE"Hawke is a double agent in the trade union movement". "Struggle". No.19-Newspaper of the Communist Worker-Student Alliance. In "On Target" last week we made some comment on the recent oil strike, and also on Mr. Hawke's role in it. We feel that Mr. Hawke's main concern at this time is to project himself favourably on to the Australian political scene; there are many indications. His constant appearances before the T.V. cameras it is difficult to look at a current affairs programme on Telly these days without witnessing Mr. Hawke in action. His participation in draft-dodger, Barry Johnston's electoral campaign is most significant, and now his ballyhooed "debate" with Federal Attorney General Ivor Greenwood, suitably videocast in the Eastern States, gives him even more status - recognition by the Government of his political eminence. Hawke has really "arrived" now. The Communist newspaper -"Struggle", goes on:- He growls at the bosses so as to appear radical; and then he growls at the workers to get them to the Arbitration Court. "Hawke stands or falls with the Arbitration System. But Arbitration is not impartial. It serves the bosses." The fallacy here is that Mr. Hawke does not stand or fall with the Arbitration system at all; nothing of the sort. Mr. Hawke represents Labor - he doesn't need the Arbitration System. He would attain a position of even greater power than he has now by being the spokesman for a system of Collective Bargaining; if anything the Arbitration System clips his wings a little. |
ON TARGET BULLETINStatements by Banking Authorities on the Creation of MoneyA large number of eminent authorities could be quoted on the subject of the creation of most of a modern community's money supply in the form of financial credit, but the following selection will be sufficient to demonstrate the truth. As far back as 1882, Professor H. D. McLeod, lecturer on Political Economy at the University of Cambridge and the most outstanding authority on banking in Britain at that time, gave his famous lectures on Credit and Banking to the Institute of Bankers, in Scotland. The following extracts from the lectures outline the process of credit creation with great clarity: "The way a Banker trades is this: he sees that $1000 in cash is sufficient to support $10,000 of liabilities in Credit; consequently he argues that $10,000 in cash will bear liabilities to several times that amount in credit Thus we see that the essential and distinctive feature of a Bank and a Banker is to create and issue Credit payable on demand; and this Credit is intended to be put into circulation and serve all the purposes of money. A Bank; therefore, is not an office for borrowing and lending money, but it is a manufactory of Credit."(Our emphasis). |