home of ... Douglas Social Credit
10 March 1972. Thought for the Week:
"As for businessmen, I could persuade a capitalist on Friday,
to bankroll a revolution on Saturday, that will bring him
a profit on Sunday, even though he will be executed on Monday."
Saul Alinsky, Professional "Activist". |
WHO IS PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON?Mr. Eric Butler, at present lecturing and fact-finding on the North American continent, sends the following report from the U.S.A. I arrived in the U.S.A. in the middle of President Richard Nixon's astonishing mission to Red China, to find American conservatives in a state of shock and confusion. When President Richard Nixon boldly proclaimed that he had become a convert to Keynesian Socialist financial policies, and was also prepared to impose rigid financial controls, he not only dismayed his Republican supporters who recalled the Nixon pre-election promises, but also spread consternation amongst his Democratic opponents. The Republican President was openly taking over the very Hubert Humphrey programme he had sternly warned against. He threw the Democrats into further confusion by announcing that he was withdrawing from Vietnam. Some of the more far-sighted critics of Mr. Nixon have observed that the invasion of Cambodia was designed primarily to keep as many of his conservative supporters as possible on his side. Vice-President Agnew provided the same type of camouflage with his apparently hard-line conservative addresses. But Mr. Nixon's most breath-taking performance was the announcement that he was going to Red China, followed by the carefully-timed revelation that his top adviser on foreign affairs, Dr. Henry K. Kissinger, had had a number of secret talks with the North Vietnamese, and that a far reaching "peace" plan had been offered to Hanoi. By now President Nixon had completely "pulled the rug" from underneath the Democrats, leaving them with comparatively little on which to oppose President Nixon at the 1972 Presidential Elections. President Nixon clearly believes that with a comparatively neutralised Democratic opposition, Republican supporters, even if many are dismayed by events, will have no other alternative but to vote for Mr. Nixon. The more superficial observers everywhere have concluded that President Nixon's apparent dramatic change of direction, domestically and internationally, was primarily the result of a cynical political strategy to win the 1972 electoral contest. But those who have researched the Nixon background in depth present convincing effort that Nixon strategy had in fact been fashioned BEFORE the 1968 Presidential Elections. President Nixon's own daughter, Mrs. Eisenhower, has confirmed that one of President Nixon's first acts after winning in 1968 was to instruct Dr. Kissinger to have the Red Chinese door opened for him. In order to try to assess the Nixon record it is essential to recall that after the close defeat by John Kennedy in 1960 followed by the humiliating defeat in the 1962 contest for the Governorship of California, Richard Nixon was left without status and financially impoverished. He was written off by many as yet another political has been. But consider the situation only ten years later! There is little doubt that it was a member of the Eastern Establishment, the liberal Nelson Rockefeller, a long-time advocate of recognition of Red China and a soft line towards Communism generally who rescued Richard Nixon from political oblivion. After 1962 Mr. Nixon left California and went to New York to move in as a neighbour of Nelson Rockefeller. Mr. Nixon has admitted that his financial position improved and that he became a man of wealth. Nelson Rockefeller was anathema to genuine conservatives inside the Republican Party, with the result that his opposition, or apparent opposition, to Mr. Nixon in contesting the leadership of the Republican Party at the 1968 convention, helped to convince many Republicans that Mr. Nixon was their man. Very few American commentators during this period drew attention to some of Mr. Nixon's real views on a number of fundamental issues. Mr. Nixon's most dangerous opponent in 1968 was George Wallace, the Independent candidate. He threatened to draw off vital conservative votes. This threat was countered by many hard-line conservative statements by Mr. Nixon, together with a campaign which told American conservatives that a vote for Wallace might permit the terrible Humphrey to win. Many are now observing that Humphrey could never have got away with what President Nixon is doing! Once elected, President Nixon provided the first indication of the shape of things to come by appointing Dr. Henry Kissinger as his personal foreign policy adviser. Who was Henry Kissinger? Well, he had been Nelson Rockefeller's personal adviser on foreign affairs! The Kissinger appointment, and the results which have flowed from it was striking evidence that President Richard Nixon was not his own man, and had for the previous ten or more years skillfully presented an image which did not reflect his real intentions, and those financing and supporting him. American journalist Jules Vitcover tells
of a dinner with other journalists who were being given a
background briefing by Dr. Kissinger, who "'suggested strongly
that the Nixon Administration is not unalterably opposed to
an eventual Communist take-over in Saigon so long as the administration
isn't blamed for it." Dr. Kissinger had said that if the Communists
sat in Saigon six months after the war, that would not be
honourable, but if this Communist take-over took place two
or three years later, the Administration would accept that.
With the betrayal of Taiwan, the pattern of the Kissinger-Nixon retreat becomes clear to those prepared to break with mythology and face facts. Unless some unforeseen political backlash
develops from the Nixon mission to Peking, it is almost certain
that the President Nixon will be re-elected in November this
year. But it is also certain that in the nature of the American
situation, no Presidential contest can produce a President
who can halt the American retreat. That retreat can only be
halted by a grass-roots upsurge, which brings Congress effectively
under control of the electorate. |
MORE ABOUT DR. HENRY A. KISSINGERFrank A. Capell, in "An Intelligence Report"' in The Review of the News, Feb. 16, 1972 reports: "It is now revealed that Presidential Adviser Henry Kissinger made twelve clandestine trips to France to confer with the Vietnamese Communists, using military aircraft, changing planes, and staying in C.I.A. hideouts (safe houses). In each instance Kissinger met and conferred with the Communists in secret locations selected by them. Kissinger also made another secret trip to Peking to warn Chinese leaders of a pending coup d'etat."Washington sources report that an Israeli intelligence officer learned of a plot to assassinate Mao Tse-tung and Chou En-lai in order to effect a military takeover of Red China. This information was turned over to the C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency of the U.S.A.) Director Richard Helms, who made a hurried visit to Tel Aviv and returned with detailed information on the matter for Henry Kissinger and President Nixon. Kissinger then took a fast plane to China and his visit resulted in the execution of a group of top Chinese military men and a blackout of news from Red China. This report is confirmed in dispatches out of France by Hilaire du Berrier...." |
CRYPTIC REPORT ON WORLD ECONOMY PARALLELS LEAGUE'S WARNINGS"The world economy is headed for collapse and a totalitarian world government may be the only way to keep mankind from destroying itself". - from Sam Lipski, Washington, U.S.A. as reported in The Australian March 4th. The report was repeated and amplified in The Australian, of March 7th. but the reference to World Government was omitted. This was the synthesis of the themes of a rather mysterious new book, The Limits to Growth, put forward at a symposium at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington on March 2nd, attended by some 300 industrialists, scientists, and government representatives. The book is published by The Club of Rome, itself a rather mysterious set-up; a conglomeration of industrialists, scientists, and technocrats, headed by a 64 year old Italian "businessman", Dr. Auerlio Peccei. As Lipski says, this group has suddenly been thrust into the International arena exuding an aura of behind-the-scenes power, wealth, and influence. So there are wheels within wheels here. The message of the book is that economic growth must be renounced if human society is to survive against the pressures of rising population and decreasing natural resources. We agree, and have insisted over the years in our various journals, that the mad economic growth of the industrialised world must break down. It is most revealing that the first report from Mr. Lipski mentioned that a totalitarian world government may be the only way to keep mankind from destroying itself, and that this was dropped from his second and amplified report. The league, much to the intense irritation of its critics, insists that the finance economic systems of the West will collapse, and that this time is closer than the vast majority dare imagine. We further insist that this inevitable breakdown is not fortuitous, it is intentional, planned, deliberate and that "a totalitarian world government"' is precisely what is intended to arise from the wins. We disclaim any 'apocalyptic vision",
revealed to us, that this is to come about: our knowledge
is based on a deep understanding of the finance-economic system.
The genius, C. H. Douglas, pronounced over 50 years ago that
unless finance-economic rules were modified that overwhelming
economic and political power would be concentrated inevitably
in the hands of a very few men. |
BASIC FUND STILL ADVANCINGThe league is still reaping the benefit from the recent smear articles which were published in the Melbourne AGE, and the SYDNEY MORNING HERALD. Enquiries and requests for literature, book sales, and subscriptions are all increasing. During the past week, 17 supporters donated $475.50 to the Basic Fund, taking it now to $20,535.04. |
SENATOR McMANUS SAYS PRESIDENT NIXON HAS HAD HIS YALTA"Realist foreign policy writers who over the years have denounced the D.L.P. for advocating its foreign policy and defence policies now have the situation they worked for. Britain is gone; America is going; the small nations can make only one choice between Australia and Red China." - Senator F. P. McManus, in a letter to The Age, Melbourne, March 3rd. Senator McManus is a man after our own heart; he calls a spade a spade, and speaks out fearlessly. We would have liked to have reproduced the letter in full - it is worthy of it - but space will not allow that. He says that Nixon has made promises: the Communists have promised nothing, and have the nod from Nixon that South East Asia is now Red China's sphere of influence. He continues that the policy of the 'realist' policy writers is now - "dump Taiwan, abase ourselves to Mao by the three kow tows"'. We agree with Senator McManus that we are virtually on our own: we do not yet agree that Britain is "gone" - Britain may yet be "saved"'. We must certainly increase our defences at all costs. We agree with the D.L.P. that Australia must have nuclear weapons. We agree with Senator McManus that when the Red Chinese want Mr. McMahon they will send for him (they may have to hurry if they want him - his Government appears to be on the way out), and that they must be laughing their heads off at the non-Communist world. The League's views on the current America-Red China detente are set out in the special brochure - Retreating Down The Kissinger-Nixon Betrayal Road price 17 cents, post free, from Box 10 52-J, Melbourne, Vic. 3001. |
ON TARGET BULLETINWhat is Society?Society is a complex form of association, which can only work satisfactorily so long as its individual members believe they are obtaining benefits from it. Society can be divided broadly into three main spheres, even though there is a close meshing of activities between these spheres. These three spheres are the Economic, Political, and Cultural.Originally derived from the Greek, the term economics, means social housekeeping. Economics have to do with the providing of man's material requirements, with the 'bread-and-butter' side of life. It is in the economic sphere that man associates to provide food, clothing, and shelter, and services - services being the general term covering such benefits of communal activity as transport, sanitation, water supplies and roads. If systems exist to serve individuals, and not individuals to serve systems, which means serving those controlling the systems) then the primary purpose of the economic system is to provide the individual with the results he wants in order of his priorities. |