home of ... Douglas Social Credit
4 May 1973. Thought for the Week: "Our
national life is ended as soon as it has lost the power of
noble anger. When it paints over and apologises for its pitiful
criminalities, and endures its false weights and adulterated
food, dares not decide practically between good and evil,
and can neither honour one nor smite the other, but sneers
at the good as if it were hidden evil, and consoles the evil
with pious sympathy, the end is come."
John Ruskin in The Queen of the Air. |
THE BIG IDEA BECOMES CLEARER"A fascinating glimpse of the future when American corporations might become part-owners of factories operating in Russia, and split the profits with the Kremlin, has been held out to United States capitalists by a visiting communist dignitary. The hint was dropped by the Soviet Deputy Foreign Trade Minister, Mr. Vladimir S. Alkhimov, who has been trying to talk the big corporations into starting to operate inside Russia." - Victor Zorza in the Sydney Morning Herald, April 6th. The above item was quoted in Vanguard, April 12th to demonstrate to those Marxists who follow Mr. Ted Hill and Peking, just what "decadent revisionists " the Soviet leaders are. Vanguard states that in the days of Stalin, reports about Western corporation operating in the Soviet Union would have been "discounted". But as Gary Allen proves in his best-seller, None Dare Call It Conspiracy the same international financiers who financed the Bolsheviks, supplied the credit to ensure that Stalin's Russia received adequate economic blood transfusions from the non-Communist world. The same groups were responsible for the victory of Mao Tse-tung in China and have been a major driving force behind the campaign to recognise Red China as a preliminary to providing massive credits. Mr. Hill is very quiet on this example of "revisionism"! A report from Moscow in The Australian of April 12th states that the Chairman of the U.S. Export-Import Bank, Mr. Henry Keams, told a press conference in Moscow that Russia would have to end its "economic secrecy" if it wants to borrow heavily from the U.S.A. Mr. Kearns said that outstanding credit extended to Moscow by the Export-Import Bank would reach $250 million when last two of five deals were completed. On April 26th, The Age (Melbourne) reported from London that the Soviet was expected to sign a $300 million (American) loan package in Europe to help finance to its import needs. While massive credits are being made available to ensure that the Soviet does not collapse economically the Soviet continues to promote an international programme of revolution and subversion against what remains of the Free World. The young dupes of Marxist subversion being turned out of the Universities shout about '"power to the people" ignorant of the realities of power in the modern world. What is now openly unfolding on the world scene is the Big Idea, an idea as old as man, the idea that some men should have complete power over all other men, ultimately on a world scale. The Marxist movement is a major feature of the Big Idea, but from the beginning was promoted and financed by those groups who had long mastered the technique of using power through the creation and control of credit. The Big Idea is to exploit each new convulsion shaking traditional society to drive mankind into bigger and more highly centralised structures in which the individual exercises progressively less control. Every new step towards centralisation of power naturally produces growing friction and resistance of that centralisation. The role of the League of Rights is to provide individuals with the knowledge necessary for constructive activity in resisting centralisation. |
CORRUPTION AT THE WHITE HOUSE"Because alleged improper actions took place within the White House or within my campaign organisation, the easiest course would be for me to blame those to whom I delegated the responsibility to run my campaign, he said. But he said that would be a cowardly course. Mr. Nixon said that he warned future elections to be free of 'such abuses'. "This is my goal, " he said. "I ask you to join in making it America's goal." - The Herald. (Melbourne) May 1st. Whether or not President Nixon's national television performance will satisfy the American people remains to be seen. But those who have studied his record will, in spite of his friend Dr. Billy Graham, remain unconvinced that President Nixon was completely unaware of the seething corruption around him. If President Nixon can be so easily misled on the subject of corruption amongst his closest colleagues, how much has he been misled by those who advise him on foreign affairs and financial policy? Does he really understand what Dr. Henry Kissinger and his international financier friends are about? The American scandal provides a major lesson for Australians; they would be extremely foolish to replace the Monarchical system of government with a Republican system. History teaches that the Republican system of government degenerates into corruption much more often than does the Monarchical system. |
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HIGH MEAT PRICES?"Canberra. - The Meat Board is believed to have told the Federal Government the best way to stabilise rising meat prices is to leave the market alone." - Stuart Simson in The Herald, (Melbourne) May 1st. Hard hit by the general increase in the inflation rate, it is not surprising that the consumer is alarmed by the steep increase in the price of meat at the retail counter. Lacking an understanding of the basic cause of inflation, the housewife can easily be persuaded that if it is not the butchers who are exploiting them, then it must be the "wealthy graziers." The Marxists and their allies, including Mr. R. Hawke, are all for "controlling" prices but not for touching the policy of increasing wages. Here are the seeds of that "class warfare" so welcomed by the Marxists. The basic facts of the situation are clear to the objective observer. Over a long period of time Australia has had one of the lowest domestic price levels for meat in the world. Even the present high prices are lower than those being paid in most other countries. For the first time for many years Australian meat producers are finding prices for their production highly satisfactory enabling them in many cases to start liquidating debts incurred over past years. There is little evidence that the majority of meat producers are obtaining even now much more than a reasonable return on their capital. Two major factors have been responsible
for the steep increase in domestic prices; increased demand
in the U.S.A. and other countries, and restricted domestic
supply, this being caused by economic factors and drought
conditions. Only increased meat production can have any stabilising
effect on meat prices. Given time and reasonable seasons,
this increased production will take place. But it will of
itself not have much effect in reducing meat prices to the
consumer, for the simple reason that while the Government's
inflationary financial policies are continued, every increased
financial cost, including interest charges and increased wages,
on every step in getting meat from the farm to the consumers
must be passed on in increased prices. If ACTU President Hawke is the economic "brain" his admirers claim he is, he must know this. But Mr. Hawke has a vested interest in class warfare. The different sections of the community involved in the meat industry, together with consumers, must unite in demanding the removal of the basic cause of inflation, which affects everyone, instead of falling into the dangerous trap of blaming one another. If the Government wishes to ensure a lower domestic meat price than the export price all that is necessary is the application of a consumer discount financed out of a small portion of the flood of new credit being created to finance the Government's New Order. |
KEEPING THE MIDDLE EAST CRISIS AT BOILING POINT"Tel. Aviv. - Some 200,000 people came to settle in Israel in the past five years, the Government has stated. Of these, 40,000 came from English-speaking countries, but 30 per cent of them returned to their former countries within three years." - The Telegraph, (Brisbane) April 9th. The above item confirms what a number of anti-Zionist Jews have been trying to publicise for years; that so far from the great majority of the Jews of the world regarding Israel as a National Home to which they should migrate, only a small percentage want to live in Israel. And of those who do migrate there, a very big percentage leave after a comparatively short periods They do not like living in a Socialist State. As it is the Jews from the English-speaking countries, mainly the United Kingdom and the U.S.A. who provide the biggest exodus from Israel, it is obvious that out of the 200,000 migrants over the past five years, the overwhelming majority of the 70 per cent staying are from non-English-speaking countries. How many of these are from the Soviet Union? A report in The Telegraph (Brisbane) of April 10th states that 7,000 Soviet Jews had left for Israel during the first three months of this year.... In our last issue we quoted the explosive statement by Israel's Defence Minister, General Dayan, who said that the increased manpower being provided by the Soviet would help to make it possible for Israel to hold and colonize the Arab territories conquered in the 1967 war, and to further expand Israel in the future. Premier Golda Meir recently persuaded General Dayan to cease advocating his policy of Zionists being permitted to buy land in the occupied Arab territories. This policy was splitting the Cabinet eight months before the next Israeli general elections. Should those who support Dayan triumph at these elections, the stage will be set for another major explosion in the Middle East. The Soviet strategists are well aware of what they are doing by providing the manpower welcomed by General Dayan. |
THE COMMON MARKET DISASTER"Common Market ministers struggled without success to break their farm price deadlock as crisis clouds began looming in the background today." - The Herald, (Melbourne) April 30th. One of the results of the British entry into the European Economic Community is that British food prices have soared, helping to stoke the fires of inflation still further. There has been extreme bitterness between the German and French Ministers as the struggle concerning a common farm policy has been fought out. Economic conditions inside the Common Market countries are becoming progressively more chaotic, with inflation the basic cause. There is an embarrassing butter surplus, although somewhat relieved recently by selling to the Soviet Union, on credit, large quantities at a greatly reduced price. It is regarded as sound economics to subsidise butter to the Russians instead of subsidising it to the consumers of the Common Market nations! It is certain that the Heath Government is now facing the greatest crisis ever as the official figures reveal that the trade deficit for February was the highest ever recorded for a single month. Mr. Heath refuses to shift from the disaster course he is on, insisting that higher living standards are just around the corner. There is at the same time talk of possible food rationing. Mr. Heath stubbornly refuses to consider proposals for subsidising basic foods. The moment of truth is arriving for Mr. Heath and his supporters. The United Kingdom is down the disaster road even further than Australia. The British have survived major disasters in the pasts. The British League of Rights is now providing the same service in the United Kingdom as the Australian League of Rights is in Australia. The British have got to free themselves from the Common Market trap before it closes completely. |
ONE FINAL FINANCIAL PUSH URGENTLY NEEDED,,,Much to the consternation of critics and enemies, instead of "fading away" after the last Federal Elections, the League has continued to expand its activities and its influence. It has taken the offensive on new fronts, while consolidating the ground won in recent years. Much bigger battles than any to date are just ahead. The financial sinews of war MUST be provided. As we go to press a minority of supporters have taken the 1972-73 Basic Fund to nearly $24,000. The balance of just over $1000 MUST be provided by the end of June at the latest. All that is required is one concerted financial push. |
STUDENTS BACK ABORTION BILL"The Australian Union of Students yesterday backed moves for the reform of abortion laws. The union's President, Mr. Neil McLean, said there was widespread support, particularly among young voters, for a private member's bill to be introduced in Federal Parliament." - The Australian, April 24th. We do not propose here to comment at length on the so-called abortion "reform" movement, as the moral and medical arguments have been adequately put by most Church spokesmen and medical authorities, and by at least one Jewish Rabbi. Responsible opponents of abortion on demand point out that under existing law there is adequate provision for the termination of a pregnancy in certain very specific circumstances. What we wish to stress is that the abortion-on-demand philosophy, which we are not surprised has strong support amongst a youth brought up in an atmosphere of growing permissiveness, is a further undermining of the concept of individual responsibility. In the early history of the Marxist control of Russia, there was a deliberate weakening of all family concepts in keeping with the Marxist objective of destroying the family. Easy divorce and easy abortion became prevalent. It was not long before the Communists discovered that by weakening the basic unit of orderly society, the family, they were also weakening the nation. The Communist dictators quickly reversed themselves. In Australia the Marxists are in the forefront of the campaign to liberalise abortion. Some of them know only too well that they are fostering a philosophy which can only weaken the Australian social structure. One final point: Much of the fear of unwanted pregnancies is today basically economic. As the struggle to keep pace with the demand of the modern finance-economic monster grows fiercer, so is there a desire by many to ensure that their families are limited to a size which they believe will enable them to do the best for each new member. And yet with a re-orientation of finance-economic policy, economic pressures could be reduced. Increased child endowment payments for parents, enabling more mothers to stay home instead of locking their children up in high-rises while they stand on the factory floor so that the Gross National Product can be pushed ever higher, would be one rational manner of expanding new credit into the community. Present finance-economic policies are progressively destroying the family. The unrestricted permissive philosophy of which abortion-on-demand is a part, will eventually erode completely the foundations of a stable society. The argument that a woman has an unlimited right to do as she likes with her body is about as silly as saying that a property owner has an unlimited right to do as he likes with his property. Man is a social being and his true development requires that he lives in society. His actions must therefore be linked to social well-being and harmony. |
COMING BIG LEAGUE EVENTSThursday, May 10th, 8 p.m., Mr. Eric Butler speaks on the Australian situation in the RSL Hall, Adelaide.Tuesday, May 22nd, Sydney Annual Dinner. Speakers: Jeremy Lee and Eric Butler. Wednesday. May 30th, Murray (Victoria) Regional Dinner, at Numurkah. Guest speaker Brigadier R. Eason, Chairman Victorian Country Fire Authority Saturday, June 2nd, Queensland Annual Seminar and Dinner, Toowoomba, Mr. Eric Butler to give Paper and to speak at Dinner. Saturday, September 22nd, League Annual National Seminar, Melbourne. Three brilliant speakers on "The New Education" |
THE RULE OF LAW IN RHODESIA"Salisbury, Tuesdays AAP. - Freelance journalist Peter Nieswand won his appeal today. He had appealed against his conviction and two-year jail sentence under the Official Secrets Act. Nieswand, 28, has been in detention near Salisbury since February 20. He was sentenced on April 6 after a secret trial for three reports he sent overseas on Rhodesian security forces operations against guerrillas. The Appeal Court hearing which ended yesterday was mostly held in secret, but the first details of the charges against Nieswand were given yesterday." - The Sun, (Melbourne) May 2nd. The decision by the Rhodesian Appeal Court, sitting under the Rhodesian Chief Justice, Sir Hugh Beagle, demonstrates once again - at least to reasonable people - that Rhodesia is not a "Police State". Every individual has free access to a judiciary which on a number of occasions has demonstrated its complete independence of the Rhodesian Government. Commentators on the Nieswand affair are at present lauding the Rhodesian judiciary. But we would remind them that it is the same judiciary which has also ruled that the Rhodesian Government is lawful. We are not in the position to express any worthwhile opinion on the rights or wrongs of the Nieswand affair, except to observe that the Rhodesian Government is responsible for the security of a nation under a mounting guerrilla campaign backed by International Communism. Every reasonable step must be taken to protect the nation's security. But the Rhodesian Government, like all Governments, tends to resent searching criticism. At a recent Victorian country meeting, Mr. Eric Butler tells of how an obviously critical member of the audience asked him if his statement that all Governments tend to become corrupt also applied to the Rhodesian and South African Governments, and was astonished when Mr. Butler immediately said "Yes". Our defence of South Africa and Rhodesia is not necessarily a defence of any particular Government, but of nations holding one of the most important strategic areas in the world against the pressures of International Communist strategy. It may be that the Rhodesian Government did not have a proper case against Mr. Peter Nieswand. It will be argued that the Government is dictatorial and wishes to intimidate journalists. But the same critics here in Australia applaud the Whitlam Government's attempt to close the Rhodesian Information Centre and urge that Australians should not be offered conducted tours through Rhodesia, even if only to see the magnificent wild life and the Victoria Falls. One Australian journalist, obviously not yet grown up, has even made an issue out of the fact that any Australian wishing to travel to Rhodesia by air from South Africa, may make arrangements with the local representatives of South African Airways. If prevented from doing so here, this can be done in South Africa. But the busybodies are determined to show their pettiness. Perhaps they would like the Australian Government to stop Australians from visiting Rhodesia? The same type of people have no objections to conducted tours of Red China or the Soviet Union. There are no independent judiciaries in these and other Communist-controlled nations. |
THE VICTORIAN STATE ELECTIONS"The State Labor Leader (Mr. Holding) has opened his party's election campaign with a formidable and challenging declaration of policy." - Editorial in The Age, (Melbourne) May 1st. After Mr. Holding made his policy speech, Liberal Premier Hamer followed the next day. He also made a 'challenging declaration of policy'. In fact the Hamer programme is little more than a milder version of the Labor policy. All parties are making the usual promises and using the same cliches. All are concerned about "the quality of life". Mr. Hamer says he is going to improve the quality of education by pouring more millions of the taxpayers' money down what has become a bottomless sink. Parents are more concerned about the quality of the teachers and their attitudes towards students, than in expensive gimmicks. The Age suggests that if Mr. Holding is successful on May 19th, he should not have a proposed referendum on the subject of whether or not the Victorian Legislative Council should be abolished. Displaying that fine democratic spirit for which it is noted - opposing, for example, the right of individuals whether they want to be mass dosed with flouride through the public water supply - The Age urges that "A Labor Government should demonstrate the courage of its convictions rather than run the risky and unusual course of consulting the electorate by referendum." Both Mr. Holding and Mr. Hamer have paid
lip service to the necessity of doing something about inflation.
Neither said anything about basic causes. The best that can
be said for Mr. Hamer's Government is that it is resisting
a complete "take-over" by the Commonwealth. Attempting to
justify the stand-over tactics of the Commonwealth on Housing,
the Hon, J.W. Galbally quoted in the Victorian Legislative
Council on March 20th, from Section 96 of the Constitution
of Australia: What Mr. Galbally did not point out was that the framers of the Commonwealth Constitution never intended that it should be used to destroy the self-governing rights of the States. There was no Canberra taxation monopoly at the beginning of Federation, and no Central credit monopoly. The overall principle which Victorian electors must bear in mind is that, even if sympathetic to the Whitlam Government - many are still saying, "give them a go" they should not vote for an acceleration of the centralisation of power by providing Canberra with a rubber-stamp Victorian Labor Government. A brake must be retained. Power must be kept divided. |
SPIRIT OF HITLER REVIVED"New York, April 23 - From Europe to America, an almost macabre 'Hitler nostalgia' is moving through literature, films and the theatre." - The Age, (Melbourne) April 24th. Hitler was reported as saying that even if he lost the war, he would still win the peace; that his victors would be forced to adopt his policies. A German historian has observed that the "Hitler welle (wave)" is similar to a phenomenon which took place about a generation after the death of Napoleon. "Once the danger is past, even the victims want to have a closer look." But the danger is not past, because the philosophy and policies of National Socialism are becoming increasingly dominant throughout the world. It should never be forgotten that both Hitler and Mussolini were Socialists, Hitler even recording his admiration for much of the Marxist philosophy. The political figures on the stage of history come and go. Different terms are used to describe political activity. But over thousands of years the underlying reality of the human drama has remained the same; the struggle by freedom-loving individuals to curb the power men. |
NATION-WIDE RESPONSE TO HERITAGE SOCIETYThis issue of On Target brings to readers the second in a series of Heritage brochures being produced in association with the Australian Heritage Society. We urge all supporters to make the best possible use of these brochures, A new edition of 20,000 copies of the Flag brochure have had to be printed to meet the growing demand. The Crown brochure will be followed with one on the Federal Constitution, and then one on the importance of Legislative Councils. A small hand-book on the meaning of real conservatism is also in course of preparation. Advertisements in the press of all States has brought a flood of response to the "voting forms" on Australia's heritage. Further regular advertising is being started and will continue as financial support is provided. The three questions on the "voting form" are: Do you favour a change in the flag? Do you want the Crown abolished in Australia? Do you want all power concentrated at Canberra? Over 80 per cent of those responding have voted "NO" on all issues. |
"NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY" WORRYING THE COMMUNISTS"Bloke was telling us that he went along to a League of Rights lecture, and learned for the first time the true story behind the Russian revolution... It seems that a New York Jew with plenty of money (they are all loaded you know) got together some 40,000 people and secretly shipped them to Russia, via Denmark. They were responsible for the whole affair." - Tribune, Communist weekly, May 1-7. Assuming that the "bloke" mentioned by the Tribune exists and did attend a League of Rights lecture, his report merely demonstrates how little he learned. No League of Rights lecturer has said anywhere that a New York Jew with plenty of money rounded up 40,000 people and sent them to Russia via Denmark. The basic facts about the "Russian" revolution are documented in Gary Allen's None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Much of the financing of the Bolsheviks was done by New York financier Jacob Schiff and colleagues. Trotsky left for Russia from New York, where he was editing a paper, taking with him hundreds of revolutionaries. Lenin and his colleagues entered Russia from Switzerland in a sealed train. The comment in the Tribune is
an attempt to ridicule what is an increasingly embarrassing
exposure of the truth about International Communism. Increasing
numbers of students are having their eyes opened to the reality
of the world situation as they read Gary Allen's explosive
work and The Naked Capitalist by Cleon Skousen. The
Tribune treats its readers with contempt, suppressing
current information concerning the financing of the Soviet
Union from the West. It has made no reference to the revealing
report that the Soviet Union, through its Bank in London,
also invests in securities in the United Kingdom. It also
does this in other countries through the Swiss banks. These
are aspects of the conspiracy against Civilisation which the
shock-troops of the Communist movement are never told about.
Having done their demolition work, they will eventually be
told what the power game is all about - unless there is sufficient
exposure of the true nature of the conspiracy and effective
action. |