home of ... Douglas Social Credit
20 July 1973. Thought for the Week: With
every transfer of power to a central group not only is their
power of control increased, but that of the individual over
his own affairs - that is to say freedom - is correspondingly
Centralisation - The Policy of Satanism, L. D. Byrne. |
MOUNTING PRESSURE ON SOUTH AFRICAMr. Eric Butler reports from South Africa. "Coinciding with a three-day visit to Pretoria, South Africa, by General Kaulza de Arriaga, Portuguese Commander-in-chief from Mozambique, are reports from Portuguese military intelligence in Lisbon, Portugal, that the Communist-backed Mozambique terrorist movement, Frelimo, plans to send guerillas to within striking distance of South Africa next year. General Kaulza de Arriaga has been having talks with South African Minister for Defence, Mr. P.W. Botha and senior defence officers. Although the South Africans are adopting a low-key attitude to the situation in Mozambique, I have been informed that they are most concerned about the terrorist pressure through Mozambique, as are the Rhodesians. While Soviet leaders are talking about "peace" at the much-heralded European Security Conference at Helsinki, they are engaged in supporting a new and much more sophisticated terrorist campaign against Southern Africa. The Peking Communists are also playing a major role in supporting the current terrorist drive towards Southern Africa. The Frelimo terrorists are now operating
deeper into Mozambique than ever before, and the Portuguese
are currently conducting one of their biggest military operations,
thousands of Portuguese troops with helicopters and fighter-bomber
support being used in an attempt to flush out the terrorists
before they penetrate further southwards. The strafing of
a light aircraft south of the Zambesi, and the killing of
a famous Spanish surgeon who was on safari, has highlighted
the developing terrorist problem. Up until recently there was no suggestion of the Rhodesia-Beira link being made a major terrorist target, even though this is one of the most important outlets being used by Rhodesia to break sanctions. But Zambia was also using this route and it is believed that President Kaunda urged that no terrorist attacks be made on this route. However, with the Rhodesian closure of the border with Zambia, and the diversion of Zambian goods, it is now obvious that the terrorists feel no restraints. It is inconceivable at this stage that
the terrorists could seriously disrupt the Rhodesia-Beira
link, but even a hit-and-run attack would be a major psychological
victory and would be used for a world-wide propaganda campaign,
with the subversives of the mass media charging that it was
clear that the "freedom -fighters" was having tremendous success
because they were being supported by the majority of the Africans.
In my first South African address I had to warn South Africans that they had to face the fact that they could expect no sympathy from the Whitlam Government, many of its members having a pathological hatred of both South Africa and Rhodesia. This warning was featured by the South African Broadcasting Commission and sections of the press. Many South Africans still naively believe that the international campaign against South Africa is primarily because of their anti-Communist Government. I had to point out that the finance-economic policies of this government must, in the long run, prove just as disastrous as the similar finance-economic policies being imposed by other "conservative" governments. Several years back when South Africans were complacent about their comparatively low cost economy I warned that if they persisted with Keynesian type financial policies, with mounting debt and taxation, they would soon experience the same disastrous inflation that was producing convulsions in other countries. As I write this report, the press reports another upsurge of South African inflation, with some food prices expected to rise by as much as 60 per cent in the near future. The real reason for the international campaign against Southern Africa is because of the tremendous strategic importance of Southern Africa. The One-World now so clearly being established, with the growing economic and financial links between the West, particularly the U.S.A., and the Soviet Empire and Red China must progressively absorb the whole of the African continent, in the same way that the Common Market is being used to absorb the whole of Western Europe. The Achilles heel of the Southern Africans is the same Achilles heel of all non-Communist nations; finance-economic policies, which undermine internal stability making it increasingly difficult to resist external pressures. There is no fear of South Africa collapsing in the immediate future. But the South Africans, along with the Rhodesians and the Portuguese, must now expect the international pressure against them to be intensified. Australians must give them every encouragement to resist. |
"SUBVERSIVE MIS-REPORTINGHeadlines in many of Australia's national Dailies in the last few days have featured the allegations of a Catholic priest, Father Adrian Hastings, concerning massacres and atrocities carried out by Portuguese troops in Mozambique at a village called Wiriyamu. While no-one can condone atrocities committed by any group, it is interesting that these explosive headlines of an event that allegedly occurred over two years ago should have occurred at such a politically expedient time for the revolutionary forces of the Left. Two major events made such headlines
important. The first is the visit of the Portuguese Prime
Minister, Dr. Caetano to Britain, where Father Hastings's
allegations were first given prominence in the London Times.
However, according to The Age (Melbourne) 16th July, "The Bishop had made it known that he did not witness any massacre last December. Nor did he fly over the area shortly after the 400 people were said to have been murdered." The article went on: "The Telegraph correspondent, Bruce London also reports that he went with a heavily armed detachment of Portuguese troops to the spot where the "massacre village" of Wiriyamu was supposed to have stood, according to allegations by missionaries. "I can assert categorically that there is no Wiriyamu there, and that there has never been a hamlet in the area of that name," London states. He reports that he also visited a village with a similar name, Wiliamo. He said that he had learned that the population of Wiliamo had been resettled only four months ago, and that he found no evidence to support any indications of a massacre. |
MEDIA WELCOME TO REVOLUTIONARY TERRORISTHerbert Chitepo, the man in charge of
terrorist groups which have been murdering and intimidating
simple African people since long before the Rhodesian Declaration
of independence, appeared on television as soon as he arrived
in Australia. As might be expected, his path has been smoothed
by the socialist Left ever since he addressed the tenth Socialist
International Conference held in Stockholm at the end of May
1966, when he announced he would "make life impossible for
the Rhodesians." It was in September 1965 that the then foreign Minister of Red China Lin Piao announced the long-term strategy of the International Communist Movement for the encirclement of Western Europe and North America. This involved a tri-continental offensive through S.E. Asia, Africa and Latin America. Subsequently reprinted in Peking under the title "Long Live the Peoples' War", Lin Piao's strategy has been rigidly implemented; the deep rifts in Western Society through skillfully developed psycho-political warfare (the teach-ins, moratoriums, demonstrations, often co-ordinated to occur simultaneously throughout the free world), making the task easier. In January 1966 the Tri-Continental Conference was held in Havana, Cuba, to put Lin Piao's concept into action. Delegates from all major Communist parties - from Africa the Middle East, Asia, Latin America as well as European countries - attended one of the major communist conventions this century under the chairmanship of Fidel Castro. Delegates from both Russia and China attended in perfect amity, although in the same year they had announced that there would be no "area of contact". For the Lin Piao plan terrorists like Chitepo were a great advantage and so the old and timeworn communist advance under the guise of liberation put down its major roots on the African continent, while Vietnam was already being built to a major war. This is the heritage of events that brings Chitepo to Australia, a new darling to be pampered by the red press, and fawned upon by the new brand of politicians that have replaced the loyal Australians of yesteryear. Herbert Chitepo obtained a B.A. degree in 1949. Where? At Fort Hare College in the Republic of South Africa, which Chitepo claims has done nothing to uplift the African people. It is food for thought that without the "hated European" in Africa, Mr. Chitepo would probably still live as a primitive tribesman in a mud hut in the Inyanga district of Rhodesia, where he was born. |
CHRISTIANITY AND DRUGSMany watched with interest a Sunday evening ABC programme on the work of David Wilkerson, the author of The Cross and the Switchblade. Dealing with his work with the junkies, the addicts and dropouts of American youth, the book sold six million copies without any aid from normal publicity channels. The TV programme dealt with his work and experiences, as well as those who had been rehabilitated from self-destruction through drug addiction to fundamental spiritual conversion. As an enthusiastic young evangelical minister, David Wilkerson was shattered by the complete barrier which addiction presented to traditional approaches. To his message "Jesus loves you" there was no response. Often the reply came: "Well if He does then He'd better do something quick, because I need another shot." A pragmatist, Wilkerson started Teen Challenge clinics. Those wanting treatment submitted to a highly disciplined life-style. Discipline in routine matters was the basis of their life in the clinic, thus setting the foundations for acceptance of higher disciplines in mental and spiritual realms. Incorporated in the routine was adequate time for preaching, prayer and the study of scripture developing finally the opportunity to accept and declare full Christian conversion, thus throwing off the old person, and becoming renewed, a completely new person. As. many in the programme testified they found it impossible to give up drugs which had them completely hooked until they became "hooked on Christ". To break through the cynicism and self-defeat of the drug addict, faith could not be presented as merely a point of view but as a definite force which could, by application, alter situations - the "miracle" to which the disbeliever has no answer. Those who are encountering the increasing cases of drug addiction in Australia can only express support and admiration for the work of David Wilkerson and those associated with him. In a sense though such work can only be regarded as the ambulance activities in the road carnage of disintegrating society. Drugs, violence and moral-break-up are, to the Christian, manifestations resulting from evil. But the greater evil is that force which is increasingly engendering such breakdown, and it is in this field that Christian neglect is most obvious. Where are those seeking to rectify the deviations from moral and social truths? Only in this field can the need for the brilliant work of men like David Wilkerson finally be diminished. |
MAIL MAY COST MOREThe most expensive socialist monolith
which Australia has ever been asked to bear - The Australian
Post Office - is now expected to increase costs yet again.
Vincent Mathews writing in the Melbourne Herald, 16th
July, said: Expenditure on postal "services." will be reduced from $580 million to $370 million due to government "pruning" (in face of the anticipated deficit of $1,800 million we presume, and the Whitlam promise that direct taxation will not be increased, which means that indirect taxes and governmental charges will skyrocket). The biggest burden which the Post Office has to meet is the interest it pays to the Treasury on money - our taxation - borrowed for capital works programmes from the Treasury. Once any monopoly is immune to competition, its customers are helpless to change or improve the services, if any, that they are getting. It also gives far too much power to those operating the monopoly. This is quite clear from the disgraceful ban put on letters which hear the slogan "Warning -Nationalised medicine is a Health Hazard", put out by the General Practitioners Association. Section 109 of the Post and Telegraph Act 1901-6 makes it an offence for any postal employee to interfere with the free passage of the mail. The answer to Post Office Monopoly, now bludgeoning all Australians with ever-increasing costs and ever-diminishing services is to open the door to a little competition. |
ON TARGET BULLETINWAGES AND INFLATIONThe present finance-economic policy can only operate with an ever-expanding mountain of debt, expanding capital production, irrespective of whether required or not, and "export drives". One of the major results of this policy is progressive inflation. The propaganda slogan has it that "Inflation is the price that must be paid for progress." And of course, increased wages are blamed as a major source of inflation. It is a major fallacy that increased wages and salaries are the basic cause of inflation. The basic cause of inflation is the present type of financial policy with increasing debt and increasing taxes. Trade Union members, and wage and salary earners generally, have been misled by Marxist propaganda to believe that the steady increase in prices, which erodes their purchasing power, is due to "profiteering" by the "greedy capitalists". Generally, a few carefully selected monopolistic economic organisations which appear to be making comparatively large profits are used as examples for the claim that either industry generally could reduce prices with lower profits, or that profits could be used to finance wage and salary increases without further price increases." |