home of ... Douglas Social Credit
7 September 1973. Thought for the Week:
".... The problem was how to keep the wheels of industry turning
without increasing the real wealth of the world. Goods must
be produced, but they must not be distributed. And in practice
the only way of achieving this was by continuous warfare."
George Orwell. "Nineteen Eighty-Four" |
ERIC BUTLER'S APPEAL AT TRAFALGAR SQUARE RALLYThe following are the notes of Mr. Eric Butler's Trafalgar Square Rally address on Sunday, August 26th. Mr. Butler was one of the principal speakers at a rally organised by the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations. "There is no substitute for victory, and offence is the best form of defence. The time has come to devise a more realistic strategy of attack against International Communism. Communism is diabolically evil, but the advance of evil is but the measure of our own denial of truth, one of the laws of eternal rightness. Repentance is the starting point of the defeat of evil. We must openly admit that we peoples of the Non-Communist world have not only over many years turned our backs on our enslaved fellow human beings behind the Iron Curtain, closing our ears and our hearts to their plea for assistance, but because of what we have been misled to believe was to our material advantage we have permitted the massive economic aid from the West, without which the Communist Empire would have collapsed a long time ago. We stand condemned as having been a party to the providing of the very means necessary for the Communist tyrants to maintain control over their slaves. We were told a long time ago that man does not live by bread alone, and that without a vision a nation perishes. For what we have believed to be a mess of economic pottage we have been prepared to sell our souls. We have believed that we could buy our own future and security at the expense of our fellow human beings groaning under the Communist Yoke. If we persist with our support for evil much longer, we will soon lose both what material security we have, and our most precious possession, our freedom." Mr. Butler then referred to the first
principle of warfare, which is to know the enemy, and to understand
his strategy and tactics. He referred to Lenin's stress on
the importance of economic warfare, and how the "Decadent
Capitalists" could be relied upon to provide the credits so
necessary for the Communists to obtain vital economic assistance
from the West. "My appeal here today is that the peoples of the Free World unite to insist that their Government take the first steps towards freeing the Captive Nations by choking off their credits and the economic aid without which the Communist tyranny cannot survive. I am proud to make this challenge here in this historic square in the heart of a city whose people by their courage played a decisive role in the darkest days of the Second World War. Let a message go out from here, right round the world, proclaiming that we are taking the offensive against the enemies of freedom, and that we shall not rest until victory has been achieved." |
BRITISH FIGURES PROVE BASIC CAUSE OF INFLATIONMr. Eric Butler took time off last week from a series of international anti-Communist conferences in London, to provide the following report on the basic cause of growing inflation. "With the British base interest rate now standing at 11 per cent, personal overdrafts as high as 16 per cent, and imminent massive increases in postal charges for a deteriorating mail service, the British people are suffering vicious punishment at the hands of their financial masters. Municipalities carrying a heavy burden of debt are appalled at the steep increases in interest rates, warning that they will either have to increase rates substantially or achieve more support from the central Government. Any such increased subsidising of rates must, as in Australia increase the overall tax burden. Unless, of course, new credits are provided on a debt-free basis. The current annual increase in the British money supply is approximately 24 per cent. Increased interest rates are an attempt to slow down the rate of increase of the money supply, allegedly to halt inflation. But it is elementary that increased interest rates increase costs, which must be recovered, if possible, through further price increases. Mr. Enoch Powell's unfortunate proposal that taxation be used to reduce the money supply accepts the old fallacy that inflation is caused by too much money. But it is not the amount of money, which is the basic problem. It is whether sufficient purchasing power is issued in the course of production to meet the total prices of that production. A small group in the United Kingdom, calling itself National Alert has recently issued a document in which it is demonstrated from statistics provided by the Central Statistical Office, that during the year 1971 total British production was priced at £47,746 million but that British consumers were left with only £26,777 million as consumer purchasing power. There was a deficiency of £20,969 million. Attempts to overcome this deficiency are made through the expansion of new debt credits, carrying astronomical interest charges, which must then be recovered, if possible through higher prices. Here is the basic cause of inflation. As the National Alert group so logically observes the £20,969 million deficiency could just as easily have been issued in the form of a credit, not an interest-bearing debt. It suggests a consumer subsidy system observing that "compared to the reverse exercise now being carried out, i.e., the value-added tax, as an administrative procedure this would be Childs play". It is certain that the free-enterprise system is finished unless non-inflationary policies of financial credit are introduced before much longer. The Heath Government is taking the British people into an increasingly revolutionary situation. The same revolutionary situation is developing in every country in the world. |
CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION COMMENCESOpening the Constitutional Convention in Sydney on September 3rd, the Governor-General. Sir Paul Hasluck, observed that future Australians would either look back on the convention as a landmark of progress, or the monumental flop of all time. A third viewpoint might be held, to the effect that this was the starting point of constitutional sabotage disinheriting Australians from their carefully fostered freedoms as the dictators took over. If some of the remarks of the Prime Minister, Mr. Whitlam are anything to go by, there is a distinct possibility of such an outcome. Stating that his own interest in constitutional changes stemmed from his disappointment at the failure of the 1944 referendum, Mr. Whitlam made it clear that he did not anticipate handing back any State powers to the States. As an ironic jibe, he offered to hand Sales tax to the States. Amongst the most unpopular and inflationary of taxes, the States would hardly be expected to enthuse over assuming the skim milk of taxation while the Commonwealth kept the cream. The Victorian Premier, Mr. Hamer, is adept at appearing to champion States Rights while bolstering the central Government at the same time. He made it clear that, providing he was satisfied that an attack was being made on the root-cause of inflation, he would be prepared to give the Commonwealth Government the necessary powers. The powers, which Mr. Whitlam would ask for, were all demanded by Dr. Evatt in the 1944 referendum. It is clear that the Australian public will be panicked if possible, into surrendering their constitutional rights in the belief that this is the only way inflation can be halted. However, Queensland Premier Bjelke-Peterson
made it clear that he would strongly oppose any attempt by
the Commonwealth to "ride roughshod over the rights of the
States." Professor P. H. Lane, of the Faculty of Law at Sydney
University in an article in The Age, 3.9.73 concluded
his analysis thus: It would be a tragedy if the State reached the same conclusion as Professor Lane. Any further centralisation of power can only hasten the deterioration, which is strongly marked at present. What is needed is devolution of powers from the Commonwealth back to the States and Local Government. Anything less is a sell-out." |
COMMUNIST GANG-UP"A meeting of 2,000 communist union officials from all States in Sydney today will draft a plan to attack the ACTU on several major issues. The special meeting has been called to work out tactics for the ACTU congress, which begins in Sydney on Monday. Today's conference will be attended by communist and radical left-wing union delegates to the congress." The Australian, 1973. The large scale amalgamation of Trade Unions in recent years, culminating in the creation of the Amalgamated Engineering Union with such men as Laurie Carmichael and John Halfpenny at the helm, has presented Australia with the problem of a revolutionary machine, controlling such vital services as electricity, transport and petroleum ready to exploit any situation. Large-scale intimidation of private industry has already occurred, and Communist Trade Union Leaders are seizing any excuse to disrupt industry, whether it is conservation issue, political and international issues, or such issues as Aboriginal rights. Moderate Unionists will be swept aside in the Communist bid for power, and it is safe to predict that any financial squeeze in Australia will be used by the revolutionaries to bring industry to a standstill. The Amalgamated Metal Worker's Union - one of the Communist-controlled unions represented at the Red Conference will be pushing a resolution resisting any attempt to freeze or control wages. Canada is currently facing a similar situation, and a nation-wide transport strike has nearly brought the Trudeau government to its knees. Only alternative financial policies, which will halt inflation without financial squeeze or controls, will avert industrial disaster, as the Whitlam Government is brought to face with the consequences of its inflationary budget later in the year. Equally, Mr. Sneddon's suggestion of a national freeze should be strenuously resisted, and the Opposition parties should be told to do a little homework on the results of similar action by the Heath Government in the United Kingdom, and to come up with a more realistic policy. |
SECRET SESSION AT OTTAWAWriting in the London Observer (12/8/73), Colin Legum gave details of the recently held Prime Ministers' Conference which, as far as we are aware, never made the columns of national papers in Australia. A memorandum prepared by Mr. Forbes Burnham,
Prime Minister of Guyana, advocated a "Commonwealth presence",
i.e. an armed force into Rhodesia, subject to three conditions.
Mr. Whitlam, Mr. Kirk of New Zealand and Mr. Trudeau of Canada, all agreed to the conditions. Mr. Heath, while taking at first the former line adopted by the British, later qualified his position after consultation with President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, concluding his statement with the words: "The British Prime Minister welcomed the constructive suggestions made and undertook to take them into account as the situation developed." This statement, the article suggested, could well foreshadow a change in British policy with regard to Rhodesia, resulting in British participation in the communist-inspired drive on behalf of terrorism in southern Africa. |
MAKE A DATE NOW FOR THIS VITAL SEMINARThe Australian League of Rights will be holding its National Seminar on Saturday, September 22nd. This Year's theme will be: -THE NEW EDUCATION- A topclass panel of three outstanding speakers will be delivering papers, which will cause a sensation, providing many Australians with material they have been seeking for years.Speakers are: Mrs. Lucille Quinlan, author, poet and teacher. The Rev. H. J. Neil, B.Ed. Th.L. M.A.C.E., former headmaster and Director of Christian Education, currently lecturer in Philosophy of Education at Burwood Teachers' College. Mr. Eric D. Butler, National Director, Australian League of Rights. DON'T MISS THIS ALL - IMPORTANT SEMINAR. MANY INTER-STATE VISITORS WILL BE ATTENDING. The I. Younger Ross Hall, Carlton, Melbourne, Saturday September 22nd, commencing 2.00 pm. |