Joe “Mao Zedong” Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Joe Biden alluded to famous words from communist Chairman Mao in a speech about the need for women to enter the workforce. It all drips with communism, every part of it.

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Men Can Get Pregnant, and You Better Believe it! By Mrs Vera West

A Spanish MP received a temporary ban from Twitter, and a slap on the wrist,  for saying that men can’t get pregnant. Of course they can  in the new gender agenda world, there are no sexes beyond what you construct, and anyone can be pregnant, and it does not have to be real, since reality itself is a social construction. I think that the Darwinian event, whatever it may be that the boys here speak so highly of, may shatter this cosy academic nonsense. Nothing like starvation and fighting off bans of roaming cannibal zombies to bring Leftists back to reality!

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Church of Sweden Trans … What Took Them So Long? By Richard Miller (London)

I am surprised it took the woke Church of Sweden this long to proclaim that it is “trans,” meaning unclear, but who cares?  Swedes opposed to all this need to vote with their feet and leave. Maybe there is a slightly better place. Mars?

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Joe “Mao Zedong” Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Joe Biden alluded to famous words from communist Chairman Mao in a speech about the need for women to enter the workforce. It all drips with communism, every part of it.

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France is Full! By Richard Miller (London)

It was a long time coming, and it has taken extraordinary suffering and violence, but France has had it with immigration. The majority of the French believe that France should not take more migrants, and they are right. The same goes for every other country in the West.

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Men Can Get Pregnant, and You Better Believe it! By Mrs Vera West

A Spanish MP received a temporary ban from Twitter, and a slap on the wrist,  for saying that men can’t get pregnant. Of course they can  in the new gender agenda world, there are no sexes beyond what you construct, and anyone can be pregnant, and it does not have to be real, since reality itself is a social construction. I think that the Darwinian event, whatever it may be that the boys here speak so highly of, may shatter this cosy academic nonsense. Nothing like starvation and fighting off bans of roaming cannibal zombies to bring Leftists back to reality!

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The Seychelles Question By Brian Simpson

This one goes in the Covid, “please explain” pile, as the Seychelles has the highest vaccination rate in the world, but a relative infection rate higher than India.

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Rapists Given a Pass By Richard Miller (London)

From Germany, this story puts the fall of the rule of law in a whole new light, as a judger gives rapists a suspended sentence given their confession! Say, that means that they are guilty doesn’t it? Why bother with the law at all? In fact, people would be better off defunding the entire government, especially the courts and police.

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Covid Passport News By Brian Simpson

There is a march to the universal Covid vax passport and we need to keep one eye on that is happening overseas, since that will be the testing ground. Here is the latest disturbing news, first from the UK, then the US.


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The Inherent Sexism of Birdwatching By Mrs Vera West

Here’s the latest; it is “sexist” to portray male birds as bigger than female birds, even if they are! I suggest that the birds lodge a sex discrimination case if they are so concerned!

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Voting Fraud Update, Updated: Voting machines, Unreliable By Chris Knight

It has been a long election coverage for me, taking up the Christmas holidays. But, it looks like there is slow progress to officially proclaiming that the election was stolen. But then it will be time for the 2024 election! Here is all the latest information for those still interested in the corruption of democracy.

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Dr Fauci Drives in Reverse! By Brian Simpson

This is surprising; Dr Fauci has changed his tune and is now saying that the Covid virus may not have developed naturally, and its origins should be investigated. Why has he done this? Who has put the proverbial blow torch on his metaphorical feet?

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The Heart is a Lonely Hunter By Chris Knight

The title comes from the poem "The Lonely Hunter" by the Scottish poet William Sharp, who used the pseudonym "Fiona MacLeod", why I do not know. “Deep in the heart of Summer, sweet is life to me still, But my heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill.” Perhaps, if there is still any justice left in America, when the Hunter Biden laptop material goes mainstream, and we find out the connections to the president, then the vice, something might happen. What I don’t know since these people steal entire elections. But, hope springs eternal …

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Just How Many Have Died from Covid-19 Vaccines? By Mrs Vera West

Surprisingly enough, or maybe, on second thoughts, not so surprising, one has to dig around a bit to get an answer to the question: what is the death toll from the Covid-19 vaccines to date? Thankfully Dr Mercola has saved me the work. Here is the grim story.

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But for the Tree in Her Eye … By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Imagine being a Black BLM ideologue with heaps of houses, but having the chutzpah, if that is the word I am permitted to use, apologies if not,   to complain about white supremacy in the housing market. Stunning audacity.

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The Great Replacement, Critical Race Theory and the Maddening Buzz of Cancel Culture By Chris Knight

Yet another update on all the horrors of the Great White Genocide program.

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Immoderate Greatness … and then the Fall By Brian Simpson

Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, (Chatto & Windus, 1960), pp. 524-525: “The demise of Rome was the natural and inevitable effect of immoderate greatness. Prosperity ripened the principle of decay; the cause of destruction multiplied with the extent of conquest; and as soon as time or accident has removed the artificial supports, the stupendous fabric yielded to the pressure of its own weight. The story of its ruin is simple and obvious; and instead of inquiring why the Roman Empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long.”

There is a lesson here for the West too, if it cares to listen.  

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Pigs Can Breathe Oxygen via Their Rectum, But Can They Fly? Sciences’ Number One Question! By Brian Simpson

Forget about global warming and all that stuff that gives us gas, for there is a new science question that deserves an answer, fast. It is a national security issue. Pigs have been discovered to be able to breathe, or receive oxygen from their rectums. But, can humans? No, this is not yet another joke that I am playing on long-suffering readers.

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Piers Morgan: Harry’s Attack Upon Free Speech By Richards Miller


Yes, we here all love the Royal Family, but that does not mean taking an uncritical eye to events which are totally unacceptable, such as Prince Harry’s attack upon free speech, which is an implicit attack upon all our gracious Queen stands for, and Prince Philip too, when he lived. You love your children, but still have to delivered discipline to them, even punishments. The Queen, after the death of her husband the Duke of Edinburgh, must be deeply wounded by this naughty little boy, under the control of what’s her name, you know, the B-grade American has-been actress, who falls over herself to attack the Royal Family, on American TV. Clearly it is time to take away their titles. They can socially construct new ones in the wonderous world of woke!

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Animal Crackers, and UFOs in My Soup! By Brian Simpson

Perhaps it is all a smoke screen, but UFOs are back in the news, and apparently something big is coming, to take our minds off the lack of freedom our alien leaders have imposed upon us.

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