The Shape of Killer Communist Viruses to Come! By Brian Simpson

Conservative columnist, and China critic, Gordon Chang, believes that now communist China has got away with stabbing the West in the heart with the ever-spikey Covid-19, it will become bolder, creating new more deadly viruses, designed to polish off the West. He said it, not me, but, he may be right. Oh, but it would be racist to believe that, so we better all just die! Better to suffer from a horrific disease and die in agony, than even think an impure racist thought! Better total annihilation of the multiverse that even a quark of white racism, and that’s the only flavour the system has today!

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What! China with a Masculinity Problem! By Mrs Vera West

It is somewhat hard to believe that China has a masculinity problem, but Chinese education officials believe so. But, it is all relative, and softness to them, would be hard Right, boo! hiss! to our elites.

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The Covid Lab Escape Hypothesis: More! By Brian Simpson

With so much information flooding our senses, I do not recall if anyone mentioned the David Asher revelations on Covid-1984 as originating from the Wuhan lab, but here it is:

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Please Do Not Use Bodybuilding Steroids! By John Steele

This is important, for any of our numerous readers into physical culture, especially power lifting, you guys who send me emails all the time asking for more hard-core training advice at I know; after a while gains drop off, and one might be tempted to take ‘roids to make up. Resist this at all costs, and keep natural, and legal as well. You will not, in any case, have these chemicals in the apocalypse. Keep your ageing, but strong body pure!


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Glorious AstraZeneca By Mrs Vera West

I will keep my promise of having 16 jabs of AstraZeneca a day, having an absolute faith that all will be well for useless eating  pensioners like me. Astra … that sounds pretty cosmic, and I expect to become a super-hero after the event. I will call myself: “Zeneca, warrior princess”!

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A Wee Conflict of Interest By Chris Knight (Florida)

Imagine pushing the line that all drugs should be decriminalised, but then it was uncovered that you owned millions in a company accused of fuelling Mexican cartel heroin production! Well:

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Trumpism as Terrorism? Really They Wouldn’t Know a Terrorist if They Tripped Over One of Trump’s Burgers! By Charles “Tractor” (Florida)

I spelt my own name wrong, and Bill Gates kindly suggested “Tractor,” which is what I am for this article, a Tractor! It makes as much sense as the recent proclamation that Trumpism is terrorism! Really, can these Leftist people be serious? If it was even any way in accordance with the way humans in past generations have been, like the Civil War 1.0 generation, on January 6, 2021, everyone would have marched on the Capitol Building, and martial law declared, which would not technically have been “terrorism” at all, but the rule of law in accordance with the constitution. By any definition, Trump is an obese cuck; compare him to Mao for example, or that other Leftist hero, Lenin, who at least were warrior rulers. So, all this stuff below is bs, and ideology for the Leftist cubs. Standard stuff today, paid for by the dumb tax payer.

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Yes! We Need Erupting Antarctic Volcanoes! By James Reed

To deal with the bitter cold gripping everywhere, sure a wee bit of good old fashioned global warming is needed! And what warms up poor old mother earth more that erupting boils on her skin, volcanoes? Oh, but that might only be temporary, as the gunk thrown up eventually blocks the sun, something to delight Bill “Mr Divorce” Gates, volcanic winter, which may have killed off big reptiles that supposedly ruled the planet in the past, but I doubt it since what reason would God have creating huge monster that ate each other? Anyway, at this late stage of existential absurdity and cultural decay, I would settle for even a Darwinian event to somehow break down the mind control machine of modernity. The planet might become “uninhabitable,” for sure, but won’t that mean the end of woke? No more feminism. Total extinction is but a small price to pay!

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Would the Good Doctor Fauci Lie to us? Surely Not?! By Brian Simpson

Like you, I am sure Dr Fauci is a hero, fighting the greatest plague in human history, one which has killed off most of the human race and other life on earth, if I have read the right literature, and seen the right movies. But, with obvious evidence of this from just seeing the bodies littered in the streets, in this zombie apocalypse, some are questioning Dr Faucet’s infinite wisdom, which is surely a blasphemy of the worst kind!

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Debunking Biden’s Capitol Hill Lies By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Surveys by establishment research entities have revealed that most of the Capitol Hill January 6, peaceful protesters, had no connection to right wing groups at all and were individuals acting on their own basis. However, the vile lying Demon-crats needed an excuse to begin a police state crack down upon their opponents. If there ever has any resistance to this tyranny, they have ratchetted things up a level. Sow the wind; reap a whirlwind.

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The Need for Nuclear Missiles By James Reed

That Australia never acquired nuclear missiles in the 1950s during the British nuclear tests on “our” soil, when the nuclear age dawned, but instead went with the Fabian socialist anti-Anglo Saxon immigration replacement ideology of “populate or perish,” as if people somehow countered technology, is a disgrace. It will be extremely difficult now for Australia to get nuclear anything, let alone missiles. Consider that both India and Pakistan have nuclear missiles, but we have … nothing, consistent with our status as a slave nation. As hard as it is to accept, our goose may well be cooked in the world of coming high tech war. All of this should have been fought by our leaders in the 1950s and 1960s while there was still a chance. But, hobbies got in the way, as hobbies and dreams still do. Don’t blame me for oblivion, I have issued warnings enough over the decade and a half of active writing. My conscience is clear, clean … at least of this!

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We Know it is Bad, Real Bad, When the Left Speak Like the Right! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Both Charles and myself have been saying this, but now an icon from the Left is making similar noises. Woke, politically correct ideology is undermining America and the West, allowing China to virtually win by default. We can be sure that China has been financing much of this Leftist cultural warfare, and why not, since it is cheaper, and more effective than missiles, and will leave the infrastructure intact for ultimate invasion and Red Dawn takeover? Still, I have always held that when two different traditions converge to the same point, that point is likely to be the truth, which we see here.

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The Saga of Eternal Electoral Fraud Continues By Chris Knight

It is hard, as always to keep up with the movements on the US electoral fraud front. Here is what I found today, well, over a few days, but it brings Australian readers up to date, since you will not be getting this sort of information in your local cyber-rags. The short of the long is that there are discrepancies showing up, indicating electoral fraud, and there are strong on-going attempts to derail the audits, which would not occur if there was nothing to hide. Yep, there is plenty to hide. Read on.

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An Infinite Regress of Yachts! By Brian Simpson

Jeff Bezos is getting a super-yacht made, so large that it needs a support yacht. So, in the race to see who can be biggest, will there be an infinite regress of yachts supporting yachts? Will global warming occur because the oceans have become one, or many great … yachts? I should have joined the yacht club at uni, but was from the wrong class background.

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No Questions Asked, I am President! By James Reed

I like Joe Biden’s way of running the country, while senile. He sets an example for all of us decaying circus clowns here to follow. It has given me a new lease in life … well, no, not really.

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Lynching White People? A Bit Old Hat! But, I Understand Your Pain! By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been shock! horror! from conservative sites about an antifa protester saying that she can’t wait until Black people lynch White people. Ok, I understand your pain, you are doing what the Left are telling you to do. But, really, publishes a regular update on Black on White murders, and lynching does not really look too bad in my opinion as my fate.  Surely it might come to be seen as an act of “kindness” to Whites, like beheading by the ancient Samurai, compared to the necklacing conducted in South Africa’s sordid past. So, I am not offended at all, and may well be lynched by a crazed mob, sorry, a peaceful protest, at some point when the hackers release my address, which was stolen last week. I insist though, that the rope used to stretch my neck be made in America, not China! There, there’s a problem for antifart!

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Queen Ann Wades in on Wade’s Covid’s Lab Origin Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

I previously covered the Nicholas Wade article which gave the case for the lab origin of Covid. But, here is my favourite lady, next to my wife, Queen Ann Coulter, giving a neat summary of it, for those who came in late.

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Now US Generals Predict US Civil War! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Following on in the news cycle from the letters from the French military warning of civil war in France, we now have a similar, though milder letter, from those in the US military, or who once were in it, warning of the cultural war that is erupting between the defenders of the constitution, and cultural Marxists. It is a bit naïve really, since all this has been going on at least since the 1960s, if not since 1917, but I suppose for conservatives, it is better late than never, though most of the time it is, never. And, as I have said previously, I do not see conservatives engaging in any sort of civil war, even if the Left was shooting them down in the millions. As we saw from the events of 2020, conservatives would rather die than do what past generations, such as the ancient Greeks, have done. The age of a warrior aristocracy has long passed, and faded from memory of most. Normies cannot leave their materialist comfort zones long enough to focus on the real threats. This age of affluence will lead to Western destruction.

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Fauci, Race, Ethnicity and Covid-1984 Ideology By Brian Simpson

Here is coverage of a bizarre, but now common position among the chattering and technocratic class, that racism is coiled up in the heart of the Covid business, like a worm. Covid guru, Anthony Fauci has stirred the pot on this, even though he admits that very few of these comorbidities have racial determinants,” and “Almost all relate to the social determinants of health dating back to disadvantageous conditions that some people of color find themselves in from birth.” That is supposed to be due to racism, rather than limitations of the agents. The problem here that the racism thesis, being so flexible and adaptable to all facts, is basically untestable and unfalsifiable, so it is not science at all, but ideology.

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France Fights Back, A Bit, Against Wokeism By Richard Miller (London)

Well, at least it is something, as France, unlike most of Europe, has moved to ban woke, gender neutral language in schools. If anything it is a good symbolic fight back against the postmodern Leftist madness that swallows life everywhere in the West now.

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