Beijing Biden’s Vice Presidential Conflicts of Interest By Chris Knight (Florida)

Hunter Biden’s laptop is the gift that just keeps giving, so much so the mainstream media do not want to examine the material which could discredit senile old Joe Biden, their fake president. Trump the ever-weak was barely even able to raise some of these issues in the presidential debate, and had run out of steam to really hammer Biden. Sure, they could have turned his microphone off, but he was not in an air tight container and could have shouted it out, or just walked over to Biden and taken his microphone, like taking candy from a baby, a senile one.

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Dangerous Sweden By Richard Miller (London)

Could racially suicidal Sweden be even more dangerous than the UK, say, London? Of course, comparing an entire nation to one cesspool city is methodologically problematic, but stranger things are done every day.


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Fauci Now Smacked by Communists! By Brian Simpson

The CCP has not taken Dr Fauci’s suggestion that there could be merit in the Wuhan lab release hypothesis for the origin of Covid-19, very well. They feel that they have much better scientists than him, and who are we to disagree!

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13-52: Fact Checking on US Black Crime By Chris Knight (Florida)

This should be on interest, as a fact checker gives a surprisingly frank breakdown of Black US crime. As Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime, it is only statistically probable that they will interact with police, frequently, which could have bad outcomes. Racism may have nothing to do with it, as the material below indicates.

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Hundreds of Thousands of UK Sex Predators and Perverts, Everywhere By Richard Miller (London)

The UK National Crime Agency has stated that there are up to 850,000 people in the UK who pose a sexual risk to children! The ghouls are often using the internet to prey upon children. Count as well the ethnic grooming gangs, who according to some estimates raped over one million, mainly White British children, and it is simpler to ask who in the UK is not a sexual predator! This is a society not merely in collapse, but rotting out from the inside.

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Wade Body Slams the Covid Compliant Media! By Brian Simpson

Fauci, oh great Covid guru, and the WHO and other politically correct entities, are now open to the lab origin of Covid-19. In fact, early in 2020, the Chinese had implied that there was a lab release, but that it was under control. However, that was quickly squashed by the CCP, and then it was Trump who claimed to have seen evidence of this. That set the Left off, who control much of science, so the legacy media had to claim that Trump was wrong, as orange man racist. After all there was an election to be stolen. So, lies, lies, lies, which is the Left.

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The Fantastic Adventures of the Incredible Perjuring Fauci By Brian Simpson

More on the Dr Fauci lying issue, where Senator Rand Paul has claimed that Fauci committed perjury, lying under oath about the funding of the Wuhan Virology Institute from the NIH. Now why would the doctor do that? To hide guilt?

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Talk about IT Double Standards! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Our governor DeSantis, sure has guts, standing up for the constitution and freedom, and in particular, he is doing something about big Tech, which should have been done by Trump when he had the chance, if he cared. Instead, Trump just issued tweets from his Deep State prison in the White House.

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Leftist Media Delusions By Brian Simpson

This one takes the cake; a Leftist reporter has claimed that the January 6 peaceful protest was 1,000 times worse that the 9/11 attacks! Let’s not go into 9/11 and whether or not this was an insider job (it was). Just consider the raw maths. How exactly does he get the 1,000 percent figure? Could it not be 999 or 1,001 percent? What statistical methodology and sampling regime was employed? What justification is there for anything the Left says?  Nothing at all, just ideology. They are not good with numbers, that is for sure!

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Necking Down South Africa Way By Michael Ferguson

This is a sample of what the world of social collapse will be like, far more sinister than any zombie apocalypse movie. With crime virtually out of control in South Africa, vigilante justice is rising, with criminals being given the treatment that was once a favourite for the ANC, necklacing, burning people with tyres. Yes, not even the old fashioned dignity of being burnt at the stake with nice clean wood, surrounded by fanatics with pitch forks. Instead, it is a motor tyre and petrol, and there is nothing romantic about that. Still, motor tyres will run out, so there will need to be reversion to old school methods of burning.  Say, nothing has been said by the global warming crowd about greenhouse gas emissions for the burning of the motor tyres!


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The Pointy End of the Viral Pineapple By Brian Simpson

Here is some material from the good doctor Mercola to bring you up to speed on the spike proteins of the coronavirus. Some people are speculating that these things break off and float around like sea mines, but surely they exaggerate … maybe.

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Whoa! Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Delivered via Vaccines! By Brian Simpson

This is one of those “out there” Covid stories, with magnets sticking to people’s arms, sci fi stuff, and weird biotech. Enjoy, for the road to extinction is going to be … interesting! No one will be bored on the great roller coaster ride, down, down, down!

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Fauci’s Grim Fairy-tales By Brian Simpson

More on the undoing of the Covid King, Dr Fauci. We are really getting into the swing of things here. Good old Tucker Carlson is tucking into things too, smacking swift, slick Tony for big fibs about lots and lots of things. Like dismissing the possibility of a lab leak, until the man Beijing Biden was able to take the throne of swords.

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Toxic Microsoft? By Brian Simpson

Look, it is one thing for a globalist computer firm to abuse and degrade its employees, but surely at the end of the day, there should at least be good software, but Office and Windows have so many critiques on the net, one could easily do a thesis on it. Oh, did they say that there is a discrimination law suit against them? It is enough to get one into the vaccination business. Hey Bill, any more room left on your yacht, with the coming divorce and all that?

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Concealing Covid Vaccine Deaths By Brian Simpson

This is related to covid-19 vaccination deaths in the US, but is still relevant to Australians, since we are all made of the same stuff. Dr. Peter McCullough has argued that the US government is failing to investigate the multitude of Covid-19 vaccine-related deaths. This is part of a cover-up for Big Pharma.

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Biden America, Humble Servant of China By Charles Taylor (Florida)

When in history has a nation/society made it a crime for its people to criticise a foreign power who has shown clearly hostile intentions, and engaged in cyber-warfare against them? That is the policy of treason and national suicide, a Beijing Biden policy.

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Fauci and the Funding of the Wuhan lab By Brian Simpson

Covid king Dr Fauci, who surprisingly enough recently admitted that the lab escape hypothesis of the origin of Covid-19 cannot yet be ruled out, is coming unstuck himself, with respect to funding involvement of gain-of-function research in the Wuhan lab.


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Voting Machines that Don’t Count Republican Votes! by Chris Knight (Florida)

One of the arguments for the stolen election thesis is that the voting machines failed, or were fraudulent/manipulated. Both wings of that argument were rejected by the establishment. But, the following failure of the voting machines in Windham New Hampshire, as Trump himself has said, raises the issue once more.

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Germany Ignoring Anti-Semitic Attacks by Muslims and the Left By Richard Miller (London)

Day by day, the world spirals into increasing chaos.  While we are mostly concerned about the effects of this on our people, other groups are facing oppression as well. As usual the politically correct Leftist authorities turn a blind eye, in the case of Germany, literally:

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Advocates of Anarcho-Tyranny By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The extracts below from a satirical piece from The Washington Examiner, takes on the BLM narrative that the police have declared open season on Black men, especially those committing what White society defines as crimes. So, legalise crime! Now, once one thinks about this, this is not such a bad idea, like the purge, in the TV series called I think, The Purge, from memory. Perhaps suspend all criminal laws and see what happens? Will the oppressed people stop being oppressed? Or will former criminals decide to eat those of the Left without guns? I really would like to know. Maybe the idea behind the purge is not so crazy, if we get to the truth of things.

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