A Smoking Covid Gun By Brian Simpson

This is not proof in any legally defined sense, but it is highly suggestive and deserves further investigation.


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Take Back the Port of Darwin! By James Reed

George Christensen, and I agree, says that it is time to take back the Port of Darwin, which should never have been given to the Chinese. You might as well have given them Parliament House Canberra. Anyway, read on for the link to the petition, which we all must sign.

“We have an incredible opportunity to have the Australian Government take back the Port of Darwin and other key infrastructure from the clutches of Communist China.

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Pure, Unadulterated, Totalitarian Madness By Charles Taylor

This post below expresses my black pill feelings of  doom much better than I can. Pure unadulterated, totalitarian madness, is exactly what I have been writing about since I joined this blog last year. Before that I had published a book on this, daring to call out Trump as a Deep State traitor, but sales were so poor from a few one star reviews, that the publisher deleted the title. But, I have been proven right.


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Sonic Weapon Attacks by Martians! By Brian Simpson

It is hilarious how Biden says that White supremacists are the greatest threat to the US, perhaps internally, when we can find without too much trouble evidence of foreign agents using advanced weapons to attack US elites! Apparently, peaceful protests are a threat, but outright physical terrorism, is just business as usual, being done, probably from friendly communist powers, who pay the US elites lots of money.


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Open Borders! Total Freedom! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This story of a recent protest outside the White House, soon to become, if the activists have their way, the Brown House, or better yet, the Rainbow House, shows that antifa, the open migration lobby, and illegal aliens themselves, are getting together as a unified front. It is the sort of thing the Left excels in, being herd animals.


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This May be a Problem for the Lobby; Caitlyn Jenner By Mrs Versa West

The famous transgender, Caitlyn Jenner is candidate for California governor, and is taking a conservative line on some issues. For example, Jenner has caused a storm by opposing trans-boys competing in girls’ sports. This creates an interesting dilemma for the woke brigade, since the usual line taken against feminist (females) is transphobia, but can that be used against Jenner? https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/01/candidate-caitlyn-jenner-opposes-trans-biological-boys-competing-in-girls-sports-it-just-isnt-fair/

“Caitlyn Jenner, candidate for California governor, opposes transgendered biological boys competing in girls’ sports, TMZrelieved Saturday.

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Litigation: Use It Before You Lose It! By James Reed

If the universities violate one’s legal rights, suing them is an excellent idea, grand, jolly, indeed. Thus, it fills my heart with joy to read that one US conservative academic is suing his university, following his involvement in the January 6 Trump funny business, you know, the gathering that led nowhere except to one Trumpite being murdered by the Deep State, and scores of people arrested, and now subject to human rights abuses while Trump is silent. Yes, that business, Donnie Duck.


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Food Control Tyranny By Mrs Vera West

One of the latest pieces of communist tyranny is food control, preventing people from keeping animals and growing their own food. This is occurring with rising food prices, and therefore must be part of the on-going conspiracy to engage in complete communist social control. Fail to obey, and no more food buddy! At least the state of Texas is fighting back against this.


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China Controls New Zealand By Bruce “Kiwi” Bennett

This story goes back to 2018, but is still relevant in explaining why New Zealand is so compliant to China’s demands. Its socialist rulers in the Labour Party are naturally at home with China, and comfortable with its communism, which they would no doubt like, full-scale, to see in New Zealand. New Zealand, my former home, a place of great natural beauty, but terrible politics, at the end of the world.


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Here is How Vaccine Passports Will Get In By James Reed

As we know, capitalism is a sacred cow to most conservatives, escaping the criticism it richly deserves, as most critics, like me, spend their days fighting communism, itself a fulltime job. Capitalist tyrannies often get by, but are no less problematic. Thus, while energy is spent dealing with the government putting in vaccine passports, private enterprise, big and small, the real rulers of the world, just put it in, because, we can and we do what we like.


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Calls for Eternal Death and Infinite Torture and Humiliation for Chauvin because … Racism, Racism, RACISM! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The liberals are on a roll. With the kangaroo show trial of Chauvin of the murder of Saint George Floyd, over, the calls are out for hyper-punishment. If it could be eternal death and damnation, they would do it just to terrorise the rest of the White sheeple, and beam it into every skull. But, being made of decaying flesh, that will die and disappear, like the rest of us, they are restricted to puny secular punishments.


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Whoa! Liberals Cracking Up! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is from The New York Times, so we know that it must be steaming good with woke. Still, a faint glimmer of reason can be seen coming through the clouds of political correctness. Could anti-racism have gone a little bit to far? Who knows; when it all collapses we can rumble through the rubble and make a more careful assessment.


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Incredible Things in the Sputnik Vax! By Brian Simpson

Just as well we are not being shot up with the Russian vax. I mean, something called “Sputnik,” sounds like a cheap Russian car, that ends up in a ditch! Please don’t launch a nuke missile at my house Mr Putin!


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Well, Next Time Eat the Mask! By James Reed

If a comedy show had portrayed this mask bs even two years ago, it would have failed being too far fetched and fantastic. But, here it is. Really if masks were needed, then they should be on all the time, and let the people starve to death!


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The War Against White America By James Reed

The American situation is extraordinary, since it is fast tracking all that has occurred previously at a Fabian pace. As painful as that may be for those in the trenches there, it is at least bringing the boil to a head. Here is more coverage of the madness. At least we can read all of this over a cold beer here in OZ for the moment.


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None Dare Call it Treason! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The story is evolving that Democrat john Kerry leaked classified information about Israel to Iran. Of course, the US swamp will protect one of its own. But, how will Israel deal with threats to their national security like this? They may not take it so lightly, and I fully understand.


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The Pfizer Vaccine and the Attack of the Mutants By Brian Simpson

It looks like there will be a need for multiple vaccine shots for the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, since one shot is not enough to cope with the mutant strains. That is the present mutant strains, let alone those coming over the next decade, and hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years. That might be why the hi-tech freaks are advocating going full robot and abandoning biology, totally. Sounds good, until one thinks about computer viruses.  It will be like Microsoft word, everywhere.


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The Racial Double Standard of Amazon By Chris Knight

Here is the question posed by Senator Tom Cotton: why would Amazon cancel the Justice Thomas documentary, but celebrate Leftist Terrorists? Well, an easy one. Justice Thomas is a conservative, and was even willing to hear the stolen election cases. Thus, even though he is a Black success story, he needs to be cancelled. But Leftist terrorist, well, these are Leftists, so can do no wrong. Easy question. Next.


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Speaking of Hypocrisy … By Chris Knight

So frantic is the Beijing Biden administration to replace White American by illegals that they are flying them in without all the Covid bs that the rest of the population has to endure. What more proof of the Great Replacement would one want? It will ensure endless Covid infections, and communism forever.


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The Social Injustice System By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US Justice Department were taking no chances, and if justice had been delivered in the Chauvin trial instead of the circus we saw, they were going to arrest him on other charges, civil rights violations, whatever they are. Well, they might as well move to summary execution for all our cesspool system is worth. I am sorry to have served for this country. It deserves nuclear hell fire.

Blast, just lost the URL for this, but I will post it when I find it. See, it pays not to get too angry. You just can’t BREATHE! Yes, lacking so much air that you can still say the sentence. Try saying it while choking on a strawberry!

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