To Be White in the US and Not be a Leftist, is to be a Terrorist! By Chris Knight (Florida)


White supremacism is the latest hate phrase of the ascendant Left, trading on all the post-World War II Pavlovian knee-jerk propaganda against the idea of race, or at least, white race, even though the white race must exist for the purposes of punishment, a contradiction as Jim Goad has noted. As with all of Big Jim’s material, I have to censor all of the F-bombs.

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Green Anti-Natalism By Mrs Vera West

We have heard white environmentalist Green types say that it is an ecological sin to bring more children into the world, because, well, more consumers and a greater carbon footprint. It would be nice if these folks were consistent, since to a pinko, they are immigration fanatics, but migrants from the Third World become Western consumers too, increasing the carbon footprint. Really, it is just propaganda to lower white birth-rates. But, even here, it only works on liberals, not conservatives, so it will backfire in the end, as liberals, feminists and their kind, are bred out of existence. So, it really doesn’t matter much to me.


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It Must be Rotten, if Johnny Rotten Says So! By James “Rocker” Reed

Back in the late 1980s the ban the Sex Pistols ripped into pop music of the time, exposing everyone as phony. They were delightfully iconoclastic. Today, the former head man, Johnny Rotten, is doing the same to Biden’s rotten America.


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ScoMo Bozo on Cancel Culture By James Reed

Here is that article which I could not find when doing the other article, which was about something I have now forgotten … oh, that’s right, silly senile Biden me, name changes … where Scotty PM takes a jab at cancel culture. Not too bad at all. And the guy seems to be a sincere Christian, Pentecostal, I think. I saw a picture of him raising his hand, so he is into it. Some of my best friends, and I don’t have many, are Pentecostal.

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Changing Names; Woke is Here Too By James Reed

The cancel culture of America is here in Australia too, it will just take a little while to gain momentum, but as sure as God made little green men, it will erupt like a volcano of wokeness. Then, watch out! Look, I think Scot Morrison has spoke about this, and someone is assigned to dig out the article today, using our latest e-tools, an e-mattock and e-pick.


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Civil War in France? By Richard Miller (London)


A letter signed by 25 retired generals has warned of impending civil war, due to the usual suspects of mass immigration and rising crime. The response of the French government is predictably enough, to punish all those who signed. Like all Western governments, they are going to get what they deserve.

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Racist Cigarettes! By Chris Knight

I am not a smoker, but the very idea of racist cigarettes is as absurd as, well, racist dairy. P J Media has a smoker who knows his smoke, do a take this one on, and a smoking good job too! He says he smokes three packs of cigs a day, and I wonder how he was able to type without endless coughing, or dying of lung cancer in the process.

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The “Gassing White People Book” Controversy By James Reed

Believing in free speech, we should support the bloke who wrote about gassing us, because his kind will then as good liberals support us, won’t they? Of course not, why propose gassing us in the first place if this is about a free and open debate!

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Not Mincing Words on the Covid New World Order By Bruce Bennett (New Zealander)

Here is a good, concise summary of what the Covid New World Order is about.

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The Racist Kingdom of Woke By James Reed

Well, I start the article again, as Word just closed down without me doing any more than type the first sentence, and I don’t touch type so looking at the keys, I did not hit anything problematic to cause a shutdown. And, no auto -save, or save for some reason, even though I save every few seconds, just about now. What is Gates up to with this crappy program? If I was into computers, I would use a free alternative like:, or dozens of others. But, too old and world weary now, as the grim reaper cools down a plot. 

Anyway, here are some thoughts from John McWhorter on why woke people are really racists! How can that be? He hits then at their weak point, which relates to recent claims that math is racist, that precision and getting the right answer does not matter. This sabotages minorities, and will sink them in the economy, and that is as racist as you can get.

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Vaccidents!!! By Brian Simpson

This is something I did not know about, accidents on the road that may be related to the Covid vaccines. Not saying that the sacred goo is doing this, merely entertaining Mike Adams’ point of view.

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The Chance of War with China Now Almost Inevitable By James Reed

That was the title of a video above the article below. War with China is now a question of when, not if. As I say, get ready, think survivalism, for the Covid lockdowns will be nothing compared to this.

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The Grim Story of AstraZeneca and the Engineer By Mrs Vera West

Yet another person who seems to have died after having the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. Cause, or correlation?

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Racial Cosmetic Discrimination is a Human Rights Issue! By James Reed

It is clear cut; cosmetics in stores tend to favour women with light colour skins. There is a lack of the good stuff for other women. The only reason I can think of is, well, nobody thought much about this. Something must be done. Can President Harris help our ladies on this one? Where does she get her cosmetics from? Can she share some of her stash? Help a gal out? What is the United Nations doing about it? So many questions, so few answers.

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Joe Rogan on Vaccine Obsessions By Mrs Vera West

Joe Rogen is a famous internet personality with a cult following. He has been roasted by the Covid-establishment for daring to say that healthy young people may not need the vaccine. Yikes!

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Mask Madness! By Mrs Vera West

It is not as bad at the moment in Australia as the US, but mask fetishism has definitely been a defining feature of the Biden presidency. He even wears a mask during Zoom conferences, perhaps to scare off electronic viruses! World leaders must think that he is a goose. Anyway, for today, here are the hot news items in the Covid never-ending saga.

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Matt Easton: Why Weapons Bans are Mean! (Disclosure: The Left Are Mean!) By John Steele

Matt Easton, of YouTube Scholargladitoria, applies reasoning to the weapons banning issues, not just guns, but swords and medieval things. Yes, as in our state of Victoria, an array of martial arts and melee weapons are banned, now even various axes. Easton shows that the same arguments can be applied to other things people own such as dogs. Dogs sometimes harm people to. What Easton does not consider is the politics behind this. The Left want to ban dogs that could defend people too. So, they will bite the bullet of his argument, being prepared to ban private property itself, but not their property, which they protect. There are no limits to the evil and madness of the Left.

The March of Vaccine Passports By Richard Miller (London)

The Fabian strategy of gradualism, which in this case is very quick gradualism, is being employed with the vaccine passports. First it will be for travel, as detailed below for Spain. Then it will be spread over the rest of society, like jam. It will never end once the elites get on this totalitarian treadmill. Give it a few years, and even the word “freedom” will disappear from dictionaries. No use for it.

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Those Who Control Biden By James Reed

I did not miss this one; Biden is nervous about taking an extra question, indicating that his controllers might punish him. And, if I can find it, there is another beauty where undisclosed minders said that Biden is no good before around 11 am, as it takes time for his meds to work! It is on the Geller site, somewhere. Yet every aspect of Trump’s health was scrutinised by the Left, while Biden is a virtual walking zombie, under remote control!

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The End of the Jury System By Michael Ferguson

It is certainly troubling times, and an endgame for conservative principles, especially jurisprudence. This is well argued in a paper by journalist Lance Welton, examining the race-biased Chauvin trial. The future will be grim for all such cases. It may still be possible to argue out civil and commercial matters not touching on race, but anything controversial is basically cactus. I have been warning about this end of the rule of law for some time, but now it is becoming pretty obvious. I don’t agree with him on his points about women, and he does contradict himself on this, but overall, there are some challenging points.

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