The War Against White America By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Since the Biden coup by electoral fraud, an open war has been declared against the dispossessed majority of white Americans. The propaganda has been pushed that “white supremacism” is the most dangerous form of terrorism, yet the term is never defined, is used to refer to all whites opposing the present New World Order regime, and 2020 saw masses of looting, arson assaults and murder from the Left with few being convicted, as covered in other articles. This is seen as “peaceful protests.” What is happening here is war time propaganda.

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Covid Conspiracy: The Plot Thickens By Brian Simpson

Here is more material on the Covid as a military weapon hypothesis. It shows that the Wuhan lab in China had extensive contacts with the military, as we would have expected. This is one more piece of evidence in the Covid as a bioweapon hypothesis that I have been reporting on.

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The Left Want Eternal Lockdowns By Brian Simpson

Even with the science now against them, the Left are keen on further lockdowns. I imagine in their little minds, that this is the Trotsky equivalent of a mass strike, and they hope to see capitalism collapse, and the dawn of communism, where they will arise as the heroes of the revolution, and get all of the girls, or nowadays, boys. Of course, these kind all get culled out by the new iron-fist rulers and warlords. Such are the delusions of communism. It is a system that sounds great when you first hear it at age 13 years, but after the age of reason, it should be rejected. Those holding to the dream after age 21 years, have serious problems.


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A Climate of Murder By John Steele

The dark clouds of chaos are gathering over the US, a sample of the anarcho-tyranny planned by the elites to bring the West down. With police demoralised and resigning in the thousands after the Chauvin travesty of justice, criminals are moving to murder, rape, loot and everything else. Good men who defend their families will be smashed by what remains of the police, who are part of an anti-white force. At this level of corruption, it would be best for the system to collapse and people organise to defend themselves, as ultra-libertarians propose. No government is better than a white genocidal one.


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The Beating of the China War Drums By James Reed

As documented below, China continues to grow militarily aggressive. What a great idea globalism was to feed the dragon raw materials, as if nobody here learnt the lessons from Pig Iron Bob, oh great conservative guru! And, New Zealand looks like it has gone over to the Chinese communist camp. Look who runs the place. Five Eyes will be four, most blind too.

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Covid as a Bioweapon By Brian Simpson

I have been reporting on material on the thesis of Covid-19 as a bioweapon, escaped, or deliberately released from the Wuhan lab. Here is Dr Mercola on the latest material. This is worth preserving since his site seems to be under attack. It seems that the US was funding research there, so the idea that China was solely responsible may not be correct. The Western elites have benefitted from this, particularly in the US, where it enabled the election to be stolen, and to put in a radical communist agenda at warp speed. So, something big and meta-conspiratorial has gone on.


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The Profits of Pfizer By Brian Simpson

The Covid plandemic has smashed numerous small businesses, but rolled in the billions for Big Tech and the likes of Amazon. Big Pharma has also done extraordinarily well, and with booster jabs likely to be needed, will continue to do so to the end of the human race. If they get their way.

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The Left, Seek Dictatorship, of Body, Mind and Soul By Chris Knight (Florida)

A quick report on the recent moves by the Democrats, all in-your-face blatant, to make the US into nothing short of a communist dictatorship. While this seems to have gone into over-drive since Trump was eliminated, the anti-Western move has been in place since at least the 1960s. all of the social revolutions, such as feminism, mass Third World migration, ad nausea, have been in place since that time, and the United Nations, sitting in New York, a tower of evil, has had a massive role to play. Mega-corporations have shown that they are happy with a mixed communist Chinese Mongol capitalist system. Democracy requires work to over-ride.

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The Ban on Dancing; Covid Craziness By Mrs Vera West

The US District of Columbia has permitted weddings, but banned dancing because strict social distancing must be applied at all times. I guess the bride and groom will not even be able to give the traditional kiss, let alone …eh …consummate the wedding! This has nothing much to do with scientific epidemiology, since if the disease was that infectious, the gathering itself would be problematic, as would people even going to supermarkets. Mass starvation would be the order of the day. It has everything to do with Skinnerian rat behaviour modification. The quest is to be able to do anything at all with a population of white mice, by applying the right electric shocks, Clockwork   style.

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Covid Marshals Pound the UK Pavements By Richard Miller (London)

This is straight out of the novel 1984, or the former USSR, where Covid marshals will be patrolling the streets, even though in the UK, lockdown restriction will lend in June 2021. Could it be that the system, having tasted the blood of totalitarianism is now addicted, and like a junkie, cannot quit?


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French Believe Islam has Declared War on France By Richard Miller (London)

A poll has found that 79 percent of French believe that Islam has declared war on the country. This statistic needs to be read with a previous post where it was reported that a majority of French agreed with the letter from the disgruntled generals, that France is on the road to civil war. This material is further evidence. We are seeing not the coming anarchy, but rather, the dawn of chaos.


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John Kerry: No Room for BS on Carbon dioxide! By James Reed

US Presidential Climate Envoy, John Kerry, sees carbon dioxide as an existential threat to civilization, and that we must get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. How exactly he intends to do this, with China blasting away is anyone’s guess. But, it is the sort of empty rhetoric that Leftist intellectuals like, giving them warm and fuzzy feelings, while eating their rich food, and drinking chardonnay. The entire climate change circus stinks of hypocrisy. If these people were Buddhist monks, living a humble life, we could take their critique of consumerism seriously. But, this is far from so.

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The Windham Incident By Chris Knight (Florida)

I had a bit of trouble understanding this material myself, probably due to working a day job, then going home to write articles for this blog, into the night, then suffering insomnia from all the media poison ingested. The article is about yet another quest to audit voting machines, one met with death threats. Gee, death threats …  you might think from this that they really had something to hide!

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The Gun of Hunter Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The short of the long is that false President Joe Senile’s son, Hunter “Cocaine” Biden, committed a firearms offence. The evidence looks conclusive. So, what will happen here, since absolutely nothing happened over the laptop revelations, which should have sunk Joe Biden, but was deliberately covered up by the media? Nothing. Corruption, corruption, everywhere.  The swamp talked about by Trump, now covers society, much as climate change freaks see sea level rises of the future swamping cities.


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Now China to Dump Toxic Water! By James Reed

Talk about double standards! After rightly criticising Japan for its proposed dump of radioactive water into the Pacific, to turn that ocean into a radioactive cesspool, China is now dumping its own toxic waste water into a sea that also connects with the Pacific. There goes fishing for South East Asia.


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The Case Against Masks for Children By Brian Simpson

Here is the case against Covid masks for children. It is difficult to get children to keep their shoes and clothing on most of the time, and masks are even more of a problem, even if masks worked.

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Zombie President; Has Anyone Seen Wuhan Joe? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

What is of interest to me is the first few lines of the article below, which says that Biden is basically out of it until his medicine works at around 11 am each day. This basically makes him a remote med-controlled president, perhaps like in the Manchurian Candidate, who signs anything the Deep Staters put in front of him. That is the advantage of having a near-brain dead president, total control.


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Biosensors: 666? By Brian Simpson

This is definitely Mark of the Beast 666 territory, or potentially. Biosensors, placed under the skin to record supposed illnesses, opens not merely a can of worms, but an entire worm farm! It would be impossible for the elites not to abuse this technology; an irresistible invitation. And, they have control enough now, and must be stripped of power, not powered up.

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From the European Data Base of Adverse Drug Reactions By Richard Miller (London)

The Covid-19 vaccines are experimental, and we are the guinea pigs; the research is us. If we die, Big Pharma is completely legally protected, no liability at all. Now who would want to trust a product, any product produced under these conditions? It would be incredible if there was not a story like the one told below.


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Now There’s Justice for You! By Chris Knight

When reading the following bear in mind that January 6 Trump supporters, who engaged in a peaceful protest are being held in their cells, with no bail, 23 hours a day, and subject to torture and abuse. And obese ego manic Trump is silent. Even the rest of the cowardly deplorables are not lifting a finger in protest. If it was the Left, the Heavens, no, Hell, would shake. But, the Left, shock troops of the globalists, just walk.

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