The Case Against Covid Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

This is interesting; the statistics show that more people in the US died in states that were locked down than those that did not.

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Fauci, Emperor of All Men By Brian Simpson

How can one unelected health official be so influential, now even giving opinions about gun issues? Where does this authority come from? I imagine it is all part of the move to technocracy, where science and technology, especially medicine, become ruling ideologies of the age, much as religion did in the past, not saying that that was necessarily a bad thing, about religion, I mean. But, I have a great fear of the technocrats, who have control of the new black magic of the age, with the potential to make medieval witch trials and the Inquisition, look mild. Witness the Covid-1984 freak-out, and what is coming fast with the Great Reset.

Say, will the technocrats be genetically blending Fauci and Bill Gates in the future to make a race of cloned super-technocrats, or are they happy with what they have got?

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The Mud Might Stick on the Expression “Social Credit.’ What are We to Do? By James Reed

I am naturally a social creditor, but do not claim to be competent enough to write about it in detail, dealing only with the basics. We have others here who are experts.  But I am worried about damage to our movement due to use of the phrase “social credit” to describe the Chinese communist system of social control, a terrible tyranny. This has the effect of discrediting the hard work being done by the Douglas social credit movement in the West, by poison by association. Below are examples from China. If this gets worse, and moves further into the West, may I respectfully suggest a name change, perhaps “society’s credit”? This would be harder to pollute by the tyrannical elites, being so generic. It would be unfortunate, but we live in a cultural war, and there will be casualties.

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Maxine Waters’ Incitement By Charles Taylor (Florida)

US Democrat Maxine Waters may have supplied grounds for an appeal in the Chauvin conviction, with her inflammatory remarks that have been interpreted as urging on radical Left violent protests. It is amazing that Trump was burnt for anything he did that even remotely would stir up the pathetic deplorables, but here we have open advocacy. And the Democrats did not condemn her, as Trump so quickly did to his supporters throwing them under the proverbial bus, but have said, nothing wrong here, Pelosi being but one example. I hope there is an appeal, and America gets to cop this again, and again. Forever.

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Getting Up to Date on the US/UK Crime Epidemics By Chris Knight (Florida)

For the sake of balance, for Australian readers, most of you, who may not be getting much realistic information about what is going on with the race crime war in the US, which the MSM seems to be portraying as just White supremacists shooting up the place, I will be bringing updates from sites with an alternative perspective.

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The Searchers: A Film for These Troubled Times By John Steele

The John Ford/John Wayne classic movie, The Searchers (1956) is one of my all –time favourites, up there with Lord of the Rings, and is much loved by a range of Rightist folk from conservatives to race realists. It is politically incorrect by today’s standards, where all Westerns now are about white guilt rather than the manifest destiny that John Wayne promoted. As well, the view of the natives was a stark realism, as expressed in book like Scalp Dance, rather than the romantic primitivism of the modern university, which has the ideological purpose of discrediting the predominantly Anglo-Saxon settlers, right across the Anglo-sphere. Here is an insightful review from, better than I could do to capture the gist of the movie before it is cancelled. In fact, it would be a good idea to get the DVD of this while you still can.

There are some great moments in the movie, that filter through my mind from time to time. I like the scene where the small band of pursuers, led by John Wayne’s character Ethan Edwards, is caught at a river by the band of Indians who had just massacred Ethan’s relatives. Ethan eschews cover, and defiantly stands by a fallen tree, still exposed, opening fire with a Winchester rifle, hammering them. No white guilt on the part of Ethan Edwards.  As well, Ethan is pretty much anti-establishment and politically incorrect even for the day, with a hint that this Confederate warrior had continued the battle against the North even after the war had ended, as he is Confederate, wearing a Union uniform.

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Suppressing the Science on the Uselessness of Covid Face Masks By Brian Simpson

Big Tech has moved to suppress those quoting a mainstream peer-reviewed study that found that standard face masks are ineffective at preventing transmission of the Covid-19 virus. The paper also noted the adverse health effects of such masks. That flies in the face of the present mask fetish, so no wonder the only response was suppression. Just look at Biden, Harris and Pelosi, how masks, when in public, and when the cameras are out, are part of their face furniture. It is the new fashion of totalitarianism.

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Chauvin Guilty, But will Riots Continue? Will They Ever Stop? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Former US cop Derek Chauvin has been found guilty of all three charges, including intentionally ad negligently killing Floyd, which many legal authorities have viewed as inconsistent. Second degree murder requires killing while performing another felony. Anyway, that is our legal system where if you are white you can still be guilty of mutually exclusive accounts. It shows that the jury just convicted due to fear of riots and media bias.  Congress woman Maxine Waters inflamed the situation by saying that “as far as I am concerned, it’s first degree murder.” She wanted more confrontation.

It is possible that there could be an appeal based upon Waters remarks, as the trial judge has recognised. But let’s be realistic, this is a land where elections get stolen in broad daylight, so it does not matter, Chauvin was a sacrifice to the new regime. Even the knee on the neck was shown by a police training video to be part of departmental policy, if it occurred at all (perspective bias), and the police then under cross examination denied this. It is inconceivable to suppose that the jury could be impartial given that the political and media class had decided that Chauvin was guilty, at the time of Floyd’s death. What point was there even having a trial at all? And the city had paid the Floyd family compensation before the trial, indicating that it was in the bag. Our courts really are kangaroo courts, as argued here:

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Anglo-Saxons of the World Unite! By Chris Knight

Of all ethnic groups, Anglo-Saxons have been the most dispossessed, and paradox of paradox, their individualism, universalism, and white pathology, has led to  them being almost completely deracinated. It could well all be over for one group that helped create the modern world. Still, with the usual limits to conservatives, there have been some baby steps of resistance.

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Make Mine Meat! By John Steele

Sure, vegetables are good, but only if they decorate a plate of hot red meat! Before I only had my taste prejudice to go by. But, scientific evidence indicates that meat was eaten by pre-historic humans, most of the time. I imagine to push off starvation when animals became scarce, nuts, seeds and fruits and vegetables were reluctantly eaten, just as I do now. Time for a big slab of canned corn beef, cut with my Cold Steel 1917 Frontier Bowie. I just remember going crabbing with my father and his mates in the 1950s, when I was a kid. We camped on the beach, on a cold night, and cooked the crabs. But the best meal was fried Camp Pie with eggs on it, which I gobbled down watching the camp fire, sparks flying up into the darkness of the night.

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Covid, Not Diamonds, are Forever! By Brian Simpson

Thus, it is not one jab, back to normal and forget 2020, toilet paper shortages and all that, the zombie apocalypse on training wheels. It looks like there will be an annual jab, forever. Money, money, money, must be funny, in a Covid world. Apologises to Abba.

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The Asymmetry of Indulgence By Chris Knight (Florida)


John Derbyshire at, has a good explanatory piece on the obvious moral double standard involved between the all-powerful Left, and the powerless Right, especially Dissent Right. As well, there is the same asymmetry when shootings and crime occur. No matter how horrific the crime, whites do not lawfully protest, but the slightest grievance now is resulting in the formation of mobs, like when the white army guy got into a dispute with a Black who was loitering around his home, the white got arrested, and a mob soon came to throw bricks at his house. Last year there was the attack on the two St Louis lawyers, who are still being prosecuted. It just shows that said army guy was wasting his time being in the Defense Forces, since the place is not worth defending, only the local area.

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A Piece of the PIE: Paradoxical Immune Enhancement By Mrs Vera West

I am punching above my weight dealing with topics like this that make my little old brain, numb. But the short of the syringe, is that there is a hypothesis that vaccinated individuals may be more susceptible to variants of SARS-CoV-2. Here is Dr Mercola on the technicalities of this.

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On Becoming a Genetically Modified Organism By Brian Simpson

I do not know if the following allegations are true, but if they are it is surely in the public interest to discuss and research further. Could the Covid vaccines be a threat to the viability of the human species, as in the movie I am Legend?


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Russia Sees the Anarcho-Tyranny of America By Chris Knight (Florida)

You know things are bad, really bad, when Russia is proclaiming that the US is persecuting Trump MAGA supporters. Why is Trump silent on this, while Russia speaks? Clearly the fat burger eater has done a deal to save his own skin, being too gutless to have done what needed to haver been done. Let history record this man as a coward. To be a “trump,” is to my mind, to be a cuck. I am repulsed by this guy,  and I see where this is all going with Beijing Biden giving a free ride to China, to create the Chinese Covid New World Order.


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Talking Sense about Murder and Racial Reckonings By Chris Knight

Steve Sailer updates us on the murder situation in the US, which is moving into social chaos levels, especially in places like Chicago and Baltimore. We see the same thing in cesspools like London, where the Mayor has said the streets are no longer safe for women and girls, all based on the erosion of social capital through Left wing diversity ideologies. Sow the wind, reap a whirlwind, as the good book says.

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Life Among the Leftist Lions By Chris Knight

Here is the police state in action, a journalist merely criticises one of the radical Left politicians, and the police force are rolled out to intimidate, Soviet police style. And, how they love their new power.

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Jumping Jack Flash and Covid By James Reed

I am not a lover of 1960s style pop music, but icon Mike Jagger of the Rolling Stones fame has done a song which has some criticism of the Covid ideology. He may not personally believe the conspiracy bits, but it is good to see this getting out there.

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A New Plandemic? By Brian Simpson


The issue of Covid variants is being discussed, and how this might impact upon the present vaccines. As always, Dr Mercola is our go-to site. Here he summarises all of the issues. Are new variants, due to mutations, more resistant to vaccine antibodies, or not? Are young people more susceptible?

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Delusions of Grandeur By Charles Taylor (Florida)


81 years old, Nancy Pelosi has said that if the January 6 protesters had attacked her, they would have had a “battle on their hands,” as she is a “street fighter.” These are delusions of grandeur. She is a frail old woman and would not do well in unarmed combat, but if she was armed, she would be fine, but she wants guns for civilians banned, while being happy to have Washington guarded by brutes with guns, the National Guard. She supplies the best reason against gun control, because guns are the great equalisers, giving a Pelosi a fighting chance against someone stronger. Also, I highly doubt that she has ever been in a street fight, unless it was some dispute over shopping.

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