The Shape of the Prison Planet to Come By Brian Simpson

Incredible as it seems, the US under the Biden administration, which is just a name for the Deep State, has moved within less than three months, in transforming the US into an old-style Soviet regime, complete with what amounts to gulags, with Trump supporters imprisoned for offences that in 2020 and today, the Left were let off from, and these supporters are subjected to torture, by race-baited guards. A government has declared war against the majority of the population, but never have a people been so weak, so pathetic, in responding to predation. The US is a case study about how things are going to go in the future, right across the West, as the elites decide that they have had enough of democracy, and move to iron fisted communism, and the Great White Replacement. The 2020 stolen election was a show of contempt for the masses, saying that we elites decide who rules. Australia is a bit behind the curve, but in the future, we will cop it to.

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Corporate Monsters By Chris Knight (Florida)

Apart from Big Tech, we are seeing numerous big businesses taking an extreme Left political stand, often quite contrary to what the bulk of their clients would be comfortable with. Companies are opposing voter integrity laws, with the sub-text being that they are happy with electoral corruption. Personally, I would have liked a strong leader, which Trump was not, to have cleaned them all up with martial law. But, at least Trump has said that such companies should be boycotted. If 70 million people hit the woke hard, they might just go broke!

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Why is this Not Insurrection? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Biden regime is going full throttle to pursue the January 6 peaceful protests as white supremacist, and people who have been arrested have been tortured, beaten, and abused, with one person being blinded by a beating by the thugs of the system. No doubt down the track, every white Christian conservative will be exterminated. Alarmist? Well, look what happened in only a few months since Trump left with his tail between his legs. Just project it on.

And why is this latest act of urban terrorism by antifa, a direct threat to the life of government agents, not an insurrection? I guess because these beastly children of the elites need a bit of training before they take over the role as abusers and new class rulers.

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Pathetic SCOTUS, Pathetic Trump By Charles Taylor (Florida)

At long last Trump has lashed out at the pathetic Supreme Court, which is on the verge of being destroyed as any instrument of justice, as Biden prepares for court stacking. Clearly, this is the prime example of the destruction of the basic institutions. So, there is simply no option but to abandon the corrupt and totally rotten United States of America, any more than a slab of meat that has been left out in the Florida sun and humidity, can be preserved. It is too much to expect Trump to understand, since he has claimed that he will team up with Pence again in 2024, even though this guy betrayed him. Thus, Trump’s mind is not too far behind Biden’s, and maybe worse, since Trump has thrown supporters under the bus, while aiding those who would destroy him.

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Child Marriage in Sweden: Multicultural Enrichment By Richard Miller (London)

Sweden was facing grim times in the theatre of the absurd stakes, being out shone by Beijing Biden’s new communist regime in the United States. But, with Sweden set to allow child marriage in special circumstances, to be decided by the Left-wing courts, Sweden fights back in the race, down, down, down.


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Analysis of a So-Called White Supremacist Attack By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The recent attack upon an Asian in New York has been reported without mentioning the race of that attacker, who can be seen from the videos to be Black. Obviously, a white supremacist with a black mask and movie makeup.

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Woke: It’s Here! By James Reed

Political correctness in the schools is now not merely an American problem, but is here. That is why we need to pay special attention to what is happening in the US, as the madness soon comes here.

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The Left has No Sense of Humour, Only Hatred for the Duke By James Reed

First, have a read of this article by ElMehdi “Prince Philip Embodied European Bigotry and Xenophobia.”

“Having lived 99 long years, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, died on the 9th of April 2021.

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Strip Them of Their Titles! By James Reed

I have been sad at the death of a truly great man, His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, 1921-2021, who came a few months short of making the century. He was a brave soldier and a dedicated member of the Royal family, much loved. But the Markles, presently also known as The Duke and Duchess of Sussex,  gave a brief  10-word tribute thanking Prince Philip for his “service.”

Harry and Meghan Markle’s Archewell website, stated:

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Covid Vax? Ask a Marine! By Brian Simpson

I have covered the increasing reluctance of health care workers in the US, but apparently not in Australia, to take the Covid vax jab. Now emerges the surprising fact that about 40 percent of marines don’t want the needle either. Since their job now is the oppress the White population, they had better get the jab and receive all of its woke goodness.

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The Covid Freak-Out Made the 1 Percenters Even More Filthy Rich, while Breaking the Middle Class By James Reed

So, the lockdowns across the West led to small business being shut down, most forever. But the likes of Amazon thrived, being in no way affected to the same degree. People made use of on-line services, being locked in their cages, increasing the profits of Big Tech. I see this as part of the Grand Covid conspiracy, to being down Trump, to produce the Great Reset, and ensure the world faces a communist Chinese New World Order, something Trump aided and abetted, if anything. Disgusting. That is just starters, as the Dark Lords know no bounds, and are only getting warmed up for the main global extinction event.


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Biden’s Gun Control Lies By Charles Taylor

With Beijing Biden declaring war on American gun owners, it is worthwhile to consider the ideological lies behind his present gun banning campaign. None are better at exposing the lies of the anti-gun lobby than sociologist John Lott Jr.


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The Motherboard of all Electoral Fraud and Cheating By Chris Knight

Patrick Colbeck has compiled a mass of material on the US electoral fraud issue, from a computer geek perspective. I don’t understand much of it, but here it is for the record.

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The January 6 False Flag Narrative Deconstructed By Charles Taylor (Florida)

At long last conservatives are making tiny mouse squeaks against the narrative set up by the Beijing Biden administration that the January 6 peaceful protests were some sort of insurrection. You have to give it to the Dark Lords, they sure have a dark sense of humour, supposing that conservatives, the cuckiest, weakest form of humanity, with almost no capacity to fight in any form, would actually do something like that. Even the soy boy Left antifa, with T-levels like 80-year-old men, had been more active in the storming of the Capitol Building, not that I was hoping for an insurrection. On the contrary, Trump should have invoked the Insurrection Act with all that went down. Instead, this king of burgers, chief of beef, continued his pattern of helping those who hate him, while throwing his supporters under the tanks. An exaggeration? Read the latest bits from, extracted below, where Trump supporters are being tortured in prison What other explanation could there be? What have THEY got on him do you think, making him as much a puppet as Biden?

 Of course, the radicals were willing to burn down America over a Black drug addict who died of a massive drug over-dose, while conservatives are letting the West be destroyed, hiding in their comfort zone, while it lasts. So, I suppose that mouse squeaks are better than nothing in the age of cuck.

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Enemies: Foreign and Domestic By Chris Knight (Florida)

I have taken to listening to the YouTube broadcasts of survivalist Ferfal and former US special forces man, Matt Bracken every Sunday (search “Ferfal” in the Tube), although they missed last Sunday, probably Matt was doing major gun cleaning. This program is something Australians need to listen to get a feel of where things are going. The starting point is one which conservatives are still having difficulty accepting, that the institutions of society have been totally taken over by the globalist Left. Bracken has three novels showing where this all goes, with the government moving to a program of white extermination. This is not far from present political realities in the United States, and soon to be replicated elsewhere. The false flag of January 6 is being used by Deep State forces like the FBI to crack down on all Trump supporters, but suspiciously, not the fat man himself (yes, Trump is a traitor, I believe, who sold out). There is an excellent review of Bracken’s three novels here:


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Brave New Satanic World By James Reed

Former womaniser, and anti-feminist, Roosh v, now a reformed Christian, has given an excellent summary of how we are now in a Satanic Brave New World order, and he would know being a small part of the past debauchery.  We often note that conservatives have trouble believing that the institutions of society have been taken over, but Christians who believe in the goodness of God, must also believe that evil exists too, in the form of Satan and his demonic followers. I know that is hard for modernists, brought up in consumer materialist culture and affluence and indulgence to accept, but here is a good case from our now Christian brother, Roosh v. This level of evil begs for a theological explanation.


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Will Martin Luther King Get Cancelled Too? By James Reed

 This is an interesting speculation in pollical correctness and wokeness. Will the Left need to now cancel Martin Luther King, civil rights superstar himself? If so, who can they go after next? Can they commit wokeness suicide and cancel themselves, or is the business too good?

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What! No Knee on the Neck at All! By Charles Taylor (Florida)


The entire case of most of the Left was that the video evidence was decisive; here was a knee on the neck of gentle giant George, therefore it was murder. But, video evidence is subject to all sorts of social constructions, and perspective bias. Maybe what you think you see, you did not really.

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Tucker Carlson on the Great Electoral Replacement! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Remarks made by Tucker Carlson have been proclaimed to be racistTM after he said that open borders immigration will dilute the voting power of people living in the United States, leading to dispossession.  That was given the usual condemnation, with calls for his sacking by the professional race lobby, blah, blah.

Yes, for white Americans to complain about replacement is white supremacist and racist, according to their communist/globalist ideology. But, how so? If whites are to be a minority in about 20 years or less, how is that not “replacement” by definition of the term? Biden a few years back welcomed whites becoming a minority in America, and the Left sing the joy of this, while inconsistently saying that the Great Replacement is a conspiracy. Yes, one they are in and supporting. So, should other ethnic groups accept that it is fine to become minorities in their country too? If not, what is wrong with white Americans kicking up? Double standards, indeed!

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The Nightmare, Not Dream, Team at Work By James Reed

At the moment there is a monster movie Godziller vs Kong, where the two legends fight it out, I suppose. But in the real world, the legends work together to do us over.


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