Amazing Underwater Face Masks for Covid Scared Fish! By Underwater Wizard Uncle Len

Whoa! Here I am writing about the Covid crazy stuff, just like the real Right-wing fringe journalists, me being even more on the fringe, if I had a fringe, but am bald. I liked this one so much that I had to post it … a man was swimming underwater wearing a Covid face mask! That sounds grand! If I ever have a shower, I too will wear a face mask, just to get it soaking wet and useless. Say, does anyone know the name of that sport where the ladies have their heads under water, legs above, and make clever leg moves? Yes, synchronised swimming!  That is what I want to do wearing my Covid mask, as I drown, Covid-contented.

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The Covid New World Order Pope by Peter West

From the communist globalist Pope’s perspective, who needs God when you have Covid-19, the globalists’ best friend. The song remains the same, for once it was climate change and the alleged threat of extinction from carbon dioxide, dictating the need for global governance, now it something more immediate and scarier, disease.

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Infinity Jabs By Mrs Vera West

Once upon a time, people would ask how many lumps of sugar, now considered by many including me, a white poison, they wanted in their tea. Now it is question of how many jabs are needed. Apparently three doses of the Pfizer vax are needed, but will even that be enough?

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The Dramatic Return of Public Drunk, Uncle Len By Dramatic Public Drunk, Uncle Len

This is my first piece for a time, being in lockdown, even though there was no need to quiver in fear in my shed, where I live, spending my days watching videos of Alex Jones on Infowars, worshipping every drop of sweat flung from his angry body. I wish I was Alex Jones; if only the New World Order was breathing down my neck, nobody does, not even the local stray cat. Say, Alex said that alien lifeforms being created in labs across the world. What is there not to get frightened of? Anyway, I am glad that my city is moving to give some justice to drunk people in pubic which is what I have been most of my life.

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Everybody (To the Right) Must get Stoned! By Chris Knight

A more modern, to the Right version of Dylan, doing a 2021 "Rainy Day Women #12 & 35," might instead call the song, “Rainy Day Journo #12 &35.” After all, one Infowars journalist merely covering the January 6 super-revolution that was aimed at righting the wrongs of the stolen election and installing Trump as emperor of America, worse that 9/11, Pearl harbour and World War II, until he died of a heart attack in 2022, was arrested. Everyone from the right must get stoned in the land of Beijing Biden. Just ask Ashli Babbitt … oh they killed her.

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White Human Meat Shields! By James Reed

Wow, America sure has action. I spend hours trying to find juicy, succulent stuff to write about from Australia, but, boring. But America, well that is where the collapse is in full swing, soon to be replicated here too, so then, not so boring.  In the late once great United States, antifa are getting white folk to be being used as human shields, which is good for stopping melee weapons, but I suppose bullets would just glide through. After the collapse of Western civilisation, in a few months of so, will whites across the West be the willing meat in post-apocalyptic sandwiches, for everyone hungry? Silly me, there will not be any bread!

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Blood Clots and the Covid Vaccines By Mrs Vera West

As I understand it, the Australian government is going ahead with the AstraZeneca vaccine for those over 50 years, while other vaccines will be used for the rest of the population. This is due to the blood clot issue, apparently thought, but not proven, to be due to an immune response. The risk of dying is 1 in 800,000, which is a bit hard to conceptualise. What is the risk of dying from Covid-11111119999999…, surely less isn’t it? Anyway, Denmark has banned the AstraZeneca vaccine as discussed below. Here is material I could find on the issue in relevant bite-size pieces, to bring the reader up to speed, because this is certainly not in the Australian press. Read it all here!

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What! Racist Fonts! By Brian Simpson

After reading about the idea that cheese is racist, I am not surprised to find out that fonts are too. And why not, a product of Western civilisation, which ho, ho, has to go!

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China is Spot on Condemning Japan’s Eco-Poisoning By James Reed

China is right to criticise Japan for now proceeding to make the Pacific Ocean into a radioactive toilet. The radioactive water would indeed be best served transported to US Democrat cities for Leftists to drink. It would only help!

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The Deep State Murderer of Ashli Babbitt Goes Unpunished, Predictably Enough in the Paradigm of White Genocide By Charles Taylor

The Deep State murdered Trump supporter Ashlie Babbitt, and is now letting its agent get away with it because … well, White genocide and all that. Even the name of the killer was not released, unlike all the cases of cops who killed blacks in the line of duty, rightly or wrongly. So why would that be? And worst of all, Trump has said nothing about this, no doubt as part of his treason deal done with the Deep Creeps.

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All White Things are Racist and Must be Banned! Like Clouds By James Reed

It has not quite got to banning everything in the universe which is white, just as the whites of coloured folks’ eyes, but poor cheese now gets its serve. Dairy should not be served in schools since some races are lactose intolerant. Well, I am lactose intolerant and dairy makes me erupt in enormous sessions of flatulence. Who cares about that? Only people around me, within the space of a few blocks!

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Thinking about the Asian Attacks By Chris Knight

It is clear that the mainstream media is attempting to get a race war going one way or another, to keep up sales, and that is just the thing Leftists do. American, has an informative article, as expected, on the motives behind it all.

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Surprising Facts about the Derek Chauvin Case By Charles Taylor

Here is Queen Ann Coulter wading in on an argument that I had not heard before, that the hostile crowd that had gathered to film the alleged knee on the neck of gentle giant George, prevented officers from saving his life. That’s irony for you!


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Prince Philip Got it Right on Climate Change By James Reed

No sooner had Prince Philip died than the Leftist press moved to attack him on various issues, including some politically incorrect, but hilarious things he had said. In particular, the press objected to one member of the Royals breaking the mind-numbing consensus on climate change. But, in my opinion, all the more credit to him.

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The Bitter Irony of it All! By Richard Miller (London)

Not that I would wish anyone ill, especially being beaten up in a home invasion, but this story of wealthy pro-immigration elite couple has an obvious moral, and irony.


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Bill Gates, Super Doctor! By Mrs Vera West

According to Google, the fountain of all truth and wisdom, Bill Gates is the most powerful doctor in the world.

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Nasty Pasties By Richard Miller (London)

Here is a story, predictable enough, about the demonic nastiness of the Left, with a pair of lefties carrying bottles of Champagne to celebrate the death of Prince Philip.

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Terrorism Against the British Public By Richard Miller (London)

It is good to see more establishment figures, like author Frederick Forsyth, coming out and slamming the lockdowns for what they are, a campaign of mass fear against the British people. Unfortunately, he has not said much about why this is being done, but well …gratitude for small mercies.

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Surely Just a Case of Mistaken Identity! By Charles Taylor (Florida)


The US new class in the media are itching for a race wart, sorry, war, anyone to attack the dreaded Whites, with at present their energies devoted to stirring up White/Asian conflict. The mainstream media ignores the fact that the vast majority of attacks upon Asians is done by non-Whites. That is simply an inconvenient fact. And, sometimes, confusion about who one is hating arises, as in this weird case.

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France and the Great Replacement By Richard Miller (London)

French writer Camus coined the phrase “the Great Replacement,” to refer to the rinsing numbers of ethno-racial minorities, who, when the demographic curve is projected on, will become a majority in the future. Thus, the new class academic elites in books and articles freely celebrate this, but when critics raise the point it is slammed as a conspiracy. The only conspiracy is the one that the elites have been involved in. They can hold two contradictory theses and not be troubled at all. And the sheeple have let them get away with it, which is what history is all about. It is enough to make one very world weary.


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