There be No 2024 By Charles Taylor

Slimy Trump looks like slithering out of impeachment 2.0, which was really a foul up, as the Demon-crats should have moved faster before he morphed back to being a private 1 percenter. Still, there are always criminal proceedings, and now  Beijing Biden is going to add  puppet judges to SCOTUS, the Demons will be able to do anything. Why, even writers in Australia could be convicted of USA crimes!

Trump is talking of running in 2024, but that is an illusion. If he could not win now, voter fraud will be totally mainstream by then. Demon-crats will get say, 20 billion votes or more. And, why not, for what would anyone do about it?  Really, this whole voting sham should be dropped and the
USSA needs to move to total communist mode. Maybe then normies might see that something is wrong, but only if the beer and TV run out.

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Christianity, Human Freedom and Scientific Materialism By Brian Simpson

I have just read three heavy papers in scientific philosophy by Professor Raymond Tallis

  • “What Consciousness is Not,” The New Atlantis, Fall, 2011, pp. 66-91;
  • “What Neuroscience Cannot Tell Us About Ourselves,” The New Atlantis, Fall, 2010, pp. 1-25;
  • “How Can I Possibly Be Free?” The New Atlantis, Summer, 2010, pp. 28-47.

 The papers are available on the net, and readable for non-specialist who have time to put in on a Saturday night rather than decaying in front of the TV. The issues related to debates, at the time, but as far as I know, still ongoing, attempting to account for the nature of mind, human mind, in the universe. In particular, philosophers have heartburn attempting to explain how mental experience fits into the universe. From a scientific materialist perspective, we could be zombies, having the neural activity we do now, but no consciousness, This leads hard-core eliminative materialists to reject the existence of consciousness itself. But, this merely begs the question, since by the same “logic,” we could argue the other way and reject the existence of material objects, in favour of only perceptions as Bishop Berkeley apparently did.

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The Philosophical Core of Anti-Whiteness: Anti-Christianity By James Reed


Underlying the current insanity that we are reporting from America, a country in an advanced state of liberal decay is the idea that all Whites, except the special liberals, are racist, which is a sin beyond all sins. Thus, anti-racism must involve the elimination of Whiteness, as many openly say now, and hence the campaign to destroy the White race and the civilisation it created, Western civilisation.

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Dismantling the USA By Chris Knight

Biden is busy, or at least those who control this meat robot, dismantling Trump’s legacy, which will be gone in weeks.  Free speech, the Supreme Court, the little bit of the wall, soon to be gone, or permanently changed. War on deplorable America has been declared, and I imagine they will sit back and be annihilated waiting for their false idol Trump to do something.

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The Never-Ending Story of Voting Fraud By Chris Knight

There is not much point reporting more information about voter fraud, since nothing is going to happen beyond this becoming a way of life unless deplorable Americans break away from this mess. Secession now!

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Money for the Medicocrat By Mrs Vera West

So, medicocrat Fauci, happy in the Biden era, now wants double masks to be worn, even with vaccines. Why not triple, or everyone gets a tattoo on their buttocks? And, what a good wicket this guy is on!


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Fantasy Island By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The claim is made in the article cited below, that  the  military are ready to go, but when we don’t know when. Too soon and there could be civil war 2.0. so, best await until everything is destroyed by the Democrats and antifa, and sweep through the ruins. No, the military are as cucked as the courts and are going to let it all happen. But, hope must be given to the deplorables, that some Godot is going to save them, not act themselves, or even seek a leader beyond Trump.

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There Goes the Supreme Court! By Chris Knight


We are recording a once great super power implode in real time. This is known as cultural collapse, where institutions such as the rule of law are destroyed. Biden, during the election, never commented on stacking the Supreme Court, but he will, and the court is gone, not that they really did anything, even with a majority of so-called conservatives, which is meaningless now. Clearly there is no alternative but secession of red states, even if civil war 2.0 is needed. This is beyond tyranny.

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Smashing Across the USA By Chris Knight


Remember when the mainstream media blamed Trump, remember him? for antifa burning, looting and murdering America? Well, now that Beijing Biden is in, the “boys,” and presumably “girls,” are back at it, this time in Washington.

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Breaking Up is Hard to Do, but Inevitable By Chris Knight

Secession in the United States has been debated since the civil war, with the issue now coming up red hot, with a forthcoming referendum in Texas.

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Do-It-Yourself Home Surgery! By John Steele

Do not try this at home! As far as stories of “guts” goes, this one wins the golden appendix award. During an expedition to the Antarctic, Russian surgeon Leonid Rogozov came down with serious appendicitis. As the only surgeon he was faced with death or performing the operation himself!  There was no chance of flying out because of the snow and blizzards. So, Rogozov did an auto-appendectomy. He instructed people to help, but had the obvious problem of not being able to use a general anaesthetic, since he had to remain conscious and functional, obviously. So, he just injected novocaine, and got into professional detached operating mode. And, despite everything, he successfully completed the operation, and returned to normal duties in just two weeks. Talk about manly toughness!

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More on the Myth of Black Athletic Superiority By John Steele

My previous piece on this topic, reproduced an article by American martial artist, James LaFond, that there is no superior race re athletics.


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The Mind, the Brain and the Soul: Stepping Stones to God By Brian Simpson

Naturalism is the philosophical position that sense can be made out of the world and reality, without reference to supernatural entities such as God. It is now the defining essence of science, and where a few hundred years ago scientists were unafraid of invoking God as a final explanation.  Now even the origin of matter and energy are thought to be naturalistically explicable, and there is no need for the God hypothesis. Look how smart humans are!

However, that all assumes that the science is correct, and I have my doubts, as do others about all aspects of this, something I cover in my iconoclastic posts here. For example, how can science claim to the explanation of all reality, within the language of mathematics, when at the foundations of logic, there are unsolved, maybe unsolvable logic-semantical paradoxes, reducing everything to inconsistency, such as Curry’s paradox, where everything can be proven:

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The Metaphysics of Nordic Personhood By Brian Simpson

Individualism is a great and noble philosophy, but as seen with American libertarianism, it can go too far and just get down-right weird, when like any other doctrine it is pushed to the limits.  Of course, one must be quick to add, for the five second Mission Impossible self-destruction crew, the collectivism of socialism, now rolling out across the USSA, goes too far in the other evil direction. Yet anyone with a few grains of knowledge of anthropology and human prehistory, would understand that individualism arose as a philosophy along with the emergence of capitalism. We don’t see much individualism in traditional “primitive” societies, for the isolated individual, beloved of Austrian economics would not survive long. Liberal ideas would have puzzled the ancient Greeks, who undoubtable contributed some of the best examples of individualism, in acts of warrior bravery, but it was not something a whole social order was based upon.

Still, in an age where other ethnic groups identify, almost to the extent of a “hive mind,” Anglo-Saxons and other Nordic/ Northern Europeans as a tribal group will disappear unless they immediately stop seeing themselves as “universal,” “Americans,” and other ethnically-drained descriptions. Time, in this post-traitor Trump era, to assert ethnic, not just colour, group rights and identity. Sorry universalists from our tribe, this or destruction. But the game is now up, post-2020, and the deracination and dispossession of our tribes has got to the level of looming extinction in the Great Replacement:

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Humans are Much Older than African Eve By Brian Simpson

The establishments archaeological view, based upon the Out-of-Africa ideology, holds that Homo sapiens, modern man, evolved only 100,000 years ago, so races are insignificant, being too young. Today’s Amerindians entered America only 12,000 years ago. All this has been challenged by alternative archaeology: V. S. McIntyre, “Has Man Been in the New World for a Quarter Million Years?” The Barnes Review, January/February, 1998, pp. 31-36.

For example, the Hueyatlaco archaeological site is in the Valsequillo Basin, near the city of Puebla, Mexico. Excavation began at the site in 1962, and a wide array of stone tools was found. The team was led by Cynthia Irwin-Williams, and Virginia Steen-McIntyre had been associated with the site, first joining the team as a graduate student in 1966, and later in publishing results.

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Sure, Western Civilisation is “Racist,” Just like All Others By Chris Knight

Ho, ho, Western civilisation has got to go! It is a little chant that has been made by the Left in their manic, usually violent protests, since the 1960s and was seen again with antifa in 2020, burning down, and killing America. And it continues under the Biden regime with antifa continuing to rampage, just showing that these people really do want our social extinguishment.

Academics and journalists have given their spin on this idea, with this ugly one from The Washington Post by David Perry and Matthew Gabriele, where the basic argument was that Western civilisation is all about White supremacy:

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Moribund White Nationalism By Brian Simpson

First, laid up with a major leg injury from a football incident at my school, where an old guy should have known better, with time off around the house, and gripped by crushing pessimism about the stolen election 2020, and worse, the cucking and betrayal of Trump on January 6 2021, throwing his supporters under the insane leftist tanks and heavy artillery, and even worse, the disgusting cowardice of the Dissent Right and white nationalists, with a few exceptions, to denounce Trump, I started clearing out junk from my bookshelf, to make way for useful things, like homesteading books, permaculture, and survivalist doomsday literature recommended by our John Steele.

So, the first three books I intend to throw out in the rubbish are all edited by Jared Taylor, of American Renaissance. Readers will know that I have been a critic of this group for some time. At the time of writing of January 2021, I notice how not much was devoted to the Trump-apocalypse, certainly with no angry deconstructions like Ann Coulter gave. To be fair, there was some coverage, most of that relevant, with a good article on Ashli babbitt, and some scattered pieces.

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Surviving Civil War 2.0: Concrete Jungle and Prairie Fire By John Steele


Here are two excellent books for those of us going to Plan B, or is it now Plan Z? This is while we patiently wait the economic and financial wizards work out how to get to a new system, and defeat the New World Order Lord Lords, with words and ideas, of course, because as Dump said, we believe in law and order, and there is plenty of that now, with more to come as the anarcho-tyranny gets into top gear, mining all who are thrown into it.

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Vaccine Resistant Covid? By Mrs Vera West

If this is true, it will be an infinite regress of vaccines, and/or lockdowns forever. It is interesting that the Chinese are not getting their share of these mutant strains. Oh well, when the Western economies go, their economy will still crash.

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The Clinton-Pelosi Conspiracy Theory By Charles Taylor

Talk about the Big Lie, or the bigger lie, when there is ample evidence of foreign interference in the US election, covered in another article posted at this site, we have Clinton and Pelosi claiming that the protest storming of the Capitol dung hill was done with the cooperation of Putin! Well, it shows how incompetent both Putin and Trump are, just sending in a guy in a fake Viking helmet (Vikings did not have horned helmets), and allowing supporters to be executed by the Deep State, then blaming the victims! The neo conmen are itching for war with Russia so that communist China is undisputed ruler. Look Dark Lords, just get World War III going and over as soon as possible! Make a good job of it too, so that we all go down together! That is the only sort of “unity” possible now!

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