Facebook Bans Almost Everything! By James Reed

This is the endgame of a gutless president failing to deal with the tyranny of Big Tech. Now medieval re-enactment groups get banned, for having some vague connection to white culture. Really, we lived before the internet, and life can go on without it, even if they ban the whole damned thing. We have become too dependent upon this globalist creation. Start boycotting their businesses and shop local as far as possible.


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Chinese Electoral Interference Suppressed, Naturally By Chris Knight

What a sick joke, this all is. With the Biden Chinese communist rule now up and running the country to the ground, we hear that the CIA suppressed evidence of China’s electoral interference. Why not close down the CIA and just move the Chinese military in?


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Antifa Rampages Against Beijing Biden Now! By Charles Taylor

Enjoy the decline! Antifa is still burning America down even with Biden in! Well, it is blue cities, so why should I care, there is no more America, and I look forward to the breakup of America now.  


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Living Dangerously By Charles Taylor

In these dangerous times, a spot of philosophy from the warrior wisdom of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is in order:

“I greet all the signs that a more manly, war-like age is coming, which will bring valor again into honor! For it has to prepare the way for yet a higher age, and assemble the force which that age will one day have need of -  that age that will carry heroism into knowledge and wage war for the sake of ideas and their consequences. To that end many brave pioneers are needed now … men who know how to be silent, solitary, resolute … who have an innate disposition to seek in all things that which must be overcome in them … men accustomed to and assured in command and equally ready to obey when necessary, equally proud in the one case as the other; men more imperilled, men more fruitful, happier men! For believe me, the secret of realizing the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment of existence is: to live dangerously.” From: The Gay Science (1882), looming before the word changed its meaning.

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What Caused Western Birth Rates to Crash? By Mrs Vera West


Whoever the academic/intellectual is writing under the name F. Bardamu, the protagonists name from Celine’s epic novel, Journal to the End of the Night (1930), he needs to keep his identity secret, since the Terror will be after his head. One of his pieces that caught my eye was on monogamy and the survival of the West:

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Lessons from Ötzi the Iceman about Ancient Germanics By Brian Simpson

While the contemporary anti-Germanic genocide regime portrays ancient Germanics, like present day Germanics, as savages, only fit for migrant replacement, the facts of the most ancient European mummy, Ötzi, the iceman show otherwise. The remains were found frozen in a glacier on the Alps on the border between Austria and Italy, the Ötz Valley, and dated to be about 5,000 years old.

Scientists have been able to work out much about life at the time by an examination of his remains. For example, his intestinal contents contained red deer, chamois meat, and einkorn wheat bran, which he most likely ate as bread. There were also hop-hornbeam pollen grains in the stomach contents as well.

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Ancient Egyptians were White! By Brian Simpson

I have been reporting on lesser-known archaeological research which serves to re-moralise Northern Europeans, who have been deracinated and dispossessed by the ruling globalist elites. Thus, I have countered those who have argued that Northern Europe was a backwater. But, taking the fight to the critics is the book by Arthur kemp, The Children of Ra: Artistic, Historical, and Genetic Evidence for Ancient White Egypt:


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The Genetic Origin of the British By Brian Simpson

In an article by Nicholas Wade, “A United Kingdom? Maybe,” The New York Times, March 6. 2007, at:


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China Gets Down and Dirty By James Reed

Those normies in their comfort zone need to keep one eye on what China is up to, as their comfortable life could be disrupted more completely than Covid did. War is coming, and it is will be sooner than most think, for China has already gloated about this.


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Grim Realities from the Evolutionary Perspective By Brian Simpson

Life is indeed grim from an evolutionary perspective, and in terms of metaphysical comfort alone in the existential darkness, Christianity would seem to throw a light in the otherwise darkness:

“… cultures and races, like individuals, are born to die. Biologists, counting the records in the rocks, tell us that no less than about 95% of all once-existing species and races are now extinct, and an historian might reach a similar count for cultures. Journalists may scream about “genocide,” but if they include genocide by nature rather than by man, as they apparently do, they are being ridiculous. Nature is concerned with evolving life, not preserving a living museum of all species, and genocide, like individual death is the only way of clearing space.” Professor Raymond B. Cattell, “Ethics and the Social Sciences,” in R. Pearson (ed.), Ecology and Evolution, (Institute for the Study of man, Washington DC, n.d.), pp. 86-87.

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Chimps Must be Human Too, by the Lewontin Argument! By Brian Simpson


Richards Lewontin famously argued that there is more genetic variation between individuals, than between race’s, so, races don’t exist. He did not say that explicitly but that is where the Left took the argument.

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Is Ethnonationalism Anti-Christian? By James Reed


Christian universalism, that there is one world, that no nation has a right to exclude anybody, is championed by the current Pope and many below him. But, Christian universalism is in fundamental conflict with Christian theology, as Askelopius argues in his article, “A Theological Argument for Ethnonationalism.” As he puts it in his master argument:

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Are Atheists Genetic Mutants? Will Mutants Destroy Civilisation? By Brian Simpson


Atheists in their war against Christians, like to portray Christians as low in intelligence, believing absurdities, according to materialist science, and alleged superstitions. But an alternative take has been given to this by the “Jolly Heretic” Dr Edward Dutton, in his paper, “The Mutant Says in His Heart  - There is No God.”

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Mikhail Bakunin Knew What a Monster Karl Marx Was! By James Reed


Here is a view of Karl Marx by Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876), a Russian anarchist, meaning, not a supporter of bomb-throwing antifa, but anti-state and radically decentralised. He saw clearly the dangers of Marx, and Marxism. The following is from the polish philosopher Leszek Kolakowski, in Main Currents of Marxism, vol. 1, The Founders, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1978, p. 250:

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Surviving Great Depression 2.0, Without Becoming too Depressed! By John Steele


With the false Biden presidency about to erupt at any moment now, with China overjoyed at having their boy in, the world will be turned upside-down, more so than with the CCP virus freak out. Biden will lockdown the US economy for 100 days, supposedly for Coviddy reasons, even though there is, as reported at this site, scientific evidence of the ineffectiveness of lockdowns. Never mind, it does wonders for the Chinese system. And, the economic destruction of the US will have kick-on effects upon the Australian economy, all bad. That is assuming that we do not go into yet more lockdowns with the so-called mutant versions of Covid-19 now doing the rounds.

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Why are Professors Liberal? By James Reed


Professor Kevin MacDonald has given his well-known particular ethnic take on the question of why “professors,” which for us means academics, if not the intelligentsia in general, are liberal. An equally as relevant question would be why so many are Leftists.

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African Eve Loses Her Mitochondria Fig Leaf! By Brian Simpson

Standing behind the African Eve hypothesis -  the globalist mainstream view that humans evolved in Africa, which then became the mother continent – is the idea that there is only maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA. This is DNA in the mitochondria, not the chromosomes. The received position is that mitochondrial in human sperm, in the tail, gets excluded, a view held even in leading genetics journals.

But, it is not correct, as shown in the paper by F. Ankel-Simons and J. M. Cummins, “Misconceptions about Mitochondrial and mammalian Fertilization: Implications for Theories of human Evolution,” Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, vol. 93, 1996, pp. 13859-13863. They state: “The “missing mitochondria” story seems to have survive – and proliferated – unchallenged in a time of contention, between hypotheses of human origins, because it supports the “African Eve” model of recent radiation of Homo sapiens out of Africa.” (p. 13859)

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Traitor Coward Cuck Trump Says Farewell By Charles Taylor and Chris Knight

The rotten ship Trump now sinks into the toxic waste of the swamp, with no martial law or anything false flag QAnon, the nonsense conspiracy, predicted. Trump fails at the last monument, something someone like Obama, even Clinton would never have done. And, the disgusting coward in his departing speech again slams his supporters. That people have not turned on this scum bag, shows how degenerate America has become. For the fate of the West depended upon an obese, low T actor, is disgraceful, shameful, sad. Talk about not with a bang but a whimper. And, we maintain that the entire Trump Washington DC gathering was a setup, since what purpose could it have served, only to anger people, when Pence’s treason was revealed? A Pence betrayal was almost certain, and don’t tell us Trump was not advised about it, by his own traitors? No, Trump was in on it; it was his agreed upon exit. If he and his disgusting family do get away we can conclude that it was a mutual conspiracy with the Democrats. But, there is still the likelihood of a double cross, which we hope occurs. It is the best thing Trump can do for patriots now is to be imprisoned. Go for it Nancy, don’t let us down!

Trump has loaded Washington DC with troops, special New World Order types, ready for the Biden anarcho-tyranny regime. There are 26,000 troops as a show of force for the new communist regime, more than in US war zones, using the laughable Capitol Building protest as an excuse for assembling the largest military presence in its history. It shows what is about to come. Curse you Trump, you will go to Hell for your betrayal! Far worse than Pence or any Demon-crat! You have stirred up a hornet’s nest, and it is the supporters who will be persecuted.

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Foreign Interference in the US Election By Chris Knight

Trump could have acted on the massive foreign interference in the US election, but has done nothing, allowing the most tragic defeat of the US; what exist now is but the ruins, like Rome after the fall. He has allowed evil to flourish. We must condemn him first as a necessary road to the next level of resistance. No more traitors, we need leaders with honour!


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Even People Like Angela Merkel are Concerned about the Death of US Liberty By James Reed

You know how bad things have got when people like Angela Merkel, who has been roundly condemned for her destruction of German freedom, are alarmed about what is happening in the US. That is how bad things are:


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